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Stins Coman Stins Coman




Stins Coman is the Russian holding from 14 companies creating high-tech solutions in the field of IT and industrial engineering. The group implements complex projects, from creation of IT infrastructure to DPCs, consulting and custom software development. The situational centers, stands of modeling of aircraft, the system of technical and economic modeling, industrial solutions — some examples from thousands of the most difficult tasks.

In the company high-level examination is saved up, one of the best project teams in Russia is created. Projects for Alfa-Bank, Lukoil, MGTS, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, OAK, Rosneft, RusHydro, Sberbank of the Russian Federation and hundreds of the companies — representatives of different industries and business are complete.


As a part of Stins Coman of 14 independent companies, everyone with the specialization. Thanks to it, the Stins Coman group represents a broad spectrum of solutions, products and services to information technology fields, automation of production processes and environmental safety and also has an opportunity to consolidate forces of all the companies at accomplishment of large projects. The gained synergy effect allows the company to reach qualitatively new level, creating the management information systems which integrate in one information field technology and organizational processes – from the sensor or the actuator before business planning at the enterprise.

Performance Indicators


Revenue of group in 2011 calendar year made 4.5 billion rubles. For comparison, the previous year the similar indicator was 3.2 billion. Thus, by calculations of group, its turnover increased in a year by 40%. The main share of this income (36%) was generated by customers of an oil and gas sector, the industries of power and telecommunications — on 15% became the second in importance. The line of 10% was also crossed by a public sector (11%) and the financial industry (10%).

On activities more than a third of revenue (35%) was the share of engineering, i.e. the installation of heavy industrial equipment which is not connected directly with IT. System integration brought Stins Coman of 20% of the received 4.5 billion. Shares of other directions are more modest: 17%, distribution — 13%, outsourcing — 10% were the share of software development, at last, training yielded to group 5% of revenue.

The Giprogazoochistka company entering into group (is engaged in engineering for the enterprises of production and processing, first of all, purification of gases and waters) for last year earned 1.5 billion rubles. 1.2 more billion rubles were brought by the "Stins Coman" (SC) company specializing in infrastructure works (networks, power supply, ventilation, etc.).

Products & Services

The Stins Coman group represents a broad spectrum of solutions, products and services in the field of IT, automation of production processes and environmental safety and also has an opportunity to consolidate forces of all the companies at accomplishment of large projects.


Among clients for whom the company performed works - the structures which are a part of the Ministry of Internal Affairs,the Ministry of Emergency Situations, a number of large Russian banks, including Sberbank and Alfa-Bank,United Aircraft Corporation,RusHydro and many others.



General shareholder meeting founds Stins Coman Closed joint stock company.


The first subsidiary company STEK Ltd (Sverdlovsk) on production and sale of the computer equipment according to programs of Stins is created;


  • It is created at the initiative of Stins Coman Ltd "Association of the manufacturing enterprises of the computer equipment in domestic market of Russia".
  • The first Handout and the Directory of Stins Coman Ltd are published.


  • The beginning of modification of primary activity of the Company – transition from assembly and sale of computers in information technology field;
  • Additional jobs for 400 pensioners and disabled people from among inhabitants of are created. Zhukovsky.


  • JSC Giprogazoochistka is a part of subsidiary companies of Stins Coman Ltd.
  • Representative offices of Stins Coman Ltd in the cities of Taganrog and Ulyanovsk are open.
  • The trading subsidiary company "Stins East" (Khabarovsk) is created.


In structure of Stins Coman Ltd the non-profit educational institution - "Academy of Information Systems" (AIS) is formed. Within the AIS Stins's employees, subsidiary companies, corporate and potential Customers improve skills. The AIS for a long time also cooperates with the International institute of management of LINK in the field of business education according to programs of Business school of the Open University of Great Britain.


  • The fifth anniversary from the date of formation of Stins Coman Ltd.
  • The distribution subsidiary company STINS CORP. Ltd is formed.


  • Creation of new subsidiary companies:
  • Stins Coman corporation Ltd (SKK, system integration);
  • Stins Coman Integrated Solutions Ltd (SKIR, IT consulting).


  • Development of the system of AIUS RS emergency is begun.
  • The quality management system of the Company is certified on compliance to the ISO standards.
  • Formation of new subsidiary company Kvarts-SK Ltd (maintenance and development of engineering and information infrastructures of Stins Coman Group; real estate administration).


The beginning of initiative implementation at 4 high schools of. Zhukovsky investment educational "school Program". The Program purpose – increase in computer education of school students. Duration – for 2006 inclusive.


  • The tenth anniversary from the date of formation of Stins Coman Ltd.
  • "The center of marketing of innovations and investments" is created.
  • The intranet a system is implemented in operation corporate "Directory".


The subsidiary company Agroimpeks Ltd on production, processing and implementation of agricultural products is formed.


