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Flocktory is a SaaS platform for social referral marketing in Eastern Europe. Flocktory integrates directly with online stores and allows you to form a personalized shopping experience for the visitor, analyzing data such as history and frequency of purchases, average check, social data, region, power of social influence and others.

The company describes its solution as a social media referral marketing platform that easily integrates with any engine for online retailers. The company's solutions are used in the e-commerce, financial, media and tourism sectors.

Flocktory has offices in Moscow and Madrid. The founders of the company are Ilya Eisen, Simon Proekt and Dmitry Matskevich.


2017: Purchase of Qiwi

Logo 2017

The Qiwi payment system acquired Flocktory, which created the SaaS platform for managing and personalizing the user life cycle. The transaction amount amounted to 832.8 million rubles. In exchange, Qiwi received an 80% stake in Flocktory, the remaining 20% is owned by the founders and top management of Flocktory.

Together with Flocktory, its Russian and Spanish "daughters" were acquired, respectively, FreeAtLast and Floctory Spain. Qiwi paid 831 million rubles for 82% of Flocktory shares[1].

RUB 37 million for the refusal of top managers of Flocktory to exercise their options

Of 831 million rubles. directly for the company itself was paid 794 million rubles. The remaining 37 million rubles. this is the amount that Qiwi paid the participants of the Flocktory option program to refuse its options.

Flockroty's founders have an 18% stake in the company. According to the materials of Qiwi, the company's shareholder agreement involves the adoption of all significant decisions only with the unanimous approval of the shareholders. That is, Flocktory minority shareholders still have influence over the company.

Qiwi also said that it had entered into two options (Call type and Put type) to buy out the remaining shares of the company from the founders of Flocktory. The call option allows Qiwi to buy back these shares from Flocktory minority shareholders, the put option allows stock owners to sell them to Qiwi.

The put option may be exercised one year after the transaction is made in respect of half of the shares of Flocktory held by minority shareholders. For 25% of their shares, it can be executed after a year and a half, and for the remaining 25% two years after the transaction.


In 2013, Flocktory raised 1.5 million dollars in investment round A from the Digital Venture Partners fund and is used by more than 500 online stores and financial companies in, and Russia To Ukraine other CIS countries. Flocktory has an AAA rating according to Russia Startup Rating 2014, a participant in Russia's Tech Tour 25, an IDCEE finalist and a resident. Skolkovo

2014: Startup Flocktory breaks even and brings customers over $60 million

In total, in 2014, the total amount of orders raised with Flocktory for customers increased by 10 times compared with the results of 2013 to $60 million. At the same time, the number of customer profiles known to the system doubled and reached 25 million.

As a start-up founded by Simon Project and Ilya Eisen in 2012, the company had broken even by mid-2014. This became possible thanks to the development of the product line, an increase in the geography of presence and the successful connection of more than 500 new customers to the platform last year, including major players in the Internet retail sector: Ebay, Technosila, Amediateca, L'Etoile, Ulmart, AMF,, Lancome and others. In total, the Flocktory service is currently implemented in about 40% of companies from the top of the Russian e-commerce market. * In addition, agreements were signed with several banks that are among the top 30 largest banks in Russia. * *

Other indicators showed significant growth. The number of transactions visible by the platform almost doubled over the year. So, in 2013, 2.7 million purchases per month sounded through the platform, while according to the results of 2014, this figure amounted to 5.2 million purchases per month. As a result, with the total volume of visible transactions in the e-commerce market of $16 billion per year * * *, orders for more than $4.4 billion pass through the Flocktory service in one way or another, which is 27.5% of the total market.
