EDMS (Russian market)
The market for EDMS, ECM and CSP systems in Russia continues to grow. This is confirmed both by a survey of companies participating in this market and by the performance of companies developing and implementing such systems.
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Market Brief in 2023
In 2023, the Russian market for EDMS, ECM and CSP systems underwent changes and showed growth due to several key factors. One of the key drivers of the entire market was import substitution and increased demand for Russian technologies from corporate and. of the public sector The demand for application systems, among other electronic document management things, was hindered by the incompleteness of infrastructure replacement - server ON and. operating systems DBMS
Regulatory regulation had a significant impact on the development of the market. First of all, the legislative framework, which enshrined the use of machine-readable powers of attorney (MCD) when signing electronic documents on behalf of the organization. The active phase of adaptation of customers' EDMS to work with the MFD occurred in 2023.
Another driver of development is the state stimulation of the transition to KEDO. In particular, the introduction of uniform requirements for the format of personnel documents in electronic form. As well as a pilot project for the transition to KEDO in government agencies, which started in June 2023. Legislative support encourages companies to store data on local servers and improve information security.
We saw a surge in interest in our decision to automate e-document management on the Docsvision platform from large companies. A feature of projects in this segment is a high degree of customization of FEDO systems. The reason for this approach is that large companies require not only direct electronic signing of personnel documents, but also ensuring their long-term storage, as well as a comprehensive translation into the number of HR processes of varying degrees of specificity, - said Vladimir Kokhan, commercial director of Digital Design |
At the same time, vendors faced new difficulties - an increase in the key rate and personnel hunger.
Particular attention was paid to the transition to the concept of CSP - content service platforms - which allowed to expand the standard ECM capabilities and improve the flexibility of solutions.
Growing expectations of platforms for flexibility and ability to work with unstructured data are pushing developers to develop CSP funktsionala, the need to quickly adapt to changes prevents them from sitting on outdated Western solutions and motivates them to move to new platforms. However, a high key rate leads to high requirements for real efficiency from product implementation, "comments Liubov Cherkasova, Head of LDM Product Development. |
Technology drivers were indirectly associated with the import substitution factor and, in part, with the transition to remote or hybrid work of most office employees.
Customers have become more demanding on system functionality and flexibility. If earlier many were content with basic automation of document flow, now complex solutions for managing all business processes of the company have become in demand. This led to a qualitative change in the market - from simple EDMS to full-fledged BPMS platforms.
According to experts, the market as a whole was unstable, there were both periods of growth in demand and recessions. Nevertheless, projects on the transition to domestic platforms were in steady demand, especially in companies that have already managed to assess the advantages of electronic document management.
Over the past two years, the market has been undergoing great changes and is growing actively, but heterogeneously. We can say that it is in the stage of forming accurate needs for import substitution. The dynamics, on the one hand, is ensured by the desire of the business for import independence: currently, many companies have begun migration to Russian platforms. On the other hand, legislative changes are the driver: the regulator stimulates the introduction of KEDO systems and services for the MFD, "says Dmitry Makarov, director of the Digital Solutions competence center of the NOTA vendor (Holding T1). |
If in 2022 both manufacturers and customers were in a state of uncertainty, it was difficult to say how the economic situation in the country would develop and how relevant the issue of import substitution would be, then in 2023 it became clear that the implementation of its digital initiatives should be carried out taking into account ensuring technological independence. At the same time, EDMSs belong to key information systems for both business and the public sector, therefore, active demand for their implementation and development has remained. Moreover, Russian EDMS are actively developing in all aspects: technology, performance, user interfaces, - said Ilya Zaychikov, Director of EDMS Development THESIS. |
The segment of the EDMS/ECM market has shown stable growth over the past few years. According to experts - at least 10% annually. The factors that determine the pace of development remain the same as previous years: high rates of digitalization, largely stimulated by the state, the departure of Western IT companies, increased competition in business, requiring cost reduction, optimization of business processes and communications with counterparties through the introduction of digital tools, the explosive spread of such trends as global neural networks and artificial intelligence in applied solutions, - comments Andrei Kozlov, General Director of EOS Soft (EOS Group of Companies). |
Market Volume Estimates
Experts have different market estimates, and quite strongly. Representatives of EDMS vendors interviewed by TAdviser estimate this market in the range of 25-100 billion rubles, taking into account the sale of licenses, and services for the implementation and support of such systems. At the same time, the majority of the surveyed experts consistently determined the dynamics of this market at the level of 15% at the end of 2023.
According to Liubov Cherkasova, the head of the LDM product development department , the volume of the Russian ECM and CSP market in 2023, including licenses and services, amounted to about 40-45 billion rubles. Dmitry Makarov, director of the Digital Solutions competence center of the NOTA vendor (Holding T1), agrees with this figure. He notes that at the same time, the costs of customers for the purchase of services and licenses were divided approximately equally. Andrei Kozlov, General Director of EOS Soft (EOS Group of Companies), estimates the volume of the entire market at about 80 billion rubles. Pavel Kashtanov, General Director of SYNTHELLECT, notes that the volume of the EDMS segment in 2023 amounted to about 80-100 billion rubles.
According to Irina Kuptsova, head of the backend development department of the IT company SimbirSoft, the total volume of the EDMS/ESM market in Russia can range from 50 to 70 billion rubles. This amount includes license sales and related services such as implementation, support and training. The share of services traditionally occupies a significant part of the market, sometimes exceeding the sale of licenses, which is associated with the complexity of projects and the need for individual settings for specific customer requirements.
The total market size is very difficult to estimate. Our forecast for growth within 15% was justified by the results of sales. This applies equally to both licences and our own services. It can be assumed that the growth of services among our partners was more due to the emergence of new tasks and appeals of "sleeping customers," says Vladimir Andreev, president of Docsvision. |
According to our estimates for 2023, the market grew by about 15%. Although some experts predicted an increase of up to 30%. All areas of IT show growth, but it is difficult for any market to hold an annual + 30%, even if there was such a trend. At the same time, the software showed better results than services. In 2023, savings from customers led to increased competition between vendors in terms of the cost of solutions, respectively, the margin at the end of the year was much lower than forecasts, - said Ivan Agapov, Product manager of ECM solutions Directum. |
2023 was a turning point for the Russian market for business process management systems. We saw a significant increase in demand for domestic BPMS solutions, which was largely due to the massive departure of Western vendors. According to our estimates, the market volume in the license segment reached about 12 billion rubles, and taking into account the implementation and support services, this figure is approaching 25 billion rubles, - said Igor Prostokvashin, a leading analyst at Comindware. |
Market Development in 2024
Key growth drivers and restraints, dynamics
As last year, the development of the market was influenced by the business orientation towards digital transformation, import substitution and state initiatives to switch to paperless document management.
Many companies have already passed the stage of automation of internal document management and approval of contractual documents, now their attention is focused on the digitalization of other corporate processes.
Among the growth factors, the need for the business to quickly adapt to the changing market conditions is especially noticeable. Companies are looking for tools to quickly restructure business processes without involving IT professionals. We also see an increasing demand for solutions for managing distributed teams and remote work, "comments Igor Prostokvashin, a leading analyst at Comindware. |
Factors related to the storage of electronic documents and the automation of external document flow also have their influence. This provision is due to government policy aimed at abandoning the paper and effective or expected legislative changes. Among them are a mandatory machine-readable power of attorney from September 1, 2024, requirements for the storage of electronic documents and systems of such storage, the introduction of electronic transportation documents for alcoholic beverages and plans for their mandatory use for other industries.
In 2023, some changes did not inspire software vendors too much. For example, significant format changes for an external EDM, in particular, PDM formats, versions of the MDM format, and various requirements for them. This required the developers to bring the systems into compliance, distracting from the fundamental development of functionality, "says Ivan Agapov, product manager of Directum ECM solutions. |
One of the dynamically developing areas at present is the digitalization of archives. In 2023, Rosarchiv approved the rules for picking, storing and recording electronic archival documents in specialized systems (storage and storage facilities). Now further development of regulation in this area continues.
An important legal initiative will be the law on the storage and conversion of electronic documents, which is especially awaited by organizations with huge archives of paper documents. The innovation will allow companies to move from originals on paper to their legitimate electronic duplicates and eliminate the costs associated with storing paper copies. The bill has been discussed in the State Duma since 2021, but has not yet been adopted, - said Kirill Sokolov, managing director of Citros at SL Soft (part of Softline Group of Companies). |
The transition to paperless document management forces companies to update the base software to support new paper-off capabilities. So, for example, last year projects were implemented to switch to new EP formats with the MFD. In the coming year, we expect the demand for projects to create storage facilities and, in particular, long-term document storage systems, - comments Vladimir Andreev, President of Docsvision. |
In response to a market request, we are introducing systems for long-term storage of electronic documents from our customers, ensuring their legal significance and compliance with archival legislation, "says Vladimir Kokhan, Commercial Director of Digital Design. |
As Olga Podolina, business analyst at Konica Minolta Business Solutions Russia, notes, the market is quite strongly influenced by the development of tax monitoring. For its implementation, an electronic archive and an internal control system are required. EDMS is a convenient tool for implementing this system.
The transition to electronic documents and, as a result, an increase in demand for electronic archives are largely due to the introduction of machine-readable powers of attorney. Their use helps to build confidence in the processes of working with electronic documents. This is due to the possibility of controlling the use of electronic signatures by officials and checking their authority to sign various types of documents, the expert explains. |
In the federal executive bodies, the development of electronic document management in 2024 stimulated a pilot project for the transition to a new procedure for working with digital instructions from the Russian Government. The corresponding experiment started in July and implied the provision of detailed reporting by departments on the intermediate stages of execution of orders. At the same time, the pilot participants could finalize their EDMS for automatic transfer of information or enter data manually on the GosEDO portal.
Legislative initiatives, such as local storage requirements, import substitution requirements and increased security standards, have a significant impact on the choice of Russian solutions.
Laws on personal data (152-FZ), on information (149-FZ) and other regulations establish strict requirements for the processing and storage of information. This encourages companies to implement EDMS and ECM solutions that meet these requirements in order to avoid fines and legal risks.
Russian vendors are actively improving their products and closing the GAP in the difference in functionality with the systems of departed vendors. According to leading projects, it can be seen that the main driver of the transition was state regulators and the timing of the transition to domestic solutions announced by the end of 2024. Some state initiatives simplify companies' work with electronic document management, as was the case with the decree allowing the use of electronic signatures within the EDO, - comments Andrei Preobrazhensky, head of the company's competence center Develonica"" (GC Softline). |
January 1, 2025 for state-owned companies is the deadline when foreign software should be withdrawn from critical infrastructure facilities. Despite the fact that the trend of import substitution did not arise yesterday, many companies postponed to the last and are now spending significant funds to be in time for this deadline, - notes Pavel Kashtanov, General Director of SYNTHELLECT. |
Russian EDMS developers are actively working in the direction of adapting their solutions to import-independent DBMS, OS, office applications, which also has a positive effect on this market segment.
The development of EDMS is influenced by the focus on the centralization of all ECM processes. Many holding structures, which used to consider the EDMS as a decentralized system that automates each subsidiary separately, are now looking towards a single centralized system.
The departure from "patchwork automation" in favor of large corporate information systems automating many related business functions is becoming in demand. As an example, the processes of procurement, coordination and processing of primary accounting documents are often translated into EDMS. Content Server solutions are in great demand. To solve such problems, we have a special solution - the Documento electronic archive system. Archive, which allows you to centralize the storage of all business documentation of the company on a single corporate system, - says Mikhail Egorov, Senior Executive Director of ID Management Technology. |
EDMS plays a key role as a tool for the gradual transition from paper to fully structured electronic documents, and also offers Low-code tools to automate a wide range of tasks. All this is in demand in today's situation, when we are faced with a shortage of personnel and an aggravation of competition, - comments Vladimir Andreev, President of Docsvision. |
Low-code technologies allow users to quickly adapt solutions to their needs. The CSP concept is gaining popularity, which is reflected in the release of flexible and multi-tasking platforms.
However, there are also factors that slow down the development of the market. The main ones are limited budgets of companies for digital transformation, a lack of qualified specialists to implement and support systems, especially in the regions, as well as difficulties in data migration.
In addition, large enterprises often require an individual approach, which increases the implementation time, but makes it possible for vendors to adapt products to high requirements.
Among the factors slowing down the growth of the market, experts also note the difficulties associated with the necessary abandonment of Western system software, office packages and other products, the difficult economic situation and the lack of free funds for development in many industries.
According to Ivan Agapov, product manager of ECM solutions Directum, minimizing factors begin to influence the overall market indicators of the ECM/BPM segment. Demand is declining due to uncertainty and economic risks, as well as overall budget cuts.
Some companies that had not frozen budgets before postponed decision-making for six months to a year. At the same time, the situation has become more dependent on the industry. If it feels good, then digitalization is proceeding as planned, and where profitability has fallen, digitalization begins to slow down. For example, this affected the extractive industry, from coal to oil and gas, - says the expert. |
At the same time, digitalization becomes an alternative to the cost of finding new labor resources, for example, for processing large streams of information or when optimizing overhead.
Assessing the dynamics of the market at the end of 2024, the surveyed experts agree that it will remain positive. Volume growth will be about 10-15% compared to 2023. This growth is largely due to the ongoing digital transformation of the business and active import substitution, an increase in demand for migration projects and support for domestic solutions.
However, it should be borne in mind that the exact indicators will depend on many factors, such as the general economic situation in the country, changes in the legislative framework, the development of technological innovations and the degree of readiness of companies to implement new solutions.
This year we note an increase in the market growth rate. This is due both to the approach of the period for the complete transition of CII objects to domestic software, and to the completion of work on the replacement of the OS and DBMS from large customers and their transition to the replacement of application systems. The indicator is the growth at kolichestvo goszakupok otechestvennogo of 50% of office software sales. Our growth is more modest, but we will be able to give an accurate assessment of it only at the beginning of next year. It can be assumed that this wave will stretch in our market. Including because many large customers belonging to KII do not have time to carry out replacement within the planned period and will do it next year, - comments Vladimir Andreev, President of Docsvision. |
While we estimate that the results will roughly correspond to 2023, it may be slightly higher - an increase of 15-18%. Most likely, the stratification of the situation by industry will continue. The service market may grow more slowly, companies are trying to save and close the necessary work on their own without bringing demand to the market, "predicts Ivan Agapov, Product manager of Directum ECM solutions. |
Artificial intelligence, robots and mobility
One of the key market trends is the integration of artificial intelligence and machine learning. The use of AI and ML allows you to automate the classification of documents, provide intelligent search and forecasting, this significantly increases the efficiency of working with information. Artificial intelligence is able to analyze large amounts of data, identify patterns and predict user needs, making processes more adaptive and personalized.
The electronic document management system is expected to independently make decisions and perform functions that were previously always performed manually by users: filling out various forms, registration data, routing, making decisions about the nature of answers, etc.
There is a lot of useful information in electronic documents that could be used in business, but at the moment few people use this approach. Topics related to the analysis of unstructured information, artificial intelligence technologies, in relation to EDMS, have been discussed for several years. AI technologies are becoming more widespread: data recognition and extraction greatly simplify the work with documents and save time spent on entering and classifying standard documents into electronic document management and electronic archive systems. In most cases, the use of such tools occurs at the level of experiments or single implementations, - said Pavel Perov, product director of Avandok (KORUS Consulting Group of Companies). |
There is more real interest in the use of AI in EDMS projects. Moreover, if before that, mainly, projects using AI were limited to recognition and classification of documents, now AI is starting to try more and more to use it for decision-making and document generation, "says Pavel Kashtanov, CEO of SYNTHELLECT. |
EDMS systems integrated with machine learning elements can be trained based on previous interactions, optimizing document routing and minimizing task time. The combination of EDMS with advanced IT solutions forms not only a more productive working environment, but also creates the basis for the strategic development of a business focused on innovation and efficiency.
At the moment, we are not seeing decent solutions in the market, but the fact that they are talking about it and trying to implement it indicates that such a solution will appear very soon. We are also working in this direction and in the near future we will present developments in artificial intelligence, - comments Mikhail Egorov, Senior Executive Director of ID Management Technology. |
As Irina Kuptsova, head of the backend development department of the IT company SimbirSoft, notes, digital assistants for lawyers and accountants are already appearing, who automate the generation of answers in the process of claim work and help process appeals from citizens and organizations. Companies are increasingly turning to these technologies to optimize their business processes and gain competitive advantages.
Today, market leaders are actively integrating AI and machine learning to automate document processing and analytics, as well as offering industry solutions and finished boxed products, "said Liubov Cherkasova, head of LDM product development . |
We can say that the field of ″ of smart ″ systems is becoming more and more competitive in the market for EDMS, ECM and CSP systems. But there is a question of readiness of solutions. That is, the declaration of their presence, in fact, may result in the need for integration with some other service and additional "dances with tambourines." The level of readiness and complexity of the start significantly affects the effect of the implementation. In our practice, it is the convenience of built-in AI tools that gives the customer the opportunity to further develop the use of intelligent mechanisms: users positively assess innovations and begin to trust AI. Thanks to successful pilots and start-up, customers further independently improve machine learning indicators, expand their areas of use, - comments Ivan Agapov, Product manager of ECM Directum solutions. |
Despite the potential of AI in improving EDI processes, its implementation is accompanied by a number of risks associated with technological limitations, financial costs and time resources, for example, inaccurate recognition, problems of AI assistant training, high implementation costs, etc. Companies must carefully weigh the pros and cons, conduct detailed analysis and preparation before making a decision on integrating AI into their business processes.
Questions remain related to document drafting, preparation of recommendations for further routing and execution of documents, preparation of texts of resolutions and draft responses to standard requests. The inhibitory factor is the insufficient accuracy of such proposals for users, which leads to the need for additional reconciliation and subsequent adjustment of proposals. Another factor slowing down the use of such technologies is the problem of correctly interpreting the analytics of the collected data.
For example, if a company has standards that regulate that each process must have a specific set of documents, then using AI you can analyze many factors (covering business processes with documents, sufficiency or redundancy of documentation, the main reasons for long-term approval or consideration) and develop an action plan to optimize business processes. All these tasks are solved, but they require the involvement of not only companies that are engaged in the development and implementation of software solutions, but also the customers themselves, "explains Pavel Perov. |
Processing and analyzing large amounts of data is made possible by Big Data technologies. They allow you to work with unstructured data, identifying hidden patterns and insights that can be used to optimize business processes and develop new development strategies.
Cloud computing and microservice architecture provide the flexibility and scalability of today's EDMS and ECM solutions. These approaches enable companies to quickly deploy new features, adapt to changing market demands, and efficiently manage resources while saving on infrastructure and support.
Cloud technologies are also transforming the BPMS market. We see a growing demand for hybrid solutions that combine the benefits of a cloud infrastructure with the ability to store critical data on the company's own servers. This is especially true for organizations with high data security requirements, "explains Igor Prostokvashin, a leading analyst at Comindware. |
Mobility and remote access are becoming an integral part of today's workflows. The development of mobile applications and web interfaces gives employees the opportunity to work with documents from anywhere, supporting flexible work models. This increases overall productivity and staff satisfaction, which in turn has a positive impact on the company's business results.
Increasingly, we see interest in mobility: developers go to mobile applications, including KEDO, - said Dmitry Makarov, director of the Digital Solutions competence center of the NOTA vendor (Holding T1). |
The technology stack is becoming more flexible and relevant due to modern programming languages and new structures and environments used by Russian developers. Software robots are used to perform routine processes. RPA technologies provide seamless interaction between different systems. This is especially important in an environment where companies use many disparate applications and need to integrate them effectively.
One of the main trends in systems of the EDMS, ECM and CSP class is the use of artificial intelligence and robotization of routine operations. In terms of function automation, documentary systems have reached a high level of maturity, so the focus of development is shifting towards optimizing processes and processing time to unload employees from routine. The use of RPA and artificial intelligence is just helping in this, - notes Anastasia Litvinenko, Director of Strategic Customer Relations, ITFB Group. |
Process mining and task mining technologies are actively developing, which help companies identify real processes in the organization and find points for optimization. This is particularly important for large companies, where there is often a gap between formal procedures and actual workflows.
Market outlook
The boundary between different classes of systems is gradually blurred. A new class of intelligent platforms for comprehensive business automation is being formed. These solutions will be able not only to perform the specified processes, but also to offer new ways to organize work based on best practices and data analysis.
In the future, the market will transform towards the creation of a single intelligent enterprise content management platform, including collaboration systems, BPM and deep integration of generative AI to automate routine tasks and support decision-making.
Electronic document management systems will be transformed into corporate communications systems. Experts note a steady trend in the de-bureaucratization of large companies, when the document is no longer the main unit of decision-making, and the emphasis is shifted to more informal interaction.
Trends in mobility and de-bureaucratization affect the fact that EDMS become corporate ecosystems. The future of the EDMS is more than just document management, it is the basis for the transformation of the entire business, - said Mikhail Egorov, senior executive director of ID Management Technology. |
The vector of electronic document flow development is increasingly shifting from classic EDMS that provide workflow to flexible CSP solutions based on Low-code/No-code designers and microservice architecture. This approach allows vendors to quickly respond to business tasks without long development.
Such solutions are increasingly important for the digital transformation of organizations, and their functionality often overlaps with BPM systems and allows you to go beyond standard workflow. For example, you can automate work with various applications, personnel processes related to business trips, vacations, hiring, training, document flow of the financial circuit, the work of lawyers and much more, - comments Vladimir Kokhan, commercial director of Digital Design. |
You can predict deeper integration with HR systems, corporate training, which will lead to the creation of complex systems with the user environment, including in a mobile application.
