IR TsERIH Capital Management
Central Federal District of the Russian Federation
119034, Vsevolozhsky Lane, 2, building 2
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TsERIH Capital Management provides to AO IK access to financial markets of the different countries and allows to use practically all tools, from the Russian and foreign securities, to currency.
Key activities of the company:
- Internet trading
- Consultations on work in the Russian stock market
- Broker activity (license of FFMS for implementation of broker activity of N177-03996-100000 of 12/21/2000)
2020: Freedom Holding purchased Tserikh Capital Management
In July, 2020 Freedom Holding provided in Russia by investment company Fried Finance announced purchase of one of the oldest Russian brokers — Tserikh Capital Management. Its participants did not begin to disclose the cost of the transaction.
As noted in the press release, a main objective of acquisition of Tserikh Capital Management is further expansion of business by Fried Finance in Russia. The purchased company will be included into the group working in seven countries of the world under the Freedom Finance brand. Consolidation is planned for the end of 2020.
Merges and absorption — one of Freedom Holding making business development strategies. Both for us, and for Tserikh company are a positive and mutually beneficial cooperation. Acquisition of stocks of AO IK of Tserikh Capital Management allows IK LLC to strengthen Fried Finance (the Russian part of holding) the positions in the Russian market and to increase the customer base — the CEO of IK LLC Fried Finance and the CEO of Freedom Holding Timur Turlov said. |
He emphasized that as a result of entry of Tserikh Capital Management into structure of Freedom Holding clients of Tserikh will receive the advanced broker and bank services of holding and also direct access to the American stock market.
The transaction was preceded by the due diligence procedure which final stage included confirmation of conformity of conditions of merge to certain corporate and regulatory requirements of the legislation of the USA and Russia.
By the beginning of July, 2020 Tserikh Capital Management have about 17.5 thousand clients, from them 273 — legal entities. Company assets make 6.07 billion rubles. In the company 82 employees, and as declare in Freedom Holding work, Fried Finance is located to save the maximum quantity of jobs for a command.[1]
2016: TsERIH Capital Management signed the Agreement on technology interaction with PJSC Sberbank
In August, 2016 PJSC Sberbank signed the Agreement with AO IK of TsERIH Capital Management on technology interaction on transfer operations of funds of individuals. This Agreement significantly simplifies the procedure of investment in the stock market that allows to attract to it new client segments. This major event crowns long work of AO IK of TsERIH Capital Management on creation of a full stroke online of service of the clients. Now our client does not have need to appear at office throughout all service cycle in the company.
At a stage of the conclusion of the broker agreement future client fills out online the questionnaire on the website of TsERIH company. Using service of the website Gosuslugi for remote identification of the client, the company makes all necessary actions according to the requirement of the legislation for check of the client. Further there is an opening of the broker account and connection to the trading systems through a personal account on the website of the company.
Thanks to a payment service of Sberbank, the individual can fill up far off the account at any time, in any point of service of bank (terminals, additional offices, Sberbank online). Considering the size of regional network of Sberbank, it is possible to tell with confidence that service is available practically in any point of Russia.