Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2

Helskea Ozone


Pharmaceuticals, Medicine, Healthcare
Since 2001
Central Federal District of the Russian Federation
Samara region, Zhigulevsk, st. Hydrostroiteley, d. 6



Financial results
2023 year
Revenue: 19.7 millions Ths. rub


+ Ozone Pharmaceuticals

The OZON pharmaceutical company is a company of the domestic pharmaceutical market for the production of generics - analogues of proprietary medicines. The volume of production of ozone is more than 500 million as of February 2020.

Performance indicators

2023: Revenue growth by 4% to RUB 19.7 billion

The revenue of Ozone Pharmaceuticals in 2023 reached 19.7 billion rubles, which is 4% more than in the previous year. This growth is due to efficient work with customers and strict cost control. The company's report was published in June 2024.

According to the company, taking into account the adjustment of revenue in 2022 for the effect of abnormal demand, the growth rate was 12% year-on-year. Ozone's operating profit Pharmaceutics rose to 6.1 billion rubles, which is 12% more than in 2022. The analytical indicator EBITDA increased by 13% year-on-year, reaching 7.1 billion rubles, while the EBITDA margin was 36%.

Revenue "Ozone Pharmaceuticals" in 2023 reached 19.7 billion rubles

Net profit for 2023 increased by 10% and amounted to 4.0 billion rubles due to strong operating indicators and positive EBITDA dynamics. Net profit margin reached 20%, up 1 percentage point from a year ago. The company's capital expenditures increased by 3%, reaching 706 million rubles.

According to Ozone Pharmaceuticals, net debt at the end of 2023 decreased by 17% to 12.0 billion rubles. The ratio of net debt to adjusted analytical EBITDA decreased from 2.0x to 1.6x, which indicates the stable financial condition of the company.

According to the publication "Pharmaceutical Bulletin," in 2023, "Ozone Pharmaceuticals" began to form a single pharmaceutical holding, which included LLC "Ozone," LLC "Ozone Farm," LLC "Ozone Medica," LLC "Mabscale" and a number of other affiliated legal entities. This step will allow the company not only to consolidate resources, but also to significantly improve the efficiency of business management and improve market position.[1]