The market is going through a period of rapid change, in fact, we are seeing the convergence of two previously different markets - EDMS and BPM. There are even more participants in this joint market, and it has become even more difficult for customers to choose this or that solution. It is hoped that the Russian EDMS/VRM market will gradually consolidate, and it will determine the final number of players occupying their niches. This will make it possible for vendors to focus on their segment, and for customers to make more conscious decisions about choosing a particular platform, "says Vladimir Andreev, President of Docsvision. |
It is important for the market that customers have sufficient stability. Even in difficult economic conditions, companies, on the one hand, need to be able to maintain profitability, on the other, to continue to develop. Flexibility is therefore becoming a key requirement for enterprise systems, as digital products should not interfere, but help companies adapt and evolve.
The ECM/BPM market and overall enterprise IT applications will be highly competitive. Large integrators began to release their solutions, industry giants are trying to develop and allocate internal teams, new players have appeared who pick up the most understandable and working solutions and scenarios. This is a natural process, in a sense it will spur the development of products. Market visionaries need to go further, take bold tasks, - says Ivan Agapov, Product manager of ECM solutions Directum. |
According to Andrei Kozlov, General Director of EOS Soft (EOS Group of Companies), companies focused on the supply of Western systems or their localized versions will gradually yield their customers to domestic developers. The systems themselves will develop in the direction of expanding the use of Low-code to speed up development and customization processes, increase integration capabilities, readiness for growing loads and fault tolerance.
Most likely, there will be no market saturation, as well as a decrease in demand, in our segment in the next 2-3 years, since companies that postponed the import substitution of EDMS for one reason or another will simply be forced to start migration in the current political and economic realities, the expert predicts. |
Pavel Kashtanov, General Director of SYNTHELLECT, notes that we should expect new initiatives from the state in terms of the possibility of completely excluding paper from entire document management sectors of companies, and further reducing the use of foreign solutions in Russia. In addition, the expert predicts the absorption by CSP class platforms of systems of other classes (CRM, ITSM), the further expansion of tools for scaling and fault tolerance and the use of AI capabilities.
The state is actively encouraging companies to switch to work with digital documents in economic activities, business also sees this as economic feasibility. According to Kirill Sokolov, Managing Director of Citros of SL Soft (part of Softline Group of Companies), this will lead to the fact that the external EDO market will grow faster than the internal EDO segment. The adoption of the law on conversion into electronic documents will give an incentive to the market for archival storage of electronic documents.
The EDMS/ECM market is struggling with dumping and counting on the capabilities of artificial intelligence
In recent years, the growth of the EDMS, ECM and CSP market has reached 20-30%, while import substitution has not become the main trend in the corporate segment. Large companies are in no hurry to change previously implemented Western electronic document management systems, mainly due to the need to allocate significant budgets. High competition in the electronic document management market generates dumping, which can slow down the development of the direction, experts warn. The hot technological trend is the active use of artificial intelligence capabilities - this will allow companies to successfully automate many processes related to documents.

Wave of digitalization and pent-up demand
One way or another, in 2022, the circumstances of previous years influenced the development of the EDMS/ESM market in Russia. First of all, we are talking about a pandemic and high rates of digitalization, actively supported by the state. Despite the dramatically changed conditions and economic difficulties after the events of February 2022, the companies basically decided not to freeze previously started projects.
For the first six months, customers were in a state of uncertainty due to the rapidly changing political situation, but then the market began to gradually adapt to new conditions. The Russian economy has a large margin of safety, so many organizations have continued to implement their digital initiatives. According to our observations, the public sector, banks, oil and gas and energy companies, as well as industrial enterprises are especially active, - said Ilya Zaychikov, Development Director of EDMS THESIS (Haulmont company). |
In 2022, those projects that "swung" and started in 2020-2021 were completed or reached maximum volumes. We work in the market of large companies, which, despite external factors, continued the projects launched earlier and in new conditions, - confirms Konstantin Istomin, executive director of Directum. |
The main drivers of the market were the real need for import substitution after the start of SVO and the economic downturn, which caused the need to optimize business processes and reduce costs, says Pavel Kashtanov, General Director of Synthellect.
The policy of accelerated import substitution proclaimed by the state did not become the main driving force in the segment of large organizations. But in general, we can say that it served as the driver of the wave of import substitution, which manifested itself in 2023 and will smoothly "spread" in subsequent years.
Directum says that their business growth in 2022 amounted to 32%, that is, slightly higher than the indicators of the Russian EDMS/ESM market as a whole - it could add 30%. Haulmont believes it is up only 15%. "Synthellect" estimates the growth of the market even more modestly - at the level of 10%. Vladimir Andreev, President of Docsvision, believes that the EDMS/ESM segment has added 10-15%, but emphasizes that there is no single market valuation metric. There are estimates by the volume of purchased licenses, by the services sold, by the volume of projects implemented. In addition, a significant part of the market is projects implemented in the form of custom development, and not on the basis of platforms.
The largest market participants
The leader in the rating of the largest suppliers of EDMS, ECM and CSP systems in 2022 was the company Synthellect. Its revenues increased by 31.3% to 1.3 billion rubles. TerraLink took the second place in the joint rating of vendors and integrators (1.24 billion rubles, -19.9%), the third - Digital Design Group of Companies (1.16 billion, + 19%).
In total, 21 companies took part in the ranking, including 5 integrators specializing in the implementation of third-party development solutions, and 16 vendors. The total revenue of all participants in the rating from the implementation of EDMS, ECM and CSP projects amounted to 9.8 billion rubles, while the revenue of vendors reached 8.2 billion rubles.
The full version of the rating is available in a separate material under the link > > >.
2023: In line with digital transformation and government initiatives
The EDMS/ECM segment continued to grow steadily in 2023, market participants interviewed unanimously note.
EDMS is an important system for many organizations that allows you to automate not only the office and document management, but also a wide range of business processes, from HR to procurement, says Ilya Zaychikov. |
Therefore, the market still needs to implement and develop such solutions, besides, the issue of replacing foreign systems, the manufacturers of which announced their departure from the Russian market, is relevant, an expert at Haulmont believes.
The head of the company "Synthellect" Pavel Kashtanov identifies 4 key factors for the development of the EDMS/ESM market.
Firstly, this is the unconditional priority of import substitution projects both in connection with the approach of the date of January 1, 2025 for state-owned companies (by this time they should switch to domestic software - approx. TAdviser), and due to the departure of Western vendors from the Russian Federation, the inability to normally develop their solutions in the commercial sector.
Secondly, state legislative initiatives, such as the introduction of machine-readable powers of attorney (MCD) and corporate electronic document management (CEDO), are increasingly reflected in the practical plane of the projects being implemented.
Thirdly, the trend of global digitalization of business is obvious, which replaced the automation of the work of individual sites.
Fourth, due to the growing popularity of GPT technologies, there is an increasing demand for AI in automation projects. Moreover, so far such capabilities are being implemented: recognition, classification/categorization, smart search.
CEO of EOS Group Andrei Kozlov says that the development of the market was determined by the same factors as in the previous year:
- focus on digital transformation (not only in the public sector) - electronic archives, MFD, KEDO;
- state initiatives for digitalization and implementation wherever possible, electronic document management and digital communications with citizens (MPSC, State Public services portal, etc.).
The legislation has changed significantly:
- many familiar documents can now be created and stored exclusively in electronic form;
- the document flow of organizations with most government departments is translated into paperless form;
- new Archive Rules have been released, allowing electronic documents to be stored in special information systems.
Talking about the priorities of customers in 2023, Andrei Kozlov stressed that we can confidently talk about the growth of interest in domestic application software products, and precisely in mutually compatible with Russian OS, DBMS, office packages, CIPF.
If we talk about the list of tasks solved within the framework of projects, then there is an increasing demand for automation of the long-term storage of electronic originals of documents (in particular, for our Archival Business system), electronic signature, digitization of large volumes of paper documents, the use of AI technologies, universal mobile solutions for working with documents (including for import-independent mobile OS and domestic hardware base), - said Andrei Kozlov. |
Dmitry Egorov, Business Development Manager at Konica Minolta Business Solutions Russia, highlights legislative initiatives in the framework of digital transformation, import substitution, opportunities for subsidizing and investing in new developments as positive factors in the market (RFRIT, Ministry of Industry and Trade, Skoltech, etc.).
It is also necessary to note the activity on the part of the state and large business to popularize digital professions, which will undoubtedly play a positive role in the medium and long term, the expert believes. |
Konstantin Istomin is less optimistic about the development of the market in 2023. According to him, the process of import substitution in the field of EDMS is hampered by the reluctance of many companies to allocate large budgets to replace Western systems. The realities of 2023 are such that customers are ready to pay several times less for replacing the information system than they previously spent on creating IP based on Western systems. Although the system has to be rebuilt from scratch, emphasizes the executive director of Directum.
No one benefits and too high competition among Russian developers of electronic document management systems. This gradually leads to dumping. In the end, the whole market will suffer from this, Konstantin Istomin is sure. According to him, deliberately low prices will negatively affect the quality of final solutions, because of this there will be a negative from customers, which will lead to a slowdown in market development. The erroneous installation formed by many customers plays a negative role: Russian software should cost significantly less than imported software.
There is another factor in limiting the development of the market - these are massive purchases of hardware: servers, data storage systems, etc. Companies had to invest a lot in infrastructure tasks for import substitution, and articles on software and services fell under the knife.
Of the negative points, Dmitry Egorov, Business Development Manager of Konica Minolta Business Solutions Russia, notes a lack of qualified personnel, which slows down the development of products and contributes to an increase in the cost of labor on projects. Also, part of the business, especially small and medium-sized companies, is experiencing a funding gap and cannot make a quick transition to digital.
In addition to replacing the EDMS, in 2023, the replacement of the OS, DBMS, office packages and other related software became relevant for many organizations. One example is a project at International Tobacco Marketing Services (ITMS). The task was to quickly and "from the wheels" replace MS Server with Astra Linux without replacing the EDMS and transfer the DBMS from MS SQL to PostgreSQL.
Not all systems fundamentally allow import substitution of the server OS and DBMS, not to mention the speed and parallelism of the replacement processes, but the ED THESIS team successfully coped with this, - said Ilya Zaychikov. - In our product, cross-platform is laid down from the very beginning, various operating systems are supported (including Russian systems based on Linux) and DBMS (including DBMS based on Postgres). |
Haulmont believes that by the end of 2023, the EDMS/ECM market will grow by 20%. According to experts from the Synthellect company, the market will add 10-12% in rubles, that is, taking into account inflation, it will practically not grow. In "Docsvision" believe that the growth rate remained at the level of 15%. The EOS Group of Companies is confident that the dynamics was higher than 12% noted in the previous year.
Expectations from 2024
EDMSECM The same factors as in 2023 will mainly influence the development of the market/in 2024, the interviewed experts are sure. But this is provided that the economic situation does not worsen. In particular, the market will continue to adapt to the growing needs of customers in domestic products.
For us, developers, one of the priorities will be to ensure compatibility of products with domestic system and application office software, as well as with Russian equipment, - said Andrei Kozlov. |
Due to the accelerated inflation rate, further reductions in IT budgets are possible, which will lead to even stricter requirements for systems in terms of their efficiency and versatility, as well as the possibility of further scaling in terms of the number of users and expanding the list of tasks to be solved, warns Andrei Kozlov. Also, according to him, it is possible to shift the emphasis in the projects that have already started.
The area of EDMS/ECM continues to be significantly influenced by legislation and initiatives. On states the one hand, this forces vendors to refine systems to support these innovations, but also sacrifice some of the planned functions. On the other hand, the legislation moves digitalization, expands horizons and motivates solving business problems in a new way.
The state is interested in increasing the transparency of information through digitalization. In the public sector, this well reflects the activity around GosTech. In the business segment, it is worth noting the MFD, tax monitoring, new document formats, State Key, labeling, customs procedures, etc., - comments Konstantin Istomin. |
Stable companies, which in the previous two years chose a "freeze" strategy in terms of budgets, are likely to have already been able to navigate and evaluate economic metrics. Such companies will realize the deferred demand for digitalization, representatives of the EDMS development companies believe.
One of the important factors is personnel shortages at all levels. It concerns both highly qualified developers and specialists of business divisions - those who must generate business benefits using digital tools. Therefore, the relevance of no/low-code approaches becomes even more obvious, emphasizes Konstantin Istomin. For the same reasons, there is a need for digitalization and optimization of hiring and personnel resources processes, he says.
The ability to replace some of the employees with artificial intelligence receives additional justification. Enterprises are encouraged to look at processes using AI more broadly, come up with new areas of application, implement where it used to be easier or cheaper to use human labor.
Technologies based on generative models will switch to productive use from the hype region, Konstantin Istomin expects. If 2023, according to him, was a year of experiments with ChatGPT clones in the corporate sector, the search for application points, restrictions and stop factors, then 2024 should be the year of the first projects with real use. This will be facilitated by the use of Russian models, as well as local ones installed in a closed circuit.
The executive director of the company Directum formulates several key tasks that vendors should face. Firstly, developers need to show the quality of Russian software, its scalability, maximum thoughtfulness and deep understanding of the problems that it must solve, a high-quality interface - in order to be at the world level in everything. Secondly, it is necessary to prove the possibility of reaching a new quality and efficiency of digital transformation, and on cases as close as possible to reality, on mundane business tasks understandable to top management in the current environment.
In projects, we are categorically against simply doing "replacing system A with system B," says Konstantin Istomin. - It is important to bring new business value through the coverage of new processes, deeper digitalization or hyperautomatization, transition to a new generation of product with the addition of intelligent tools. |
According to Mikhail Egorov, Senior Executive Director of ID Management Technology, taking into account the exponential growth of information, including documents, one of the main market requests is the optimal balance between performance, functionality and convenience.
Customers expect the system to be intuitive, simple and convenient, thereby minimizing training and implementation time. A convenient interface and ease of navigation become the basics of successful user interaction with the system, "he said. |
Technological trends in the development of Russian EDMS > > >
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FTS published a rating of electronic document management operators in Russia
In February 2023, the Federal Tax Service (FTS) presented a rating of electronic document management (EDO) operators in Russia. At the time of its publication, the list included 48 accredited EDO operators .
The rating takes into account such parameters of activity as:
- the share of EMO operators with whom roaming is configured;
- number of subscribers;
- number of supported electronic document formats;
- the presence of a demo;
- availability of tax reporting services;
- support for international document exchange.
As indicated by the Federal Tax Service, the provision of roaming (inter-operator connection) is one of the main criteria when choosing an EDM operator. The leaders in this criterion are PF SKB Kontur JSC, Tensor Company LLC, Taxcom LLC, Kaluga Astral JSC and Operator-CRPT LLC.
As noted in the Federal Tax Service, thanks to the information presented in the rating for each EDO operator, any user can learn about the features of electronic document management between business entities and choose an operator according to the necessary criteria (availability of a demo version, the ability to send reports to the Federal Tax Service, etc.).
In addition, the list will help send a message to electronic document management operators (with a copy to the Federal Tax Service of Russia) on roaming issues and go to the operator's page, including the specific service provided to them.
The digital platform for companies and individuals "Sberbank" was included in the list of electronic document management operators compiled by the Federal Tax Service of Russia. Roman Vorobyov, head of EDO projects at Sberbank, said that the data presented in the list of operators are extremely important for everyone who is looking for an EDO operator, and will undoubtedly help determine companies of any size.[1]
Totals and Perspectives - TAdviser Data
2021 results: continued growth
The results of 2021 for the Russian market of electronic document management and corporate content management systems were quite successful. Projects for the implementation of EDMS, ECM and CSP systems not only did not stop, but also actively developed. The market continued to rise, which is confirmed by the financial results of vendors and integrators of such solutions.

Experts of companies operating in this market note the high-quality work state of organizations in the field of distribution E-DOCUMENT FLOW and significant progress in the regulation of such topics as personnel document management, EDS third party, MCD, transport documents, horizontal and tax monitoring and much more.
According to Alexei Chernyshev, an expert at Digital Design, by the end of 2021, the number of large, complex projects covering a large number of automated processes continued to grow.
This year, despite all the difficulties, was effective for us: the customer base has grown, including in target areas. On the other hand, scaling projects quantitatively and qualitatively - customers automate more business processes based on the Docsvision platform, - confirms Vladimir Andreev, president of Docsvision. |
In 2021, government agencies and companies with state participation were quite active. According to Ivan Agapov, product manager Directum, this is due to both the long-term goals of import substitution of such customers and the general tendency to become more flexible.
We have been dealing with the issue of import substitution for a long time and have already passed this path with many customers. In 2021, several powerful projects were completed, for example, in the Government of the Tyumen Region, the Government of the Vologda Region, in Gazprom Invest. A number of projects can be identified in Gazprom subsidiaries, including using or targeting AI, for example, in Gazpromtransgaz Stavropol, says Ivan Agapov. |
Ilya Zaychikov, product owner of the ED THESIS, also noted a landmark project in the public sector.
Of the large projects that started or developed in 2021, we can note the launch of the system in the Government of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, where about 28 thousand jobs are automated and about 8 thousand users work at the same time, "he said. |
Market estimates for 2021
According to TAdviser, the volume of the Russian market for EDMS, ECM and CSP systems at the end of 2021 increased by 10% and reached 64.2 billion rubles. The top 10 leading suppliers (not all of them are represented 2021 in the new rating prepared by TAdviser) provide about 25% of the total market volume, the remaining part is accounted for by suppliers with a share of less than 1% and custom developments.
According to Alexei Chernyshev, an expert at Digital Design, in 2021, the Russian market for EDMS, ECM and CSP systems continued to grow, although growth rates decreased compared to the previous period. A serious event at the end of the year was the "legalization" of personnel electronic document management, which became an incentive for the development of existing systems or the introduction of new ones in many companies.
Vladimir Andreev, president of Docsvision, mentions two other factors that contributed to the growth: the ongoing process of digital transformation of management and increased state pressure in the field of import substitution.
Ivan Agapov, product manager Directum, adds that a new trend could be noted in the digitalization of the 2021 economy: in some cases, the transition to a system-system contact, excluding intermediate links - documents, people, uploads with format transformation.
The most striking example is "tax monitoring." At that moment, the idea of providing data through integration with Tax-3 AIS began to be more actively worked out. Therefore, the demand for ECM solutions was high. The market showed steady growth, our indicators grew by more than 30%, in the whole market, analysts estimated growth by 12-15%, says Ivan Agapov. |
Also, in his opinion, in 2021, the pandemic continued to affect, the world lived in anticipation of the next waves, companies improved interaction in a remote and fully digital format. This trend continued and expanded. And as a result, the volume of electronic documents continued to grow - documents that are originally created digitally.
For retailers, for example, the volume of such documents can reach millions per month and hundreds of millions per year. Do not forget about scanned copies of paper originals of documents, which are widely used for operational work. Accordingly, you need to first work with such assets, and then store, that is, ensure a full life cycle. And if earlier the process tasks were more relevant - processing incoming, coordination, transfer to the counterparty, control of orders, now there was an increased interest in working with archival repositories, "Agapov clarifies. |
Import substitution and the positive attitude of the state towards digitalization have strengthened all existing trends in the Russian segment of the EDMS/ECM. Business received a legislative incentive to switch to IT, thanks to which domestic systems largely even overtook Western ones. Solutions for b2b- and b2g-document management, personnel EDO, interdepartmental exchange of documents were well "pumped."
The Federal Tax Service gradually developed formats for new types of documents, including for electronic contracts. The Ministry of Digital Development promoted the MFD and the State Key, the Ministry of Transport - electronic waybills (ETRN formats (registration of two optional exchange files) were adopted in January, and contracts - in March 2022). Initiatives such as labeling, tax monitoring, stimulating, and somewhere obliging to use electronic rather than paper documents, were triggered.
High demand for electronic document management systems contributed to the growth of financial indicators of market players. In particular, revenue from the sale of licenses for EDMS THESIS and the implementation of implementation projects increased by about 30% compared to 2020, - says Ilya Zaychikov, product owner of EDMS THESIS. |
In his opinion, in 2021, the EDMS market was on the rise. The demand for electronic document management systems grew due to the factor of remote work, which appeared in 2020 due to the coronavirus pandemic. Business and government agencies sought to provide employees with a comfortable connection to resources for working from any home or office devices, including mobile ones. In addition to this, interest in legally significant document management with counterparties has grown.
According to product owner ELMA365 ECM Raisa Akhkyamov, 2021 became positive for the EDMS market, there was a steady growth of about 12-15% compared to 2020.
How the market changed in 2022
Experts note that the greatest impact on the market in 2022 was exerted by the strengthening of the import substitution factor, the withdrawal of Western vendors from the Russian market and the continuation of the state's course towards the digitalization of the economy.
Of course, the most important factor in 2022 was import substitution. The process, which has been going on for many years, has been significantly accelerated this year. This process moved from customers with state participation and state corporations to commercial, as a result of which there was a sharp drop in interest in foreign solutions among commercial companies, and, accordingly, an increase in interest in Russian ones. This year, among commercial companies, Russian EDMS, ECM and CSP systems have finally become "first choice" systems, agrees Alexey Chernyshev, an expert at Digital Design. |
According to Vladimir Andreev, President of Docsvision, the biggest contribution is made by the factors of import substitution and digital transformation of management. The latter includes the growth of decisions on personnel document management related to the adoption of laws on the electronic signature of personnel documents.