Center of solutions is formed, developments and implementation of solutions based on the Itanium-2 server are begun.


Stins Coman Ltd signed the development agreement and upgrade of the information management system by the JSC Plant of I.A. Likhachev enterprise (ZIL).


  • The state acceptance tests of the automated management information system of a Single state system of liquidation and warning of emergencies (AIUS RSChS) developed by Stins Coman Ltd for Emercom of Russia are complete.
  • JSC Giprgazoochistka signed the agreement with JSC Tatneftegazpererabotka on design of installations of production of sulfur on Achinsk Refinery LLC, Rosneft (Krasnoyarsk Krai).


Fifteen years from the date of formation of Stins Coman Ltd


  • In June, 2008 the Stins Coman company announced completion of the transaction on acquisition of a controlling stake of RiT Technologies, SCS producer. Based on this transaction at first passed actions in number of 5,122,521 into the order of Stins Coman Incorporated that made about 34.9% of the stocks RiT Technologies for total amount of $4,405,368 ($0.86 for an action). Then, according to laws of Israel, the USA and rules of the New York stock exchange NASDAQ, the company finished the announced public offer and redeemed additional 7% of shares of RiT Technologies company. As a result of Stins Coman Corporation LLC received 6,150,336 shares of RiT company, i.e. about 41.9% of the capital stock which is released and being in circulation.

  • STINS Coman Corporation LLC representing the interests of Stins Coman Group was among founders of Non-profit partnership of assistance to development of strategic outsourcing "ASTER".
  • SMR are graduated and gas desulphurization installation (on the project of JSC Giprogazoochistka) on the Yuzhnoye-Hylchuya oil field - for the first time in the Russian Federation behind the Polar circle, in the conditions of permafrost is put in operation.
  • The companies in Singapore are open: STINS COMAN PTE LTD., STINS ENGENEERING PTE LTD., GIPROGAZOOCHISTKA PTE LTD. The first trade operations of these companies began.
  • The share of Stins Coman Ltd in ownership of the Canadian company NEWCON is increased from 10% to 46%.
  • In Agroimpeks LLC the dairy block, a garage and the administrative building are completed by construction.
  • In JSC Giprogazoochistka system implementation of three-dimensional design of Aveva PDMS is begun, the systems of technology modeling and design of SulSim, AspenTech HYSYS, AspenTech HYSYS Amines, Aspen Tasc+, Aspen Acjl+ are implemented.


  • Stins Coman celebrates the 17 anniversary.
  • The Stins Coman company obtained the state accreditation as the organization performing activity in information technology field.
  • The Stins Coman company is licensed by Federal Defense Order Service.
  • JSC Giprogazoochistka signed the large long-term contract with AVEVA company on acquisition of additional jobs of a system of three-dimensional design of AVEVA PDMS.
  • JSC Giprogazoochistka Alekseevskaya, LUKOIL-Volgogradneftegaz LLC completed the works on 3D scanning of booster compressor station of DNS.
  • The NBI company entering into Stins Coman Group signed the service agreement on service of computers and office equipment with three companies of REN-TV media holding.
  • The Stins Coman company received letters of acknowledgement from Emercom of Russia and Administration of Kursk region.


  • Stins Coman celebrates the 18 anniversary.
  • Open auction took place, one of lots of which was devoted to purchase of Emercom of Russia of 35 servers for needs of the ministry. According to the results of an auction the Stins Coman company which offered the smallest price of the contract was recognized the winner.
  • Stins Coman Ltd signed the contract with JSC INTER RAO UES for implementation of a hi-tech system on management of portfolios of trade contracts, a trading activity of the generating assets and commercial risks. The project is expected a year and directed to high-quality improvement of planning and forecasting of a trading activity.
  • JSC Giprogazoochistka signed the agreement on preparation of the project and work documentation on the "Production of Elementary Sulfur as a part of the Combined Installation of Hydrotreating of Vacuum Gasoil" project for Kuibyshev Refinery belonging to JSC Rosneft.
  • JSC Giprogazoochistka returns to the oil and gas market of Uzbekistan. Within the agreement with Uzbekneftegaz National Holding Company the engineering company will execute several projects for the Shurtansky gas-chemical complex.
  • Became Non-State Educational Institution "Academy of Information Systems" the training center authorized by Doctor Web Company.
  • Stins Coman Group was included into the list of the largest IT companies for 2009 according to RAEX and "Kommersant-Dengi".
  • "Stins Corp." and CG Electric Systems Hungary Zrt. ("GANZ") signed the agreement on cooperation within which the Russian distributor and equipment supplier becomes the official partner of the Hungarian enterprise in the European part of Russia.

