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Ozone Pharmaceuticals


Pharmaceuticals, Medicine, Healthcare
Since 2001
Central Federal District of the Russian Federation
Samara region, Zhigulevsk, st. Hydrostroiteley, d. 6

Financial results
2023 year
Revenue: 19.7 millions Ths. rub


+ Ozone Pharmaceuticals

The OZON pharmaceutical company is a company of the domestic pharmaceutical market for the production of generics - analogues of proprietary medicines. The volume of production of ozone is more than 500 million as of February 2020.

Performance indicators

2024: Release of 321 million packs of medicinal products for the year

In 2024, the Ozone Pharmaceuticals Group launched 321 million packages of medicines on the market, increasing sales by 13% compared to 2023. The growth in sales of the company in physical terms is especially noticeable against the background of market stagnation, which is recorded by most analysts. The company announced this on February 18, 2025.

In 2024, pharmaceutical production localized in Russia put into circulation more than 4 billion packages. The sale of drugs in 2024 decreased in the market according to various sources by 2-3%. The methods of data collection and analysis, the variability of market indicators and the interpretation of results can be reflected in the final reports of analytical agencies. Despite the differences in data and approaches to their analysis, the agencies agree on the company's position in the industry: according to the DSM Group, Ozone Pharmaceuticals in 2024 ranks second among manufacturers in terms of sales in physical terms and also second among companies in terms of government purchases of packages; in the prescription segment, the company retains a leading position, occupying according to RNC Pharma 10% of the Russian market in 2024, which is twice the performance of its closest competitor.

The company observes the main increase in sales in physical terms in the segment, government procurement where more than 93.7 million packages were sold over the year - 44% more than in 2023. Cardiovascular drugs such as Atorvastatin, Bisoprolol and Amlodipine made the most significant contribution to shipments for the state segment. This is largely due to the work of the federal program of preferential drug provision for patients with cardiovascular diseases (CVD). In 2024 Ministry of Health of Russia , he supplemented the list of diseases and conditions in the presence of which patients are provided with drugs. The list of such drugs also includes Rivaroxaban, which the company released under the Cruoxaban brand at the end of 2024. Cardiovascular diseases are the main threat to the lives of Russians - in the general structure mortality they make up more than 40%.

In second place in terms of supplies for the state segment are drugs for the digestive tract and metabolism, such as Omeprazole, Metformin and Gliclazide. The growth in the volume of supplies highlights the potential of the state segment for Ozone Pharmaceuticals as one of the key drivers, along with the expansion of the product portfolio and improved representation of the assortment in pharmacies.

Retail sales channel in 2024 amounted to 227.5 million packages, which is 4% more than the results of 2023. The company notes the largest sales volumes in packages in this channel by the following names of drugs: Indapamide, Bisoprolol and Captopril (for the cardiovascular system), Fluconazole (antimicrobial), Omeprazole and Loperamide (for the digestive tract and metabolism), Ibuprofen (for the musculoskeletal system, anti-inflammatory drug) and others.

The Ozone Pharmaceuticals portfolio is based on international non-proprietary names (INNs), with an emphasis on prescription drugs.

Ozone Pharmaceuticals is focused on the production of generics, focusing on the operational localization of drugs that have come out of patent protection. For example, Cruoxaban with the active ingredient Rivaroxaban was presented to the market in December 2024, the day after the expiration of the patent for the original foreign drug: within a month, the company shipped over 1 million packages to distributors. According to RNC Pharma, in the first month of sales, Cruoxaban took 69% of the market for generics with the active ingredient Rivaroxaban.

The nomenclature of the company's products remained stable during the year, increasing by 14 inventory units (from 861 to 875). The diversity of SKUs provides an integrated approach to procurement. A wide range of dosages allows you to optimize costs and increase compliance (adherence to treatment, i.e., compliance between patient behavior and doctor's recommendations). A wide range is relevant for the health care system, where flexibility in choosing dosages makes it possible to use budget funds more efficiently.

The increase in supply volumes is due to the fact that the company seeks to expand its presence in the market and the ability to quickly adapt to changes in the market environment. Diversification of assortment, flexible production opportunities and a well-thought-out pricing policy with the possibility of cross-subsidization allow you to maintain competitive prices.

At the end of 2024, Ozone Pharmaceuticals strengthened its position in the Russian pharmaceutical market. Continuing to invest in the development of the product portfolio and expanding its presence in strategically important market segments.

2023: Revenue growth by 4% to RUB 19.7 billion

The revenue of Ozone Pharmaceuticals in 2023 reached 19.7 billion rubles, which is 4% more than in the previous year. This growth is due to efficient work with customers and strict cost control. The company's report was published in June 2024.

According to the company, taking into account the adjustment of revenue in 2022 for the effect of abnormal demand, the growth rate was 12% year-on-year. Ozone's operating profit Pharmaceutics rose to 6.1 billion rubles, which is 12% more than in 2022. The analytical indicator EBITDA increased by 13% year-on-year, reaching 7.1 billion rubles, while the EBITDA margin was 36%.