In 2022, many unforeseen events occurred: complicating the foreign policy situation, statements about leaving the Russian market of foreign vendors and other companies, sanctions. It became obvious to everyone that only technological independence will ensure the continuity of business processes and the safety of corporate documents. As a result, the demand for migration from foreign EDMS has increased, when choosing a system, customers now pay more attention to independence from the vendor and the possibility of developing the project on their own. ED THESIS is able to successfully compete with foreign products, we carried out a large number of migration projects, including before the import substitution trend appeared, "says Ilya Zaychikov, product owner of the ED THESIS. |
In addition, in a difficult situation, customers strive to squeeze the maximum economic efficiency out of the system being implemented, and therefore not only automate document flow, but also transfer other processes to the EDMS, for example, procurement management or personnel issues. Thus, the high demand for EDMS remains, this is confirmed by a large number of large projects that started in 2022.
TerraLink experts note that in 2022 the most influential factor was the "deESMisation" of the entire direction of Enterprise Information Management - firstly, the departure of Western vendors from the Russian Federation, secondly, a decrease in cost and even transfer/refusal to start new implementation projects due to general uncertainty, and finally, technological shifts - new solutions to a lesser extent ECM/CSP, and to a greater DPA (Digital Process Automation )/BPM. According to Ivan Agapov, product manager Directum, the task of switching to an import-independent IT infrastructure and business applications in 2022 has come to the fore.
Even the movement towards digital interaction has slowed down - the reaction to some of the legislative changes in this area will take place in a longer time. There is a general revision of the IT landscape, a new set of used systems is being formed. At the same time, IT budgets do not grow much, priorities within them change, business requires increased efficiency. For companies, there are not only infrastructure IT tasks, but also a common task to adapt - to rebuild the main processes: logistics, priorities in resources, products, markets, he says. |
According to Agapov, a number of Western vendors who previously served large businesses leave or left Russia, so companies will not be able to work with systems based on SAP, Oracle, IBM FileNet in the medium and long term. And IT solutions for working with corporate data, including archives, are just important to evaluate for a long period. That is, sooner or later, the business will need to change the old platforms. This process has already started, requirements are being formed, alternatives are being considered, the next steps are planned to replace systems. And this is a certain challenge for domestic suppliers - solving all the above problems on huge amounts of information, with high quality of development, scalability at the level of requests that the largest companies in Russia present.
Customers are affected by the economic situation and uncertainty. External factors influenced as much as possible foreign companies that left the Russian market or are doing it now, they had to reorient themselves, freeze projects. To a greater extent, fluctuations affect medium and small businesses, as was the case with the pandemic. In large companies, projects are going as planned, inertia and a margin of safety are triggered, the state is trying to protect the system-forming business.
In general, the situation on the market of Russian application software for corporate business processes is stable. ECM/BPM applications are what you need for flexibility and continuity. Yes, companies will be more careful with budgets, each project will be more strictly evaluated. The green light will receive those solutions and technologies that give business an understandable result: saving money, reducing costs by improving internal processes. And all with a prerequisite for import independence, - explains Ivan Agapov. |
According to Alexei Peregudov, director of work with partners of the EOS company, the market has changed exactly the same way as the country has changed. There are problems, there are successes, there is a departure of vendors.
But here I would not separate the segment of EDMS, ECM and CSP systems from the IT market in general. We are dependent, we need infrastructure, its development, renewal. This affected the fact that some interesting projects either did not start or changed for the worse. On the other hand, for Russian vendors this is a reason for growth. Foreign competitors left and a niche was vacated. Not only in terms of new sales, but also migration of existing customers, - he notes. |
Preliminary results of the work of companies in the field of EDMS, ECM and CSP in 2022
The active position of the state on the digitalization of various types of content, the penetration of new technologies into the EDMS, ECM and CSP platforms, as well as the departure of Western competitors have an optimistic assessment of development prospects. According to TerraLink representatives, despite the extremely difficult situation in the IT market in the first half of 2022, the company expects the implementation of plans for this year and the successful completion of projects. Alexey Peregudov, director of work with partners of the EOS company, is also optimistic.
In sports, they would say "at the peak of form." Our main customer today is government agencies. There are pros and cons to this, of course. But, the digital transformation of public administration, new requirements for the EDMS of state authorities, do not let us get bored. Like any company, we can allocate a number of projects, the implementation of which has replenished our current account, the emergence of new functional modules can also be added there, which brought additional sales. But all this would be impossible without the work of the entire EOS team: experts, developers, technical support, managers, and, of course, our partners. This is our main success factor, - comments Alexey Peregudov. |
According to Alexei Chernyshev, an expert at Digital Design, by the end of 2022 the company expects noticeable results from the development of new areas of automation, for example, KEDO.
Ivan Agapov, product manager Directum, estimates the growth of the company's performance at 20% in 2022. According to him, if you look at the Directum statistics for the three quarters of 2022, the following areas showed themselves to be the most relevant:
1. HR and EDC, including employees' personal account, travel, advance reports, and service calls. Factors continue to influence: legislative support, understandable efficiency and cost reduction, the possibility of operational work with personnel. The relevance of the latter factor did not decrease over the year, but even increased taking into account increased migration and personnel mobility in the current conditions.
2. AI is reaching a productivity plateau and companies are using it in many projects. Intelligent processing of incoming letters and primary letters is widely in demand.
3. Import substitution has made its own adjustments: now companies often need not to solve a new problem, but to solve the old problem, but in a new system. Therefore, the classic does not lose its relevance. And, some functions, for example, checking counterparties, including according to sanctions lists, have become more popular when concluding contracts.
4. Archives - personnel, financial and general; operational and long-term. Interest in the above tasks, the growth of the volume of content - stimulate interest in long-term storage.
5. Information security - the volume of requests including significant information security requirements only for the first quarter of 2022 exceeded the volume of requests on this topic for the entire 2021. We can note an increased interest in the topic, coupled with import independence and scalability.
Konstantin Istomin, executive director of Directum, adds that in general, the market dynamics are multidirectional. On the one hand, part of the competing systems has gone and there is a wave of import substitution. This gives market expansion, incentives for the introduction and start of projects. In addition, the trend set by the state for digitalization remains - government agencies continue the strategy of switching to EDO and further formalization of documents. The Federal Tax Service plans to develop and approve formats for an invoice for payment, price list, advance report, list of insured persons under VHI. The Ministry of Transport should develop formats for a waybill, a transport application, and a charter agreement.
On the other hand, according to Konstantin Istomin, customers due to the departure of Western brands and companies are reformatting their business, changing teams, internal restructuring, etc. It is difficult to start a project in such conditions, it is necessary to achieve some kind of stability. An important factor will be the general state of the economy. Sanctions have a prolonged impact and a long-lasting nature, and how this will affect the economy is not entirely clear. Restructuring on mobilization rails and general uncertainty in the external situation are factors that hinder the start of IT projects, especially for medium and small companies.
In general, we are working and positive. We believe that digital solutions and technologies will be in demand that accelerate business processes, exclude conservative barriers, help teams work effectively, reduce the impact of the human factor and the volume of unnecessary manual operations, "sums up Konstantin Istomin. |
It's just that for the sake of import substitution, budgets are allocated difficult, you need high-quality development and a real effect of investments in IT. Thus, the demand for new technologies that provide digital transformation is even increasing. As an example, now the requirements for the presence of AI are already appearing in many tenders.
We are the developer of domestic EDMS, for us the growth was about 50% year-on-year. The emergence of its own microservice platform, on the basis of which EDMS develops, as well as the presence of a huge accumulated competence in the field of EDMS, was influenced. Continuing the current and opening new projects allows us to confidently increase our performance. At the end of 2021, we are in the Top 3 Russian EDMS. At the end of 2022, we expect continued growth above the market. In general, we expect to maintain in the current figures or insignificant market growth within 5-10%, but at the same time a significant redistribution between domestic and foreign EDMS, "says Rais Akhkyamov, product owner ELMA365 ECM. |
Forecast of the dynamics of the Russian market for EDMS, ECM and CSP systems in 2022
Most experts surveyed by TAdviser predict market growth in 2022. On the one hand, good opportunities for growth come from the market of Western platforms, on the other hand, significant restrictions may arise due to the general economic situation and reduced budgets for the development of content management systems in favor of strengthening other relevant aspects of IT, for example, information security.
There are even fewer reasons to predict than to give estimates in the current market. If there are no dramatic changes in the economy, the trends of this year will continue, then the growth in the import substitution factor will increase, as a result, a slight acceleration of growth in the range of 3-5% is possible. Perhaps the market can grow by 15-18%, says Vladimir Andreev, president of Docsvision. |
According to Alexei Chernyshev, an expert at Digital Design, the dynamics of the EDMS, ECM and CSP systems market for 2022 will remain positive, at the level of 2021, or slightly lower than this indicator. Budgeting of projects took place back in 2021, and according to our practice, there were not many frozen projects in 2022.
Based on our results and the expected revenue growth of about 10%, we can predict a slight market growth, - comments Ilya Zaychikov, product owner of the EDMS THESIS. |
TerraLink experts talk about multidirectional growth. According to them, the acceleration was received by certain market segments, including KEDO, YUZDO projects, import substitution and "alternative" vendor support.
According to TAdviser forecasts, the growth of the Russian market for EDMS, ECM and CSP systems in 2022 and 2023 will be about 10%. At the end of 2023, TAdviser plans to clarify and adjust this data if necessary.
What factors will have a key impact on the market in 2023
In 2023, the development of the EDMS, ECM and CSP systems market will primarily depend on the political and economic situations in the country. Both favorable and not favorable changes can greatly change the situation in this market.
The main factor influencing the market of EDMS, ECM and CSP systems is the general economic situation, which will determine the availability of budgets for EDMS implementation and development projects in companies. Also, changes in the regulation of personnel document management will have a great influence on the market structure, opening up many new opportunities for automating electronic document management and business processes of companies, - notes Alexey Chernyshev, an expert at Digital Design. |
In addition, according to Alexei Chernyshev, the key factor is also the maximum reorientation in new implementation projects to Russian software, as well as the activation of projects for transferring existing systems to import-replaced server infrastructure and server software, which will affect the shares of major market players depending on their compliance with import substitution requirements.
The factors that became relevant in 2022 will remain with us for a long time. In addition, even if the foreign policy situation stabilizes and foreign manufacturers change their position on the Russian market, the possible risks are obvious to everyone. Therefore, customers will continue to pay attention to independence from the vendor, the possibility of independent development, compatibility with Russian software, - says Ilya Zaychikov, product owner of the EDMS THESIS. |
According to Rais Akhkyamov, product owner ELMA365 ECM, it is now difficult to predict, but the factors of 2022, such as import substitution and the termination of support for foreign systems and components, will continue to have a significant impact on the market.
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Dynamics of the Russian market for EDMS, ECM and CSP systems in 2020 and 2021
The market for EDMS, ECM and CSP systems in Russia in 2020 and 2021 continued to grow steadily. Key drivers of this growth include the ongoing digital transformation of companies, import substitution processes, new legislative initiatives and, of course, mass remote work, which contributed to the development of contactless work and paperless document management. As for the dynamics, the majority of Russian experts surveyed estimate it at 10% at the end of 2020, noting a further increase in demand and even greater growth at the end of 2021 - up to 15-20%.
At the beginning of 2020, the growth rate for EDMS services decreased markedly. This was affected by a pandemic that required business to suspend projects, so forecasts were unfavorable for the entire market. However, it was the economic situation that further forced business to make quick decisions, and led to market growth. According to our estimates, in 2020 the EDMS market grew by 10%. As for 2021, we expect dynamics of 10-20%, - said Gennady Popov, CEO of WSS-Consulting. |
In our opinion, in 2021 the market continues to grow, the demand for electronic document management systems remains high. We have launched several new large projects, and in addition, customers who have been working with us for several years continue to scale the EDMS and expand their scope, they say at Haulmont. |
Let's take a closer look at the factors that affect the development of the electronic document management system market.
Growth and containment factors
Pandemic and remote
Two years have passed since the pandemic made the factor of remote work relevant. Many companies now operate in remote or hybrid mode. Therefore, it is necessary that all employees be comfortable connecting to corporate resources and communicating with colleagues. Also important are the issues of control and access from various devices. Modern EDMS perfectly cope with the listed tasks, and this affects their demand.
On top of this, remote work is pushing companies to use legally relevant document management. More and more organizations understand its convenience, connect their counterparties to it, and the trend is gaining momentum. Moreover, a new trend is planned for the development of legally significant personnel document management. The ED THESIS team is already implementing projects in this direction: we are automating HR processes among customers, and in the next releases we plan to add this functionality to the boxed system, they say in Haulmont. |
Gennady Popov, General Director of WSS-Consulting, notes that in 2021 the trend towards automation of remote functions has strengthened. This is confirmed by the demand for mobile applications.
For example, previously mobile solutions were used mainly only by senior managers, but now such solutions are being implemented everywhere for all employees, he notes. |
Denis Seleznev, CEO of First Form, adds that an increasing number of companies are hiring employees from other regions, so the document management process should be automated as soon as possible.
The companies are faced with the task of creating an internal communications loop, which will be integrated with the management system and document management system, to discuss all work tasks, he explains. |
Dmitry Arefiev, head of the Digital Design business process automation department, said that the pandemic was not an impetus for development for all customers. In particular, he noted that many large companies that already use EDMS/ESM class systems and have managed to rebuild their functionality under the new realities of remote work have postponed projects to modernize even obsolete systems.
However, according to him, a fairly large number of market participants appeared, whom the pandemic, on the contrary, pushed to the decision to replace the existing system, since cumbersome and heavily adaptable programs introduced in dock times began to exert significant pressure on the operational efficiency of the business.
Such customers create requirements taking into account new realities: they need to automate not only classical document management processes, but also all the main processes of the back office (the work of a lawyer, buyer, HR department employee, etc.) within the framework of one solution, unconditional support for modern web technologies and interfaces optimized for working with various devices, maximum flexibility and reduction of time-to-market, use of Low-Code tools for the possibility of independent support and development of implemented solutions, - says Dmitry Arefiev. |
Digital transformation
The economy as a whole has adapted to the conditions of the pandemic, so writing off all successes and failures to covid is no longer fashionable, says Alexander Rodionov, director of the Lanit document management systems department. According to him, the transition to remote work has occurred, so we can say that this card has already been played. He believes that in 2021, factors that have played an important role before have come to the fore. Thus, on a global scale, the ongoing digital transformation has the greatest impact on the ECM/CSP market: companies are modernizing their processes and bringing digital products to the market, which logically stimulates the demand for electronic document and process management systems.
In other words, there is no digital transformation without electronic document management, "says Lanit, an expert at the company. |
Legislative initiatives
Within the framework of the general course of the state for universal digitalization, more and more new legislative initiatives and legislative projects appear. This is an experiment of the Ministry of Labor, which gave a new wave of interest and dynamics of demand development in the field of HR processes, and the initiatives of the Federal Tax Service, and in general EDO with counterparties.
In general, confidence in the figure has increased, in the legal significance that you can work without paper and not even go to offices. There was a certain shift in culture, and this affected a wide range of citizens, - notes Konstantin Istomin, executive director of Directum. |
Alexander Rodionov adds that now in Russia there is a unique situation when legislation is ahead of the development of technologies. To date, there are practically no regulatory barriers that would prevent the use of electronic documents instead of paper, but the market is not yet saturated with such products, which opens up a wide scope for developers.
The state is a powerful driver of market development due to the fact that it builds infrastructure - roads and railways, airports, power lines. In terms of informatization and digitalization, the state also took on the role of an infrastructure player. And when any GIS is created, a new niche for business is immediately formed. For example, according to Law No. 336-FZ of 02.07.2021, a state information system will be created where electronic transportation documents will be stored - and another class of solutions will appear, - explains Alexander Rodionov. |
Import substitution
The import substitution factor also continues to operate, especially since in the field of EDMS, Russian products have shown themselves to be competitive and taking into account the peculiarities of workflow and document management in our country. Customers choose Russian products not only because they are obliged to do this or because of the risk of sanctions, but because it is more profitable from several points of view at once: the cost of licenses and technical support, the cost of specialists, the ability to directly interact with the vendor and reduce the risks of complex projects.
Personnel shortage
The IT market has aggravated the problem of personnel hunger and the tendency to move personnel under the wagging of remote work formats. This factor also affects the EDMS market.
The issue of personnel hunger is now acute for all market players, "says Alexander Axelrod, General Director of KORUS Consulting DM, owner of the Sputnik ECM product. - It is difficult to find qualified developers, the cost of highly qualified specialists is high, and the supply on the labor market is significantly lower than the demand. It also affects the solutions market. |
Directum executive director Konstantin Istomin believes that due to competition in the labor market, employers now need to be more attractive. The importance of working with culture has increased, it is important to involve them in teamwork to keep employees. As a result, new forms of interaction take over work with content, carry a new paradigm.
And this is what can be noted as an emerging trend. Therefore, we have released a new tool that meets the requirements of corporate customers for security and full integration into the ecosystem of solutions, Directum- "Agile-board" says Konstantin Istomin. |
How do participants in the Russian EDMS market assess the results of 2020 and 2021
In 2020, the company recorded an increase in sales, and also implemented a number of interesting projects. TerraLink experts helped To MegaFon make a personnel document management system as part of the Ministry of Labor experiment, and the M.Video-Eldorado group with the transition to digital document management based on. TerraLink xDE
The base of frequently repeated solutions built in 2020 on our platforms seriously helped us in 2021, when the cost of attracting technical professionals increased sharply. At the end of 2021, we are waiting for a slight overfulfilling of plans, which should lead in general to a twofold increase in our revenue in the EIM direction, TerraLink notes. |
Digital Design Group (Docsvision platform)
The results of 2021 "Digital Design" characterizes as positive. The area of EDMS, ECM/CSP continues to grow, and the main driver of growth is complex projects to automate the business processes of the back office of large companies. Such projects closely intertwine the classic document management processes characteristic of EDMS, the functionality of managing files of ECM systems, and complex BPM automation.
De facto, in most of our projects, the solution being implemented becomes the central "ridge" of the IT landscape, which determines at least the majority of the company's internal processes, and in some cases, which are becoming more and more, is also used to automate the processes of interaction with an external consumer, "says Dmitry Arefiev, head of business process automation at Digital Design. |
According to Vladimir Andreev, President of Docsvision, key achievements of the year include sales growth by more than 20%, the emergence of new large customers and scaling of existing ones, the transition to older versions of the system, an increase in the number of implementations on the domestic platform (DBMS and OS), the emergence of new needs, including increased interest in centralized electronic archives, automation of specialized processes, for example, corporate audit tasks, legal document management, etc.
Over the past two years, Directum has invested significant resources in import substitution requirements, full-fledged work in the OS based on. Linux At the same time, the company not only made support for multi-platform, but also completely rebuilt the architecture into a microservice one.
Updating the two-in-one platform took longer, but the profit turned out to be much more than just import substitution. Within the team, we worked to release versions faster and better. Now we are successfully transferring customers to a new platform and moving on, "says Konstantin Istomin, Executive Director of Directum. |
At the same time, the company did not slow down the pace of functionality and ready-made solutions, which were especially in demand for a quick transition to digital interaction. A year ago, at the end of 2020, Directum announced the concept of a single Directum RX ecosystem and continues to develop its products in such business areas as contracts and procurement, digital accounting, HR services, business management and teamwork.
New versions of solutions were released in all directions, the functionality was expanded. I will highlight decisions around personnel processes: The employee's personal account, the EDO for easy signing, decisions on business trips and vacations have developed, - said Konstantin Istomin. |
Elma noted that the results correspond to the market trend, and the practice of implementing EDMS/ECM is growing with the market. In 2020, the company launched several large projects, the implementation of which continued in 2021.
Lanit records strong growth at the end of 2021. According to Alexander Rodionov, director of the Lanit document management systems department, the growth will be more than 30%, and this will be a record figure in at least five years.
It will come as a surprise to many that the main growth comes from DocsHouse, our CSP platform, which we announced in April 2020. Probably, the beginning of DocsHouse implementations is the main result that you want to boast about. In just a year and a half, we went from the first release to real projects for three large customers - ДОМ.РФ, Rosselkhozbank and Tele2, and several more contracts are also being signed. The success of DocsHouse confirms our hypothesis that CSP platforms are in demand as a new class of products for document, process and collaboration management. It cannot but rejoice that customers are choosing the Russian development of DocsHouse as a worthy alternative to Western ECM platforms. We have a number of projects left in our portfolio on OpenText/Documentum and IBM FileNet, but their share is steadily decreasing, says Representative Lanit. |
In addition, in 2020, the company began a major redesign of its flagship LanDocs product to meet all import substitution requirements not only on the server side, but also on the client.
Now we can safely declare that the last fragments of code that could be questioned in this sense have been eliminated. This turned out to be not so simple - any system that has been on the market for many years is a multi-layer pie and the question of transferring it to another environment is quite subtle. After all, you need to provide 100% interoperability so that working on various Russian versions of Linux, the customer would not experience any inconvenience. For end users, the migration process was smoothed out due to a preliminary transition to the web client, which works in the new OS in the same way as on Windows, - explained Alexander Rodionov. |
Haulmont said that 2020 was a very important year for the EDMS THESIS. This year, the company won the tender and became the technological basis for a typical system electronic document management for government agencies. The implementation of the project was carried out by the subordinate. In Ministry of Digital Development Russia Research Institute "Sunrise" 2021, a typical cloud-based EDMS solution based on the THESIS system appeared, which is available to all government agencies for free.
