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Zelenograd ITK Innovation Territorial Cluster Technounity Zelenograd





Zelenograd Development Corporation (KP "KRZ") is the coordinator of the innovative territorial cluster "Zelenograd." The Corporation's activities are aimed at the development and support of innovative entrepreneurship. One of the Corporation's projects is the Prototyping Center, equipped with 3D printing equipment made of photopolymers, plastic and metal powder. The Prototyping Center supports companies in the development and manufacture of prototypes and devices, including special purposes.

The innovative territorial cluster (ITK) Zelenograd (Technouniti) was created in 2012 with the aim of combining and developing the knowledge-intensive complex of the Zelenograd administrative district of Moscow within the framework of the Concept of Socio-Economic Development of the Russian Federation until 2020.

In 2013, the Moscow Government approved the development program of ITK Zelenograd for 2013-2016.

The industry specialization of the cluster is information and telecommunication systems, electronics, micro- and nanoelectronics. The goal of the cluster development is to create a federal research and production center in the field of information and telecommunication technologies, electronics and nano- and microelectronics, which occupies a worthy place among the leading innovative centers of cities in Europe and the world by realizing significant potential in the field of innovation and determining the level of competitiveness of Russia in the field of defense capability and integrated security.

As of December 2016, the Zelenograd cluster includes 169 microelectronics companies and related industries.

In 2013, ITK Zelenograd, according to the results of a study by the Association of Innovative Regions of Russia of the management system in innovative territorial clusters of the Russian Federation according to the ECEI (European Cluster Excellence Initiative) method, entered the top three clusters in Russia. The cluster actively cooperates with development institutions.



In 2015, the total volume of produced products of the Cluster enterprises reached 25.8 billion rubles in value, which is 10.5% more than in 2014. The growth of total revenue from sales of products in the foreign market in value terms (compared to the previous year) amounted to 16.7%, and in the domestic market - 10.2%.

The most significant contribution to the formation of revenue growth was made by the companies of the innovation cluster - OJSC, NIIME and Micron NIU, MIET OJSC.Angstrom

Vladimir Zaytsev, General Director of the Zelenograd Development Corporation, the Cluster's management company, notes: "On the foreign market, the growth in volumes was due to the growth of the currency exchange rate, as well as the Cluster's enterprises entering the Southeast Asian market. In particular, an agreement was reached between Angstrom OJSC and the Taiwanese Light-On company to start supplying semiconductor components, and sales to South Korean manufacturers of automotive electronics were increased. In the domestic market, the growth in the consumption of products of ITK Zelenograd enterprises has increased due to import substitution programs. "

The volume of innovative products shipped by the Cluster members in-house, as well as innovative works and services performed on their own, in value terms (compared to the previous year) amounted to 9 billion rubles, which is 2.6% higher than the previous year. In 2015, the production of new types of products was launched in several industries at once: electronic engineering, manufacturing, microelectronics, light engineering, nuclear and energy industries. In addition, the enterprises of ITK Zelenograd managed to significantly increase the volume of scientific services provided. The increase in the number of intellectual activity results patented by the organizations participating in the Cluster, including abroad (compared to the previous year), amounted to 30.5%. The volume of work and projects in the field of research and development, which are carried out by cluster organizations together with foreign organizations, has increased. Last year, joint scientific developments with foreign organizations were conducted by OJSC SPC Elvis and NIU MIET.

The participants of the innovative territorial Cluster "Zelenograd" include more than 150 enterprises. The Center for Attracting Investments of the Zelenograd Development Corporation continues to select innovative projects of residents for their further implementation. In 2015, 1,177,7 million rubles were raised from the budget of the city of Moscow, the federal budget and extrabudgetary sources for the development of cluster projects. In 2016, it is planned to allocate about 1 billion rubles for these purposes. To date, more than 15 innovative and infrastructure projects have been initiated by its participants as part of the development of ITK Zelenograd.

One of these large infrastructure projects is the Center for Expanded Access to 3D Integration Technologies for Micro- and Nanoelectronics Products. Its implementation began in 2013. The project is aimed at creating a research and production infrastructure for mastering the technology of 3D integration and providing services to high-tech enterprises in Moscow with the aim of creating modern micro- and nanoelectronic devices based on 3D integration technologies.

The use of the basic technology of 3D integration will make it possible to produce microelectronic products with a lower cost, lower power consumption, smaller overall dimensions, higher performance, quality, functionality and increased reliability.

Consumers of technology will be enterprises of microelectronics and electronics in the market sectors: aviation, space, weapons, special equipment, implantable medical devices, striving to optimize the weight and size and functional parameters of the developed products in order to maintain the level of competitiveness.

The project is being implemented in the consortium by the joint efforts of Zelenograd Innovation and Technology Center JSC (ZITZ JSC), NIU MIET, Russian Electronics JSC, the Infrastructure and Educational Programs Fund (Rusnano JSC) and Fraunhofer Institute (IZM ASSID, IPMS) and Zelenograd Nanotechnological Center JSC (ZNTZ JSC), which is the operator of the project. Now, within the framework of the project, the existing fleet is being retrofitted with engineering equipment.

