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Developers: ATI.SU, ATI.SU (formerly AutoTransInfo)
Date of the premiere of the system: 2013
Last Release Date: 2023/09/11
Branches: Logistics and Distribution,  Transport
Technology: EDMS


Main article: EDMS (more)

ATI-Docks is an electronic document management system created by the ATI.SU Freight Transportation Exchange in 2013.


Start of beta testing of EDO ETrN service

The ATI.SU Freight Exchange has begun beta testing of the electronic consignment note (ETrN) exchange service within the framework of the electronic document management system - ATI-Docks. This tool will provide an opportunity for all participants in the cargo transportation process to include ETrN in the paperless document flow cycle and fully prepare for the stage when the electronic invoice format becomes mandatory. ATI.SU announced this on December 20, 2023.

ETrN, signed by a qualified electronic signature, is an electronic analogue of a standard paper bill of lading necessary for registration of freight road cargo transportation in Russia. As of December 2023, the Federal Tax Service of Russia approved the format of an electronic bill of lading and other electronic transportation documents, and the Ministry of Transport of Russia is gradually preparing a regulatory and technical framework for the mandatory transfer of all participants in cargo transportation to ETrN.

Responding to users' requests in a timely manner, the ATI.SU Freight Transportation Exchange, within its ATI-Doki EDM system, implemented the process of working with ETrN, which meets all relevant legislative and technical requirements, as well as the approved document management regulations of this document.

Several shipper companies and their carriers, which already work on the stock exchange and draw up part of the documents in ATI-Docks, took part in the beta testing. As part of the test, the participants went through the entire transportation cycle and issued an ETrN, each at his stage filled out and signed his part of the document using an electronic signature. As a result of testing, companies were able to assess the process and convenience of electronic design, as well as give their comments and recommendations on improvements that will be taken into account for the full launch of the project.

According to, to business process an employee of the consignor company at the time of shipment of the cargo or in advance forms an ETRN, signs it with a qualified electronic signature, then sends it to the carrier and recipient of the cargo through the ATI-Docks EDM system. After that, the carrier confirms the load and signs the ETrH with a qualified electronic signature. At the moment of unloading, the parties confirm the fact of receiving and transferring the cargo to, EDMS again using the CEP.

All participants in the process work with a single electronic document, which is updated in accordance with the stages of delivery of cargo. The document is stored in the EDM system all the time. As the transportation is completed, it is supplemented with new parts - titles with signatures of the participants in the transportation. At any time, all parties can receive (download) the document from the EDM system. At each signing, information about this is automatically transmitted to the GIS EPD - the state information system of electronic transportation documents.

Beta testing will last until the end of 2023. As a result, the development team will collect feedback from users about the implemented system interface for working with ETrN. Based on this, the service will be finalized, and its integration with other services of the ATI.SU ecosystem and the ATI Driver mobile application will be implemented. The mobile application will allow logistics to keep in touch with the driver and promptly report the status of transportation, the driver to work with eTrN, receive the QR code of the document for presentation to the traffic police on the road, and integration with other ATI.SU services will automate the filling out of the document. The full launch of the EDO ETrN service, available to all ATI.SU users, is planned in early 2024.

{{quote 'Before our eyes in the past few years there has been a strong jump in the automation of cargo transportation associated with the introduction of electronic transportation documents in the industry. The market is actively changing, and as an ecosystem of digital services for the freight market, we need to provide customers with up-to-date tools. The EDO ETrN service organically complements the list of possibilities for automating document flow at ATI.SU, "said Alexander Wilde, Development Director of the ATI.SU Freight Exchange. }}

Use of individual CEP together with machine-readable power of attorney

On September 1, 2023, the procedure for delegating powers to employees who have the right to sign electronic documents on behalf of the organization began to operate in Russia. Now, instead of a qualified electronic signature (CEP) of an authorized employee of a legal entity, it will be necessary to use the CEP of an individual, supplementing it with a machine-readable power of attorney (MCD). The ATI-Docks electronic document management system, which is part of the ATI.SU service ecosystem, has been prepared for interaction with the MFD. Representatives of ATI.SU told about this on September 11, 2023.