Of course, the successful completion of such a project affected financial performance. However, if we talk about income from the sale of licenses and the implementation of EDMS THESIS, then in 2021 we expect an increase of about 20%. This year we have started several new large projects, we have actively developed those started earlier. In addition, it was a productive year for the development of the EDMS THESIS: we released several major updates, the company summed up. |
Gennady Popov, CEO of WSS-Consulting, answering a question about the results of work in 2022-2021, noted that the company is continuously developing existing boxed solutions and producing various new modules - mobile, integration, interface, which allow customers to develop the system and automate new processes in it.
Offering business a large list of solved tasks in EDMS, our system is in demand among existing and new customers, and is successfully implemented at enterprises. When evaluating the results of our work, we also take into account the readiness of our clients to share the results of projects. For example, in 2020, the project of introducing WSS Docs into OMK was recognized as the best in the nomination "Best EDO in corporate governance in the commercial sector" according to the CFO-Russia portal. In 2021, we completed several major projects, released new modules and integration solutions, so by the end of the year we expect no less positive results, "said Gennady Popov. |
GC KORUS Consulting
Alexander Axelrod, General Director of KORUS Consulting DM, owner of the Sputnik ECM product, said that the company has gained confidence in the public sector segment: more than 1000 legal entities and 100 thousand users already work in Sputnik ECM, more than 200 million documents, reports, instructions and visas are stored.
In 2021, KORUS Consulting entered the market of commercial companies with an updated version of Sputnik ECM, capable of digitizing the interaction of people, business and the state.
We consider one of the important IT trends no-code/low-code, so it was important for us to develop the ability to create business processes based on designers - in our opinion, this is an important requirement that will be more critical every year for ECM, BPM and EDMS systems, "said Alexander Axelrod. |
First Form
At the end of 2020, First Form showed revenue growth of 24%. There was an increase in requests from the market for automation and digitalization of document flow and HR processes.
In 2021, we made several successful integrations with external systems and services - with a cloud-based electronic signature service, with a bank payment gateway for making online payments from our mobile application, with Yandex.Maps for distributing delivery areas and for evaluating rental premises. At the end of 2021, we see an increase in complex solutions for business management, - said Denis Seleznev, General Director of First Form. |
Croc Code
Croc Code notes stable growth within the market. In 2020, the company's specialists completed a number of major projects and started new ones, which were continued in 2021.
In 2020, we redesigned our portfolio of solutions, including new partnerships with vendors. At the same time, we are based not only on the needs of our customers, but are guided by the readiness of vendors to adapt their products to changes in legislation, market requirements for scalability and platform functionality, a modern technology stack, - said Alexey Pesterev, director of the Content Management and Document Management business group Croc Code. |
The main task that 1C set itself in 2020 is to help enterprises adapt to changes. For this, during the year, more than 10 releases of the flagship EDMS "1C: Document Flow" were released, in which more than 60 new functions were implemented, useful for effective organization of collaboration and interaction of employees outside the office. Immediately after the announcement of the restrictions, the company held a promotion: a special delivery "1C: Document Flow. Anti-crisis kit for remote work. "
The results of the year showed that they coped with the task, the developments are in demand by customers: we recorded a significant increase in sales, and received grateful responses from customers, "said Ekaterina Makarenko, Document Management Systems Development Department, 1C. |
In 2021, according to 1C, the market developed more smoothly. The trends of past years have remained relevant, in addition, the state adopted important regulatory documents regulating electronic document management. All this stimulated the development of the industry.
Forecast of growth of the Russian EDMS market by 12-15%
On September 29, 2021, the Edith Pro Group of Companies announced that it estimates the growth of the market for electronic document management systems in Russia by the end of 2020 at 10% and predicts an increase in 2021 by another 12-15%.
The global Enterprise Content Management (ECM) systems market is growing. By 2022, its annual growth will be 16.2%, the volume will reach $64 billion according to the research company MarketsandMarkets. Mordor Intelligence believes that the most active growth will be demonstrated by the direction of document management systems.
In Russia, this segment is developing slightly less dynamically. In 2018, the EDMS/ESM market was estimated at 48.5 billion rubles, in 2019 - 52.4 billion rubles. That is, the growth was 8%. According to the forecasts of Edith Pro experts, in 20-21. the acceleration of market development is expected.
This dynamics is due to the fact that the process of business transition to electronic document management in Russia is still at the initial level. According to a survey conducted by the operator of fiscal data OFD.RU, in June 2021, only 3.8% of the country's organizations completed the process of switching to EDO. 38.9% of the companies surveyed deal with approximately the same volumes of paper and electronic documents, 26.8% use only paper.
Many digitalization projects during the pandemic were frozen or postponed by business. However, this trend practically did not affect the development of electronic document management systems. The demand for EDMS has grown steadily, the circle of customers has expanded: the pandemic has spurred those who previously doubted the need to automate document flow. According to our estimates, in 2020 the market volume in Russia will increase by 10%, in 2021 the growth will be 12-15%, "said Dmitry Kichko, General Director of Edit Pro Group of Companies. |
In his opinion, the demand from financial the segment companies, the sphere, and most contributes to the growth of the market constructions. trade In mechanical engineering them, the development of EDMS is most actively taking place.
One of the most popular business requests for EDMS, according to Dmitry Kichko, is platforms that allow companies to replace outdated systems.
Interest in web and mobile EDMS applications is growing. Personnel document management is being more actively automated: private companies and state organizations are gradually switching to electronic work books.
According to the forecast of "Edith Pro," one of the main trends in the development of the EDMS market will be solutions based on AI. We are talking about a variety of assistants that help employees perform routine operations: recognition, classification and sending documents along routes, their processing and smart search.
2019 results: 8% market growth
In 2019, the EDMS/ECM systems market in Russia continued to develop smoothly, without a multiple increase in new customers. Experts note that in recent years we have been talking, first of all, about high-quality transformation and solutions, and individual projects, and not about mass implementations. According to TAdviser, the volume of the domestic EDMS/ESM systems market at the end of 2019 increased by 8% and reached 52.4 billion rubles.
In 2019, the EDMS market grew evolutionarily, we did not observe any sharp shifts, customers implemented their own projects systematically, "says Andrey Chepakin, Commercial Director of ELMA. |
Pavel Kashtanov, General Director of Synthellect, notes that in 2019 there was a widespread desire on the EDMS market to update outdated document flow automation tools with new modern platforms ready to replace dozens of different narrowly focused solutions.
Elena Piskunovich, Director of Microsoft SharePoint, Korus Consulting Group, confirms that the EDMS/ESM systems market is stable, because the need to modernize, maintain and replace electronic document management systems is still strong.
The results of 2019 did not become unexpected: the growth continued, it is comparable to the indicator of 2018 - 5-8%, - she explains. |
Sergey Kuryanov, director of strategic marketing at Docsvision, estimates the market dynamics at 10-12%.
At the same time, the inflation rate was 3%. It turns out that we can state the real growth of the market in 2019, - he says |
According to Alexei Pesterev, head of Content Management and Document Management at CROC, the market in 2019 increased by 8-10%.
At the same time, individual companies show dynamics significantly higher than the market., Nadezhda Shalimova Head of Marketing, EOS notes that for her company 2019 was a record year in terms of indicators. As for the market as a whole, it, according to her, has long survived the stage of active development.
By 2019, there are probably no companies left that, to one degree or another, would not have switched to electronic document management, "adds Sergey Yakimchuk, director of ECM development at TerraLink. And customers began to look towards solutions that promised the expansion of traditional EDMS capabilities. These are robotic process automation (RPA), artificial intelligence and machine learning. Therefore, the main dynamics in 2019, in our opinion, was observed in the market adjacent to the EDMS/ESM - the market for hyperautomatization means. These technologies were of great interest, very high expectations were associated with them. But a significant number of projects in the tasks adjacent to the EDMS, unfortunately, did not happen. |
2020 Estimates and Preliminary Results
Market experts interviewed by TAdviser, for the most part, believe that 2020 has passed for the sphere of EDMS/ESM systems with a plus sign. Many respondents believe that the dynamics at the end of this year will be even higher than in 2019. Experts note that such solutions for their industry did not become a "klondike," in contrast, for example, from the sphere of video conferencing, but nevertheless they were less affected by the crisis than other products.
Despite the stagnation in the economy and the widespread reduction in budgets, I assume that by the end of 2020 the growth of the Russian EDMS/ECM market will be significantly higher than in 2019 and will be at least 20%, - said Pavel Kashtanov, General Director of Synthellect. |
In 2020, I think we should expect a more significant increase than a year earlier - but again not a multiple, but by several percent, which is due to the high level of market saturation and not the most favorable economic situation not only in the country, but also in the world as a whole, - says Nadezhda Shalimova, head of the EOS marketing department. |
In 2020, we expect revenue growth also in the range of 10-12%, and although the forecast for annual inflation is higher than last year (up to 6% for some analysts), this will still be an increase. Observing most of the year a significant drop in the revenue of the software development industry, we can conclude that EDMS/ESM were less affected by the crisis than other products, - said Sergey Kuryanov, director of strategic marketing at Docsvision. - One of the main reasons for the "shortage" of the growth of EDMS is the inhibition of projects in authorities and local government, associated with unscheduled government spending on the elimination of the consequences of the pandemic. |
Elena Piskunovich, director of Microsoft SharePoint at KORUS Consulting Group, believes that in 2020, due to the situation with the pandemic, the massive transition to remote work and the awareness of the importance of electronic document management for the normal functioning of the business, the market should grow by 15-20%.
According to the Alexandra Rodionova director of the department of document management systems, LANIT achieving high growth rates of 20% or more is possible only when expanding the market boundaries, including CSP, BPM, low-code, the ability to work with the content of the document, and group work tools.
Today, the main players have their own hypotheses of rethinking the market. We moved more towards the convenience of work (UX) and "looking" inside the documents, other colleagues - towards the provision of cloud solutions, the third - low-code. Import substitution is another powerful factor capable of ensuring high market dynamics in our country. As for LANIT, by the end of 2020 we will show double-digit growth figures, and I expect them to be higher than the market averages, "says Alexander Rodionov. |
Ilya Zaychikov, Product Owner ED THESIS, also feels the growth of the market and does not notice a decrease in interest in the system of his company.
In 2020, we started several very large projects. In particular, EDMS THESIS won a competition to choose a technological basis for a typical state EDMS, which was conducted by the Voskhod Research Institute subordinate to the Ministry of Communications of the Russian Federation. Many customers who have already implemented the system were also active, but there is a desire to expand its scope and automate new processes, he notes. |
Digital Design in 2020 observed multidirectional dynamics of the EDMS market. The company notes that relatively small customers who were interested in the introduction of ESM systems at the beginning of the year suspended competitive procedures - as well as customers from the most affected sectors of the economy, regardless of their size. In the target segment for the company, large commercial and state corporations, interest in introducing effective automation systems for document-centered processes has rather grown. Another important factor is the need for customers to ensure the efficient and secure remote work of their employees in corporate information systems, which is manifested in solving the issues of integrating ECM systems with EDM operators, ensuring the legal significance of decisions made and focusing on the use of a fully functional web interface.
As a result, we hope that by the results of 2020 we will achieve the planned sales targets set even before the situation with the pandemic, and most likely even with some excess, "says Dmitry Arefiev, head of business process automation at Digital Design. |
TerraLink gives "extremely cautious" revenue expectations in 2020, although they very much hope to seriously exceed their own forecast results.
In 2020, on the one hand, we can note an increase in the IT maturity of business customers and users, leading them to the need to automate processes and replace outdated corporate software, which spurs the demand for high-quality ECM projects. On the other hand, the EDMS market is influenced by a rather complex set of factors, which certainly needs to include both import substitution and the epidemiological situation and related restrictions, "says Sergey Yakimchuk, director of ECM development at TerraLink. |
Insignificant market growth (by one percent) is expected in the company "CROC." According to Alexei Pesterev, head of the Content Management and Document Management department of this company, quite a few customers from different business sectors froze projects.
A significant decline in business here fell on the second - the beginning of the third quarters of 2020, when everyone had to adapt to new realities. At the same time, in the public sector, the pandemic practically did not affect the freezing of ECM projects, he notes. |
Oleg Korotovsky, head of marketing at Citeck, also speaks about the slight growth. According to him, the growth rate will decrease due to the crisis, but one way or another there will be growth in monetary terms, albeit not as high as in previous years.
Denis Seleznev, General Director of First Form, believes that by the end of 2020, the market volume will remain at about the level of 2019. He notes that on the one hand, the needs for solutions of the EDMS/ECM class have grown due to the transition of companies to telecommuting, but on the other hand, economic difficulties limit investments. These two trends have balanced each other, the expert believes.
Pandemic, as a growth driver for the EDMS/ECM systems market
The 2020 pandemic has shown how important it is to digitalize business processes and ensure their continuity in case of unforeseen situations. The EDM has in many cases become an ideal tool for this, as modern systems cover many areas beyond the scope of the office, registration and coordination of documents.
Experts note that the market has revived in 2020 - those companies that used to look closely, but waited, began to act more actively.
At the same time, customers more carefully assess the benefits of the solutions being implemented - they automate where it will bring quick and guaranteed returns. This is a positive trend for us, since we are ready to justify the advantages of our implementations and count ROI from the projects being implemented, "says Denis Seleznev, General Director of First Form. |
Ilya Zaychikov, Product Owner EDMS THESIS also speaks about the accelerated launch of projects in 2020. According to him, this is due to the fact that customers needed to provide employees with the opportunity to fully work from home.
For many companies, the pandemic has become an impetus for the decision to introduce EDMS, he explains. |
2020 can be described as the year of this digital transformation, the general director of Synthellect believes Pavel Kashtanov. According to him, the global pandemic has made its adjustments and has repeatedly increased the priorities for the transition of companies to paperless technologies and the automation of document processing processes.
The EDMS is the tool on which the fate of the enterprise largely depends on the effective operation in a pandemic and the remote operation of most office employees, he notes. |
As a result of the pandemic, everyone became aware of the need to abandon paper document management and the need to support remote work of users within the framework of document processing processes, which is impossible without a developed document management system.
The 2020 agenda is superimposed on the general trend of digital transformation, in which EDMS/ESM systems also play a key role. In general, despite the general crisis, the EDMS market seems to have received an additional impetus for development, - said Vladimir Andreev, president of Docsvision. |
Director of the Department of Document Management Systems LANIT Alexander Rodionov says that in 2020 the demand for finalizing electronic document management systems has increased.
In some organizations, EDMS was introduced for a large volume of documents, and used the product extremely limited. Now I had to move on to real full-scale operation. And any system, when they begin to use it intensively, needs to be improved. We got contracts from some of our customers that they never signed so quickly. In my opinion, next year we will have another wave of requests for re-education, because some percentage of customers did not receive an adequate response to their acute problems from current suppliers. At the same time, the slowdown in demand and business activity associated with the pandemic affected the transaction cycle, some large projects were postponed until next year, he notes. |
According to Oleg Korotovsky, head of marketing at Citeck, the pandemic immediately exposed three factors that make EDMS an attractive solution:
- Minimizes the human factor and its impact on the delivery quality of the last mile, or delivery within a large company to a specific division.
- The problem of interacting with a large number of people along the delivery chain disappears, in which it is highly likely to encounter a covid patient or become infected from a document received from charged COVID-19.
- By implementing an IT solution for legally relevant document management with electronic digital signature support and setting up the business processes of the system properly, the customer will have an action plan for any force majeure, as well as full transparency of document management with his partners and counterparties.
Our experience has shown that those companies and organizations where the level of maturity of electronic document management was high, easily coped with the transition to a remote mode of operation. This is not to say that the rest, realizing the potential and need for EDMS, immediately began implementation projects, but at least many thought about it. We already see requests for an increase in licenses for our solutions, there will be pent-up demand: when organizations understand the financial situation they will find themselves in after the exit from the coronavirus crisis, the number of projects to implement EDMS will increase, - said Nadezhda Shalimova, head of marketing at EOS. |
The same companies that went to forced remote work, but did not have time to establish internal and external electronic document management, were literally paralyzed. Elena Piskunovich, director of Microsoft SharePoint at KORUS Consulting Group, explains that every action related to documents has become a big problem for them: approval, signature, seal certification, which should take place in the office, sending and receiving documents from counterparties and exchange personnel documents with employees working remotely. Accordingly, payments rose, transactions froze, penalties went for the failure of the deadlines. The business suffered losses, and this helped to quickly realize the importance of digitalization of document management.
At the same time, in a pandemic, when a huge number of companies switched to remote work, it turned out that even despite the presence of an implemented EDMS, companies have several bottlenecks that still require the physical presence of employees in the office and the exchange of paper documents, says Sergey Yakimchuk, director of ECM development at TerraLink.
The main impact of the pandemic on the EDMS market, in our opinion, is associated with the need and desire to eliminate these restrictions, he notes. |
Firstly, this is the recruitment process and the related personnel document flow. In April, the Federal Law "On Conducting an Experiment on the Use of Electronic Documents Related to Work" was signed, which allowed the transition to electronic personnel document management.
This topic immediately became very popular. For example, one of our large customers, where such a project was implemented, for a month and a half of the system's operation, more than a thousand employees were hired remotely, explains Yakimchuk. |
Secondly, this is the exchange of primary documents with counterparties - invoices, acts and invoices. Trade companies faced this especially sharply. And here, companies that have introduced legally significant document management systems (SZDO), which, in addition to exchanging documents, also provide automatic data exchange with accounting systems, found themselves in a winning situation.
As our customer from the retail segment notes, the project became a noticeable leap forward in speed and quality of accounting and allowed the company to create a sufficient margin of safety and safely go through a very difficult lockdown period for everyone in the spring of 2020, "says Sergey Yakimchuk. |
Results of 2018: market assessment and revenue of participants
The results of 2018 for the Russian EDMSECM market/-systems were slightly lower than previously predicted. According to TAdviser, the market growth was about 5%, and its volume reached 48.5 billion. rubles At the end of 2018, the indicators of a number of large players "sank." Among the participants in the TAdviser rating, in particular, the revenue from the EDMS/ESM projects of the companies "," Business Logic"," CROC"," "" and "" decreased.ID Management TechnologyCorus ConsultingFirst form
Preliminary results of 2019 and prospects
All experts interviewed by TAdviser, assessing the preliminary results of 2019, spoke about market dynamics comparable to or exceeding 2018. According to preliminary estimates by TAdviser, according to the results of 2019, market growth amounted to about 7%, and its volume did not exceed 52 billion rubles.
Representatives of companies are optimistic about the future of the market, noting that it is still far from saturated. It is also important that the potential effect of the implementation of EDMS/ECM systems is significant for companies and organizations.
2019 is the "final year of the decade." Last year, many companies critically evaluated and planned qualitative changes in inherited IT strategies, dictated by a sharp surge in process automation. Technology trends of the past decade, such as AI, RPA, blockchain, machine vision, clouds, etc., have gained real application in ECM and customer confidence. This lays the foundation for the development of technology in the 20th and subsequent years. From 2020 we expect still cautious, but growing demand for the integration of innovative services into the existing processes of organizations, their qualitative changes in connection with the emerging technological capabilities. The trend of centralizing the management of both structured and unstructured data will continue, but the need for peripheral computing will increase. The general dynamics of development in 2020 will be dictated by "reasonable savings," says Artem Moiseenko, head of the expertise and development department of Logia Business. |
Implementation projects continue to actively develop, expand automation contours, gradually incorporating new functionality, including those related to the robotization of typical operations, the use of artificial intelligence algorithms, multidimensional data visualization, etc.
According to several studies of the global ECM market in 2018-2019, projects for the implementation and modernization of ECM solutions are among the priorities for Chief information officers. I assume that the statement is also true for the Russian market. The introduction of EDMS/ESM solutions provides an understandable and calculated return on investment, "said Sergey Poltev, Head of Modern ECM Solutions EOS. |
At the same time, experts record the lack of paperless document management in many large organizations.
It turns out that the market is driven by both innovative companies that develop and optimize the operation of EDMS/ESM systems by means of intelligent automation, and those organizations that need to start with the simplest - their first EDMS, with the functions of contractual, organizational and administrative turnover and office without complex developments, - says Elena Piskunovich, head of the portal solutions department of Korus Consulting Group. |
This is confirmed by Sergey Poltev from the EOS:
Even for internal documents of the organization, the volume of electronic documents does not exceed an average of 10% of the total, with all the obvious advantages of working in electronic form. On the one hand, there are certain difficulties and risks associated, for example, with the storage of electronic documents. On the other hand, there are also implemented solutions that allow them to be minimized. That is, by offering solutions that reduce barriers to the transition to electronic documents, we get significant potential for growth. |
Alexander Rodionov, Director of the Document Management Department, Head of the Lanit Innovation Center, summing up the results of 2019, noted that first of all it was marked by the loss of Western vendors of leadership positions in Russia, which were recorded earlier over the years.
The import substitution policy of many customers has led to the fact that the positions of these systems began to decline sharply and are already, in fact, close to zero: there are no new implementations, all current projects are support projects. Paradoxical situation: Western products actually become invisible on the market, although the largest Russian customers continue to work on these technologies, "says Alexander Rodionov. |
Market Development Factors
Digital economy
A number of factors ensure the development of both the Russian and global markets. One of the significant drivers in Russia is the implementation of the national program "Digital Economy."
The issues of digital transformation, i.e. deep transformation of work processes through the introduction of new technologies, are relevant both for the state and for business.
