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Federal Agency for Youth Affairs Rosmolodezh



+ Government of the Russian Federation

It is no secret that a wave of orange revolutions swept through the CIS space and leaders came to power not as a result of democratic procedures, but under pressure from the crowd. "Our" were created to prevent the possibility of technologically organizing riots. This is insurance in case suddenly they decide to impose on us an undemocratic procedure for choosing a president, "Vasily Yakemenko, founder of the pro-Kremlin youth movement Nashi, told American students.

2024: Appointment of Denis Ashirov as the new head of Rosmolodezh

In mid-August 2024, it was announced the appointment of Denis Ashirov as the new head of Rosmolodezh. He replaced Ksenia Razuvaeva, who, according to the press service of the agency, resigned of her own free will. Read more here.

2021: Ksenia Razuvaev - the new head of Rosmolodezh

On May 17, 2021, Ksenia Razuvaeva was appointed head of the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs (Rosmolodezh). The corresponding order was signed by Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin. Read more here.

2015: Rosmolodezh spent 5 million rubles from the budget on fitness

The Attorney General Russia Yury Chaika accused the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs in April 2015 of misappropriating 5 million rubles for subscriptions to fitness centers. This was reported by "."Interfax

"Budget violations are also committed by executive authorities - for example, the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs even established the fact of misuse of more than 5 million rubles to pay for subscriptions to fitness centers," Chaika said, making a report to the Federation Council.

The materials of the internal investigation conducted on the fact of embezzlement were sent to the prosecutor's office. Meanwhile, the press service of Rosmolodezh explained that the inspection of the Prosecutor General's Office took place in early 2014.


Funding Agency Projects

Vedomosti decided to calculate how much the state spends on Nashi. To do this, we analyzed the data of the register of state contracts and operators of presidential grants. It turned out that in 2007-2010. under state contracts and in the form of grants "Nashi" received 26 million rubles, and organizations created with the participation of their current and former leaders - 441 million rubles. Below we will write simply "Ours" to save space, referring to the movement itself and these organizations.

In total, 467 million rubles are issued. This is a lot, if compared with other youth movements - for example, the "Young Guard of United Russia" and "Local" for the same period from the same sources got only 8 million rubles.

To whom they give

Interestingly, most of the money - 347 million rubles. - went to Our under state contracts concluded with the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs (Rosmolodezh), which, when it was created in 2008, was headed by Yakemenko. In 2009, there were 116 million out of 588 million rubles. all state contracts of Rosmolodezh, and in 2010 - 231 million out of 430 million rubles.

Among the recipients of money, three organizations are in the lead: the Youth Policy 2020 Foundation, the non-profit organizations National Institute Higher School of Management and Healthy Generation.

The Youth Policy 2020 Foundation created in 2008 for 2009-2010. received from Rosmolodezh nine state contracts for 185.6 million rubles. The co-founder of the fund is Arthur Omarov, chief of staff of Nashi. He stood at the origins of the Steel movement, which became famous for organizing an exhibition of puppet heads of opposition politicians, journalists and public figures planted on stakes in the Seliger-2010 camp.

"I have never been associated with Nashi, and I saw Vasily Yakemenko only twice," says Alexander Gagiev, head and co-founder of Youth Policy 2020. - When they began to work with Omarov, I did not know at all that he was related to Our, he always presented himself as the organizer of the Steel project.

According to Gagiev, there are six people on the staff of the fund, and up to 150 more specialists are hired under fixed-term labor contracts. "These people are professionals in organising tourism programmes and youth camps, they have an incredible experience." According to Gagiev, state contracts are not sugar, there are delays in payments. "And we, for example, have 15 contractors for Seliger. How do they explain that the toilets need to be cleaned, and the money will be later? We have to lend, but they do not give loans to secure a state contract, "Gagiev complains.

National Institute "Higher School of Management" in 2007-2010. received 113.5 million rubles. The creators of this non-profit organization were the co-founder and commissioner of Nashi Maria Kislitsyna and the former commissioner of Nashi, and now State Duma deputy from United Russia Sergei Belokonev. Neither Kislitsyna nor Belokonev began to answer Vedomosti's questions.

