Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2

Tserikh, bank




+ Nefedov Vladimir Valeriyevich
+ Timur Ruslanovich Turlov
+ Pritula Anatoly Andreevich
+ Gorbyleva Natalya Valentinovna

By bank «tserikh Ltd it is founded in 1995 as Aktsionerny Investitsionny Kommerchesky Bank Zenit business bank Ltd.


In June, 2011 in Bank there took place reorganization by accession to AIKB Zenith Business Bank Joint-Stock Commercial Innovation Bank Tserikh Ltd Ltd. The name of the reorganized Bank is Tserikh (Ltd) Bank.

2016: The Tserikh bank stopped all transactions

The Tserikh bank since February 20, 2016 suspended all transactions. The Банки.ру portal with reference to credit institution reports about it [1].

"From now on all transactions in bank are suspended, including on carrying out non-cash payments and cash disbursement of means" — said in bank.

On the website[2] of bank[3] it is said that the bank holds a number of events for attraction of additional financing "for the purpose of increase in its financial stability".

"During implementation of the final stages of the specified actions perhaps short-term restriction of maximum amounts of balances in cash in cash desk of bank and as a result – short-term restriction of maximum amounts of the performed payments", says bank.

The bank asks the clients to be shown tranquility and patience and to treat the taken measures as to temporary inconveniences. The bank asks clients not to terminate agreements on deposits ahead of schedule.

"Within several days the above-stated actions will be fully completed, and your money will be surely paid to you in full", the statement says.

It was the day before reported that the Tserikh bank is disconnected from an electronic payment system of the Bank of Russia.