Through digital transformation, organizations strive to improve their efficiency, save employee time, optimize and accelerate workflows. In many organizations, digitalization begins with the introduction of EDMS/ESM, - says Ilya Zaychikov, Product owner EDMS THESIS Document and Task Management System. |
According to Alexei Pesterev, head of the content management practice (ECM) of the CROC IT company, the use of "end-to-end technologies," the translation of paper documents into electronic form, the use of electronic signature is a recommended state standard. In addition, strong easily replicated Russian EDMS have appeared on the market, in which, in particular, you can simultaneously work with all users of FOIV.
Evgeny Kuchiyash, director of ECM development at TerraLink, adds that it is difficult to declare full digitalization when the desktop is full of paper. Many enterprises, he said, have already approached the idea of paperless document management. And when solving legislative issues and recognizing the legal significance of most types of electronic documents, it will be possible to talk about the next stage in the development of the EDMS/ECM market, the expert believes.
Konstantin Istomin, executive director of Directum, recalls that now within the framework of the Digital Economy national project, issues of translation into an electronic type of personnel document management, as well as archival storage of documents are being actively discussed (Project No. 657361-7 amendments to the Federal Law related to ED and ED storage, Draft amendments to the FZ-63 "On EP").
It is for personnel workflow, where there are requirements to store documents for 50 or more years, that the issue of ensuring the legal significance of documents without outdated formats is relevant, he clarifies. |
Elena Piskunovich, head of the portal solutions department of Korus Consulting Group, adds that large companies are already conducting experiments related to electronic personnel document management and analyzing the first results of pilot implementations.
Need to scale systems and replace legacy solutions
Another significant driver of market development, according to experts, is the need to automate new processes and expand the functionality of solutions, as well as replace obsolete systems and scale systems into subsidiaries. According to Konstantin Istomin, this factor is explained by the fact that the centralized information systems of large companies must meet the high requirements for scalability and maturity, as well as stability of work.
The Galaxy Corporation notes an increase in demand in government agencies and large companies with state participation.
The market clearly shows a tendency to change outdated corporate software, which can no longer meet current needs. Instead of "heavy" and inflexible systems, there are easily scalable service-oriented platforms that provide effective solutions, the company says. |
Alexander Rodionov, director of the document management department, head of the Lanit Innovation Center, believes that replacing an outdated EDMS with a new, more technological one is one of the drivers of market development.
After a number of years of operation, this is no longer a system, but many layers of customization. And any significant revision of this design is comparable in money to the introduction of a new system. And at the moment when the EDMS/ESM system does not allow the customer to change, the question of translation arises. This is not an isolated case. This is one of the drivers of market development. The rejection of such outdated systems, the development of which, from the point of view of operation and improvements, begins to cost an unforgivable amount of money, gives the market situation vivacity. Of course, this is not an easy decision for the customer, "he notes. |
Dmitry Mervitsky, head of the SER representative office in Russia and the CIS, also sees a tendency to change platform solutions. The main reasons for this process, he said, are related to the termination of support and development of some systems (Saperion, Documentum), a change in the licensing policy towards higher prices (Alfresco).
This trend will continue next year, as many companies are in transition - still operating on the basis of the old platform, but have already launched the process of choosing a new one. We responded quickly to this trend and developed a migration service that allows you to connect to a number of ECM/BPM systems and migrate data. This allows you to significantly save time and cost when implementing such projects, "says a representative of SER. |
Business Customer Maturity
Maturity of business customers - this factor of market development follows from the previous one. Since many large companies have long automated document management and are already "working on errors," they make requirements for new services or modernization of current systems based on their unique experience.
Now the client knows what he wants to see in the processes, and the developer's task is to offer a solution that will change the lives of users and give new advantages to the business, "says Alexey Pesterev. |
More Shared Service Centers
A certain influence on the development of the market is exerted by the emergence of an increasing number of common service centers (CSCs), which is essentially the centralization of functions (personnel, accounting, IT). This trend leads to the emergence of new specific solutions for CSR.
In addition, companies are striving to translate into electronic form business processes in which the maximum number of employees is involved, as well as to improve already automated processes using technological innovations: AI, chat bots, RPA solutions, - says Konstantin Istomin, executive director of Directum. |
Evgeny Kuchiyash adds that the specifics of ECM solutions for CSR are due to the mass and some uniformity of operations. As a result, reducing the execution time of even one simple standard operation can have a significant benefit. Therefore, CSCs are centers where machines and artificial intelligence can achieve greater efficiency.
Successful automation of document management in SSC is literally a struggle in seconds, which on the scale of the number of operations in large companies turn into tens of millions of annually saved rubles, "he explains. |
Import substitution
A serious movement in the EDMS/ECM market also occurs as a result of the import substitution policy. In government agencies and large companies with state participation, this process is a key factor forcing to replace previously implemented systems developed on the basis of foreign software. Import substitution, according to Natalia Mikhalcheva, Marketing Director of Galactica Corporation, contributes to more efficient budget spending.
Legislative initiatives and import substitution are still a strong market driver, but if earlier the position was rather reactive, now the state is actively attracting software manufacturers for consultations on issues relevant to the market, "says Artem Moiseenko, head of the expertise and development department of Logia Business. |
At the same time, many Russian systems have competitive advantages over foreign ones, and therefore the state and business choose them because of their manufacturability and functionality.
Import substitution has become a real criterion for choice, since it has come to the realization that Russian systems of this class are not inferior to imported counterparts, supported by repeated successful cases, - comments Dmitry Arefyev, head of automation of business processes at Digital Design. |
Moreover, many customers strive for independence not only from foreign technologies, but also from vendors in general, so open source products that can be developed on their own are becoming more and more relevant, says Ilya Zaychikov, Product owner EDMS THESIS.
Alexander Rodionov calls import substitution one of the key characteristics that customers are interested in today in relation to suppliers of EDMS solutions.
In this part, I suppose, everything rests on investment. Because remaking software products to support new requirements is always about money. It seems to me that the main market players will successfully cope with this, he believes. |
Increase in the volume of stored content and complication of tasks
In addition to the above factors, experts record an exponential increase in the volume of stored content and a complication of tasks that go beyond the limits of classical electronic document management.
More complex and productive EDMS/ESM systems are becoming relevant, which means that the market is waiting for further confident development, - said Elena Piskunovich, head of the portal solutions department of Korus Consulting Group. |
Svetlin Savov, Development Director of FTS Russia, also notes that against the background of digital transformations of business processes, large and medium-sized businesses have more complex tasks, so companies increase the requirements for the functionality and technical capabilities of ECM systems. For example, when complex and closer integrations of major enterprise applications are required, where the ECM system becomes an integration platform.
This encourages existing vendors and service companies to invest in new developments and improvements to their products and respond to customer requests. Conditions are also being created for new players to enter the market with some unique industry offer. Competition is growing, this does not allow the market to stagnate, "he says. |
Need for a single document management platform
Vladimir Andreev, the president of the company, believes Docsvision that in recent years the Russian EDMSECM market/is experiencing a rebirth. Several factors influence this. In addition to replacing old implementations of Western ECM systems and the desire of companies to completely abandon paper, there is interest in the tasks of automating document flow among various functional customers, for example, financial directors, lawyers, operational services, etc. Usually this interest is expressed in the desire to organize an archive of documents for a functional unit, but in practice we are talking about creating a specialized solution for automating a complex of document processing processes.
The complex of these tasks, according to Vladimir Andreev, leads to an understanding of the need to create a unified platform for managing all documents in an organization, on the basis of which it is possible to create various complexes of integrated solutions for various functional units and solve various tasks of managing an organization.
TAdviser data
Over the past ten years, the domestic industry EDMS has gone a colossal way from systems for simple automation of office work in small companies to quite competitive class solutions at the world level that support the processes of ECM domestic office workflow.
The last few years have been important in the development of the Russian EDMS market due primarily to the import substitution program. This vector provoked the emergence of a large number of domestic solutions that meet the criteria of both business and the program itself.
According to Alexander Axelrod, director of document management at Korus Consulting Group, the domestic EDMS market has not yet reached the "equator" of its development, its prospects are great even though most Enterprise-level organizations already use ECM systems of proprietary manufacturers. An important role is played by the fact that large Russian customers, including those from the oil and gas sector, show an active interest in domestic developments, which surprise not only with their diversity, but also with quality.
Against this background, we, as the developer of our own Enterprise-level EDMS (Sputnik EDMS), hope that we will be able to maintain a leading position in the implementation of large projects and in the next couple of years transfer large customers with the number of users of about 200-300 thousand people to our platform, - said Alexander Axelrod. |
With the expansion of the digital economy, the EDMS/ECM systems market continues to grow actively. The state, and business, understand that electronic document management is the basis on which further digitalization of all industries can be built. For example, therefore, in government agencies, the process of transition to electronic document management is proceeding rapidly and there are already significant results.
The fact that the state has already decided on plans for the implementation of the national project related to digital public administration and the amount of its financing indicates that the EDMS/ECM market is waiting for growth.
The need to create a digital platform for legally significant electronic document management in Russia poses serious challenges to the market, therefore, the EDMS/ECM developers are already thinking about integration issues with the future platform and other solutions, over expanding functionality. Domestic manufacturers of EDMS/ESM, and already having strong positions in the country for historical reasons, will receive an additional growth driver. We are confident that the processes of digitalization of the economy will become a significant driver for the EDMS/ESM systems market, "says Elena Ivanova, EOS Marketing Director. |
The ECM market is becoming more high-tech. The development of the digital economy leads to the fact that Russian companies abandon the previously characteristic conservative-skeptical approach to new technologies.
There is much more creativity in discussing corporate IT initiatives in ECM. For example, artificial intelligence technologies are approved on the agenda, since automatic recognition of content, its classification, search and management greatly enrich electronic document management systems, "says Georgy Podbutsky, commercial director of Logic Business. |
According to Pavel Kashtanov, General Director of Synthellect, we can say that the EDMS/ESM market in Russia is in the stage of mass replacement of EDMS.
In the race for manufacturability and speed with large amounts of data under high loads, old systems give way to new and promising domestic solutions. At the same time, the selection criteria are not based on application characteristics, but on the architecture, flexibility and scalability of the platform, he notes. |
Roman Konovalov, General Director of ID Management Technology, believes that the Russian EDMS/ESM market is growing steadily, mainly due to large and medium-sized businesses: most enterprises from different industries have already implemented content management systems or are preparing to implement them. Interest is noticeable even from enterprises that are historically far from automation, for example, in the agricultural sphere. But, of course, companies in resource-intensive industries, especially of federal significance, such as the fuel and energy complex, were and remain the main driver of the Russian EDMS market, he is sure.
They have a wide geographically distributed structure and are forced to regularly exchange large amounts of documentation not only between departments, but also between branches and relevant ministries. At the same time, the volume of "papers" is so large - and at the same time constantly growing - that in the absence of automation, endless boxes with documents would quickly fill the offices of companies, - notes the general director of "ID Management Technology." |
In the future of several years, the EDMS market will grow mainly due to IT support projects, support for IT systems and their modernization, Konovalov said. This is due, first of all, to the fact that large companies - the main customers of the EDMS - began to implement systems for processing documentation and content for a long time, and now they need support and development of previously installed systems, as well as the connection of additional modules to solve specific narrow business problems.
Another important area is the scaling of the EDMS infrastructure. Companies are connecting more and more departments and branches to the central content management system, and since most of them have not yet switched to cloud solutions, they need to refine IT solutions to scale, increase the load on the system and connect new users.
In addition, the ongoing import substitution program, in my opinion, stimulates the development of domestic products that are in no way inferior to analogues from global vendors in terms of functionality and tools for data protection. For a long time, customers preferred EDMS systems from proven and reliable IT corporations, but now they are beginning to understand that Russian solutions are cheaper, easier to refine - and, importantly, their developers are always "sideways" and are ready to solve problems in real time, if such arise, - explains Roman Konovalov. |
Vladimir Andreev, President of Docsvision, clarifies that the EDMS/ESM market is a complex concept, in practice it is divided into separate segments, including the classic EDMS market, the ECM and electronic archives market, the EDO market and to some extent the BPM market. At the same time, in the last few years, according to him, the ECM/EA markets and the EDO market are growing. The EDMS market and the associated part of BPM are stagnating.
In the next two years, this trend will continue. The complex market will see growth associated with growing segments. Small growth is also possible in the market of classic EDMS - this revival will be associated with integration with ECM and EDO. The BPM market will continue to stagnate or will fall - this is due to the decline in interest in process management and the desire to individualize production and service, as well as the transition to various flexible methodologies, for example, Scrum and Agile. In the ECM segment, ahead of the growth of cloud solutions for small and medium-sized businesses is possible, - said Vladimir Andreev. |
In general, the market is very dynamic - new technologies are being actively developed, customer requirements are becoming more complicated. The growth of the market is largely due to the expansion of the range of business problems solved, due to which the boundaries with other systems are blurred. Thus, the functionality of modern ECM and BPM systems is closely intertwined. Information products that solve the problems of digitalization of interaction and digitalization of content compete in one market, regardless of their positioning.
Companies that do not have time to adapt to changing conditions are gradually starting to leave. In particular, these are players who position their system as a classic EDMS, which solves only the tasks of workflow. Such companies will continue to lose their market share in the near future. The industry is developing rapidly, and organizations capable of introducing innovations in their products are at the top, - notes Artem Permyakov, R&D Director of Directum. |
According to him, in the next 2 years, from the point of view of regulatory regulation, the issue of legally significant long-term storage of documents will be resolved. There will be a unified understanding of how to ensure the legal significance of electronic documents - and therefore, a unified approach for creating electronic archives.
In the same way, we expect that a regulatory framework for electronic personnel document management will appear, "he adds. |
Large organizations are gradually moving to the format of a digital enterprise and completely transferring their processes to electronic form. On the general wave of digitalization, the EDMS/ESM systems market is receiving a new impetus for development.
Translating documents into electronic form is the most understandable way of digital transformation, many customers start with this. Following the maximum translation of all internal documents into electronic form, the use of a simple electronic signature will develop. In the future, this will allow companies to move from simple digitization to reengineering business processes, says Artem Permyakov. |
Market Valuation
According to TAdviser, at the end of 2017, the Russian market for EDMS/ESM systems increased by 11% to 46.2 billion rubles. The growth of the market is facilitated not only by the movement in the field of import substitution, but also by the real need of the business for more functional and scalable platforms, on which it is possible to quickly develop systems for managing various business processes and create unique solutions for specific customer requirements.
Most of the companies that shared with TAdviser the results of their activities in the EDMS/ESM systems market, at the end of 2017, showed an increase in their indicators (details in the table below). At the same time, more than half of the rating participants showed growth above the market.
As for the preliminary results of 2018, according to TAdviser, the market volume approached 52 billion rubles, which corresponds to an increase of 12%. Similar dynamics should continue in the coming years.
According to Alexander Rodionov, director of the Lanit document management systems department, government agencies play a very serious role in the formation and growth of the market.
To the state's credit, federal authorities often turn out to be even more progressive in dealing with electronic documents than commercial organizations. Many of our government customers today exchange documents with us (as part of our contracts) exclusively in electronic form throughout the entire cycle of document movement. Not all of our commercial customers are capable of this. Therefore, the state is today, perhaps, the main driver of growth in the use of EDMS organizations, it gives impetus to the search and digitization of new processes, the introduction of new types of documents into the system, he notes. |
At the same time, in his opinion, the market volume, estimated at 50 billion rubles, is not enough, because the toolkit of modern ECM platforms allows you to close almost all customer needs for managing unstructured content. The ability to store information, distinguish access rights, define movement rules, present, involve users in working with this content, additional information processing rules - all this is enough to create almost any business application for any application purpose. Thus, the opportunities that the ECM platform carries, business "underutilizes" and, as a result, money does not come to the ECM market , Alexander Rodionov told TAdviser in an interview.
Roman Konovalov, general director of ID Management Technology, believes that the EDMS market has been growing on average at a rate of 10-12% in recent years.
Therefore, based on last year's market estimate of 41.6 billion rubles, we can say that in 2017 it crossed the bar of 46 billion rubles - and in 2018 it will reach 52-53 billion rubles, he adds. |
According to Georgy Podbutsky from Logic of Business, the volume of the Russian ECM market in 2017 amounted to about 50 billion rubles. Another 20 billion rubles. falls on the share of manufacturers of related systems, one way or another affecting the automation of the movement and storage of documents.
We predict that market growth will continue at the level of 5-7% per year. But by 2020, the growth rate will increase to 10-12% per year due to an increase in demand for automation of the document management circuit, the expert says. |
Konstantin Istomin, executive director of Directum, estimates the overall market dynamics for 2017 at 10%.
The market volume with such an assessment is about 45 billion rubles. In 2017, many clients took a wait-and-see attitude, which was due to the expansion of Western sanctions and the ongoing pause in investment projects since 2016. Despite the continued growth rate, the market structure and customer requirements for the system have changed dramatically. In 2017-2018, the topic of digital transformation is relevant, when the integration of new technologies affects all aspects of the organization. This requires ECM systems that can effectively solve a wide range of digital enterprise tasks. The market share of such systems is significantly increasing, while the demand for obsolete EDMS with a classic set of functions is decreasing. Given current trends, we expect the market to show stronger growth in 2018. According to our estimates, it will be about 15%, - concludes Istomin. |
TAdviser data
According to TAdviser, in 2016 the positive dynamics of the Russian EDMS/ESM system market remained. As a year earlier, it amounted to 10%, while the market volume in ruble terms increased to 41.6 billion rubles.
The continued growth of the market is influenced by both the overall economic recovery and individual drivers. For the sphere of EDMS/ECM - this is an increasing process of import substitution, a course towards the digital economy, an increase in mobility and the rapid development of new technologies.
According to TAdviser, at the end of 2017, the dynamics will remain at the level of 2016.
The estimates of the volume of the domestic EDMS/ECM market, presented by some companies from this area, generally coincide with the TAdviser data.
So, according to Arthur Ishkhanyan, Senior Executive Director of ID Management Technology, market dynamics in 2016 remained at the level of 2015 - in the region of 10%, and the market volume amounted to approximately 41.5 billion rubles.
Vladimir Kohan, Commercial Director of Digital Design, noted that in 2016 the market showed further growth, surpassing the pace of 2015. The market volume, according to his assumption, exceeded 42 billion rubles.
In 2017, positive dynamics will continue, says Vladimir Kokhan.
Sergey Plunov, Head of BPM&ECM at CROC, assesses the market dynamics by customer activity and the development of the relevant direction of the company. Thus, according to the results of 2016, the revenue growth of "CROC" from projects in the field of EDMS/ECM reached 14%.
According to Alexei Trefilov, director of ELMA, the market has shown stable growth.
Our company showed growth of more than 60%, as far as I know from all leading companies, the results are also consistently good. At the end of this year, there was a serious revival in the market - the topic of the digital economy is being discussed very intensively. This is a very serious driver for the entire market of automation systems and EDMS\ESM systems in particular, - he noted. |
Vladimir Andreev, president of Docsvision, saw a noticeable increase in sales in 2016.
It is too early to talk about 2017, the "high season" of the EDMS is the end of the year. Forecasts are a thankless business, but as a rule, the market subsides in the pre-election year, so the growth may be less than last year, he believes. |
The company "ESM Group Pro" believes that the market will grow. And first of all, this will be associated with successes in top areas - South Kazakhstan, financial archive, integration.
Elena Ivanova, Marketing Director of Electronic Office Systems (EOS), notes the growth and revival of the market in 2017.
Activity from potential customers has become higher. There are more projects in the regions. Import substitution continues to be the driver in the state market, no matter what they say, it is slowly coming, "she notes. |
Alexander Bader, director of ECM development at TerraLink, expects an increase of "at least 20%."
However, I am afraid that, most likely, mainly due to an increase in sales of cheap licenses and limited projects. Consumer goods steer, it's okay, this is a normal way of developing human civilization, "he adds. |
Main drivers and barriers of the Russian EDMS/ESM market
Import substitution
Import substitution has penetrated deeply into the IT industry and the influence of this process is felt in all its segments. In the field of EDMS/ESM systems, replacing foreign solutions with domestic products is one of the main drivers. Such, in particular, import substitution is called Viktor Weinstein, CEO of Logica Business, Vladimir Andreev, President of Docsvision, Vladimir Kokhan, Commercial Director of Digital Design and Arthur Ishkhanyan, Senior Executive Director of ID Management Technology.
The state is consistently striving for the register of domestic software to work in full force. There is increasing pressure on companies that neglect the register. As a result, more and more organizations are starting to use domestic ECM systems. I note that decisions from the registry already have adequate value for business, because the licensing policy of Western companies has practically not changed, says Victor Weinstein. |
Unlike in 2015, when the trend was only gaining momentum, it now affects many more market participants, Arthur Ishkhanyan said.
Suppliers of EDMS solutions note an increase in demand for domestic platforms, primarily associated with the legislative consolidation of the transition to Russian solutions for state organizations and government bodies. The launch of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation of the register of domestic software to support import-substituting products contributed a lot to this - the IT systems that fell into it are recommended for purchase in state organizations. Large industry companies with state participation - the main customers of EDMS systems - suggest that in the near future they will also have to abandon foreign platforms in favor of Russian solutions. In this regard, many Russian IT companies, including us, are developing their own platforms for EDMS, "he says. |
According to Sergei Plunov, head of BPM&ECM at CROC, among the market drivers remain the course towards import substitution in the public sector and the presence of sanctions, according to which Western vendors are forced to refuse to update and provide technical support services for a number of implemented electronic document management systems.
