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Positive Technologies Positive Technologies



Main activities of the company:

Clients of Positive Technologies are more than 40 public institutions, more than 50 banks and financial structures, 20 telecommunication companies, more than 40 industrial enterprises, the companies of the IT industry, the service and retail companies of Russia, the CIS countries, the Baltic and also Great Britain, Germany, Holland, Israel, Iran, China, Mexico, the USA, Thailand, Turkey, Ecuador, the Republic of South Africa, Japan.

Positive Technologies is a development team, professional ranks and certificates have consultants and experts who have practical experience, are members of the international organizations and actively participate in development of the industry.



Cooperation with "ICL Sistemnye of technology" in the field of response to cybersecurity incidents

On December 18, 2018 the Positive Technologies company reported that it combined efforts in the field of response to cybersecurity incidents together with "ICL Sistemnye of technology". The companies signed the agreement on cooperation within which the expert center of security of Positive Technologies company (PT Expert Security Center) will render to the center of monitoring and response to computer incidents (SOC) of the company "ICL Sistemnye of technology" the help in investigation of the purposeful attacks and identification of relevant threats.

The SOC companies "ICL Sistemnye of technology" it is constructed based on the advanced processes and technologies. The company has 20 years' experience of projects implementation on providing Information Security in the organizations of the different industries and cooperates with the leading Russian and foreign manufacturers of information security tools and monitoring of cybersecurity.
Aydar Guzairov, CEO "ICL Sistemnye of technology"

Within cooperation "ICL Sistemnye of technology" will be able to involve specialists of expert center of security Positive Technologies in investigations and incident analysis, response to cyber attacks and also to tasks of control of network perimeter (advanced border control).

Threats of information security concern practically any business and one and all state organizations. Only for 2017 the number of the companies which became the victims of the target attacks increased twice. We hope that knowledge of our specialists will help clients of the SOC company "ICL Sistemnye of technology" timely to detect harmful activity and to prevent serious effects.
Maxim Filippov, the director of business development of Positive Technologies in Russia

In the last two years specialists of expert center of security of Positive Technologies company made more than fifty investigations of incidents of information security among which investigation of actions of the Cobalt grouping, ICEFOG grouping detection, identification of APT on the state and private companies.

Entry into composition of SIGRE RNA

The Positive Technologies company announced on July 20, 2018 that it became the member of "The Russian national committee of the International Council for big electrical systems of high tension" (SIGRE RNA).

Experts of the company entered into the working group on questions of cyber security of the APCS systems and the systems of protection of automatic equipment. Their key task — to create recommendations about providing Information Security for the power enterprises of the whole world which will consider practical experience of the company in the field of corporate and industrial security and software development.

As the head of practice of industrial cyber security of Positive Technologies Dmitry Darensky, the purpose of the company as a part of committee — participation in preparation of recommendations about modeling of threats and also the list of measures and methods of response to incidents of security and cyber attack specified. Besides, development of risk-oriented approach to ensuring functional reliability and security of power generation facilities which will consider also threats of cyber security should become important result of work of Positive Technologies.

Lanit and Positive Technologies prepare a joint product on protection of the companies against the target attacks

Lanit and Positive Technologies work on creation of a joint product. It is possible that further it will develop into something bigger. It follows from the words of the president Lanita Georgy Gens who in March, 2018 gave in an interview of TAdviser.

We have general projects with other companies. Sometimes it develops then into something bigger, sometimes - no. Perhaps, the similar general project will be also with Positive Technologies. We together do a product. Security very strongly interests us, we work hard with all, we try to do some joint things, - he said.

Gens added that the companies will sell security as service.

The companies are going to render a joint service on protection of big customers against the targeted attacks (a photo -

Positive Technologies told TAdviser that, really, discuss with Lanit company options of commercial partnership in the field of information security.

In particular, we are going to render a joint service on protection of big customers against the targeted attacks. This service includes use of our products and expert services and also integratorsky competence Lanita and their first support line. In the nearest future we are going to do the first pilot projects, - the Deputy CEO of Positive Technologies for business development Boris Simis noted in a conversation with TAdviser.

Positive Technologies needs it to expand the customer base and to use practices Lanita on the round-the-clock monitoring, Simis added. The companies study different possible business schemes of rendering these services.

With in Positive Technologies expansion Lanita on the market of cybersecurity can not be limited to cooperation. According to Georgy Gens, the company cooperates also with Informzashita.