The non-profit organization "Healthy Generation" from Lyubertsy, created by the former chairman of the board of "Going Together" and the head of one of the branches of "Our" Roman Shvyrev, in 2010 received from Rosmolodezh three state contracts for 60.2 million rubles. Another non-profit organization, Step Towards, was registered at Healthy Generation in Lyubertsy by Shvyrev and partners, which in 2010 received a presidential grant for 2 million rubles. It was not possible to contact Shvyrev.

Why did the organizations created by members of Nashi receive in 2010 more than half of the state contracts of Rosmolodezh, headed by the ex-leader of Nashi? All state contracts go through the law on public procurement, any attempt to influence the decision on the state contract would be a violation of the law - this is how the press secretary of Nashi and Yakemenko Kristina Potupchik answers this question. But the "unique competencies" of the commissioners of "Our" and the "maximum experience" of the organizations they created, she continues, allow them to offer the state the lowest prices - so they win. It also plays its role "the uniqueness of the events held by Rosmolodezh" - there are "not so many competitors." But no one limits competition, "there was a planned check of the Federal Antimonopoly Service, there are no comments," Potupchik concludes.

The commissioner of Nashi and concurrently the chairman of the board of another "our" fund - "Russian Style" (15 million rubles in 2009-2010) Ivan Kosov also proposes not to look for a "background": everyone can participate in the competition, but "to say that Yakemenko contributed to someone is absurd." "Russian style" and "Our" are not the same, insists Kosov: "We share a certain ideology - and that's it. You don't need to look for anything else here. "

What they give

Most of the money goes to the All-Russian International Educational Forum "Seliger," which "Nashi" has been conducting since 2005. Budget expenditures on the organization and provision of the camp, judging by the register of state contracts, from 2007 to 2010 increased more than 60 times: from 1.5 million rubles. up to more than 100 million rubles. (although the number of the forum has grown from 3000 to 20,000 people).

In 2009, Youth Policy 2020 received 40 million rubles under state contracts from Rosmolodezh for the arrangement of the camp and equipment, and 76 million in 2010. "Higher School of Management" for state contracts for trainings, sports, tourist and leisure programs "Seliger-2010" - 20.9 million rubles, and in 2009 - 3.5 million rubles. from the president. Nashi themselves also received a presidential grant for 5.5 million rubles at Seliger-2010. Well, for trifles: the Era Foundation, established by Nashi activist and former adviser to Yakemenko Marina Zademidkova, won Rosmolodezh's contract for 1.9 million rubles. to conduct the Leadership shift at Seliger-2010 (Zademidkova says that she no longer deals with the fund's affairs).

A lot of money, including from Rosobedience and the Ministry of Education and Science, was allocated for training personnel with an emphasis on methodology. Thus, in 2007, the Higher School of Management received 14 million rubles. for "the introduction of a credit-modular training scheme when using distance learning technologies (using the example of the specialty" public relations)"," development and testing of the model of independent work of students when using distance learning technologies (using the example of humanitarian disciplines) "and" development and testing of a model for training personnel in the field of management based on the network interaction of educational institutions using distance learning technologies. " In the same 2007, 17 million rubles. went to "develop and test the methodological support and advanced training of employees of the departments of humanitarian and socio-economic sciences on the development of civil society." In 2008, the Higher School of Management received 41 million rubles for similar tasks, in 2009 - 17 million rubles.

In honor of innovation. In 2010, LLC "Technologies of Youth," created by the head of the "Zvorykinsky project" "Our" Dmitry Koch and his partners, received 38 million rubles.

A notable expense item is the transportation of young people. For example, in 2010, Russian Style received 14.4 million rubles for delivering young people to celebrate National Unity Day.

