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Belokonev Sergey Yuryevich
Belokonev Sergey Yuryevich

Belokonev Sergey Yuryevich is the Russian political figure, the head of the Federal agency on affairs of youth (Rosmolodezh).


Was born on July 20, 1977 in the settlement of Svoboda of Kursk region, Russia.


2000 - graduated from department of history of the Kursk State Pedagogical University.

2001 - graduated from law department of the Moscow State Social University.

2000 - 2003 - full-time postgraduate study of faculty of History, political science and the rights of the Russian State University for the Humanities.

2004 - defended the master's thesis at philosophical faculty of Lomonosov Moscow State University.

Scientific degree

Candidate of political sciences.

Thesis: "Formation of image of the competitor in regional election campaigns in Russia".


2001 - 2003 - the head of SVM Idushchiye vmeste LLC in St. Petersburg.

2003 - N of BP. - head of National Perspectives fund.

2004 - on December 25, 2007 - the secretary of Federal Council of MOO SRSD "Our".

Since 2005 - the senior teacher of department of political psychology of Lomonosov Moscow State University.

Since 2008 - works at department of sociology and psychology of policy of Lomonosov Moscow State University.

2007 - the curator of the all-Russian program of the movement "Nashi" - "Our elections".

2007 - - created 2011 and was the President of National Perspectives fund.

2007 - the member of the Central Campaign Headquarters of United Russia.

2007 - 2011 - the deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, the 1st vice-chairman of the State Duma Committee of Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation for youth.

May, 2009 - N of BP. - secretary of the Smolensk regional department of the All-Russian batch United Russia.

Since November, 2011 - the deputy manager of Federal Agency for Youth Affairs.

Sergey Belokonev along with Nikita Ivanov and Alexey Rogozin is considered one of probable successors of Vasily Yakemenko on a post of the head of Federal Agency for Youth Affairs.

On June 26, 2012 - [1] is appointed the order of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1082-r the head of Federal Agency for Youth Affairs[1].

The member of Permanent delegation of Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation in Nordic Council.


  • April 11, 2011 - State Duma of the Russian Federation: BELOKONEV S. Yu.//UNITED RUSSIA fraction - About the project of an operating procedure of the State Duma for April 11, 2011.

  • March 18, 2009 - State Duma of the Russian Federation: BELOKONEV S. Yu.//UNITED RUSSIA fraction - About the project of an operating procedure of the State Duma for March 18, 2009.

  • March 18, 2009 - State Duma of the Russian Federation: BELOKONEV S. Yu.//UNITED RUSSIA fraction - Legal instructions.

  • January 14, 2009 - State Duma of the Russian Federation: BELOKONEV S. Yu.//UNITED RUSSIA fraction - Legal instructions.

  • September 12, 2008 - State Duma of the Russian Federation: BELOKONEV S. Yu.//UNITED RUSSIA fraction - About federal law draft No. 70935-5 "About introduction of amendments to the Federal law "About Environmental Assessment" (regarding reduction of the law in compliance with the current legislation)".

  • June 27, 2008 - State Duma of the Russian Federation: BELOKONEV S. Yu.//UNITED RUSSIA fraction - About the draft resolution of the State Duma "About Public youth chamber at the State Duma of Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation".

  • June 27, 2008 - State Duma of the Russian Federation: BELOKONEV S. Yu.//UNITED RUSSIA fraction - About the draft resolution of the State Duma "About the appeal of the State Duma of Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation "To the President of the Russian Federation D.A. Medvedev about the declaration of 2009 Year of youth".

Sergey Belokonev: a master class in MFPA

Sergey Belokonev at the youth forum "Forcing-2012"

Interesting Facts

Sergey Belokonev actively participates in different youth educational forums,[2] gives educational lectures].

Uses social networks, has the pages of VKontakte, Одноклассники.ru, Twitter.

At the beginning of December, 2007, right after election as the deputy of the State Duma, publicly before media took out the chair from the office in a thought, having announced that it has no time to sit out in an office.

Was the director of exhibitions of the innovation projects "Selinn-2006", "Selinn-2007", the author of projects of the All-Russian[1].


Travel, soccer, the innovation projects.

Marital Status

He is married, three children[3].