Many years are on friendly terms with the president of Informzashita Pyotr Yefimov Gens, by own recognition. On a question of TAdviser of whether Lanit is the owner of Informzashita, he answered negatively:

This information is not true. But I can tell what it is connected with. At us with them there are a lot of joint projects, but we in the same way together work hard also with group of NCC, and with Croc

Became interested in Lanit in Positive Technologies purchase

Lanit tried, but could not purchase Positive Technologies. In February, 2018 told the source well familiar with activity about this TAdviser Lanita. According to him, owners of Positive Technologies refused to sell the company.

Other interlocutor considers that the transaction could take place. Are not reflected in the USRLE of data on change of owners of Positive Technologies.

In to Lanita did not disprove and did not confirm the fact of negotiations with Positive Technologies.

The strategy of Lanit group – grow quicker than the market. For implementation of this approach we, including, consider the possibilities of business development through creation of new effective alliances and mutually advantageous partnership, - told TAdviser in the press service of the company.

Positive Technologies said that their company does not conduct any negotiations with anybody on the investment attraction.

One of experts of information security market notes that hearing about sale of Positive Technologies emerges every year. According to the interlocutor of TAdviser, it is connected with the fact that "affairs at the company go not really well": "foreign business did not happen, there is no money for the State system of detection, prevention and elimination of consequences of computer attacks system in the budget". Among potential buyers by hearsay Rostelecom, Rostec, Jet Infosystems and Asteros appeared earlier, the expert says.

According to the USRLE, 3 legal persons connected by the general CEO, the founder Yury Maximov treat Positive Technologies: JSC Pozitiv teknolodzhis, JSC Pozitivnye tekhnologii, and JSC Gruppa Pozitiv. Revenue of the first two from them at the end of 2016 grew: at Pozitiv teknolodzhis - for 26%, to 1.6 billion rubles, at Pozitivnye tekhnologii - for 7%, to 217.7 million rubles. In turn, Gruppa Pozitiv was founded in September, 2017. As of February, 2018 financial performance of the companies for 2017 is not opened yet.

2017: Start of the direction on creation of the centers of State system of detection, prevention and elimination of consequences of computer attacks together with Solar Security

The companies Solar Security also Positive Technologies started in November, 2017 the joint business direction on creation of the departmental and corporate centers of the state detection system, warning and mitigation of consequences of the computer attacks on information resources of the Russian Federation (State system of detection, prevention and elimination of consequences of computer attacks) based on a complex of technologies and examination of Positive Technologies and also Solar Security services for monitoring and response to incidents.


Expansion of the state to 700 people

In 2016 Positive Technologies increased the staff from about 450 to 700 employees. Told TAdviser in January, 2017 about it the Deputy CEO of the company Boris Simis. For the beginning of February at six offices (Moscow, Nizhny Novgorod, Novosibirsk, Samara, Tomsk, St. Petersburg) more than 730 people work, specified in Positive Technologies.

The Moscow office focuses about 70% of employees, about 25% of the total number of employees in total are the share of the St. Petersburg, Tomsk and Nizhny Novgorod offices.

The main part of new personnel – software developers, Boris Simis says. In 2016 Positive Technologies mostly filled up the command with programmers on Python, With ++, C#, frontend-developer of the middle and senior levels.

Development of a product line requires the new personnel

Active hiring of developers is connected with expansion of a product line. Initially Positive Technologies was "the company of one product", but was in the last two years transformed to multiproduct. In 2015 it released the new product MaxPatrol SIEM for event management and information of cybersecurity, and in 2016 the line was replenished with several products:

Also development of a new solution of PT SS7 Attack Discovery for the analysis of signal traffic was conducted.

According to the Deputy CEO of Positive Technologies, developers the company employed generally from the market. Also the company performance with universities and also holding a forum on practical security of Positive Hack Days for programmers helps to close the need for the personnel.

The whole collectives from other companies in 2016 did not pass into Positive Technologies, Boris Simis specified. Such case took place earlier, in 2015 once. Then the whole development team from the Siberian department of the American company F5 Networks which the last closed passed into Positive Technologies.

Some part of the personnel which filled up staff of Positive Technologies in 2016 was gathered in regional offices for development of sales, Simis added.

In 2016 two large offices in Europe expected 100-150 people were also opened. In more detail about it is in the block below.

