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Innovative Protection Laboratory (Lens)


Information security
Since 2023
Central Federal District of the Russian Federation
127287, int. ter. city municipal district Savelovsky, st. Khutorskaya 2-Ya, d. 38A, p. 15, †. 10

Polychronidi Georgy Diogenovich - 50%
Andrei Valentinovich Sergeyev - 50%
(effective December 28, 2023)


+ Polychronidi Georgy Diogenovich


2024: Presentation of the "Laboratory of Innovative Protection"

The group of companies "Basic Solutions" brought the company "Laboratory of Innovative Protection" ("Lens") to the Russian information security market. Representatives of Platformix reported this on September 10, 2024.

The company specializes in consulting, system integration, managed services and the development of its own software products to automate routine tasks in the field of information security. The company was formed by separating the information security expertise of the wide-profile federal system integrator Platformix, which is part of the Basic Solutions group of companies, into a separate legal entity. Sergey Terekhov, who previously headed the information security department of the Platformix system integrator, has been appointed General Director of Linza.

Information security is not only one of the key activities of the Basic Solutions group of companies, but also one of the main points of growth of the entire IT market. A separate positioning of the integration information security expertise, which we managed to collect within the framework of the group of companies over the past few years, will undoubtedly become a catalyst for the growth of this business area. I am sure that the launch of a specialized information security brand will also contribute to the better recognition of the company by customers - medium and large businesses, and the development of relations with partners - developers of software and hardware information protection tools. I wish you good luck and success to the head of our information security team, Sergei Terekhov, in a new status,
said Georgy Polikhronidi, CEO of the Basic Solutions group of companies.

Every day we face difficult integration tasks, but the client service always remains in the center of our attention. We openly talk about the current problems of the industry, because our clients want not only to comply with the requirements of the law, but also to be confident in the effectiveness and economic justification of investments in their protection systems. It is important for us that security is not just a formality, but a real tool that benefits business. We're building security that works,
noted Sergey Terekhov, CEO of Linza.

The main activities of the company "Lens":

  • creation of complex protection systems and technical support of ISDS, CII facilities, APCS and other critical assets;
  • audit and strategic consulting;
  • providing network security;
  • Protecting end devices such as servers, virtualization, containerization, databases, workstations, and mobile devices
  • monitoring and management of information security incidents, detection and response to cyber attacks, vulnerability analysis and SOC services.

Key partners of Lens are developers and manufacturers of software and hardware information protection tools operating in Russia. Among them are Webmonitorex, the Garda group of companies, Security Code, Indid Company, Kaspersky Lab, Check Point, Ideco, Positive Technologies, R-Vision, Security Vision, Start X (formerly "Anti-phishing"), UserGate, etc.