Revenue "Ozone Pharmaceuticals" in 2023 reached 19.7 billion rubles

Net profit for 2023 increased by 10% and amounted to 4.0 billion rubles due to strong operating indicators and positive EBITDA dynamics. Net profit margin reached 20%, up 1 percentage point from a year ago. The company's capital expenditures increased by 3%, reaching 706 million rubles.

According to Ozone Pharmaceuticals, net debt at the end of 2023 decreased by 17% to 12.0 billion rubles. The ratio of net debt to adjusted analytical EBITDA decreased from 2.0x to 1.6x, which indicates the stable financial condition of the company.

According to the publication "Pharmaceutical Bulletin," in 2023, "Ozone Pharmaceuticals" began to form a single pharmaceutical holding, which included LLC "Ozone," LLC "Ozone Farm," LLC "Ozone Medica," LLC "Mabscale" and a number of other affiliated legal entities. This step will allow the company not only to consolidate resources, but also to significantly improve the efficiency of business management and improve market position.[1]


2025: Completion of monolithic work on the construction of the first stage "Ozone Doctors"

In accordance with the schedule, Ozone Pharmaceuticals completed the next stage of construction of the Ozone Medica production site in the special economic zone of Togliatti. By the end of 2024, monolithic work in the main production building (GPK) was fully completed, the basis for the installation of the roof and walls was prepared. During 2025, it is planned to complete civil and finishing work at the MSH, as well as the installation and launch of process equipment and clean rooms. Site licensing is scheduled for 2026. The company announced this on January 30, 2025. Read more here.


Increase of marketing authorization portfolio to 535 for the year

"Ozone Pharmaceuticals" in 2024 received 31 registration certificates (RU). The RAs cover both the prescription and over-the-counter segments in different pharmacological groups. The company announced this on March 13, 2025.

From 2021, the Group's marketing authorization portfolio increased by 20% from 445 to 535 Roubles.

Registrations cover a wide range of pharmacological groups and dosage forms - tablets, capsules, sprays and solutions. Among the pharmacological groups can be distinguished antitumor drugs "Ozone Medica," antiviral, hypoglycemic drugs, immunosuppressants.

At the end of 2024, 246 drugs were at various stages of development and registration, which will ensure high dynamics of new registrations. The portfolio of drugs in development is regularly replenished.

The Company makes significant efforts not only to obtain new RPs, but also to keep the marketing authorizations of the current portfolio up to date. This work includes both extending the validity of certificates and adding new producers of raw materials, updating instructions.

Шаблон:Quote 'author=said Maria Ulyanova, Development Director of Ozone Pharmaceuticals Group.

The work on bringing the dossier to the requirements of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) is also an important component of the company's current activities in the field of registration. The company is among the leaders in bringing the number of dossiers to the requirements of the EAEU. Most of the Group's portfolio has already been approved by the Ministry of Health, which means that the Group will be fully represented in the single market of medicines of the EAEU countries.

Carrying out IPO

The company "Ozone Pharmaceuticals" successfully conducted an initial public offering (IPO) on the Moscow Exchange. Trading in shares under the ticker symbol OZPH began on October 17, 2024.

According to RBC, the placement took place along the upper border of the previously announced price range - ₽35 per share. During the IPO, the company raised ₽3,45 billion, including a base size of ₽3 billion and a stabilization package of ₽450 million. The capitalization of Ozone Pharmaceuticals at the time of the start of trading is estimated at ₽38,5 billion, taking into account the funds raised.

Ozone Pharmaceuticals held an IPO

The collection of applications for participation in the placement took place from October 11 to 16, 2024. Investors were offered shares of an additional issue in the amount of up to 10% of the company's authorized capital. Demand from institutional and private investors has repeatedly exceeded the supply volume at the upper end of the price range.

The securities were distributed in the following proportion: 47% to institutional investors, 53% to private investors. Allocation for private investors was about 11%. In total, more than 40 thousand private investors were included in the share capital of Ozone Pharmaceuticals.

The company plans to use the funds raised during the IPO to implement a long-term development strategy, reduce the debt burden and other corporate goals.

According to the company, in the first half of 2024, its revenue grew by 63% and amounted to ₽12,6 billion. EBITDA increased 2.7 times year-on-year, reaching ₽5 billion, and EBITDA margin was 40%. Net profit grew 4.4 times and reached ₽2,9 billion.

Analysts of leading brokerage companies see growth potential in Ozone Pharmaceuticals shares. Kit Finance experts predict growth to ₽42 -43 per share, and Alfa-Bank estimated the company's fair value at ₽80 -100 billion, which suggests growth potential of more than 120[2]

Construction of a plant for the production of cancer drugs in the SEZ Togliatti for 3.5 billion rubles

Ozone Pharmaceuticals Group Russian pharmaceutical , a manufacturer of drugs, has completed the first stage constructions of the production site "" in the Ozon Medica special economic zone. Representatives Togliatti of the Group reported this medical that to the portal Zdrav.Expert on July 30, 2024. According to them, the plant will have wide possibilities for the production of pharmaceutical forms, including the production of drugs of the maximum, fifth, toxicity category. More. here