However, given that replacing the existing large-scale system is associated with high costs and risks, modernization can begin gradually, for example, updating the database and switching to open source, in particular, PostgreSQL. CROC is now working on a similar project in a large distributed company, he adds. |
Digital Economy and Digital Transformation
Alexey Trefilov, director of ELMA, sees the Digital Economy flag as the main growth driver.
The topic is very serious, they took up it firmly, I really hope that the issue will receive good implementation and support. Importantly, thanks to active coverage in the media and at thematic conferences, we can already talk about a small effect of the program. The topics of the "digital economy" and "digital transformation," although from the point of view of content they did not bring anything new - all this under other names has already been discussed more than once - gave business automation issues novelty and brought fresh ideas, the expert noted. |
The era of the digital economy, the beginning of which has been officially announced by our government, will inevitably turn from words to reality at some point, and this will also affect our industry, "added Alexander Bader, director of development at ECM, TerraLink. |
Alexander Nazarov, sales director at Haulmont (Houlmont), believes that society is taking new steps in the digital age every year and becoming an information society.
We see, among other things, how the state voices trends and sets an example, mass electronic services - "Public services," "Налог.ру," etc. Business seeks to introduce new technologies in order to be competitive in its industries, - says Nazarov. |
Rapid development of technology
Another obvious driver of the EDMS market is the rapid development of digital technologies for business in Russia.
According to Artur Ishkhanyan, the use of modern data storage and processing tools in EDMS (blockchain, Big Data, AI) expands the functionality of solutions in the field of data processing, standardization and analysis (BI), and EDMS are increasingly used as corporate data storage. Data visualization tools appear on systems.
Already, EDMS can be seamlessly integrated with the company's analytical systems, and in the future, in my opinion, this will lead to the release of converged solutions for comprehensive work with all types of data and content of organizations, he notes. |
Market demand for SZDO automation
In the company "ESM Group Pro" the driver is called the general readiness and need of the market for automation of legally significant document management (SZDO).
Approximately 50/50 there are projects where such interaction is built either within the enterprise or with external participants. This is not only about the exchange of documents with counterparties and the use of an electronic signature, there is a need at the level of full-fledged integration mechanisms that can minimize manual operations and ensure the continuity of end-to-end processes, the company says. |
Mobility development
A lot is spurred by the development of the market, the total departure of business to mobile.
As Arthur Ishkhanyan, senior executive director of ID Management Technology, notes, today 4.8 billion people - and this is more than half of the world's population - are active users of mobile devices, and it can be predicted that by 2020 the figure will grow to 6 billion. Naturally, tablets smartphones become an everyday element IT infrastructures of companies. At the moment, the concept (BYOD Bring Your Own Device) is especially popular, which implies that employees use their own devices for work tasks - the company's management does not need to spend money on the purchase of mobile equipment.
As a result, the continuous use of mobile devices for the prompt receipt and execution of tasks, including with documents, has formed an entire industry that serves business mobile and includes the development of corporate data protection tools, design, development of mobile applications, content rendering, he says. |
Political uncertainty has increased the risks of using foreign solutions in Russia, plus they have become very expensive. If until 2016 cloud EDMS, including imported ones, developed rapidly as a service, now there is a problem of their use in Russia (and Russian ones abroad).
But clouds are still a driver, especially for individual users of EDMS, "says Sergey Evsikov, director of Design ASCON System. - Thanks to the same sites with public services, people issue passports, pay taxes, receive certificates from housing and communal services in electronic form. Cloud-based EDMS technologies are distributed and supported at the state level. |
Tense economic situation
Driver, he is a barrier - this is a tense economic situation, says Mikhail Haskelberg, executive director of the First Form.
Many companies leave the market, and those that remain - reduce investment and tightly control finances. Many for the first time begin to evaluate the effectiveness of their business processes, look for ways to optimize them. And the means for this are EDMS\ESM systems. But in order to launch a new IT project in such conditions, it is necessary to substantiate its effectiveness in detail. Therefore, only those systems that really increase business efficiency are in demand, "he says. |
Import substitution
Oddly enough, import substitution can also be a barrier to the market. According to Vladimir Andreev, president of Docsvision, the need to urgently implement support for domestic infrastructure makes it difficult to invest in promising innovations like artificial intelligence.
Vasily Babintsev, director of marketing at Directum, adds that the barrier could also be unreasonable proactive import substitution, which risks becoming an end in itself at the expense of efficiency.
Limitations of the legislative framework
Nadezhda Kochetkova, evangelist of 1C: Document Flow at 1C, notes that restrictions on the legislative framework serve as a barrier. For example, in terms of the transition to interaction through the use of electronic documents (not electronic copies, namely electronic documents created and existing only in electronic form, signed by an electronic signature) and the risks associated with the technical security of such documents.
Psychological factor and resistance to change
Also, according to Nadezhda Kochetkova, the psychological factor often serves as a barrier.
For example, the "reinsurance" of companies in the transition to EDO and the application of an electronic signature. For a number of companies, a small judicial practice regarding the use of electronic documents, as evidence in court, causes internal corporate barriers and prevents the transition to EDO, she says. |
Another example of a barrier is the process of involving counterparties in EDO. Companies that have come to understand and need to use EDO face reluctance to use EDO by counterparties. In this regard, companies are forced to implement separate projects on their involvement and motivation.
In ECM Group Pro, market barriers include resistance to change by end users.
Any innovation requires a participant in the process of restructuring thinking, developing an interface habit, trust in the system. And here it is very important that the implementation is well planned at all stages. The commissioning phase of the new system is always indicative. When you conduct primary training, it is easy to see the real emotions of users. If the project was organized competently, if the customer took into account the balance of internal interests and was able to convey the idea of implementation to all levels of users, and the project executor embodied a convenient and modern solution in an adequate time, then the system quickly takes root, the company says. |
Sergey Evsikov, director of ASCON System, adds that for most commercial organizations, electronic document management is an infrastructure, supporting business process, and not the main one. Companies sometimes think that the introduction of EDMS will not bring tangible dividends and some fateful changes. In government agencies, where document management is often the main activity, on the contrary, they are afraid to disrupt the usual course of things and increase the transparency of processes.
Absence of a single standard, regulations and insufficient unification of EDMS
According to Arthur Ishkhanyan, Senior Executive Director of AiDi - Management Technologies, the main barrier to the market is the lack of a single standard, regulations and insufficient unification of electronic document management systems in Russian companies. So, employees of industrial enterprises are accustomed, in addition to standard reports, to use many engineering documents: for example, drawings in AutoCAD. This complicates the transition to an electronic document management system.
What important changes and events occurred in the Russian EDMS/ESM systems market in 2016-2017?
Legislative changes aimed at using domestic office software in the public sector
In 2016-2017, important legislative changes took place that will fundamentally change the approach to the implementation of IT in government agencies. In 2016, an order of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 26, 2016 No. 1588-r was issued, obliging federal executive bodies and state extra-budgetary funds to switch to domestic office software. In addition, the market was given a very powerful impetus by additional requirements for office software, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 325 of March 23, 2017, and the methodological recommendations that followed in July of the same year on the transition of government agencies to domestic software, approved by the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications.
We can say that the thunder struck, federal, regional and municipal authorities and departments began to respond and, in turn, issue orders for subordinate state unitary enterprise, GBU and municipal unitary enterprise. It is very important that the published guidelines set quite real values of the targets. Measures are being taken to ensure this process with funding. Of course, funding will never be sufficient for a quick and complete transition, but in order to start the process and move systematically, it is enough, "said Vladimir Andreev, President of Docsvision. |
Vladimir Kohan, Commercial Director of Digital Design, adds that these changes proclaimed a general course towards the rejection of paper media and the provision of services in electronic form. Despite the fact that these regulatory documents so far relate to a limited range of government bodies - compliance with these requirements, in his opinion, is already an important criterion for choosing the EDMS/ECM both for the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and for companies with state participation.
Digital Design, one of the few domestic developers, took part in the pilot project of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of Russia on the transition of federal executive bodies to the use of domestic office software with its SDU products Priority and Protected Mobility and has already successfully confirmed compatibility with domestic DBMS, operating systems and office packages, he says. |
Dmitry Golosovsky, head of marketing at InterTrust, sees that government agencies are intensifying requests for EDMS solutions that would ensure import substitution of existing foreign platforms. Given the legislative pressure of regulatory bodies, this may become the main task of state organizations for the near future, he believes.
In fact, a multi-platform EDMS is needed, which does not depend on the base software used and provides customers with the opportunity to choose the IT infrastructure that meets the requirements for import substitution. The system should be in the Unified Register of Russian programs for electronic computers and databases, - adds Dmitry Golosovsky. |
Sergey Plunov, Head of BPM& ECM at CROC, notes that the emergence of new criteria for inclusion, software including electronic document management systems, in the register of Russian software is essentially a tightening of requirements. For example, there were requirements for operating systems on which the software included in the registry should work in both the server and client parts - it should work on at least one system from the registry (variation) Linux and. Windows In addition, the web client of the electronic document management system included in the Russian software register must support several Internet browsers, while two from the register.
In particular, when we were developing a new version of our Corporate Electronic Document Management System (KSED 3.0), we initially developed it cross-platform. This version of the system is a completely Russian product, which is based on the experience and experience of "CROC" in the field of building large ECM systems for thousands and tens of thousands of users, and can be used by Russian state customers for the purpose of import substitution. Currently, we are completing preparatory work on applying for the inclusion of the system in the register of domestic software, - says the representative of CROC. |
Vasily Babintsev, director of marketing at Directum, adds that due to the general exchange rate for import substitution, the share of foreign ECM platforms in the market has decreased.
Digital Economy Course
The course towards the digital economy gives the Russian IT market as a whole and the EDMS/ESM systems market, in particular, huge potential and many new opportunities.
Electronic document management, the provision of public services in electronic form, the development of portals - all these areas are actually elements of the digital economy, and in our country these technologies are quite consistent with the world, says Elena Ivanova, Marketing Director of Electronic Office Systems (EOS).
The course towards the digital economy will certainly entail further changes. The forecasts are obvious: this is an avalanche-like growth in the volume and types of digital information, the involvement of all employees in intensive electronic communications, the digitization of "paper" and the activation of related business processes. And the EDMS will be forced to take into account all these trends, - adds Elena Ivanova. |
OpenText acquisition of Documentum product line and business
One of the most important events of recent years, which influenced the Russian ECM market, is certainly the acquisition by OpenText of the EMC Dell corporate content division, in particular, the Documentum product line.
According to Arthur Ishkhanyan, Senior Executive Director of ID Management Technology, this strategic partnership between former competitors has shown a growing trend towards market consolidation. Now the vendor continues to update the solution (in 2017 a new version was released - 7.3) and makes it more accessible to users who were able to abandon commercial databases in favor of open source.
Alexander Bader, Director of ECM Development at TerraLink, adds that the acquisition of OpenText's Documentum product line and business will most favorably affect user sentiment and expectations.
First of all, of course, users of the Documentum line will benefit, since OpenText not only officially announced its intentions to continue the development of the products of this line, but also has already begun to fulfill its promises. Those companies that consider purchasing SAP and OpenText products to automate the management of their content will receive new opportunities, and will also be forced, in connection with the import substitution policy, to take the choice of these systems even more seriously, carefully and responsibly. Which, undoubtedly, will also have a very positive effect on the quality of the project decisions taken, "says Alexander Bader. |
Changes in the field of EDM regulation
From the point of view of inter-corporate document management, important changes in the field of EDM regulation took place over the year.
As Vasily Babintsev, director of marketing at Directum, explains, new formats have appeared, plans to switch to electronic work books and contracts with employees, many legal acts clarifying the practical aspects of electronic exchange.
Attacks of cryptoviruses provoked an increase in interest in EDMS
Recent cryptovirus attacks have triggered a surge in interest in EDMS due to the ability to centrally store corporate content. This, in particular, says Sergey Evsikov, director of ASCON System.
According to him, before the introduction of the EDMS, the content legally belongs to the corporation, but in fact it is "smeared" on hard drives and other storage places. When a virus attacks workplaces, this data is not protected in any way, it is lost. Centralization allows you to effectively protect one specific point and back up your data.
However, often the importance of some event, as these attacks became, is overheated and leads to the fact that the response is excessive. There is a risk that enhanced protection against such attacks can block normal operation. The document management system, the refusal of paper should make the work of the organization easier, but if you overdo the protection against hypothetical attacks, it will be more difficult to work with EDMS than with paper. Our solution initially laid down mechanisms and tools for built-in protection, which are also effective for protection against cryptoviruses, - notes Sergey Evsikov. |
How will the Russian EDMS/ECM market change over the next 5 years? Expert predictions
{{quote 'author
= Vasily Babintsev, Director of Marketing Directum |
If we look at the evolution of electronic document management systems, then 10 years ago they closed exclusively the tasks of workflow. About 5 years ago, there was a significant expansion of the range of internal corporate tasks, companies began to solve issues of inter-corporate interaction. In the next 5 years, we expect the transition to IUDC to become massive.
Legislation in the field of electronic exchange and long-term storage of primary documents will develop. The corporate sector will be occupied by domestic solutions (proprietary and SPO), including cloud ones.
Thanks to digital transformation, there will be more electronic content and less paper. The interaction will be digitalized - there will be more processes that do not have a pre-digital history of application. Chatbots and artificial intelligence mechanisms in systems will become further widespread. }}
{{quote 'author
= Vladimir Kohan, Commercial Director of Digital Design |
The number of information systems at the enterprise will be reduced, more and more processes based on EDMS/ESM will be automated, work with big data, artificial intelligence, machine learning, and blockchain will be developed. The exchange of documents will be carried out more and more electronically. It will be possible to completely switch to working from mobile devices. The mobile device will be used not only as a device for working in web clients of systems, but also as a tool, for example, for recognizing a document from a photo with subsequent registration in the system.
These changes occur smoothly and naturally, since a generation comes to the place of system users and managers who are accustomed to the fact that a mobile device is their main working tool, in this regard, the convenience of interfaces, the use of UX technologies and other modern ways of creating convenient applications will come to the fore. }}
{{quote 'author
= Alexander Bader, ECM Development Director, TerraLink |
I think, first of all, the very understanding that there is an ECM system, in principle, as such, will radically change.
Perhaps freestanding ECM systems will disappear altogether. While the general awareness that the ECM system is a single corporate service that provides work with both unstructured and poorly structured information will increasingly spread, it is possible that its interface will almost completely hide behind the functionality of business systems such as ERP, CRM, HCM, EAM, etc.
I believe that the picture of the ECM market and the idea of users about what an ECM system is will radically change after OpenText releases a converged solution that combines the capabilities/technologies of OpenText Content Server solutions and Documentum solutions, which is now known to OpenText.
The share of solutions produced directly by vendors with a high level of standardization and readiness for use will also increase, which will change the vector of projects from development to adaptation. }}
{{quote 'author
= Victor Weinstein, CEO of Logic of Business |
In the coming years, there will be no dramatic changes in the market. Large projects will continue to be implemented for the transition from EDMS to ECM platforms, over which various services will be built.
But it cannot be ruled out that over the next 10-15 years there will be a certain tectonic shift and completely different content management systems will appear. Perhaps the very concepts of "content," "content platform," "ECM service" will also become a thing of the past. But for at least 10 years of work in the ECM field, we will all be enough. And of course, you need to prepare for the future: study blockchain, artificial intelligence, content analytics and other latest technologies, prepare your decisions and your business for a change in reality. }}
{{quote 'author
= Vladimir Andreev, President of Docsvision |
It is difficult to predict for such a time in the modern world. Markets now exist in agile mode - from one revolution to the next. Obviously, one thing is that the market will grow significantly, paper document flow will completely become a thing of the past.
{{quote 'author=
'Elena Ivanova, Marketing Director of Electronic Office Systems (EOS)' |
The ECM market will definitely become even more mobile, cloud, the boundaries of the application of ECM systems in the business processes of organizations will expand even more.
The role and demand for electronic document storage systems will grow. In the next year or two, artificial intelligence will be used in ECM systems.
{{quote 'author
= Dmitry Golosovsky, head of marketing at InterTrust |
ECM systems will play a decisive role in the main trend of recent years - the digital transformation of organizations. It is the enterprise-class EDMS that will make it possible to form a single information space in the distributed structure of the organization, in which electronic documented interaction of all employees, departments and branches is carried out, to ensure the mode of end-to-end document flow and end-to-end business processes between all structural elements. Document flow will turn from a specialized document registration system into a service for documenting all business activity in an organization, a center for dispatching information taking into account data from many information systems, as well as the main data provider for deep comprehensive analytics in BI systems.
Such a system will offer new opportunities, among which the intelligent component of ECM is of particular interest, which will fully automate routine operations and proactive analytics, based on processing a tremendous amount of data from various systems in real time and helping organizations quickly realize competitive advantages. Without a full-fledged ECM, digital transformation of the organization will be impossible. }}
{{quote 'author
'= Nadezhda Kochetkova, evangelist "1C: Document Flow" at 1C' |
In our opinion, there are several main trends in the change in the EDMS/ECM market:
- EDMS/ESM will increasingly be embedded in the IT landscape of the organization, improving integration mechanisms with other solutions and platforms in its products;
- The requirements for the speed of information processing will increase, and, as a result, the development of EDMS/ECM on mobile devices and the web client;
- EDMS/ESM will develop as a cloud service;
- EDMS/ECM will improve the mechanisms for managing content, documents and processes in the areas of B2B, B2G;
- EDMS/ESM will develop new communication services to involve different information streams in the digital process of interaction.
{{quote 'author
= Alexey Trefilov, director of ELMA |
The market is maturing. I hope that in 5 years it will not occur to anyone to "automate the office," No, I do not propose to abandon documents - I am rather about the approach to the issue of automation. An increasing number of customers understand the need to automate business processes and use documents correctly in these business processes. These are very important and positive changes, I am sure that in the future such correct process thinking will become the norm.
There are always leaders on the market using modern technologies to the maximum, and those who use the potential of technical means only slightly, often haphazardly solving small local problems. In general, it is fair to note that today the lion's share of ECM/EDMS implementation projects is all the same standard contract management, incoming and outgoing correspondence and organizational and administrative documentation.
ELMA actively promotes the process approach and implementation of ECM/EDMS systems precisely from the point of view of business process automation. That is, when a document is only an artifact of a process, and not considered as a central object of automation. Such projects and customers, of course, are often found, but in many cases we have to carry out serious work to restructure consciousness, priorities and approaches to automation.
However, there are indeed positive trends in recent years, the introduction of ECM systems is increasingly going beyond document management, moreover, I note that the approach of building "business applications" is gradually coming to us from the West. }}
{{quote 'author
= Sergey Evsikov, Director of ASCON System Design |
I would highlight two things that can change the market. First, it is blockchain - a trending technology of decentralized confirmation of the legitimacy, significance and integrity of the document. Now we hear about blockchain in the context of cryptocurrency hype, but the technology itself has the widest range of applications. First of all, she came to the financial sector, because there it is of particular importance to replace the third-party authority confirming the legitimacy of the transaction with a mechanism that relieves the extra intermediary. Judging by the speed of development of blockchain technology, they will soon begin to "move" to industrial industry solutions, relations within enterprises. Their integration into the EDMS looks very promising. After all, blockchain is a fundamentally different way to protect documents based on building a secure data chain. Here, not every document is protected individually, but the entire chain, and you cannot tear out or replace a document once created without destroying it. Yes, the electronic signature protects the document from changes, but does not protect against the situation when this document is withdrawn from the EDMS. In classic EDMS, you can destroy a document without a trace, the blockchain does not allow this. Therefore, for example, notaries are actively eyeing technology.
In addition, the market will also change the integration of EDMS with DLP solutions. Customers increasingly expect a built-in data leakage protection solution from EDMS, although initially it was a separate class of systems, and quite expensive. }}
{{quote 'author
= Arthur Ishkhanyan, Senior Executive Director of ID Management Technology |
Over 5 years, the share of Russian software and software use in EDMS projects will increase, while the share of Western, proprietary software will steadily decrease.
{{quote 'author
= Alexander Nevinchany, Deputy General Director of Korus Consulting Group of Companies |
I think that the main change that will affect the ECM market in the coming years is due to the fact that some of the systems will not be in demand by customers. The main requirement of EDMS customers now is a convenient interface and a quick system response. And to these two requirements in the future will be added the need for a set of services for users. Therefore, those EDMSs that are now not working in this direction are likely to simply cease to exist.
TAdviser data
At the end of 2015, the Russian market for EDMS/ESM systems in ruble terms grew by 10% and reached 37.8 billion rubles. Compared to 2014, market growth slowed down, but not significantly. First of all, the market was influenced by general economic factors. In addition, there was a decrease in the number of new implementations and an increase in the number of projects for the development of previously installed systems.
At the end of 2016, TAdviser expects positive dynamics to grow. Sales on the market are growing, drivers that stimulate the development of the Russian EDMS/ESM system market prevail over barriers.
Experts' opinion on estimates of market dynamics at the end of 2015 diverged. Someone talks about growth, someone about decline. But if you look at the open data on the revenue of market participants from EDMS projects, you can see that most of the companies in 2015 were in the black, and for some the growth in indicators turned out to be very impressive.
Representatives of Russian companies operating in the EDMS and ECM systems market speak with optimism about the indicators of 2016.
Sergey Plunov, Head of BPM and ECM at CROC, notes the positive dynamics in the market in 2015, referring to the results of his company. "The revenue of CROC in the direction of EDMS/ESM increased quite significantly in 2015 - by 48% compared to last year," Plunov explains.
