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Research and Production Association "Adaptive Industrial Technologies" Aprotech



Kaspersky Kaspersky - 100%



Aprotech (Adaptive Industrial Technologies Research and Production Association LLC) is a subsidiary of Kaspersky Lab, founded in 2018.

Products and Services

As of July 2022, the company is developing cyber immune products based on KasperskyOS and services for the industrial Internet of Things and digital transformation 4.0. These products - Kaspersky IoT Secure Gateway (KISG) gateways - have an "innate" resistance to cyber attacks, securely connect equipment to the clouds and organize reliable data transport in end-to-end digital services developed in conjunction with partners to solve customer business problems.

Aprotech's services - consulting, auditing and research to prepare for digitalization, as well as cyber risk training for top management - simplify the transition of business to new technologies.



Logo in 2020

Aprotech the Russian is a company created on the basis and with the support of "" and Kaspersky Lab the Group ITELMA"." As of April 2020, the company's main activity is development. computer software

The owners of the company as of April 2020 were: