Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation
Central Federal District of the Russian Federation
119992, GSP-2, st. Zubovskaya, d. 2
The Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation is the parliamentary body of financial control in the Russian Federation. The status of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation is determined by the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the Federal Law "On the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation," according to which the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation is a permanent financial control body formed by the Federal Assembly and accountable to it.
The Accounts Chamber carries out operational control over the execution of the federal budget, as well as control over the state of state internal and external debt, the use of credit resources, extra-budgetary funds, the receipt of funds from the management and disposal of federal property to the budget, the banking system (including the Bank of Russia), conducts audits and inspections, conducts expertise and gives conclusions, informs the Chambers of the Federal Assembly. In the exercise of its functions, the Accounts Chamber has some state-power powers, it has the right to send submissions and instructions.
IT in the Accounts Chamber
A separate TAdviser article is devoted to the development of IT in the Accounts Chamber.
2025: New Head of Digital Transformation Department appointed
On March 21, 2025, it became known that Valery Sokhorov was appointed to the post of director of the Department of Digital Transformation of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation. The work of the department is related to ensuring the uninterrupted functioning of the information systems of the Accounts Chamber and the organization of information and technical interaction with other control and accounting bodies of Russia. Read more here.
Digitalization helped the Accounts Chamber return a record ₽95,9 billion to the budget
The Accounts Chamber of Russia in 2024 returned a record ₽95,9 billion to the federal budget due to the digitalization of audit activities. This result was the maximum in the entire 30-year history of the department. The report, published on March 13, 2025, notes that the introduction of digital tools has improved the effectiveness of monitoring the spending of public funds.
According to ComNews, the Accounts Chamber was able to achieve such results, including through the launch of new digital projects, including the creation of a single digital platform and the introduction of the principles of datacentric. At the end of 2024, the department revealed 4.7 thousand violations and shortcomings totaling more than ₽1,1 trillion, of which ₽0,8 trillion are violations of the requirements for budgetary accounting and reporting.
As part of the audit of the state administration, the Accounts Chamber carried out 35 control and three expert and analytical measures, during which violations in the amount of ₽5,8 billion were revealed. Thanks to these checks, ₽7,1 billion were returned to the federal budget, and budget expenditures were reduced by ₽5,6 billion. The total economic effect of work in this direction amounted to ₽12,7 billion.
In 2024, the department paid special attention to the functioning of the public administration system, the conduct of control and supervisory activities, the organization of judicial processes and the digitalization of the judicial system. According to the results of the audit, the Accounts Chamber proposed to optimize the process of administering funds in the accounts of arbitration courts.
As part of the audit of digital development and state support for entrepreneurship, the Accounts Chamber completed 13 control measures, finding violations totaling ₽86,6 billion. The economic effect of these inspections amounted to ₽4,3 billion due to a reduction in budget expenditures, and an additional ₽24,5 million were returned to the budget.[1]
The plan of inspections of the Accounts Chamber includes "chains of movement of domestic software"
The Accounts Chamber of Russia plans to include in the inspection program for 2025 an analysis of "chains of movement of domestic software." This was announced on July 23, 2024 by the Chairman of the Accounts Chamber Boris Kovalchuk at a meeting with President Vladimir Putin.
As follows from the message on the official website of the Kremlin, during the meeting, Boris Kovalchuk revealed the details of the inspection plan for 2025. Particular attention will be paid to analyzing the effectiveness of state information systems and assessing the cost of services for the digitalization of public administration. The Accounts Chamber intends to carefully study the process of transferring Russian software from developers to final state customers.
The head of the Accounts Chamber stressed that the focus of the department will also be on issues of technological sovereignty. It is planned to conduct inspections regarding the allocation of subsidies for research and development work, the creation of new products and technologies, as well as the solution of food security issues. At the same time, the "marketability" of the provision of subsidies and the results achieved thanks to them will be analyzed.
Kovalchuk noted that the main task of inspections in 2025 will be to control the implementation of national goals outlined in the May presidential decrees and his message to the Federal Assembly. The Accounts Chamber intends to ensure the correctness of the inclusion of national projects in state programs with the establishment of key indicators that should be realistic, but at the same time quite ambitious. The scope of attention of the Accounts Chamber will also include issues related to a special military operation and state investments in the form of capital investments.