As for the forecasts for 2016, judging by the activity of our customers, as well as the state of the labor market, the EDMS/ECM market does not stand still despite the crisis and the general trend towards a reduction in IT budgets. Our business is also developing, in particular, we are currently expanding our staff, this is the only way to correspond to the development dynamics of already supported multi-year projects and work on new ones in parallel, "adds the representative of the CROC. |
According to Logia Business (AiTi Group of Companies), the Russian EDMS/ESM market in monetary terms grew by 8-9% in 2015 and amounted to a little more than 37 billion rubles.
Our forecast for 2016: growth remains within 10%, but the market structure is significantly changing in favor of licenses and services for the implementation of Russian ESM systems that will displace foreign products, says Viktor Weinstein, CEO of Business Logic. |
According to Alexander Nevinchany, director of the portal solutions department of KORUS Consulting Group, the EDMS market in 2015 showed positive dynamics.
Of course, the growth was less than in 2014, but this is due to the saturation of the market. The primary need for electronic document management systems has already been met and the focus is on scaling solutions and automating other departments in the company, he notes. |
Vasily Babintsev, director of marketing at Directum, said in an interview with TAdviser that, according to his subjective feelings, the market froze after the recession.
This is confirmed by our statistics. Compared to 2014, in 2015 the number of new projects decreased by almost 1.5 times. But at the same time, their scale increased: the number of licenses, which account for an average of 1 new project, increased by 45%. The number of jobs has also increased significantly within the framework of projects for the development of already implemented systems. In the total volume of licenses sold, 60% fell on development projects, the expert explained. |
Sergey Kuryanov, Director of Strategic Marketing at Docsvision, says that in 2015 in foreign exchange terms in the software segment there was a drop in various sources from 30-50%, and in ruble terms - from 5 to 15%. At the same time, in 2016, the company is experiencing positive shifts: in the first quarter - in the growth of the flow of requests, in the second and third - in the gradual growth of sales. The fourth quarter, according to Sergei Kuryanov, may close the year with positive growth in both rubles and foreign currency in relation to the pre-crisis 2013.
Vladimir Andreev, president of Docsvision, arguing that the Russian EDMS market is quite mature and there are no sharp changes in it, also notes a certain revival in 2016.
Apparently, the deferred demand of the past 2 years began to work. Quite a lot of tenders are being held to expand and replace existing systems, in particular, to replace western platforms. In general, 2016 looks much more optimistic than the previous ones, the expert believes. |
Alexander Nazarov, Sales Director of EDMS THESIS of Haulmont, notes that according to the company's observations, in 2016 the EDMS market began to "thaw."
If in 2015 large customers still limited IT budgets for the purchase of new systems, then this year large business has significantly revived. In particular, this year pleased us with the start of several large-scale projects, - says a representative of Haulmont |
Svetlin Savov, Development Director of FTS Russia, assumes that the dynamics of the EDMS/ECM implementation projects in 2016 will remain at the level of last year.
Elena Ivanova, head of marketing at EOS, speaks of an insignificant decline in 2015 and the beginning of growth in 2016, primarily due to the redistribution of customer interests from Western to Russian software. "There are undoubted drivers - import substitution and a register," says Ivanova.
Performance indicators of market participants
Participants in the Russian EDMSECM market/systems showed multidirectional dynamics of revenue. 3 companies, whose performance indicators are known to TAdviser, recorded negative dynamics, 9 companies were in the plus.
The first place, like a year ago, is occupied by "Business Logic." In 2015, the revenue of this company in the direction of EDMS/ESM increased by 48% and approached the mark of 1.5 billion rubles.
In second place is the CROC company. Interestingly, the positive dynamics of the revenue of this participant also amounted to 48%. The third place was taken by Terralink, showing impressive growth in the EDMS/ESM market over the past year - by 343.4% to 827.4 million rubles. True, it is worth noting here that the company's indicators are presented in total in Russia and Kazakhstan.
Among the companies that provided TAdviser with data on the number of licenses or automated workplaces sold in 2015, two are distinguished - 1C and Directum. The first in the reporting period managed to implement about 40 thousand licenses for its decisions in the field of document management. Directum has slightly lower indicators. At the same time, the latter has a serious increase in the implemented licenses with a decrease in the total number of new implementations, which may indicate an increase in the scale of projects.
Below is information about the largest customers of some market participants in 2014-2015.
Main drivers and barriers of the Russian EDMS/ESM market
Most drivers that stimulate the development of the Russian EDMS/ESM system market are also characteristic of the entire domestic IT market as a whole. This is primarily a trend for import substitution and the register of Russian software, cloud technologies, as well as the process of scaling or replacing outdated IT solutions. Also, among the factors that have a positive effect on the EDMS market is the course of the state to abandon paper media, the need of organizations to reduce the cost of business processes and increase the efficiency of the main business.
Elena Ivanova, head of marketing at EOS, calls import substitution a strong driving force for a very dynamic market development. In her opinion, the great potential for the market is also laid in the close attention of the state, in the support of Russian software and developers.
The dynamics in 2015 is a decline, not significant, but still. In 2016 - the beginning of growth. And first of all, due to the redistribution of the interests of customers from Western software to Russian. There are undoubted drivers - import substitution and a register, "says Ivanova. |
Another driver, she said, is to expand the tasks solved by systems of this class and change the portrait of users. So, for example, now often the manager wants to fully control and be in the processes.
In mobile applications, too, the portrait of the user has changed a lot, now such applications are also used by middle managers in addition to managers. "This all affects the required functionality and, of course, gives other volumes of licenses," explains the head of the EOS marketing department.
Oleg Pashinin, director of ECM practice AT Consulting, calls the main market driver - the course of the Russian government to abandon paper media and fashion for electronic devices for accessing information and documents. In addition, in his opinion, both driving mechanisms for Russian companies and barriers for international companies were the cost of systems (including due to the influence of the ruble exchange rate), a decrease in the budgets of Russian companies due to the economic downturn and import substitution.
Vladimir Andreev, President of Docsvision, sees the need to scale solutions both in terms of load and number of users, and in terms of process diversity as the main market driver. "Awareness of these needs and import substitution factors lead to an increased need for Russian EDMS/ESM platforms," says Andreev.
Alexander Nevinchany, director of the portal solutions department of KORUS Consulting Group, names three factors as the main market drivers: cloud technologies, import substitution and expansion of the capabilities of previously introduced EDMS.
According to him, document flow from the cloud provides a new level of mobility and availability of data, as well as continuity of business processes. "The growth trend towards the choice of cloud EDMS cannot be overlooked," adds a representative of KORUS Consulting.
As for the expansion of the functionality of already established solutions, here, according to Alexander Nevinchany, the reason for the growth is as follows: if earlier they looked at the system as a way to automate workflow, now more and more different departments are involved in working with the solution, thereby ensuring an increase in interest in inter-corporate exchange of documents. "Including we note the active automation of the document flow of legal departments," he adds.
According to Alexander Bader, Director of ECM at TerraLink, the main drivers, in view of the specifics of the subject, as a year ago, are the needs to reduce the cost of business processes, increase the efficiency of the main business, and ensure the ability to flexibly respond to the continuous strengthening of the requirements of business regulators.
The need for reliable information support for the administrative functions of the management apparatus has not gone anywhere either, thanks to which our industry lived, lives and will live. And maybe it will also be more alive than all others, - said the representative of TerraLink. |
Ruslan Shakirov, CEO of MayTek, believes that the driver of the EDMS market is the financial crisis.
"When the profitability of the business falls, receivables grow, cash gaps appear - all this forces managers to reduce costs and more effectively manage internal processes. And here ECM systems receive new phases of development, because it is one of the key tools for optimizing the processes and work of each division of the enterprise. Today, with the help of ECM, our clients (who are in trend) save 10 and 100-million rubles a year, "he explains. |
Another driver, according to the general director of MayTek, is support for electronic document management at the level of public administration. As Ruslan Shakirov notes, the state is increasingly motivating leaders to use EDMS, and if initially the work of the systems was evaluated on personal experience mainly by young and especially advanced leaders, now even particularly conservative managers began to actively use ECM systems.
Victor Weinstein, CEO of Logic of Business, talks about the general technological pressure (associated with the development of technology), which in the ECM market leads to the fact that companies are already thinking in practical terms about translating all document-oriented processes that are supported by paper into digital form.
The transition from specific paper management and storage to electronic document images is provided by ECM solutions. And the state provides the "legitimacy" of electronic documents: reports to the Federal Tax Service can be submitted electronically, the courts accept documents with a qualified electronic signature. In my opinion, bureaucratic obstacles to the circulation of electronic documents have already been eliminated by 80-85%, says Weinstein. |
The main barriers that hinder the development of the Russian EDMS market are sanctions and economic problems.
The presence of sanctions forces Western vendors to refuse to update and provide technical support services for a number of implemented electronic document management systems .
Considering that replacing the already implemented large-scale system is akin to a natural disaster in terms of costs and risks, most customers, being in such a situation, try by any means to continue to live on those platforms that have already been implemented, - explains Sergey Plaunov, Head of BPM and ECM at CROC. - However, obsolete systems implemented many years ago and ceased to meet the customer's requirements are certainly being modernized or replaced, including with solutions based on Russian or open-source platforms. We are watching this process and, based on our experience of large projects, are now preparing an updated KSED 3.0 solution, which will be able to meet high load and scaling requirements, but will not contain any Western software at its core. |
Speaking about the economy as a market barrier, Alexander Bader from TerraLink notes that in the current conditions, enterprises are forced to allocate priority projects more than ever based on investment opportunities.
Vladimir Andreev, president of Docsvision, agreeing that the economic downturn is the main barrier to the market, adds that in 2016 it is no longer as tangible as in previous years.
Dmitry Shushkin, Deputy General Director of ABBYY Russia, notes that the development of the market directly depends on how modern systems in the field of EDMS and ECM help to increase efficiency, increase employee productivity and, as a result, improve the financial performance of the company. However, in his opinion, with a low increase in IT budgets, the share of operating costs increased in the market as a whole, including to support existing systems. They often require investments in foreign currency, and this leads to the fact that companies are less and less ready to invest in new projects in the field of EDMS and ECM.
In FTS Russia, the main obstacle to market development is the slow development of understanding the potential of modern ECM systems and the use of advanced technologies.
For example, with ECM, you can organize a true enterprise portal or provide external access to vendor storage while maintaining data security. Another example is Capture technology. This is not a simple scanning and warehousing of files to a folder, but a clever classification of documents using key labels and metadata. The processed file is sent to the repository, where it is automatically associated with other documents on the topic, client, project, etc., - said Svetlin Savov, Development Director of FTS Russia. |
It is worth noting that a number of experts do not see barriers to the development of the EDMS and ECM systems market.
Today, no one doubts the need to use EDMS/ESM systems both in corporations and at enterprises and in state organizations, and the market for solutions, in turn, is widely represented by both foreign and domestic products, they say. |
2016 Market Outlook
In a survey in September-October 2015, TAdviser asked the company to assess the prospects and situation in the EDMS/ECM market in 2016. The opinions of market participants were divided.
The EOS company believes that in 2016 we may expect a market decline in the commercial segment and stagnation in the public sector.
"In 2016, the decline will continue, especially in the commercial segment. As for government agencies, either stagnation or small growth is possible here due to the transition to domestic software and import substitution policy, "believes Elena Ivanova, Marketing Director of EOS.
Alexander Bader, Development Director of ECM Terralink, also speaks about stagnation:
"In 2014-2015, the EDMS market was in a state of stagnation. Making the forecast for 2015-2016, we have no reason to believe that the trend will change for the better. "
ELAR Corporation believes that in 2016 the development of the market will continue, since the process of complicating the content continues.
"I think the situation in 2016 will look like this. Russian companies, little tied to any software, and relying on the practical tasks of customers, will win. The development of the market will not stop, since the process of complicating content (VoIP, multimedia, instant messaging services) does not stop. EC "intellectualization" tools will be relevant: automatic classification of documents and data, clustering, content analysis, advanced search, etc., "says Dmitry Shmailov, Head of ECM at ELAR Corporation.
The SoftBalance company believes that under an optimistic scenario, the market may grow by 20-30%.
"The indicators of 2016 will depend not only on financial and economic factors, but also on the foreign policy situation. In an optimistic scenario, against the background of a stable exchange rate, market growth by 20-30% can be expected, deferred demand should affect, "say representatives of SoftBalance.
Preliminary estimates of the 2015 TAdviser results
In September-October 2015, TAdviser predicted that by the end of 2015 the Russian EDMSECM market/systems will show positive dynamics, but the growth will be slightly less than in 2014 - at the level of 9-10%. Thus, it was announced that by the end of the year the market volume could reach 37.8 billion rubles.
A slight decrease in growth is due to the overall economic situation in the country. At the same time, there is no significant decline in interest in EDMS/ECM solutions on the market. In addition, a fairly large number of projects implemented on foreign solutions remain, where payments for support and licenses are made in foreign currency.
According to Georgy Ivanov, head of the First BIT - Paveletskaya project office, the company expects the EDMS/ECM market to grow within 15% in total terms (in rubles) by the end of 2015.
"This dynamics is significantly higher than the market and is due to the strong influence on the increase in internal organizational processes and business as a whole. It is also predicted that the number of implementations will increase by 25%, because small and medium-sized businesses have become more actively involved in optimizing internal processes and are interested in systems of the EDMS/ESM class, "Ivanov said.
Tatyana Povolotskaya, Director of Business Solutions and Custom Development at Softline, notes that by the end of 2015 the market will show moderate (within 10%) growth in ruble equivalent.
"This will be facilitated by the presence of new projects, the number of which is still growing, as well as a fairly large number of inherited projects on foreign systems, the support and licenses of which are denominated in foreign currency," adds Povolotskaya.
Do not see a drop in interest in EDMS/ESM products and in the company "Docsvision."
"In2015, oddly enough, despite the general deterioration of the economic situation, we do not see a significant decrease in interest. For 2015, we predict a slight increase, in the region of 10%, "says Vladimir Andreev, President of Docsvision.
Alexander Bader, director of development at TerraLink ECM, suggests that the market will still show growth, although, most likely, it will not be as noticeable as in previous periods.
FTS Deputy General Director Svetlin Savov believes that the rejection of large projects and the transfer of budgets to next year has already negatively affected the dynamics of the ECM market, but, in general, the ECM segment will traditionally remain in the black by the end of the year.
"Wedo not expect significant growth in ruble terms. Most likely to assume growth at the level of 5%. At the same time, such an indicator can be preserved for the long term, depending on the duration of crisis phenomena in the economy, "says Savov.
According to the general director of Logic of Business Viktor Weinstein, taking into account the outbreak of the crisis, the company planned a rather modest growth at the beginning of 2015, and IDC predicted a significant decline in the Russian content management software market for 2015 (by more than 40% in dollar terms and about 10% in rubles).
"But it is obvious now that our plans should be adjusted upwards. Moreover, sales of software licenses are also growing, where IBM, Microsoft, EMC Documentum play the first violin, and an implementation business in which these international companies do not participate, "Weinstein notes.
Alexander Nevinchany, Head of the Department of Basic Technologies of Microsoft Corus Consulting GC "," believes that market growth in 2015 will be similar to the 2014 indicator.
"In connection with such crisis manifestations as the devaluation of the ruble, we can say that the EDMS market will show a similar growth in rubles compared to 2014," the representative of Korus Consulting notes.
Elena Ivanova, Marketing Director, EOS notes a trend towards a decrease in the number of projects and a decrease in the market in monetary terms.
"It istoo early to talk about the results of the year, the activity of customers is just in the fall and in December. Therefore, it is worth summing up the results of 2015 at the beginning of 2016. Now only a trend is visible - the market has contracted in monetary terms and in the number of project clients. Customer solvency has also declined. It was predictable and expected, "says the EOS marketing director.
Dmitry Shushkin, Deputy General Director of ABBYY Russia, speaking about the forecast of the results of 2015, cites data from the IDC study.
"It is quite difficult to predict the dynamics of the market in the context of a rapidly changing economic situation. However, if we return to the IDC study again, we can focus on the fact that the market will transform in the near future. The changes will primarily affect the factors that stimulate the market. For example, among the key factors, IDC noted: government programs for electronic document management, the need to optimize costs in difficult economic conditions, as well as the relevance for organizations to accelerate management decisions. Interestingly, the factor "need to optimize expenses" a year earlier was only in 14th place. In general, according to analysts, the market should expect a saving regime and a transition to projects with a shorter payback cycle. Such projects include implementations of solutions in the field of data streaming. Data streaming systems can reduce document processing costs by more than 50% and at the same time quickly return investments in the project - ROI ranges from 3 months to 1 year, "says Shushkin.
As for the EDI market, growth and development are predicted here.
"Inthe first 6 months of 2015 alone, 17 large Russian retail companies (this number includes X5 Retail Group, OBI Russia, SELGROS) implemented 42 EDI messages. The volume of all electronic document management over five years, starting in 2011, has grown 10 times - from 6 million messages to 62.5 million in 2014. And the volume of EDO by August 2015 has already approached the level of 2014, "say E-COM.
At the same time, the penetration of EDO will grow and expand in the border zones between the key markets of State companies, the telecommunications sector, retail, production and logistics, insurance and banking sectors.
TAdviser data
According to TAdviser, according to the results of 2014, the Russian EDMSECM market/systems, including implementation services, grew by 12% and reached 34.4 billion rubles. At the same time, about a fourth of this amount falls on the sale of licenses, the rest - on services. Compared to 2013, market growth slowed down somewhat. Recall that according to TAdviser, in 2013 the growth was 20%.
Compared to other segments of business software that TAdviser estimated, the EDMS/ECM market showed the highest growth. For example, the CRM systems market in 2014 grew by 10%, and the dynamics of the Russian ERP market for the same year amounted to + 4%.
The Russian EDMS/ECM systems market demonstrates calm development and goes into the consolidation stage. Positive dynamics is maintained due to projects for maintenance, as well as modernization and scaling of systems. According to companies involved in the development and implementation of systems of this class, the market is saturated, and some integrators even talk about oversaturation.
"Analysts today unanimously note the transition of the EDMS/ECM market in Russia to the stage of consolidation. The primary demand for systems of this class is already satisfied today, and in companies in which projects for the implementation of EDMS have already been implemented, new tasks are being scaled up and automated, "said Vladimir Andreev, President of Docsvision.
According to him, 2014 was quite difficult, the market practically did not grow (growth, according to our estimates, amounted to no more than 10%), although it did not fall.
SoftBalance believes that the fall of the ruble in 2014 had a strong impact on the automation market. At the same time, many companies have suspended investments in information systems.
The CROC company talks about a glut in the market.
"From 2011 to 2013, the market grew by at least 20% per year along with implementation services. I think that there will be an increase in 2014, although it is hardly as significant, since the Russian market for electronic document management systems is already oversaturated. Positive dynamics is observed mainly due to the maintenance or replication of large implementations of previous years, "says Sergey Plaunov, Head of BPM/ECM at CROC
Vadim Ipatov, Deputy General Director of InterTrust for Business Development, notes that the EDMS/ESM market has the same problems as everywhere else - budgets are shrinking, in such conditions customers are not ready to start in large-scale long-term projects, invest in the development of something fundamentally new.
"Inaddition, today it is difficult to imagine a large organization that has not yet implemented a document management system and more broadly - content. The market is saturated, "adds Ipatov
The assessment of the volume of the Russian EDMS/ECM market and dynamics based on the results of 2014 by the company "First BIT" practically coincides with the TAdviser data.
"According to the results of 2014, we estimated the market growth within 13% compared to 2013. Our market estimate is 33.9 billion rubles. (23% - licenses, 77% - services). Do not forget that this year was very tense in view of well-known events, but this dynamics allows you to boldly look into the future of systems of the EDMS/ESM class. I would also like to note that most market players are waiting for more decisive steps in terms of state import substitution policy, since 60% of the market represents domestic software, "says Georgy Ivanov, head of the First BIT - Paveletskaya project office.
The FTS estimates the market dynamics slightly higher.
"According to our observations, 2014 was a successful year for ECM integrators and developers. On average, the market growth of the EDMS/ESM segment amounted to about 15% -20%, "said Svetlin Savov, Deputy General Director of FTS.
Separately, mention should be made of the EDI market. According to EDI providers, this market has huge potential for development.
"We can say that the level of penetration of EDI and EDO in Russia is no more than 3-5% of the total market potential," say E-COM.
TAdviser data
According to TAdviser, in 2013, the Russian market for EDMS systems, including implementation services, grew by 20% compared to 2012 to 30.72 billion rubles. 75% of the market still came from services and only 25% from license sales. In general, the market maintained a high growth rate between 2011 and 2013: from 20 to 35%. Unlike other segments of the business software market, where, according to TAdviser, there was a slight decline (BI systems) or growth stopped (ERP systems), the EDMS market should show double-digit growth by the end of 2014: the main driver of this market is the public sector, where projects in the field of electronic document flow automation are implemented with high intensity. In the number of projects, the share of the public sector in the EDMS market is up to 25%, in monetary terms - up to 40%.
Market participants point to some of its hidden part, especially for projects in the public sector related to state secrets and security, which is quite difficult to measure.According to Gleb Lukin, General Director of Letograf, "the real volume of the EDMS market is quite difficult to assess, since a lot of closed projects are being implemented in the country, information about which is not disclosed by the parties, and the numbers that market players call are often very approximate."