According to the amendments to Federal Law No. 63-FZ "On Electronic Signature," on September 1, 2023, the period ends for the transition of commercial companies, state organizations and individual entrepreneurs to the use of machine-readable powers of attorney.

Earlier, to sign electronic documents on behalf of the company, an authorized employee of the organization received an employee of a legal entity in an accredited certification center. In such a CEP, both employee and company data were indicated. An application signed by the head of the organization was submitted to the certification center. When using the MFD, the scheme has changed: KEP for employees (except for general directors and individual entrepreneurs) can no longer be obtained.

The MCD is an electronic XML document created according to the approved format: for example, it must contain data on the manager, his representative and the powers of the representative, and it must be signed by the CEP of the head of a legal entity or individual entrepreneur. You can generate a power of attorney online: such services are provided by the FTS website and other specialized services.

Data on all powers of attorney will be to be stored in a special service of the Federal Tax Service, functioning according technologies blockchain to: on the digital platform of the distributed register. Due to this, the reliability of the system is increased, since each node of the distributed register has a copy of all necessary for operational work with the MCD. information Distributed registry nodes constantly synchronize their local copy of the data with the central node in the Federal Tax Service. ATI-Docks also deployed such a node.

Scenarios in which the manager gives employees the right to sign documents on behalf of the organization are widespread in: transport to logistics for example, in this way, commodity transport consignments are often signed. Therefore, now everyone, freight carrier the shipper and forwarding agent working with, electronic document flow can use this method of delegating this right: make sure that his authorized employees have certificates a qualified electronic signature of an individual, create an MFD and prepare internal information systems for the processing of digital powers of attorney.

In turn, the EDMS "ATI-Docks" is already ready for processing the MFD. From the beginning of 2023, a test operation of the corresponding functionality is carried out, and from September 1, 2023 it is available to all customers of the ATI.SU Freight Exchange.

We constantly monitor the changes in legislation that affect the activities of the Exchange's clients and respond to them in a timely manner. Machine-readable power of attorney is an important stage in the development of electronic document management systems, as it will streamline and automate the management and control over the powers of company employees,
commented Alexander Wilde, Development Director of the ATI.SU Freight Exchange.

Adding the Universal Transfer Document Editor

ATI.SU Freight Exchange has introduced an editor of universal transfer documents (UPD) into its ATI-Docks EDO system. This tool allows you to create, populate, sign and send DPEs. This significantly saves time when working with documentation and speeds up document flow in general. ATI.SU announced this on May 23, 2023.

In Russia, you can fix the transfer of goods or the provision of services with several documents, for example, a certificate of work performed, a bill of TORG-12, etc. The PDA replaces several documents at once: it can be used both as an invoice, and as a primary document, for example, an invoice, and for services, and for goods. APD can also be presented to the Federal Tax Service as a basis for recognizing expenses and receiving a VAT deduction. Due to the use of APD, the volume of document flow is noticeably reduced.

Thousands of documents pass through the ATI.SU Freight Exchange every month. At the same time, all participants in the Exchange automatically become users of the ATI-Docks EDMS - when paying for licenses and replenishing accounts, they receive a DPE.

Thanks to the launched editor, users can create documents and work with them directly in the interface of the ATI-Docks system. Previously, you had to load pre-created files into it through the download form. Thus, the PDA editor greatly simplifies the process of working with documents and saves time.

If necessary, in ATI-Docks you can create a PDA with the desired status: "PDA. Invoice and Certificate, "" PDA. Invoice "or" PDA. Act. "

The ATI-Doki system is an accredited EDO operator, therefore, the APD formed in the system has legal force, it can be signed using a qualified electronic signature and sent to other Exchange participants.

Since UPD refers to reporting documents, the new tool will be useful primarily to accountants. It expands the list of documentation that can be created in the ATI-Docks system: from an application for the transportation of goods to closing certificates. Specialists will be able to fully form such documents in ATI-Docks, sign an electronic signature and exchange them with counterparties.

We are expanding the range of documents that can be formed in our EDO system, designed primarily for. And logistic industries although some companies in our area still prefer to conduct paper document management, EDO is gaining momentum. Therefore, we are striving to create more and more new tools that make working with documents in electronic format more convenient, "commented the Sviatoslav Wilde founder and director of the ATI.SU Freight Exchange.

