Baum (DSS) formerly Baum NGO
Fplus (F-Plus equipment and development) previously F + tech - 49%
Gantimurov Andrey Pavlovich - 17%
Alexey Sergeevich Borodulin - 34%
(effective March 6, 2025)
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2025: Liquidation of the legal entity of JSC NPO Baum. Work under the Baum brand
According to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, on January 23, 2025, the legal entity of JSC NPO Baum was liquidated. The company continues to operate under the BAUM brand (legal entity of DSS Baum LLC).
Partnership with Servionica
The company "Servionica" (GC "I-Teco"), a Russian provider of a full range of services in the field of IT outsourcing, and JSC NPO BAUM became partners at the beginning of the year. The parties entered into a partnership agreement and an NDA (Non-disclosure agreement), a non-disclosure agreement, so that the solutions of NGO BAUM can be integrated with the solutions of Servionica.
Baum products
As of February 2017 storage systems , BAUM software and hardware complexes are unified hybrid disk arrays with Mid-range functionality. In the mid-range segment, BAUM outperforms peers in price and total cost of ownership. Software BAUM is listed in. register of domestic software Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media NPO BAUM, along with the head Moscow Service Center, has service contracts with 260 centers that provide warranty service to NPO products in all. constituent entities of the Russian Federation
2016: Services
JSC NPO BAUM develops classic multi-controller and distributed software and hardware systems for data storage and processing, as well as special software for organizing software-defined storage systems (software-defined storage).
A cooperation agreement was concluded with the Interdepartmental Supercomputing Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences as part of the development of a distributed data storage system. At the Moscow State Technical University named after N.E. Bauman, three research works were carried out in the field of data storage systems. The CAS is being jointly tested with Russian manufacturers of software and hardware.
As of August 2016, NPO BAUM had more than 250 service centers in the Russian Federation, which allows for timely and high-quality support of products.