The Chairman of the Accounts Chamber announced the continuation of work to strengthen the digital component of the department in 2025. He argued that it is necessary to efficiently process large amounts of data that without proper development of IT systems becomes an extremely time-consuming and less efficient process.[2]
Identification of violations for 2 trillion rubles
The Accounts Chamber for 2023 revealed violations of more than 2 trillion rubles, with over 70% of them related to accounting. This was announced on July 23, 2024 by the head of the department Boris Kovalchuk at a meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin. According to Kovalchuk, the return of 2.9 billion rubles was the result of inspections in the field of procurement and production sharing agreements, 7.7 billion rubles - the search for license payments not included in the customs value of goods. In addition, the defense national security audit provided a refund to the budget in the amount of 1.3 billion rubles.
Detection of violations of 14.1 billion rubles during GIS verification
Accounts Chamber Russia Based on the results of the audit of state information systems (GIS) for 2023, it revealed violations totaling 14.1 billion. rubles The report on the results of the control body was presented to the general public on March 28, 2024. More. here
Return to the budget of a record 26 billion rubles in 10 years
The Accounts Chamber in 2023 provided a record refund to the budget for 10 years. The amount of funds returned amounted to more than 26 billion rubles. This was reported on March 7, 2024 by Vedomosti with reference to the report of the Accounts Chamber for 2023 sent to the State Duma.
In addition, the joint venture in the report reports on the use of artificial intelligence, which allows "up to 90% accuracy to classify violations in certain areas of the budget and financial system." Due to this, there is a significant reduction in labor costs for routine tasks.
In addition to the funds returned to the budget, the number of detected violations increased (up to 4849 violations), and the detected volume of violations - up to 2.1 trillion rubles. I.O. Chairman of the Accounts Chamber Galina Izotova in the report notes that the increased volume of violations is associated with an increase in the volume of expenditures of the budget itself.
The main part of these violations is caused by distortion of accounting and reporting, that is, in fact, these are technical errors, which, as a rule, are corrected during our control measures, the report says. |
The report also notes the role of the Accounts Chamber in controlling the costs of the special operation of Russia in Ukraine, as well as the formation of control and accounting bodies in new constituent entities of the Russian Federation.
In the field of public procurement, the Accounts Chamber revealed 772 facts of violation in the implementation of public procurement totaling 176.3 billion rubles (8.4% of the total monetary volume of violations). The most frequent category of violations was violations of the requirements for accounting statements - 627 facts of violations in the amount of 1.565 trillion rubles. Also frequent violations of steel
In 2023, the inspectors of the joint venture initiated 132 cases of administrative offenses, following which 126 decisions were issued on the imposition of sentences. The total amount of fines amounted to 4.33 million rubles.[3]
2021: Second data analytics hackathon announcement
On March 25-28, 2021, the second hackathon of the Accounts Chamber on will be held. to analytics data It will enable teams to show knowledge, and the department to get ready-made solutions to urgent problems of the public administration system. More. here
3,698 violations were revealed for a total of 355.5 billion rubles
The Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation on March 17, 2021 published a report on its work in 2020. The past year for the Accounts Chamber, as well as for the country as a whole, passed under the sign of a pandemic.
The Accounts Chamber coped with the challenges and trials of the "covid" year, the report says. This was largely facilitated by the approaches that were laid down in the Strategy for the Development of the Control Department for 2018-2024. Transformation and digitalization projects, which were launched in 2018-2019, allowed the Accounts Chamber to quickly switch to remote mode and continue to fully fulfill its functions without loss in quality of work.
In total, in 2020, the Accounts Chamber held 334 events, revealed 3,698 violations totaling 355.5 billion rubles, conducted an examination of 1,476 draft legislative and other NPAs. Thanks to the work of the chamber, 16.4 billion rubles were returned to the budget system of Russia and the budget of the Union State. Inspectors of the Accounts Chamber initiated 45 cases of administrative offenses, 39 officials and legal entities were brought to administrative responsibility, the total amount of administrative fines imposed exceeded 7.6 million rubles. During the reporting period, law enforcement agencies initiated 15 criminal cases based on the materials of the Accounts Chamber sent in 2020, and another 17 based on materials from previous years.
In the reporting year, the Accounts Chamber paid great attention to monitoring the implementation of submissions and instructions sent based on the results of inspections. So, since 2020, the joint venture of the Russian Federation began to post information on the elimination of violations on its own website. In the reporting year, 252 submissions and 10 instructions were sent to the audit subjects. In total, at the end of 2020, 302 submissions and 21 orders remain under the control of the Accounts Chamber.