2022: Confirmation of the status of the electronic document management operator

The operator of the ATI-Doki electronic document management system, which is part of the ATI.SU Freight Exchange ecosystem, has confirmed compliance with the requirements of the Federal Tax Service of Russia for trusted EDO operators. This was announced on June 14, 2022 by ATI.SU. For the first time, the company received this status in December 2020.

From March 1, 2022, there are updated requirements of the Federal tax Service for companies providing services (electronic document management order of June 8, 2021 No. ED-7-26/546). According to the updated rules, EDO operators must ensure the exchange of documents between sellers and buyers, even if they are provided with such a service by different companies. In addition, the need for integration with services FTS and the requirement to conduct round-the-clock technical support for users are legally enshrined.

In May 2022, EDMS ATI-Doki confirmed compliance with the current regulatory requirements for the Electronic Invoice Document Management Operator. Information about this appeared in the Register of EDO operators on the website of the Federal Tax Service. Users of the system can still exchange legally relevant invoices and PDAs, provided they use a qualified electronic signature.

Monthly participants of the ATI.SU Freight Exchange conduct more than 100 thousand documents in the ATI-Doki EDMS. All participants of the Exchange receive access to EDO automatically. A major sender of electronic documents is the Exchange itself, which has translated its own document flow with customers into electronic form.

ATI-Docks offer an intuitive interface, ready-made templates and simple forms that are close in appearance to the usual printed samples. Documents are available from any device connected to the Internet. The system helps to simplify and speed up document flow, keep it without a printer, mail and couriers. You can sign and send invoices, contracts, acts, letters and requirements in a couple of clicks.

"The logistics industry in 2022 will receive from the regulator and EDO operators a regulatory and technical opportunity to translate a key document into electronic format - a bill of lading. This will allow industry companies to switch to paperless document management in road freight transportation. As an EDO operator, we offer customers the services and services necessary for this, therefore, we are obliged to comply with all legal requirements. By the end of the year, we plan to regulate roaming connections with other operators, launch the exchange of electronic waybills and support for machine-readable powers of attorney. We will also continue to refine and expand the functionality of the system and hope that it will become a means for many logistics companies to move to full electronic document management, "

commented Alexander Wilde, Development Director of the ATI.SU Freight Exchange

2021: Inclusion in the Register of Trusted Operators of Legally Significant Electronic Document Management

The Federal Tax Service has included the EDMS ATI-Docks, developed by the ATI.SU Freight Transportation Exchange, in the Register of Trusted Operators of Legally Significant Electronic Document Management. This will allow the company to provide customers from the logistics industry with services on legally significant EDO invoices, as well as other documents: acts, contracts, universal transfer documents. ATI.SU announced this on January 28, 2021.

Gradually developing the EDO service, the company came to the decision to join the network of trusted EDO invoice operators. Federal Tax Service of Russia To do this, a license was first obtained to work FSB with the funds. cryptoprotection information After that, improvements were made that ON made it possible to implement EDO of universal transfer documents (UPD) and a function roaming with other EDO operators (to test such). roaming In the coming months, it is still planned to carry out a redesign, finalize the exchange of ATMs between EDMS users, and put into operation roaming connections with other EDM operators.

At the end of December 2020, the Federal Tax Service approved an application for the status of an EDO operator. This decision was timely, since in connection with the change in taxation of licenses for access to the ATI.SU Freight Exchange databases, from January 1, 2021, it is obliged to issue invoices to customers. Thus, thanks to the status of the EDMS, the company first of all closed its own demand for EDM invoices. In the near future - to give the same opportunity to your clients when exchanging documents among themselves. In the future - to implement EDO of electronic bills of lading as the relevant regulatory legal acts in this area are approved.

Electronic document management is critical for the logistics industry. It allows you to significantly save on postage, helps to reduce the influence of the human factor in all processes, which means it minimizes the number of errors. It also contributes to a significant acceleration of document flow and, as a result, a reduction in the terms of payment for transportation by customers. And, importantly, it provides opportunities for even greater automation of processes in the road freight industry, respectively, contributes to its digital transformation, - comments Alexander Wilde, Development Director of the ATI.SU Freight Exchange.