Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2


Katrich Alexey Sergeyevich
Katrich Alexey Sergeyevich


Alexey Katrich was born on March 30, 1971 in Moscow

In 1993 graduated from faculty of calculus mathematics and cybernetics of Lomonosov Moscow State University.

In 1993-1994 worked as the system engineer in LVS Corporation company.

From 1994 to 1999 was the head of development of IT in ING Bank (Eurasia), Moscow. Also in 1999 received an academic degree of the candidate of sociological sciences at Institute of sociology of RAS.

In 1999 — 2001 worked in ING Bank where held a position of the senior business analyst, the head of the block in department regional IT and operational support of branches in EMEA region.

From 2001 to 2004 held a post of the director of information technology in KMB-bank.

In 2004 — 2006 was the director of information technology of United Financial Group Ltd.

2006-2011: The chief information officer in Trust bank

From 2006 to 2011 worked in TRUST bank where held a post of the managing director for information technologies. Among key achievements in informatization of Trust under the leadership of Katrich his successor Alexey Ivanov called centralization of the automated banking systems (ABS) based on New Athena (before bank branches used a large number of the core banking system of own development) and conversion of IT infrastructure when converting a branch network (a part of bank branches was transformed to operational offices).

In 2007 ended training in the EMBA program at the Higher school of management of the State University — Higher School of Economics (Moscow).

2011: The managing director of development department of IT in Sberbank

In February, 2011 Alexey Katrich passed to work into Sberbank to a position of the managing director of development department of IT. In Sberbank Alexey Katrich submitted to Victor Orlovsky, the senior vice president, the head of the Information technologies block. Later Katrich held in Sberbank a post of CIO on the corporate block and on Sberbank CIB company (former Troika Dialog)

In 2011 Alexey Katrich became the shareholder of Sberbank, having taken 0.00009% of its shares.

In August, 2013 Alexey Katrich left Sberbank.

2013: The consultant in IBM Russia

In 2013 it is appointed the senior managing consultant for development of financial market in IBM Eastern Europe and Asia.

2015: The deputy CEO in Technoserv Consulting

On August 17, 2015 announced Technoserv Consulting Alexey Katrich's appointment to a position of the deputy CEO. The sales increase in sectors of finance and retail became the main objective of the head. In addition, focus of attention of Alexey is directed to improvement of processes of customer interaction, including procedures of a preseyl and also to development of a portfolio of offers of the company for banks and trade enterprises.

In Technoserv Consulting Alexey Katrich supervises the block of business development of the company with financial institutions and the enterprises of retail. A key task of the new head is strengthening of positions of the company in these industries — cooperation increase with the current clients and involvement of new customers.

Work on the initiatives strategically important for development of the company will become separate field of activity of Alexey Katrich. This formation of a highly competitive portfolio of IT solutions and services Technoserv Consulting. Optimization of interaction of the block of sales and production of the company will become an important step that will find reflection in change of the procedure of a preseyl.


Alexey Katrich is married, there are two children

Hobby - the photo, sport, brands, travel.