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Free Tekhnologii Engineering of STI



+ Virtser Evgeny Vladimirovich

Svobodnye Tekhnologii Engineering (STE) is the company created by group of supporters with experience in the market of design and construction of facilities civil, industrial and special purpose.


2020: Lanit Group in own business was left by the key top managers who were engaged in creation of mega-DPC of Sberbank

The new player in the market of services of construction of DPC and engineering infrastructure

As detected TAdviser, during 2020 from Insystems, being a part of Lanit, the team of managers passed into Free Technologies Engineering (FTE) company. Evgeny Virtser who headed Insystems since 2010 in January of the 2020th became the CEO of STI and received in it a share in 51%. With it passed several employees of a managerial link into the company.

STI specified that Evgeny Virtser is not a CEO Insystems since November, 2019, and since January 1 the 2020th it does not work also in Lanit. Added to STI that the centralized transition of employees from one company in another was not.

Evgeny Virtser (on a photo on the right) in 2010 returned to Lanit by Georgy Gens's invitation (on a photo in the center) and left it in 2020 when Lanit was already headed by his son Philip Gens (on a photo at the left)' '(a photo - CNews)

The remained share in 49% of STI belongs to the legal person "Free technologies" which is owned half by Evgeny Virtser. Thus, directly and indirectly it has 75.5% of STI. According to base of legal persons " circuit.focus ", it became the co-owner of the company in March of the 2020th.

And since June the 2020th also his former colleagues on Insystems are registered as co-owners of "Free technologies". Shares in 10% of the company Georgy Virtser, the former director of technical department Insystems, Evgeny Koloskov working as the director of the department of design, Yuli Dobrynin, the ex-head of commercial department own.

The share in 10% also belongs to Ekaterina Temchenko. It worked in Insystems as the project manager, then the head of department, and in 2018 together with some other employees was mentioned by a departmental award of Mintsifra for merits in development of IT and long-term work. Thanks and certificates of honor to them were handed at that time by the head of department Konstantin Noskov[1].

On 5% in "Free technologies" at Yulia Redko, the former head of PR of service "Insystems", and Yulia Danilova working as the personal assistant to Evgeny Virtser.

STI is the new company: it was formed in 2019, as well as "Free technologies" through which former employees Insystems own STI. On the website STI is positioned as the company created by group of the supporters having long-term experience and the authority in the market of design and construction of facilities civil industrial and special purpose.

Its specialization includes the difficult technology objects saturated with the engineering systems (DPCs, the power centers, the refrigerating centers), design with full use of BIM technologies, construction of the engineering systems, communication systems and security.

Activities of STI have very much something in common with activity Insystems which specializes in services in design, construction and equipment by engineering and information systems of different objects.

According to base of legal persons " circuit.focus ", before arrival of new owners by the founder of STI and "Free technologies" Alexey Hitrov was. Earlier he was the CEO and the participant of a number of the businesses connected with electric installation and adjacent work. And since April the 2020th Hitrov is a co-owner of Intora-Engineering company which has 27 types of activity, among which electric installation work, installation and construction works, installation of industrial machines and the equipment, etc.

In the section "Our experience" on the website of STI it is said that its command took part in creation of mega-DPC of Sberbank to Skolkovo, performed installation and construction works on the Amur GPP, construction and balancing and commissioning on the Yakut GRES-2 and in some other projects. All these projects were implemented directly Insystems or with its participation. For example, during creation of DPC of Sberbank to Skolkovo "subsidiary" of Lanit was a general contractor.

DPC of Sberbank to Skolkovo - one of the most sign projects in which took part Insystems

Brought TAdviser into STI the list of projects which at their company in work as of November of the 2020th. He turns on DPC of Istradidzhital, commercial DPC in the north of Moscow, two corporate DPCs – in Moscow and Bryansk, BC Arkus-4, the Vostochny spaceport, IFC Kutuzovsky, 32.