"Our" is the only movement that notices talented young people, - says Yulia Zimova, project manager of Mishki (8.95 million rubles from Rosmolodezh in 2010) and Our Children (6.52 million rubles in 2009-2010). "When I got into the movement" Our, "I could not imagine that I would have such projects and I would be engaged in competitions, exhibitions and attracting sponsors." Interestingly, before Mishek, Zimova was an activist in the New Civilization movement, created with the money of Mikhail Khodorkovsky. But Zimova also feels quite comfortable with Nashi, she participated in all major mass actions: "We do not have a totalitarian regime in the country."

Not just the state

Our events also have private money. For example, the owner of the Onexim group, Mikhail Prokhorov, allocated 45 million rubles for the innovative change of Seliger-2010.

"Mikhail Prokhorov is not involved in politics, but he is seriously interested in innovative projects, and when he was asked to support the Seliger youth forum, we had the idea to organize and finance one change of the forum, making it fully devoted to innovation and new technologies," explains the representative of Onexima. At first, Yakemenko's associates offered Prokhorov to take over the financing of the entire Seliger, a source close to the businessman says, Prokhorov is indifferent to all these youth movements, but the businessman was asked by a man whom he could not refuse, and Prokhorov proposed an idea with an innovative change.

Among the partners and sponsors of the Seliger-2010 forum, as stated on its website, there were large Western companies. Mercedes-Benz Rus allocated three cars for shuttle flights, Tupperware held culinary screenings in the first two shifts of the forum and handed out lunch boxes and glasses in the camp. KPMG participated in the job fair. A Siemens representative presented the company's career opportunities. And Intel has provided computer equipment for a shift dedicated to the commercialization of scientific and technical developments.

After the Seliger story with dolls in the stakes, representatives of KPMG and Tupperware told the American International Consortium of Investigative Journalists and Novaya Gazeta that they were not aware of the event's connection with Nashi, and a Daimler representative assured them that if the company began to support Seliger in the future, it would require the organizers not to allow "excessive political actions."

Sponsors are also organizations associated with Our. Thus, Gagiev from Youth Policy 2020 is proud that 1.2 million rubles. the fund's profits for 2009 were spent, among other things, on the Train Without Armor project, approved personally by Putin. 60 young journalists were sent to look at the "updated Chechnya" - the visit began with a meeting with Ramzan Kadyrov, and ended with a meeting with "members of the patriotic club" Ramzan. "

Suspected corruption

In the summer of 2010, the Prosecutor General's Office discovered that the contests of the Ministry of Sports and Tourism for the placement of state orders are held with violations. Having studied the tender practice of Rosmolodezh, one of the most active structures subordinate to the ministry, found that it distributes its contracts at the maximum price. It's not illegal in itself. But representatives of the Federal Antimonopoly Service (FAS) found violations in the documentation of some agency contests. These violations give grounds for an unscheduled inspection of Rosmolodezh by FAS employees.

There is practically no competition at Rosmolodezh tenders analyzed tenders and auctions with an initial lot price of 1 million rubles, conducted by the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs in 2010. Of the 39 tenders in 24, there was only one participant who eventually received a contract at the maximum price. In a further eight cases, applications from more than one participant were submitted, but the winner was the participant who offered the highest (in seven cases) starting price.

In three more cases, more than one application was submitted, but in the end there was still one participant: the rest of the applications were rejected. The contract was also for the maximum price. "The situation when only one applicant participated in most competitions suggests either that this sector is anti-competitive in general, or that the rest of the potential participants have lost faith in the possibility of winning these auctions, taking into account the current trend" (stable victory of the same participants), said Dmitri Dmitriyev, a representative of the Legal Department law firm.

Transportation services and meals were purchased without auction

As the FAS state order placement control department told, in 2010 Rosmolodezh received no complaints about tenders. The fact that in most competitions there was only one participant is not a violation of the current legislation.

However, the technical specifications of a number of tenders contain violations that give grounds for an unscheduled inspection. Thus, among other conditions for the fulfillment of contracts, an obligation has been established to provide transport services, as well as catering services. In particular, such conditions are in the terms of reference of the competition for the organization and conduct of the change "Leadership" of the forum "Seliger-2010." Meanwhile, the listed services are included in the auction list and an electronic auction should be held for their provision.