Graduated from the Russian Financial Academy at the Government of the Russian Federation, faculty "Financial management" (The master in the field of Finance) and the Moscow State Technical University (MAMI), faculty: "Management and Economy".
On positions the CEO, the chairman of the board, the CEO, successfully created, developed and reorganized activity of a number of the domestic, foreign and international companies in the field of IT integration, HR integration, development. Has more than 16 years' experience of financial and project management. Supervised a number of large projects of automation of management, financial and productive activity of JSC FGC UES, JSC IDGC Holding, JSC Vladivostok Sea Commercial Port, JSC Moskapstroy, APG of Tallinn, JSC Nidan, Sun Chemical MPI, etc. Besides, supervised large domestic and foreign projects in the field of development and construction.
Since October, 2015 Roman Mailyan heads the Supervisory board of the Company, earlier – the managing partner, the CEO of ID-Management Technologies company