Positive Technologies opened R&D-центры in England and the Czech Republic

Positive Technologies in 2016 began to develop the direction of research and development abroad. Told TAdviser in January, 2017 about it the Deputy CEO of the company Boris Simis. According to him, at the end of last year, in particular, Positive Technologies began to gather personnel in the direction of researches in the London office.

Besides, in 2016 the company opened development center in Brno (Czech Republic). In this city many technical universities are located, offices of development have also other IT companies there. Positive Technologies employs the programmers for product development directed to foreign telecom market here. It is in the short term going to gather in this office to 50 people, Boris Simis says.

The Russian programmers good, and their services cost cheaper any European. From this point of view it is convenient to us to have development in Russia. On the other hand, it is impossible to be the international company, without having development somewhere else. It is necessary to be closer to local customers. It is especially relevant for the developer of products in information security field, - TAdviser explained motives of creation of development abroad the Deputy CEO of Positive Technologies.

Positive Technologies says that the Russian roots do not prevent it to work abroad

Boris Simis noted that Positive Technologies intends to develop further as the international company. As of the beginning of 2017 it has in total eight foreign offices: in addition to above-mentioned Great Britain and the Czech Republic, they also are in the USA, Sweden, Italy, India, Korea and Tunisia.

All foreign offices of the company are engaged in sales, Simis says. Since the end of 2016 including the London division. Earlier through it operating activities were conducted and control of other foreign offices was exercised. Positive Technologies significantly strengthened this office: took more people and transferred to larger building, the Deputy CEO of Positive Technologies told TAdviser.

In 2016 the company began to develop more actively and the American direction. If earlier there was only a headquarters and, mainly, marketing, then in 2016 there were also people who are responsible for sales and work with OEM partner. Earlier the company sold in this market through local partners and pointwise rendered services.

According to Boris Simis, in the Positive Technologies market of the USA does not experience difficulties because of the Russian roots against the background of the developed political situation. He believes that the American market is not so politized from the point of view of customers: they look, first of all, at product capabilities. However, as well as in Europe, the situation can differ depending on the industry - in some structures it is more difficult to implement something.

In 2016, by Boris Simis's estimates, about 10-15% of all sales of Positive technologies were the share of foreign markets. At this stage not the growth of a share of foreign sales as such, but accumulation of reference projects in the different markets is important for the company. Clients want to see existence of reference projects in the country, he added.

The most sign foreign projects of last year in Positive Technologies cited TAdviser carrying out security audit for the English telecom operator Sky, sale of a product for the analysis of the code of the Italian company Intesa as an example. In 2016 the company also began, and in 2017 is going to finish accomplishment of audit for large Japanese telecom operator.

Opening of office in Sweden

On July 8, 2016 Positive Technologies announced opening of the next foreign office. This time it is about the Swedish representative office.

In Sweden the vice president of the company for business development in the field of web security Johan Nordstrom who is responsible for promotion in the field of web security in international market and also support of regional partners and clients in countries of Northern Europe is appointed the head of department of Positive.

On July 8, 2016 Positive Technologies announced opening of the next foreign office

According to Johan Nordstrom, together with the vice president for business development in Europe, Africa and in the Middle East Roy Dakls it is going to expand presence of Positive at the international level and in Northern Europe, in particular, and also to build up partnership with developers of firewalls, cloud services and technologies of protection against DDoS attacks.

We see the global purpose in helping the organizations with search and elimination of vulnerabilities, to strengthen security of corporate networks and, eventually, to provide confidentiality of information — told Nordstr.

Before the appointment in Positive Technologies Nordstrom worked as the independent consultant, specialized in business development both on regional, and at the international level. Earlier he held a position of the senior director on sales in Tufin and similar positions in Imperva and Arbor Networks.

As reported on the website Positive, by July 8, 2016 the company has eight foreign offices (including Sweden). As the PR-manager of the company Yulia Sorokina told TAdviser, until the end of 2016 opening of one more office in Europe is planned. At the same time Positive has no public projects and clients in countries of Northern Europe.

We are focused on work first of all in the Enterprise-market where the cycle of development of the project (from its start before end) can make two years and more — Sorokina reported.


  • 450 employees (including foreign offices)

Release of the MaxPatrol SIEM system intended for monitoring of events of security and automatic identification of the hacker attacks. Gartner — one of the most authoritative international analytical companies specializing in market researches of information technologies — included Positive Technologies in the magic quadrant integrating global manufacturers of solutions for protection of web applications (2015 Magic Quadrant for Web Application Firewalls).