Another significant project of ITK Zelenograd is the creation of the Scientific Center for Nanoelectronics, which has also been implemented since the 3rd quarter of 2015. Within the framework of the project, it is planned to create the largest competence center in the field of micro- and nanoelectronics in Russia on the basis of the existing leading Russian scientific institution - NIIME OJSC. As a result, an analogue of the Kurchatov Institute Research Center in the field of micro- and nanoelectronics will be created. In 2015, 80 million rubles were raised from the budget of the city of Moscow and the federal budget for the development of the cluster project. and 117 million rubles. - from the funds of the project participants. In 2015, equipment was purchased for the implementation of the project. As a result of its implementation, Russian engineers will gain experience in designing microcircuits using the latest technologies.

Prototyping CenterPrototyping Center [1]another Cluster infrastructure project. The center was created in November 2015 with the support of the Moscow Government as part of the state Small and Medium Business Support Program. It Ministry of Economic Development of the russian is designed to provide services to innovative small and medium-sized enterprises operating in various fields, such as biomedicine, auto electronics, aviation and space systems, micro- and nanoelectronics, etc. The structure created by the Cluster is able to quickly and efficiently design prototypes of high-tech electronics products using modern additive 3D technologies. The volume of investments in the project is 225 million rubles. A unique distinctive feature of the Prototyping Center is the ability to manufacture on its basis a prototype of an electronic device entirely "turnkey" in a single technological cycle, as well as transform the electronic unit of the device into a special custom microcircuit, radically improving the reliability and weight and size characteristics of the device. The specialists of the Prototyping Center expect that a flexible pricing policy and wide possibilities will allow them to reach a capacity utilization factor of over 70% in 2016.

Other projects approved by the Expert Council of ITK Zelenograd include:

  • A project for the production of smart energy metering devices, which involves the creation of a production of smart energy metering devices developed and manufactured on the basis of domestic microelectronic components, and a heterogeneous automated system for monitoring consumed energy resources based on them.
  • Center for the Development of Additive LED Technologies. The project is aimed at creating a research and production infrastructure and mastering the basic technologies for the manufacture of energy-saving LED products for special purposes, as well as electronic LED lighting control devices.

In addition, in 2015, ITK Zelenograd initiated five international projects. In particular, FGU NPK Technological Center, KP KRZ, SD Solutions (St. Petersburg) and the French company 3D PLUS, with the support of the Department of Science and Industry of the Moscow Government, signed a four-sided memorandum on the creation of a new high-tech production of 3D modules for the needs of the aerospace industry and manufacturers of highly reliable special equipment. The creation of a new high-tech enterprise will provide import substitution of the electronic component base for the needs of the aerospace industry and manufacturers of special equipment.

Other international projects include a joint project of Joseph Fourier University (Grenoble) and the Moscow Institute of Electronic Technology (Zelenograd) to launch a "student" Russian-French satellite into orbit to conduct a number of scientific experiments in near-earth orbit. They are of significant interest to both parties - both from a scientific point of view and from the practical use of the results obtained. According to Alexander Basayev, First Deputy Director of the Technological Center NPK MIET, in addition to scientific value, the project will contribute to the entry of Russian space microchips and equipment into world markets. A number of microcircuits for the satellite are planned to be developed using STM's 65 nm radiation-resistant technology. Technologies of this level have never before been used in domestic space instrumentation.

As part of the development of scientific and technical cooperation and joint activities on the basis of concluded cooperation agreements with foreign structures with the Silicon Saxony cluster, in 2015 the Zelenograd ICT initiated a Russian-German project - "Optical nanocomposite materials and nanolayer systems for laser systems with extremely low losses." Its goal is to create the scientific and technical foundations for a highly productive production technology for the manufacture of laser mirrors with low losses, necessary, for example, to improve the performance and accuracy of circular laser gyroscopes.

An agreement on the creation of a joint venture in the field of laser equipment production was signed between the Chinese company BAYI (a resident of the Wuhan New and High Technology Zone) and the Laser and Equipment Group of Companies (a member of ITK Zelenograd). As a result of the joint project, LTCC technology will be mastered, which can be used for the production of high-frequency equipment, optoelectronics and microelectromechanical systems. New opportunities are opening up for the production of electronic products in areas such as telecommunications, medicine, automotive, military and space technology.

All initiated projects distinguish the cooperation of their initiators and participants, attracting investors and partners, obtaining results in the interests of both cluster members and other Russian enterprises in the real sector of the economy.


  1. is designed to solve the following problems: to provide a competitive level of services based on modern equipment software and using the latest technologies; give small and medium-sized companies the opportunity to design and manufacture high-tech products entirely "turnkey," as well as any components of these products; provide the opportunity to use the services of the Prototyping Center to geographically remote small and medium-sized enterprises, including those located To Moscow in and other regions; Russia reduce financial and organizational barriers for small and medium-sized businesses in the design and manufacture of microelectronic products.

    Rapid prototyping - designing and manufacturing a prototype product with minimal time and the use of the latest types of equipment, modeling and design tools - will allow companies-users of the center's services to achieve a new level of competitiveness in the context of the need for import substitution of foreign electronic and microelectronic equipment. Consumers of the services of the Prototyping Center, among others, are start-up companies that do not yet have their own means of designing and manufacturing product samples. is