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Баннер в шапке 2

Main events of week on January 14-20

14.01.13, 02:24, Msk

During a week from January 14 to January 20 IT market will begin to gather a working rhythm gradually. In Kazan, for example, there will take place the conference devoted to safe product development of Microsoft.


January 14

On January 14 Yury Zhuravlev, the chairman of scientific and technical council of Forecsys company, the academician of RAS, the doctor of physical and mathematical sciences was born.

January 15: basis of "Wikipedia"

On January 15 – a birthday at Savva Shipov, the director of the department of state regulation in economy of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation.

This day in 2001 began Wikipedia work: at the moment it is the most popular help resource which contains about 17 million articles in 270 languages (data for 2010). The phenomenon of the online encyclopedia is that its contents is created by users. Management company of the online encyclopedia Wikipedia ("Wikipedia") - Wikimedia Foundation

January 17: Birthday of Oleg Malis

On January 17 Oleg Malis, the chairman of the coordination Consortium 4G sotvet (the Union of LTE) was born. Also president of the Congress of the Jewish religious communities and associations of Russia (KEROR), former senior vice president of Altimo.

One more birthday boy of day -Mikhail Dubin, the First Deputy CEO on strategic development MegaFon.

January 18

On January 18 in Kazan IT park the joint conference of Microsoft and BARS GROUP "Lifecycle of safe development of Microsoft will take place: how to reduce amount of vulnerabilities in the software product".

On January 18 the birth Alexander Stukan, the CEO celebrates Gazprom inform.

One more birthday boy of day -Vitaly Savelyev, the CEO of Aeroflot company.

Also this day Sergey Sitnikov, the governor of the Kostroma region, earlier the head of Federal service on supervision in the field of communication, information technologies and mass communication was born (2008-2012).

January 19

This day Vladimir Belov, the deputy minister was born in the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation, supervises including issues of informatization.

It is possible to study the complete list of events of this week here.