Opening of division in Tomsk

On October 21, 2015 it became known of opening of division of the company in Tomsk, on the basis of the Russian office of F5 Networks company.

Creation R&D-подразделения in Tomsk - an important step in gain of expert capacity of Positive Technologies company. More than 20 engineers and the software testing specialists who were earlier working in the Siberian department of the American company F5 Networks became the first staff of new office.

Positive Technologies 13 лет (2015)

It is planned that programmers, architects, specialists in the analysis of security will join them. The command will be involved in work of the full-function center of researches of security and development of the domestic software of Western Siberia.

"Today Positive Technologies develops more than ten hi-tech products in the field of counteraction to cyberthreats — Yury Maximov, the CEO of Positive Technologies noted. — Such major problems cannot be solved without involvement of new talented people. As well as other fast-growing IT companies, we face deficit of the qualified testers, developers, researchers — and agree with assessment of the Minister of Telecom and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation Nikolai Nikiforov: Russia needs three times more programmers. One of the reasons of a staff shortage — the permanent leakage of minds connected with not demand of high-class specialists and need to leave abroad".

In August, 2015 F5 Networks Inc. - the software developer, according to Interfax, closed division in Tomsk. At the same time to most of employees suggested to move to the USA.

"Start of new office — a part of our strategy for creation of the knowledge-intensive centers in regions — Maximov emphasized. — We come there where there are a scientific potential and the new ideas to offer domestic developers interesting challenges and to give them an opportunity to implement itself in comfortable conditions, without leaving the hometown. Despite the offer on relocation, after the meeting with us more than 20 employees of the Tomsk office decided to remain in Russia and not to move to warm California. It is sure that the new office will quickly develop. Tomsk is called not accidentally the intellectual and student's capital of Siberia: already now among specialists of the Tomsk division there are young teachers of faculties of information science, cybernetics, applied mathematics".
"High competences of a new command will allow us to achieve serious progress in ensuring quality of development of MaxPatrol SIEM, PT Application Inspector, PT Application Firewall and other products already now and also to accelerate an output to the market of new solutions — Ilya Maximov, the director of ensuring quality of Positive Technologies said. — In the long term the division in Tomsk will become full-fledged development center. At new office, in addition to specialists in QA, information security engineers, network engineers work — and I hope that the number of experts in the IT and cybersecurity different directions, including software testing, will only grow".

Alexey Yerokhin became the director of separate division of Positive Technologies in Tomsk. Earlier he directed the Tomsk office F5 Networks.

"I will not hide: despite desire of most of employees to remain, we actually were ready to leave. In Russia and furthermore in Tomsk there are not a lot of places where could offer us interesting and profile challenges — Alexey Yerokhin noted. — For me very important was a call from Yury Maximov. We discussed how to create division of Positive Technologies in our city, and I thought: if the CEO of the company undertakes such negotiations, and then the company will organize for employees flight on an interview through the half-countries - it speaks about much".

In addition to Tomsk, offices and representative offices of Positive Technologies work in nine cities of the world: Moscow, St. Petersburg, Boston, Dubai, London, Mumbai, Rome, Seoul, Tunis. The number of employees in 2015 increased by 25% — to 466 people and continues to grow.

Expert center in the field of information security

On December 3, 2015 the Positive Technologies company declared the offer of expert services planned for 2016 in the field of information security and investigation of incidents within work of expert center for protection of the companies against new threats.

The company provides support for the organizations and businesses in opposition to sophisticated cyber attacks to their resources in the plans. The announcement of opening of expert center of security of Positive Technologies Expert Security Center (ESC) took place on November 11, 2015.

The relevance of the centers of monitoring is caused by development of the industry of the information security growing at complexity of threats and increase in "cost" of incidents. Becomes more and more obvious - the automated means of protecting are necessary, but are not sufficient for work of services cybersecurity. At this conjuncture private and state companies are forced to look for new, more optimal approaches to identification of threats and response to incidents.

According to the company the service model of security is, perhaps, the most justified solution for expense optimization on data protection. The companies get strong expert support for the solution of the most different tasks of protection of IT infrastructure, an opportunity to predict and prevent threats to valuable assets, with advancing to react to dangerous incidents, to carry out the retrospective analysis for detection of difficult threats and the purposeful attacks.