Some of the STI current projects are crossed with projects Insystems. For example, DPC of Istradidzhital. In 2019 Insystems and Istradidzhital signed the agreement on cooperation for the purpose of creation and development of infrastructure of the digital Istradigital mega-complex in the Istra district of the Moscow region. But, according to TAdviser, as a result Insystems did not work at this object.

Insystems took part in construction of the Vostochny spaceport where together with Lanit-Partner performed works on key objects. STI noted that worked at the spaceport on different objects.

By data " circuit.focus ", in addition to STI "Free Technologies" is a cofounder of two more legal persons – it possesses a share in 24.5% in Flaysaund company and a share in 32.5% in "Center of Collective Use of Cloud Computing and Service" company (TsKP).

Flaysaund which is controlled by the Portuguese legal person is positioned as the international company production and post-production of a sound for cinema, television, music, advertizing and other tasks. And at TsKP the second co-owner specifies "Merkuri Konstrakshn Management the Region" which belongs to the same owners, as Merkuri Konstrakshn Management acting as subcontractor on construction of mega-DPC of Sberbank to Skolkovo. In October, 2020 Insystems began to have legal proceedings with Merkuri Konstrakshn Management.

New life Insystems with other management

Evgeny Virtser came to Lanit in 1995 at 19-year age. In 2003 it left from there and own business developed six years. Got a job in Insystems at the suggestion of the founder of Lanit Georgy Gens: "Georgy Vladimirovich suggested me to sell to Lanit the company and to be integrated into Insystems together with the company", Virtser[2] told]. The offer was accepted, Evgeny Virtser held the CEO's position Insystems.

Georgy Gens in an interview of TAdviser which it gave in the spring of 2018 approximately a month before the death, called Evgeny Virtser "the effective and cool leader".

Evgeny Virtser headed Insystems within ten years. During this time the company cardinally grew and there were new tasks: building of optimal business processes and also transition to new models of project management and project financing. For the solution of these tasks the new top command was invited, and Evgeny Virtser decided to develop own business, - told TAdviser in Lanit.

From the moment of Virtser's appointment to the CEO's position revenue Insystems showed mainly growth, with special jump in 2017 – from 2.6 billion to nearly 15 billion rubles at the expense of large projects, including creation of DPC of Sberbank to Skolkovo. In 2018 revenue made about 11.2 billion rubles then returned to the former order. At the end of 2019 turnover was about 3.8 billion rubles. At the same time the company appeared at a loss for 1 billion rubles, according to data on the financial reporting on a resource of FTS. Lanit explained TAdviser that the loss of 2019 is connected with end of large projects and the caused this decrease in revenue.

Lanit also noted that as of the end of 2020 at Insystems there is no external debt on the credits and loans. Financing of activity of the company is made at the expense of own means of Lanit Group.

The number of new prisoners of government contracts at Insystems in 2019 was significantly laid off too – them was 2 against 9 in 2018. And in 2020 the company concluded only one government contract so far, follows from base " circuit.focus ".

Also the staff Insystems was cut down: according to FTS, in 2019 the average number of employees was more than 1.6 thousand people, and in one of news of the company in 2020 it is told already about more than 1.3 thousand employees. Lanit notes that such fluctuations of number are characteristic of the construction organizations which attract ordinary construction personnel to accomplishment of specific amount of works under projects (on urgent labor agreements).

Insystems instead of the left Evgeny Virtser in April of the 2020th were appointed by the CEO Alexey Oreshnikov who worked in LANIT-Integration earlier. At the same time Insystems direct activity the managing director Igor Permyakov who has more than 15-year experience in the field of IT, construction and engineering.

Lanit explained TAdviser that the management structure in Insystems assumes that the directors acting independently of each other direct its activity: Igor Permyakov is responsible for business and financial concerns, and Alexey Oreshnikov is responsible for the questions carried to a state secret.

In May, 2020 the president Vladimir Putin thanked officially to staff of Insystems company for merits in information technology development and[3] communication[4].
