Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2



FSUE "ECHO" is part of the structure of the Federal Space Agency "Roscosmos" and is functionally an industry system integrator, providing space industry enterprises with services for the supply of information and computing equipment and licenses for the software used.




FSUE "ECHO" has a warehouse with a total area of ​ ​ 16,000 sq.m., equipped with telephone communication, computer metering systems for products and fire extinguishing. The company provides the services of responsible storage of inventory.

FSUE "Echo" is the only authorized supplier of Freon 113 in Russia, for enterprises of the rocket and space industry.

FSUE "ECHO" has a mechanism for the supply of software products on exclusive, for enterprises of the industry, more than 100 copyright holders.


1965-1998: Technical Supply Office

The company was established on May 18, 1965 in accordance with the order of the Minister of General Engineering of the USSR No. 21.

1965-1992 - Moscow Office of Logistics and Sales of the Ministry of General Engineering of the USSR;

By order of the Ministry of General Engineering of the USSR No. 246/2-303 of December 23, 1991, the production activities of the Moscow Logistics and Sales Office of the Ministry of General Engineering of the USSR are carried out on the basis of those created in 1968-1990, due to centrally allocated state capital investments and financial resources and assigned to the office space and main funds of the warehouse complex at the address: Moscow region, Khimki, st. Rabochaya, 19.

1992-1998 - Echo State Moscow Commercial Enterprise;

1998 - present - Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Echo."

2005: Start of Computer Deliveries

In 2005, a division was organized and successfully operates that supplies a wide range of computer equipment (PCs, servers, components).

2007: Software Licensing Starts

Since 2007, FSUE ECHO began work in the field of licensing software used by industry enterprises.

On December 25, 2007, a tripartite EA Licensing Scheme Agreement between Microsoft, the Federal Space Agency and FSUE ECHO entered into force.

Since June 2008, FSUE ECHO, in accordance with an agreement with Microsoft, has received the opportunity to license Microsoft software according to the scheme - the Open License Program (OLP).

Implementing the policy of the Federal Space Agency to prevent the use of unlicensed software at industry enterprises and acting in order to achieve optimal conditions for the supply of software to FKA enterprises, FSUE ECHO entered into an Agreement with Avtodesk (Europe) on July 15, 2008, which provides industry enterprises with exclusive terms for the supply of licensed software (CAD) Avtodesk.

During 2008, agreements were concluded with the copyright holders of leading software products, such as ZAO ASCON-KADKAM, TOP SYSTEMS, ADEM,, 1C-Rarus a company, with Parus the largest vendors representing such products as,,. Siemens Dassault Systems ProEnginiring Contractual relations with suppliers of special software, which is not widely used, have been drawn up


A strategic cooperation agreement has been concluded between Omega Software and FSUE ECHO. Omega Software is a co-developer of the State Scientific and Technical Program "CALS-TECHNOLOGIES" of the Republic of Belarus, and is also a recommended supplier of solutions for the Almaz-Antey Air Defense Concern.

Quality Management

The quality management system of the enterprise is currently fully prepared for certification according to ISO 9001:2008 standards.