Alexey Kachalin, the associate director of competence center of Positive Technologies, told:

- Within work of PT Expert Security Center we are ready to help other companies and the centers of monitoring. We will complement competences of Information Security Services and centers of monitoring (SOC and MSSP) with own examination and technological capabilities that means joint work with the research center Positive Technologies — one of the leading world laboratories in the field of cybersecurity which specialists detect every year more than one hundred vulnerabilities of zero day.

Novgorod R&D-центр

On December 9, 2015 the Positive Technologies company announced opening of the center of researches and development in Nizhny Novgorod.

After creation of division in Tomsk, it is the second office opened by the company. Formation of office in Nizhny Novgorod — an opportunity for domestic developers to develop professional skills in the large international IT company, without leaving the hometown. Specialists of a development team of NNX group became the first staff of branch.

Yury Maximov, the CEO of Positive Technologies, said:

- Nizhny Novgorod is considered one of the advanced centers of the Russian information technologies. Here offices and development centers of a set of the international IT companies are located, and local universities have very good reputation in our country. Start of office Positive Technologies in such perspective region opens new opportunities for development of our products. Besides, migration of the foreign IT companies from Russia is noticeable recently. Leaving, they try to take away with themselves the most talented employees. And we would like that the best engineers and developers remained in Russia. And Positive Technologies has tasks which can interest specialists of the highest level.

In Nizhny Novgorod Andrey Novoselov is appointed the director of office Positive Technologies.

Andrey Novoselov noted:

  • For work on projects of the company the team of high quality professionals who were included into the Nizhny Novgorod branch Positive Technologies now was collected. In terms of development of competences, work in the company of such scale offers new prospects, first of all because a scope of knowledge and opportunities for professional growth much more. One and a half years of cooperation suggest complete that ahead we have very interesting challenges. It is sure, the new office will quickly develop.

Except Nizhny Novgorod offices and representative offices of Positive Technologies work in ten cities of the world: Moscow, St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk, Tomsk, Boston, London, Mumbai, Rome, Seoul, Tunis.

The number of employees in the company grew by a third in 2015.


  • 370 employees

Positive Technologies is included in reports of Gartner Hype Cycles as perspective solution provider in the field of security of crucial infrastructures and industrial management systems (OT, ICS, SCADA).


  • 330 employees

According to the researches IDC, Positive Technologies became the leader in growth rates in international market of management systems for vulnerabilities and also took the 3rd place in the Russian market of software for security. Opening of offices in India, the Emirates, Tunisia and the USA.


  • 370 employees

Opening of offices in Italy and Korea. 16 foreign pilot projects, including projects in Samsung and Vodafone companies and also in the Ministry of Defence of India are started. Experts of the company ensured safety of broadcast of Russian presidential elections. Beginning of development of MaxPatrol 9.

Report on activity of the company (June, 2012)



  • 200 employees

Holding first international forum Positive Hack Days. The beginning of cooperation with government institutions is the Ministry of Internal Affairs, FSTEC, FSB, etc. Opening of the first foreign office in London.


  • 100 employees

MegaFon, MTS, Rostelecom, Gazpromneft, Gazprombank, Rosbank and many others became clients of Positive Technologies. Implementation in MaxPatrol company became the character of a technology maturity of business. Positive Technologies began to participate in works of the regulating and supervisory state bodies.


  • 52 employees

Creation of a partner network. Development of department of sales for implementation of MaxPatrol 8. Creation of the command working on carrying out penetration tests: by then the service is already in the increased demand. Creation of training courses on certification of level of proficiency in the main systems capabilities of information security monitoring of MaxPatrol Enterprise Edition.


  • 41 employees

Development and successful output to the market of the new version of a control system of security and compliance to the MaxPatrol 8 standards. The department of software testing is created.


  • 30 employees

Beginning of active development of the company. Beginning of development of the system of control of security and compliance to standards of MaxPatrol. A project startup "Check health of the network" within which any organization had an opportunity free of charge to check the network for existence of vulnerabilities and also to receive recommendations about their elimination. A project startup on continuous testing of virtual platforms of Masterhost company for the purpose of identification of the known and potential software vulnerabilities of online projects.


  • 22 employees

The first unique work on the analysis of the code. Growth of interest in activity of Positive Technologies co of the party of the public (90 thousand viewings on daily, an interview on


  • 11 employees

The first test for hacker penetration is performed. Emergence of network of clients of level of large corporations is Sberbank, VimpelCom, the Ministry of Defence, Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works.