Another important tool for work is the recommendations contained in reports and information letters on the results of control and expert and analytical activities. In total, for 2019 and 2020, the Accounts Chamber sent 869 recommendations, including 367 - in 2019 and 502 - in 2020. Of these, 311 were completed by December 31, 2020. In 2020, the Accounts Chamber began to form a database of recommendations, from March 17, 2021 it was opened on the website of the joint venture of the Russian Federation with an indication of the addressee of the recommendation, its validity period and status. In 2021, the base will be updated quarterly, and from 2022 the update will occur automatically in real time.
In 2020, the Accounts Chamber paid significant attention to the audit of social issues. In particular, such issues relevant to society as: providing housing for people with disabilities, the problem of defrauded equity holders, the implementation of the "garbage" reform and an increase in the salary of certain categories of state employees were studied.
In 2021, this vector will continue: a significant part of the work plan for 2021 is allocated to socially oriented activities, including the assessment of anti-crisis measures and measures taken as part of the fight against the pandemic and its consequences.
Buying a building from VTB
On April 20, 2020, it became known that the Presidential Administration plans to buy a building from VTB in the center of Moscow for 930.7 million rubles, follows from the procurement documentation of the department. The price included the value of the property used, which the bank undertakes to transfer to the new owner of the building.
We are talking about a building with an area of 3600 square meters at 1 Burdenko Street (not far from the Park Kultury metro station). The object is on the list of non-core assets that VTB plans to sell in 2020. The bank was going to sell it to an unnamed government agency.
The building is located next to the building of the Accounts Chamber. As the press service of the control department told Interfax, initially they were both built as part of a single complex.
"Now it will return to a single circuit and will be used to accommodate the structural divisions of the Accounts Chamber. The move will begin in the third quarter of this year, "the press service said.
2019: Speech by the Chief Inspector of the Accounts Chamber at the conference "Import Substitution 2019: Real Experience"
On February 20, 2019, the Chief Inspector of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation Stanislav Korchivoy took part in the main part of the conference "Import Substitution 2019: Real Experience," organized by TAdviser, an expert center on state and business automation in Russia, as well as in a panel discussion with the participation of representatives of state authorities, state corporations, software companies, Software Development Associations (APCs), members of the Software Expert Council. Read more here.
2018: Accounts Chamber Strategy (2018-2024)
To achieve this goal, the Accounts Chamber focuses on the following main tasks:
- Promoting the formation of a strategic vision in the leadership of authorities and government organizations through the presentation of an integrated perspective on trends and risks of the country's development;
- promoting more effective management of state resources by correlating the national goals, goals of departments and strategic goal-setting documents with their resource support, improving methods for forming, managing the implementation of state programs and assessing their effectiveness through the transition to an integrated state audit;
- strengthening the culture of publicity and openness of government decision-making processes. Development of accountability of authorities and personal responsibility of management of departments and organizations to society for achievement of goals and objectives;
- To develop a good faith environment by improving anti-corruption measures, as well as legislative and institutional conditions that prevent abuse.
- Development of the state audit methodology.
- Development of the internal management system, personnel support and organizational culture of the Accounts Chamber.
- Introduction and development of modern digital technologies of state audit.
Accounts Chamber of the Future...
- Strategic partner. The Accounts Chamber helps the authorities, state and public organizations to form a promising picture of the socio-economic state of the country and a comprehensive understanding of the risks of failure to achieve sustainable development goals.
- Competence Center. The Accounts Chamber, as a competence center for authorities, acts as a conductor of the systematic development of advanced standards, methods and technologies of public administration, audit and control.
2016: The Accounts Chamber revealed in 2016 violations of budget execution by 700 billion rubles
During an external audit of budget execution last year, the Accounts Chamber revealed violations worth 700 billion rubles. The head of the joint venture Tatyana Golikova said this on the sidelines of the SPIEF in an interview with the Russia 24 TV channel. [4].
Although such violations are partially eliminated, their volume, Golikova noted, is too large. However, although this is a "terrible figure," "you should not be afraid of it."
First, the head of the SPO explained, "work on errors" will be carried out. The final volume of violations can only be announced after that.
In addition, Tatyana Golikova noted, the low efficiency of using public investment has become one of the main problems that also need to be discussed. So, last year, only 90.7% of the amount of allocations that were provided for these purposes were fulfilled.
- ↑ Digitalization helped the Accounts Chamber set a record for refunds
- ↑ The plan of inspections of the Accounts Chamber in 2025 included "chains of movement of domestic software" - the head of the joint venture
- ↑ The Accounts Chamber returned in 2023 to the budget a record 26 billion rubles in 10 years
- ↑ The Accounts Chamber revealed in 2016 violations of budget execution for 700 billion rubles