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Баннер в шапке 2

Roskhim (formerly Russian hydrogen)





+ Roskhim (formerly Russian hydrogen)


2024: Roshim bought Cargo LLC

JSC "Roskhim," which controls a number of large enterprises of the chemical industry, acquired LLC "Cargo," which manages the Berezniki chemical plant "Soda-Khlorat" in the Kama region. Changes in the composition of the founders of the company were made to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (USRUL) in June 2024. Read more here.


Purchase of Kuchuksulfat plant

The Kuchuksulfat plant, which previously belonged to the state, was bought by the Roshim company for 10.3 billion rubles. The results of the corresponding auction on the site summed up at the end of October 2023. Read more here.

Company name change to Roshim

The company "Russian Hydrogen," which controls a number of chemical enterprises in the Russian Federation, in mid-August 2023 announced the change of name to JSC "Roskhim." The company notes that the decision was made "in accordance with the order of the Russian government." As representatives of Roshima explain, the new name of the company "most closely corresponds to the company's business model, emphasizes the unity of the holding's strategic goals with national interests in the chemical industry."