  • 7 employees

Start of the first commercial version of the scanner of security of XSpider and its successful output to the market (300 thousand loaded copies). Beginning of activities for security level assessment.

2002: Foundation of the company

Positive Technologies was founded in 2002. The XSpider scanner became one of the best intelligent scanners of security in the world and purchased such popularity that served as inspiration for creation of other flagship products of Positive Technologies — MaxPatrol and SurfPatrol.

1998: Dmitry Maximov and Evgeny Kireev develop the scanner of security XSpider

In 1998 two enthusiasts Dmitry Maximov and Evgeny Kireev develop the scanner of security XSpider.

Projects, products

The software products developed by Positive Technologies company are certified by the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation, the Federal Service for Technical and Export Control (FSTEC of Russia).

Control system of security and compliance to standards of MaxPatrol

The control system of security and compliance to standards of MaxPatrol allows to receive objective assessment of a status of security both all information system, and separate divisions, nodes and applications. Mechanisms of testing for penetration (Pentest), system checks (Audit) and control of compliance to standards (Compliance) in combination with support of the analysis of different operating systems, DBMS and Web applications allow MaxPatrol to provide continuous technical security audit at all levels of an information system.

Analysis system and control of security of XSpider

The analysis system of security of XSpider is more than 10 years the recognized leader among means of network audit of cybersecurity in Russia. The high efficiency of XSpider allowed a product to win popularity among information security specialists. Independent comparisons of similar products showed that XSpider - one of the best intelligent scanners of security in the world, and not only is not inferior to expensive western solutions, but also exceeds them on keyword parameters.

More than 1000 Russian and foreign companies successfully use XSpider for the analysis and control of security of corporate resources, the leading Russian companies specializing in system integration and consulting in information security field use XSpider for provision of services.

Positive Education

The Positive Education program started in 2012. Such educational institutions of Russia as MSU, MEPhI, MSTU, MATI, SPBGEU, NSU, DVFU, OMGTU, TUSUR, HIIK and others participate in it. Any higher education institution, and even in what there is no specialized department on information security can be connected to the program. Students cannot enter the higher education institution to number of participants, but can find at least one initiative teacher and inform it of pluses of participation in an initiative.

Universities can set and use free of charge both in protective, and in the training purposes the firewall of the application layer PT Application Firewall intended for protection of corporate web portals. And also MaxPatrol SIEM for obtaining skills of identification of incidents of information security in large IT infrastructures. Listeners learn how to provide collecting and information analysis about all assets and events in IT infrastructure in real time, automatically to generate rules of correlation, to work with incidents at the earliest stages and to take preventive measures for protection.

Securitylab portal

The specialized portal on information security of Securitylab (, based by Positive Technologies company - one of the most popular Russian resources on information security. On the portal news and information on events in the field of data protection from around the world, bulletins of safety of software makers and also original and translated analytical articles are published. The most important component of the portal - operational information in Russian about all published vulnerabilities and the recommendation about their elimination. The portal forum is daily attended by thousands of specialists in information security of Russia, the CIS, foreign countries.


The Positive Technologies company specializes in a complex information security audit, assessment of security of the applied systems and Web applications, testing for penetration and implementation of processes of information security monitoring. The company received the status QSA Associate allowing to carry out works on check of compliance to the PCI DSS standard.

Program of MSSP partnership (Managed Security Service Provider)

The Positive Technologies company started in April, 2017 the program of MSSP partnership (Managed Security Service Provider) which will allow the partners certified in this direction to render services in information security support for the clients based on Positive Technologies technologies.

Participants of the program are the service providers rendering cybersecurity services in outsourcing model, will be able to purchase special licenses on products MaxPatrol SIEM, PT MultiScanner and a line of PT Application Security — PT Application Firewall and PT Application Inspector, intended for rendering services to end users. License validity period depending on a product will make from one month to one year. Sale of licenses for the products Positive Technologies for rendering services is performed only to the authorized MSSP partner among requirements to whom:

  • the existing certificate on technical support of the software of Positive Technologies for service provider,
  • sufficient number of the certified technical specialists on products of the selected direction in the state.

By rules of the program integration of the service constructed based on the products Positive Technologies into infrastructure of the customer and the two first lines of technical support will be executed by forces of the MSSP partner. Consultations within the third line will be performed by specialists of Positive Technologies.

The Positive Technologies company reserves the right throughout the entire period of cooperation to exercise vendor control of quality of work of the MSSP partner at all stages of work with the products participating in the program.
