Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2



Information Technology
Since 2014
Central Federal District of the Russian Federation
107023, Bolshaya Semenovskaya st., 11 p. 12, Business Park "Sokoliny Dvorik"


NBI-Engineering LLC is an engineering company in Moscow, founded in 2014.

According to information from 2021, the company solves the problems of more detailed study of the functioning of the main and auxiliary equipment of power plants, work with graphic characteristics of power equipment, analysis of operating modes when solving optimization problems and TEI calculations, provides a set of engineering services in Russia and in neighboring countries.


(data current for September 2021)

  • Development of regulatory documentation on fuel use;
  • Testing of thermal and mechanical equipment of power facilities (boilers, turbines, water supply systems);
  • Examination and standardization of heating network performance indicators;
  • Conducting energy surveys of power facilities;
  • Updating of heat supply schemes for settlements;
  • Design and installation of instruments and systems for technical metering of energy resources;
  • Consulting services on the above work topics.

NBI-Engineering LLC has all the necessary tolerances for the works:

  • SRO in the field of construction;
  • SRO in the field of design;
  • SRO in the field of energy audit;
  • Specialists are certified in the state commissions of Rostekhnadzor;
  • The company's activities are certified in accordance with GOST R ISO 9001-2011 (ISO 9001:2008).