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Government of the Amur Region





+ Government of the Amur Region
Ministry of Finance of Amur Oblast.

Amur Region Digital Transformation Strategy

2022: Results of the region's digital transformation

On December 28, 2022, the Ministry of Digital Development and Communications of the Amur Region shared with TAdviser the results of the outgoing 2022.

According to the Minister of Digital Development and Communications of the Amur Region, in Denis Vladimirovich Zemnukhov 2022 a lot of work was carried out on a strategic document developed jointly with colleagues that determines the future digital development. In particular, Amur region the list of directions of the Digital Transformation Strategy of the region has been expanded, and along with key industries such as, and health care, education transport it included, tourism culture physical education sport and others. In total, about 80 projects are being implemented in 16 areas.

In 2022, the implementation of the state program "Digital Transformation of the Amur Region" was launched in the region. Its goal is to improve the efficiency of public administration through digital transformation with the purpose of improving the quality of life of citizens, ensuring the competitiveness of the Amur Region, the development of the economic, socio-political and cultural spheres of society. According to the report prepared by the Ministry of Digital Science of the Amur Region, the total amount of financial support for the state program until 2030 is 5.44 billion rubles. Of this amount, 757.75 million rubles were spent in 2022. The first stage of the implementation of the state program should be completed in 2024.

Thanks to systematic work in difficult financial deficit conditions, the region managed to fulfill the Digital Maturity indicators determined for the Amur Region and rise in the rating of the Digital Transformation of Regions by 24 positions, taking 46th place immediately after the year. St. Petersburg

All this became possible thanks to the work of our team in many areas: these are unprecedented measures to support the IT industry and communications, and the implementation of new powers in terms of information security, comprehensive work on import independence and, of course, the development of new electronic services and digital solutions for citizens, - added Denis Zemnukhov.

Separately, the minister noted the work carried out by the ministry in the direction of digital transformation of state and municipal services. As of the end of December 2022, more than 90 public services are provided in electronic format, they have become more client-centered, convenient for citizens. In particular, it became possible to fill out applications in electronic form to receive support measures for victims of emergencies and support measures for families of those mobilized.

In 2022, the Social Map of the Amur Region project was reformatted and updated in a short time: a recognizable map design was developed, the first cards were issued. In addition transport bank applications to the Social Card, participation in is available. loyalty program national payment card system "Mir"

The first partner, a regional participant, has already joined the developed partnership agreement, ATB Bank negotiations are underway and agreements have already been reached banks PSB with and, VTB who will soon join the project. In 2023, after the launch of the Social Map card portal, anyone from Amur will be able to connect their Mir to the project.

One of the most priority areas of the Ministry of Digital Industry of the Amur Region, the head of the department called the development information infrastructure and communications in the region. Thanks to the implementation of the regional project of subsidizing telecom operators with mobile services internet access , several settlements were provided, where the only type of communication was a payphone. The regional program will continue in 2023. The implementation of the federal project "also continues: "Addressing Digital Inequality 2.0 the first settlements connected according to the high-speed standard/will 4GLTE be commissioned in the first quarter of 2023.

As Denis Zemnukhov said, since February 2022, cyber attacks have been carried out on the information infrastructure of the regional government, which can be detected and reflected in a timely manner. Thanks to the established means of technical protection, the stable operation of state information systems is maintained, personal data of citizens remain safe. In 2022, the resources of the Legislative Assembly of the Amur Region were transferred to the protected certified infrastructure of the Government, thanks to which the resources and website of the legislative body work stably and without failures. The entire infrastructure of the electronic government of the region is uninterrupted thanks to highly qualified technical specialists of the subordinate institution GBU "Center for Information Technologies of the Amur Region."

In 2022, a lot of work was also carried out to optimize the network of multifunctional centers. In the center "My Business" new windows of the MPSC were opened, and as part of the implementation of the Concept of the transition to the provision of public services in 24/7 mode, the first sectors of user support were opened, where citizens are absolutely free of charge access to the State Service portal, the ability to scan documents and print the result of receiving an electronic service.

In addition, thanks to the integration of the MPSC information system and the implementation artificial intelligence voice assistant , Vera was launched, which received more than 73 thousand calls per year, providing citizens with advice on the most popular services, pre-registration for admission, as well as information on the status of the case, including popular services. Federal Registration Service The level of customer satisfaction with multifunctional quality centers, according to surveys, amounted to 99.17%, the minister said.

You can get acquainted in more detail with the results of the work of the Ministry of Digital Science of the Amur Region in the report for 2022 at the link.

2021: Approval of the Strategy

In August 2021, the Governor of the Amur Region Vasily Orlov approved the Strategy in the field of digital transformation of sectors of the economy, social sphere and public administration of the Amur Region for 2022-2024. You can familiarize yourself with the document by following the link.

Ministries and subordinate organizations