Year 2011

  • The Corporate university designed to develop the Talent pool and to provide needs of staff of Group for training is created.
  • In JSC Giprogazoochistka the new product is created: uniform the interactive electronic directory with advanced functionality created for optimization and interaction of consumers and producers of technology equipment, a pipeline armature, instrumentation and automated control systems.
  • In JSC Giprogazoochistka competences on primary oil refining and arrangements of fields for the purpose of mastering of the new markets are created.
  • The patent for the invention of a method of receiving sulfur is taken out.
  • At the end of year of Stins Coman Ltd increased amount of works by 6-7 times and in 2012 is going it to double.
  • In Stins Coman Group more than 700 people work. It is among the largest IT companies of Russia according to the ratings of CNews and RAEX for 2011.


  • JSC Giprogazoochistka got the All-Russian award "The Best Company in the field of Product Quality and Services".
  • Stins Coman Group, according to the Kommersant-Dengi magazine, took the 21st place among the best companies of the Russian IT market.


  • On March 16 Giprogazoochistka celebrated the 60 anniversary.
  • Neftekhimproekt LLC (Kiev) was a part of holding. The new company Giproneftegaz Engineering LLC was formed.
  • The RAEX rating agency assigned score to attractiveness of the employer of JSC Giprogazoochistka company at the level of А.hr "The high level of attractiveness of the employer".
  • JSC Giprogazoochistka, according to the English magazine Sulphur, - the largest company in Russia working at the market of sulfur and sulfuric acid. From seven largest Russian projects of the industry four - are implemented by JSC Giprogazoochistka: Afipsky Refinery, Novokuibyshev Refinery, TAHEKO, Ryazan NPK.

  • Stins Coman was fined for a bribe of the Ministry of Internal Affairs:

At the end of May, 2013 the magistrate's court imposed to Stins Coman fine in the amount of 1 million rubles in connection with offense according to Part 1 of Article 19.28 of the Administrative Code (illegal transfer of money to the official, for commission for the benefit of the company by the official of the action connected with the official position held by it), the prosecutor's office of Moscow reported. As explain law enforcement agencies, earlier one of managements of department on material and medical support of the Ministry of Internal Affairs carried out an exit inspection of warehouse of Stins Coman. In its course the violation of conditions of the government contract attracting a financial responsibility before the subordinated Ministry of Internal Affairs of NPO Spetsialnaya tekhnika i svyaz was revealed. With respect thereto the head of the design department of NPP Tekhnoimport entering into Stins Coman group Yury Smelyansky, acting for the benefit of the organizations, tried for a bribe in the amount of 100 thousand rubles to persuade the employee of bodies to make the conclusions about allegedly readiness of delivery of Stins Coman of works, the police found out.

For attempt at bribery to the official the court ordered to pay to Smelyansky a fine twice higher, than the organization for the benefit of which he acted – in the amount of 2 million rubles.


  • The "Stins Coman" (SC) company executed the project on installation of no break power supply system of the DPC power center for TsTV LLC.
  • Stins Coman Ltd till 2020 will perform service maintenance of the Uninterruptible Power Supply Units (UPSU) of the "Development Bank and Foreign Economic Activity" State corporation.
  • Stins Coman Ltd started project implementation on creation of the Situational center equipped with means of communications for operational acceptance of management decisions.
  • SKIR and Stins Koman companies completed the works on creation of DPC and distribution SCS for JSC Vnipipromtekhnologii.
  • Stins Coman Group begins to cooperate with the leading Russian neutral data center in Moscow of Ixcellerate.
  • The partner of RiT Technologies - the Demos company completed and put in operation the project of construction of a structured cabling system for JSC Zarubezhneft.
  • At the Open Innovations Expo 2014 exhibition which took place in Moscow from October 14 to October 16 the Stins Coman company provided one of the last developments – a high-speed wireless local area network with the increased level of protection against unauthorized access - BeamCaster.
  • The "Stins Coman" company entering into Stins Coman group won the tender for upgrade of the engineering systems in shopping centers MEGA, Leroy Merlin and Auchan.


  • Stins Coman Ltd completed the construction of the Center of Information and Analytical Support (CIAS) of System 112 for the All-Russian Research Institute on problems of civil defense and emergencies of Emercom of Russia.
  • The Stins Coman company completed the project on creation of the concept of the information system "Electronic Permit" for Federal Tourism Agency (Rostourism).
  • The Stins Coman company implemented the project on creation of a system of a multipoint video conferencing for Federal State Unitary Enterprise State Corporation on Air Traffic Management.
  • In the USA exclusive right of Stins Coman on an optical system of a laser velocimeter is registered
  • The Stins Corp. company completed installation of a hot isostatic press in one of the leading Russian companies of the space industry
  • The modern video surveillance system of the International airport "Ufa", the first regional air port of Russia which confirmed the compliance to manufacturing standards of ISAGO (IATA Safety Audit for Ground Operations) is implemented. The solution is aimed at increase in safety of passengers, identification and warning of potential risks, collection of information, quick response and conducting operational investigation of incidents. A system allows to increase the level of control of all territory of the airport: terminals, station square and territory, adjacent to the airport.
