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As of 2014 - Head of the Department of Industry Projects at DIT Moscow.

As of June 2022 - CEO of L2U.

2023: TAdviser interview

Kirill Kuznetsov, CEO of L2U, in an interview with TAdviser spoke about the changes that have occurred recently in the Russian knowledge management market systems, why it is important and how import substitution of such systems takes place, how the company developed its own product in 2023, and also shared the forecast regarding the further development of the KMS market in Russia. [1]Learn more here.


Leaving the post of general director L2U

According to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, in April 2024, Kirill Kuznetsov left the post of general director of L2U.

Modus CEO

According to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities in May 2024, Kirill Kuznetsov took over as general director of Modus.

Data Management Culture - A Meaningful Approach to Doing Business

Over the year, more discoveries have been made in the field of digitalization and artificial intelligence than in the previous 20 years. Moreover, most of the new technologies and tools turned out to be related to the field of data management. Distributed data centers, the CDO (chief data officers) organizational structure as a factor in the cost of companies, the Data Fabric concept - "fresh" ideas seem to be enough.

Unfortunately, entrepreneurs still cannot simply offer staff advanced analytical capabilities. It is important to teach people to understand, data and to analyze and use them to inform opinions when making decisions. Creating a culture (data management Data Culture) is the task of each company that wants to follow the path of digital transformation and remain effective, shared TAdviser to article in the data management expert Kirill Kuznetsov prepared for it.

2025: TAdviser interview

Russian BI artificial intelligence states  Kirill Kuznetsov, CEO of the company, talks about key trends in the market, roles in analytics and large projects for both business and business. Modus Read more here.