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OnkoTarget (LLC) the Russian pharmaceutical is a full-cycle company focused on the development and production of drugs for treatment of oncological and other socially significant diseases.

The priority area of ​ ​ OnkoTarget is the development and production of drugs for targeted therapy.[1]


2023: Registration of 22 medicinal products

Since 2020, OnkoTarget, a resident of the Technopolice Moscow SEZ, has registered 22 drugs in more than 40 different forms of production. This was announced on March 15, 2023 by the Deputy Mayor of Moscow for Economic Policy and Property and Land Relations Vladimir Efimov.

The OnkoTarget Pharmacological Company has been a resident of the Technopolice Moscow SEZ since 2020. During this time, she registered 22 medicinal products of more than 40 different forms of release. Among them are two original medicines. Since 2020, the resident has invested more than 1.4 billion rubles in the development of production and produced products worth more than 1.2 billion rubles, - said Vladimir Efimov.

The company is a research and production complex organized on the principle of full cycle. Its peculiarity lies in the consistent implementation of the strategy of drug sovereignty in one of the most significant segments - targeted or immuno-oncological therapies.

In addition, the company, together with partner organizations, produces medicines, the release of which in the Russian Federation as of March 2023 has not yet been established.

As of March 2023, almost 150 workplaces have been created at the enterprise. The production facilities of the complex are capable of producing more than 100 million units of solid forms per year, up to six million units of liquid and sterile unselected dosage forms per year, "said Vladislav Ovchinsky, head of the Moscow investment and industrial policy department.

The company produces both generics and original medicines.

According to Gennady Degtev, General Director of the Technopolice Moscow SEZ, for example, last year the company launched a drug into industrial production that helps reduce mortality from malignant hyperthermia by 75 percent.

The company produces drugs that are used in the therapy of socially significant diseases: oncology, HIV infection, cardiological diseases and others. The company's specialists have all the necessary competencies for the development and production of original and reproduced medicines, "said Angelica Zmieva, director of corporate communications and external relations at OnkoTarget.

At the Pechatniki site of the Technopolice Moscow SEZ, a resident company produces the following targeted therapy drugs as of March 2023: Fulvestrant, Dazatinib, Sorafenib, Sunitinib and others.

2022: Assets

As of April 2022, OnkoTarget's production facilities, with an area of ​ ​ more than 4 thousand square meters. m., included its own R&D-centre and microbiological laboratory, product quality control department. The total investment in the project amounted to about 1.93 billion. rubles

The site has a modern fleet of analytical and production equipment, a total of more than 140 units, is equipped with modern engineering systems for preparing water and clean steam, systems for storing and distributing compressed air, chiller equipment for the air preparation system of clean production premises. All this allows the company to annually produce 10 million packages of solid dosage forms and 6 million sterile dosage forms.

As of April 2022, the company employed 23 researchers with a Ph.D. and extensive experience in the pharmaceutical industry. By the end of the year, the company planned to recruit up to 170 people of managerial, administrative, scientific, technical and production level.

The company's product portfolio at this time included more than 30 names of drugs of various forms of release for the treatment of various socially significant diseases, planned for release by the end of 2022. A special place in the diversified portfolio of the company is occupied by the direction of targeted and immunological therapy. More than 20 names of drugs are at various stages of development.

2021: Commissioning

The commissioning of the OnkoTarget enterprise took place in August 2021.