There are many strong Western players in the Russian EDMS/ESM market, including platforms such as Microsoft SharePoint, IBM Notes, Documentum, OpenText and others. A distinctive feature of the market is the presence of also strong local EDMS developers, in particular, EOS (Delo (EOS), Delo-Web and others), Directum, DocsVision, 1C (1C platform: Document Management 8, ELAR Corporation (solutions for electronic archives), InterTrust (CompanyMedia) and Business Logic (part of AI Group, own development - ECM logic). Since Western players have difficulty disclosing data on revenue in the Russian market and the number of implementations, it is difficult to accurately estimate their share in the local market.
Number of implementations of some large ECM platforms in Russia, 2012-2013
№ | Solution | Number of projects 2013 * | Number of projects 2012 * |
1 | EOS (Case (EOS) and others) | 7 773 | - |
2 | 1C: Document Flow (all solutions) | 1 033 | 948 |
3 | Directum | 589 | 573 |
4 | DocsVision | 353 | 362 |
5 | ECM Logic * * | 88 | 86 |
6 | THESIS Document and Task Management System | 54 | 49 |
Total | 9 631 | - |
* Information on the number of projects provided by companies
* * Excluding partner implementations
TAdviser Center, 2014
The positive dynamics of the market is also confirmed by data on the revenue of system integrators. Among those companies that submitted data on revenue in the EDMS market (including implementation services in rubles with VAT), the increase in 2013 compared to the previous year was from 15% and higher for the majority of the company. We add that the system developer is also an "integrator" for TAdviser if he implements implementation projects on his own, such as Business Logic or EOS.
For example, 1C and Docsvision have an excellent business model (the latter also almost fully implements through partners, the total increase in its revenue in 2013 is 23%, and the volume of the average transaction increased by 33%, the largest contract of 2013 - 12 million rubles, according to the company). As for 1C, according to the company, in total, revenue from the sale of licenses and services for the implementation and maintenance of systems on the 1C platform: The document flow of all franchisees of the company increased in 2013 by 19.1% to 1.24 billion rubles, of which only about 20.5% accounted for the sale of licenses.
The TAdviser Center's own database of projects on EDMS/ESM systems totaled more than 3170 projects as of September 2014, a year earlier it amounted to 2383 projects (+ 33%). During the nine months of 2014, 220 projects were added to the base. Their relatively small number is due to the fact that many projects will be closed at the end of the year and information about them will be released later. For comparison, since 2011, 647 projects have been included in the database, in 2012 - 476 projects, in 2013 - 509.
"According to our estimates, the Russian ECM market grew by 25-30% in 2014. This is mainly due to the implementation of large-scale projects to replicate solutions in large organizations, including the public sector, - comments Viktor Weinstein, General Director of Business Logic (AI Group of Companies), - For certain reasons, it is now difficult to make a forecast for 2015, but it can be said for sure that due to a general reduction in IT budgets, budgets for systems for document management will also be reduced. And in this situation, we recommend that our customers pay attention to ECM solutions based on free software (SAT), for example Alfresco or JBoss. "As Alexey Budin, CEO of ELMA, commented, the Russian market for internal corporate EDMS has moved into maturity.
"Firstly, like any market, it is not bottomless and at the moment there is a certain percentage of saturation. Secondly, there are types of IT products that differently solve the issues of information movement in the company, and these products also take part of the market for classic EDMS. But at the same time, the market is still growing, "the expert said. Among the growth drivers, Alexey Budin noted the emergence of new customer companies, the replacement of systems introduced 5-10 years ago, as well as projects to combine various systems, for example, in groups of companies. "We can
definitely conclude that today something must be added to the" classic EDMS "in order to be at the level and compete in the market," he concluded.
Alexander Bader, Development Director of ECM TerraLink, member of the Docflow Expert Council, noted in a TAdviser commentary that the Russian ECM ECM systems market is very heterogeneous. Both manufacturers of domestic systems, both those who position themselves closer to Western ECM, and those who promote content management systems closer to the Russian understanding of EDMS, as well as foreign vendors have their interest here.
The market itself is heterogeneous, the range of solutions offered is wide, and each segment has its own dynamics, be it document management, business process management, user experience management, etc."It is generally accepted that recently, the hospital average estimate looked like 15% growth per year. I think no one will be able to give market prospects in connection with the short stories of the economic situation, "Alexander Bader believes. A positive factor, he said, is that there is a healthy demand on the market.
"Not so long ago, the main incentive for the implementation of the ECM system was only the desire of an advanced Chief information officer to have a beautiful Western toy. Fortunately, today it is in the past, "said TerraLink, ECM Development Director. Alexander Bader pointed out that for Russian companies today the most important priority is to ensure the savings of their funds and resources, both in the field of production in general and in the field of IT in particular.
"I.e. beautiful wrapper and bright feed give way to detailed calculations and sound calculation. We know customers who are ready to completely replace the existing system with an industrial ECM system, not only because the existing one is already morally outdated, but because we have proved with numbers in our hands the savings in support, maintenance, development, as well as the ability to solve new, important tasks for their main business, "the specialist comments.
Gleb Lukin, General Director of Letograf, notes three key points that contributed to the significant growth of the EDMS market by opening new areas of automation. This is the continuing growth of "mobilization" of the population, when more and more employees of various levels begin to work remotely. As well as the widespread introduction of cloud technologies into everyday life, the readiness of the technological base to provide a high-quality business environment "in the cloud," including the moral readiness of customers to entrust corporate data to cloud storage, thereby reaching a new level of data management. The third factor is the need of modern office workers to work in a single integrated office environment, when the document management system ceases to be only a tool for working with cards and documents, and becomes a kind of super-environment into which a variety of services are integrated: file storage, e-mail, task and task management system.
Another important incentive is the strengthening of state regulation and the continuing formation of a legislative framework in the field of working with electronic documents. Regulating the exchange of legally relevant documents, improving the law on electronic signature and other expected changes are considered by TerraLink as positive, providing an increase in the need for qualitatively new software in the field of content management and services for its implementation. An example is the TerraLink xDE solution to support SDA exchange directly in an SAP ERP environment, which is extremely important and useful for large companies. Obviously, an industrial solution of this kind would not have been in demand by the market 3-4 years ago, says Alexander Bader.
TAdviser data
According to TAdviser estimates, the Russian market for electronic document management systems (EDMS) and services for their implementation in 2012 amounted to 25.6 billion rubles, of which three quarters were for implementation services and about 6.4 billion rubles - directly for sales of vendors from the sale of licenses.
Most of the market participants surveyed confirmed that the EDMS market in Russia is growing at a very high rate: between 2011 and 2013, the annual market growth is estimated at 20-35%.
This is largely due to the fact that over the past few years, EDMS implementation projects have become massive, covering most of the company's employees. It is quite rare that the number of purchased licenses in projects for the implementation of business systems is in the hundreds, and in the EDMS market the account goes to thousands even in medium-sized businesses and municipal governments, not to mention large businesses or federal authorities.
For example, in 2012-2013, such large projects as the implementation of Documentum in Rosatom were implemented on the Russian EDMS market (50 thousand users), Case-Web within the state automated system "Justice" (48.5 thousand users), the Central Bank implemented the Case (EOS) in two projects) for more than 60 thousand users, Rostelecom has implemented the EMC Documentum system for 56 thousand users, Sberbank of the Russian Federation has 50 thousand employees in Docsvision. In 2012, EOS alone, together with its partners, separately implemented more than 550 projects for implementing its EDMS solutions with a total number of licenses of 154.8 thousand.
Market participants give comparable figures. "I estimate the growth rate of the Russian EDMS market over the past two years at 30%. If we talk about the volume of the market, then in my opinion it exceeds $200 million, "said Alexander Semenov, General Director of KORUS Consulting, to TAdviser.
Vladimir Andreev, President of DocsVision, noted that if we focus on the sales volumes of the Docsvision system, then on average over the past 3 years (2011, 2012, including the forecast for 2013), he can estimate market growth in the region of 35-40%. "But this applies precisely to the revenues of the vendor company (recall that Docsvision does not conduct its own project business). At the same time, recently the share of income from additional services of our company has been growing: training, expertise of implementation projects, author's supervision, additional technical support, "he explained.
He also believes that the size of the project business is growing at a higher rate than the income from software licensing, and is a significantly larger volume. Vladimir Andreev estimates the total volume of the license market at $70-140 million, despite the fact that the volume of revenues from the project business is about three times higher than the volume of license sales, the expert added.
Alexander Semenov believes that the reason for the rapid growth of the EDMS market is both in the transition of organizations from nominal electronic document management to widespread, and in the fact that EDMS in Russia "becomes the main tool for automating the main business processes." "If the platform is selected correctly, then after implementation it is expanded towards automation of processes related to procurement, customer relations. Also, a huge amount adds an electronic archive with documentation, including financial ones, to the work of users with EDMS, "he explained.
The third growth factor mentioned by experts is the rapid development of EDS. The number of EDMS implementations in the public sector is growing avalanche-like: here electronic document management systems often become the center of the entire IT infrastructure. "The activity of the state in promoting the ideas of paperless document management indirectly affects other markets. So, for example, a new segment of consumption of EDMS applications is emerging - working with legally significant electronic documents, ensuring a completely paperless exchange of documents both within and between organizations, "notes Vladimir Andreev.
Oleg Beilezon, Chief Architect of ECM of Logic Business, told TAdviser that an important factor ensuring a resurgent interest in EDMS is the expansion of the functionality of this kind of systems. An important role, the expert believes, was also played by the transition of Russian EDMS vendors to ECM-class platforms, which provide great opportunities for managing content using a "boxed" system, which reduces the cost of its implementation.
The EOS believes, however, that in the coming years such a strong growth of the EDMS market in Russia will stop, since it is already saturated, many projects represent the modernization of already implemented solutions. "For example, mobility issues are now relevant, that is, the transition to work on mobile devices is gradually taking place. Moreover, users want from the functionality of mobile applications almost the same capabilities as from "fat" customers, "the company told TAdviser.
In the unified database of implementations of the TAdviser Center for the entire history of observations, 2382 EDMS projects were accumulated at the end of September 2013, of which 580 were completed in 2011, 411 in 2012, 254 in three quarters of 2013 (but the year is not yet completed, and the delivery of projects often occurs at the end of the year). According to TAdviser estimates, more than 1,000 EDMS implementations are actually implemented annually in Russia. As for the decrease in the number of projects in 2012 by 2011, firstly, only open projects are included in the database (the customer's name is disclosed), and, secondly, the database does not take into account more than 500 EOS implementations, the data on which TAdviser has additional.
Of course, the share of platforms in the volume of implementations is not comparable to the share of platforms in the market in terms of revenue of vendors, rather, the first indicator characterizes the level of platform penetration in the market. Since most vendors do not disclose the proceeds from the sale of licenses, indirectly judging their volumes allows us to judge the total number of licenses for all projects in the database for the implementation of a specific platform implemented in 2012.
As can be seen from the above diagram, the largest players in the Russian EDMS market are Delo (EOS), DocsVision, Directum and other local products. A separate niche in the EDMS market is also occupied by 1C solutions, in particular, the 1C system: Document management 8 KORP (in 2012 alone, more than 280 implementations were carried out on its basis).
This is exactly the rare case in the Russian software business market when the specifics of local business and legislation have determined competitive advantages for domestic developers. However, Western platforms play a significant role - Documentum, Microsoft SharePoint, IBM Notes/Domino, each of them occupies its own specific niche.
Major integrators of EDMS, which account for dozens of implementation projects in 2012, are ELAR, Digital Design (Digital Design), ELMA, Cognitive Technologies (Cognitive Technologies), InterTrust (InterTrust), CROC, Business Logic and EOS, which is also engaged in the introduction of its own products.
IDC Survey Data
According to a joint study conducted by IDC Russia and Logica Business, the following systems are leading in terms of the number of implementations among the surveyed companies in the Russian EDMS market: IBM Notes/Domino (more than 25%), Microsoft Sharepoint (about 17%), 1C: Document Flow (about 14%), Directum (12%). All other products did not pass the 10% threshold.
What EDMS is currently operating in your organization?
The study also found that there are very few organizations in which all departments would be connected to the EDMS system, only 12% of the respondents. True, in two sectors, in the state and financial sectors, this percentage is significantly higher - 63% and 25%. Most often, EDMSs are used by the secretariat/office, accounting, lawyers and senior executives of companies.
The attitude of companies to the "cloud" model of software use is wary: only 11% of respondents use the "cloud" model, and 36% are not interested in this topic at all. Perhaps the fact is that the "clouds" do not provide enough mature means of integration with the corporate IT infrastructure (in particular, with the security infrastructure), in addition, not all of them adapt quite well to the client's requirements.
In addition, during the study, the so-called "maturity index" was calculated ECM , which assesses the penetration and effectiveness of the use of EDMS technologies in various industries.
ECM Maturity Index by Industry
Business Logic 2.0, 2012
According to the results of the study, the average maturity index (i.e. the product of penetration rates and efficiency) among the surveyed companies was just over 40%. For most companies, the maturity index differs little from the average. High efficiency is often offset by low penetration (oil and gas, transport and logistics) and vice versa (public sector). The best situation is in the banking sector, the worst - in the power and housing and communal services.
The volume of the Russian content management systems market, which includes replicated software products and services for consulting, implementation and training, in 2011 amounted to $277.2 million. This is stated in the IDC report.
A feature of the Russian content management market is the predominance of domestic companies, which for the most part specialize in document management products. About 60% of the market was controlled by five companies: EMC, 1C, Directum, Cognitive Technologies and Microsoft.
The main factor stimulating the growth of the market was significant investments from government organizations, as well as large enterprises in the oil and gas, metallurgical, financial and telecommunications industries.
"Customers consider automation of document flow an essential element of optimization of key business processes of the enterprise," said IDC analyst Pyotr Gorodetsky. "Nevertheless, it is still far from using the full functionality of content management solutions."
The volume of the Russian content management solutions market will increase by more than 20% in 2012 due to significant investments from government customers, an increase in the penetration of mobile technologies, as well as a significant volume of already installed accounting systems.
Legislative initiatives of the government, such as the 63-FZ "On Electronic Signature" and Order No. 221 of the Ministry of Communications and Mass Media, establishing requirements for document management systems in federal executive bodies, can play a significant role in increasing demand for content management solutions.
The Russian market for electronic document management systems in monetary terms is currently estimated by experts at $170 million and is characterized by high growth rates - from 25 to 40 percent per year, according to various estimates. This makes it very attractive, including for powerful foreign companies, so the position in the industry can easily change. Of course, on the one hand, in an unsaturated market, all suppliers, having shown sufficient activity, in principle have great opportunities for development. But, on the other hand, now we can already say that the pool of the main players has practically formed.
Foreign and Russian developers have so far divided the market in monetary terms approximately equally, but in terms of the number of implementations, the ratio is clearly not in favor of foreign developments. Due to the high cost of licensing foreign programs, as well as expensive and time-consuming adaptation to the requirements of Russian standards, they are used mainly in large companies and government agencies, for which the price issue was not so acute. SMB enterprises are more inclined to use domestic developments due to their flexibility and cheapness, and the situation here is unlikely to change. However, large companies are increasingly turning to Russian EDMS. The further, the most of the market will probably be conquered by domestic systems: every year they become more and more functional, significantly less expensive to implement and, which is very important, are developed specifically for Russian realities.
Foreign developers of platforms and solutions account for more than 50% of the EDMS market. In monetary terms, the EDMS segment is estimated at $115-125 million. A large share of this market (about a third) in is occupied by solutions based on the platform. Documentum Companies that take part in the study, developing their systems based on IBM Lotus Domino the/Notes platform (",,,," BOSS-Referent IRM NTCInterprocom Lan"," "), InterTrust Company ComputerAge own 12-15% of the market. Among Russian companies, a significant position in the market is occupied by:, "," and. EOSLANIT Directum Cognitive Technologies The system developed by each of these companies accounts for more than 5% of the EDMS market. Companies,, and "" also have quite strong positions. The Upscale Soft Docsvision EDMS Naumen does not Motive Moscow take into account other solutions created on the basis of platforms used IBM for developing solutions (ECM Lotus Notes, Content Manager, etc.), as well as solutions on platforms for developing ECM applications of companies and solutions Microsoft Oracle of Russian developers who did not participate in the CNA study. This segment of the Russian EDMS market is estimated by experts at $45-55 million. Nevertheless, given that IBM platforms used to create electronic document management systems are widely represented in Russia, the share of solutions based on IBM technologies may be significantly higher than the total share of companies surveyed by CNA, including through their own developments. In general, three main areas of market growth can be distinguished, for which new and existing players can compete. First, we can expect an increase in demand from government agencies after the development of an appropriate regulatory framework. Since the public sector is the determining consumer of EDMS in Russia, which accounts for about 40% of the market, much depends on what path the state chooses when creating a developed interdepartmental structure for the exchange of information. Secondly, large commercial structures that have been actively using EDMS for a long time, but only in some divisions, seek to unite distributed branches into a single information space and extend successful practice to the enterprise as a whole. And thirdly, in the last two to three years, medium and small businesses have been implementing more and more systems to improve the efficiency of the workflow organization and have already realized what advantages this gives.
The market volume of electronic document management systems (EDMS) in Russia in 2008 amounted, according to preliminary estimates of CNews Analytics, to about $210 million. Its players do not expect significant market growth in 2009, however, as well as a serious drop. The public sector remains the largest customer of EDMS in Russia, and hopes for further growth are also associated with state initiatives. From 2009, players do not expect significant growth in the EDMS market, realizing the complexity of the situation in the country. Obviously, it is possible to assume the failure of consumption in previously dynamically growing sectors - for example, retail or industry. Hopes to avoid a sharp decline are still associated with the public sector, banks, telecom and oil and gas, which initially "raised" this market in Russia. When assessing the volume of the EDMS market in Russia by CNews Analytics experts, as well as respondents - developer companies and integrators - the cost of the components of the system, consulting services, system implementation and update, as well as training and technical support are taken into account. If according to the 2007 survey, the share of implementation services was approximately equal to the cost of the system (about 36%), then in 2008 the respondents indicated that the share of implementation increased slightly - 40% versus 35% (system cost). Some of this change was due to the rapid growth of the domestic IT services sector as a whole, against the background of which the cost of consultants' work increased noticeably and rapidly. With the beginning of crisis changes in the country, customers vividly anticipated that prices for these services would soon fall. However, in fact, the sharp reduction in the cost of professional IT services has not yet occurred, despite the fact that this market is the first to fall into the risk zone.
EDMS market in the public sector
On May 14, 2013, the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications published the results of a study of the implemented EDMS in federal executive bodies, obtained on the basis of a survey of 79 departments. The study showed that 74 of them use electronic document management, while more than one EDMS has been introduced in four departments - the Ministry of Culture, the Ministry of Transport, the Federal Tax Service and the FSSP.
The most active users of the EDMS were the Ministry of Economic Development, the Ministry of Finance, the Government Apparatus, the Presidential Administration and the Ministry of Communications itself. In the five federal authorities - FSTEK, FSB, SVR, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Rostourism - electronic document management is not used at all.
The Ministry of Communications notes that in accordance with the order of the government, the transition to electronic document management when organizing the internal activities of federal authorities should have been completed by January 2012. Thus, as of May 2013, the order was 93% fulfilled.
The systems that ensure the interaction of the authorities in electronic form - MEDO and SMEV - are connected to 17 implemented EDMS FOIV, which is 21% of the total number of departments, according to the report of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications. In addition to them, departmental EDMS interact with 18 more IT systems, of which three are Rosavtodor systems. In total, 57 EDMS products of nineteen types are used in the surveyed authorities. Electronic signature is provided in 50 implemented EDMS, but in six cases this functionality is not used. The electronic signature in 27 EDMS is not provided at all. In 25 bodies where electronic document management is introduced, there is also a mobile application.
In May 2012, Cognitive Technologies conducted a study of the electronic document management systems (EDMS) market in the public sector. According to the data received, the total amount of funds allocated for the purchase of electronic document management (EDO ) by government agencies in 2011 amounted to more than 5 billion rubles. Of this amount, about 45% falls on the costs of law enforcement agencies. The study was based on information posted on the zakupki.gov.ru website (a total of 465 purchases from 457 customers were analyzed), as well as data received directly from the company's customers.
In order to determine the portrait of the opinions of EDMS customers about the systems they use, a survey was conducted of 276 government officials who purchased electronic document management systems from various manufacturers from 2011 to early 2012 (79 respondents from the capital region and 197 from 35 constituent entities of the Russian Federation). According to the data received, the overwhelming number (53%) of respondents spoke negatively about the quality of the purchased systems. More than half of them said that the main problem with most installed systems is the low speed of information processing. Weak confidence in the safety of storing documentation does not suit 16% of respondents. And 28% are confident in the need for auto-processing functions that allow to largely automate the process of processing incoming requests and reduce subjectivity when making decisions.
Those who were fully or partially satisfied with the purchased product were significantly fewer - 17% and 28%, respectively. About 2% of respondents refrained from a specific answer. In 2012, the cost of introducing process automation and document management systems in the public sector will increase by 40%.
See also
- Review of "EDMS, ECM and CSP Systems in Russia"
- Main trends of the Russian EDMS/ECM systems market
- Distribution of domestic and foreign EDMS, ECM and CSP systems on the Russian market. Expert assessments
- Key innovations and development plans of EDMS/ECM systems
- EDMS (more)
- ECM – Enterprise Content Management
- EDMS (Software Technologies)
- EDMS (implementation methodology)
- ECM (Global Market)
- ECM Top Trends
- EDMS in Russia: industry specifics
- Geography of EDMS/ESM projects
- EDMS in SaaS format
- EDI - Electronic Data Exchange