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2020/12/29 14:14:41

EDMS in Russia: industry specifics

The most active electronic document management systems EDMS() in Russia are being implemented in the public sector. Among the companies of the commercial sector, financial and trading enterprises stand out.

Overview of Electronic Document Management and ECM



Over the entire observation period, the TAdviser database accumulated information on 8.4 thousand implementation projects//CSP EDMSECM systems (as of December 2024). Of these, more than 1.3 thousand projects have been completed over the past 3 years. The top 5 industries - leaders in the introduction of EDMS in 2022-2024 include the sectors of construction, IT, finance, as well as the public sector and the sphere. formations


As of December 2023, the TAdviser database contained data on 8 thousand EDMSECM implementation projects/systems. Of these, more than 1.9 thousand projects have been completed over the past 3 years. The top 5 industries - leaders in the introduction of EDMS in 2021-2023 include the sectors of construction, IT, trade, finance, as well as the public sector.


Distribution of EDMS/ECM projects by industry for the entire observation period

As of December 2022, the TAdviser database contained data on 7.3 thousand EDMSECM implementation projects/systems. The leaders in the implementation of such solutions are traditionally the public sector. It accounts for more than 14% of all implementations. Also, a significant number of projects are carried out in the field of construction and among financial companies. The share of each of these industries exceeds 8%.


Distribution of EDMS/ECM projects by industry for the entire observation period

As of December 2021, the TAdviser project base included information on about 6.7 thousand EDMSECM implementations/systems. Traditionally, the public sector leads among customers of such solutions. The top five also includes construction companies, the financial services industry, trade and mechanical engineering.

2020: Gazprombank Avtolizing: 22% of Russian companies still do not use EDO in their activities

About 22% of Russian companies still do not use electronic document management (EDO) in their activities, despite all its obvious advantages. This was announced on December 29, 2020 by Gazprombank Avtolizing. Among the main reasons for failure are the lack of necessity and a conservative approach when choosing storage media . These are the results of a survey conducted in early December by Gazprombank Avtolizing among 250 companies in Moscow and St. Petersburg.

The lowest penetration of electronic document management was recorded among individual entrepreneurs (64%), enterprises on a simplified taxation system (70%) and micro-enterprises (72%). According to their representatives, in this practice, companies "do not see the needs" (44%), "prefer paper media" (13%), operate with "small document flow" (6%) or even received the appropriate "management order" (6%) and simply "are waiting for an order from above" (4%).

Nevertheless, as it was possible to find out from communication with respondents, the share of companies connected to any EDO operator is quite high - 78%. Among the most commonly used electronic document management systems, respondents were named GSI (47%), (Kontur.Diadok 39%), (7 Kaluga Astral %) and (5 Taxcom %).

Gazprombank Avtolizing, which provides transport rental services for business within the framework of the concept of light leasing (flexible financing conditions, including the use of EDO, as well as the conclusion and subsequent maintenance of contracts online), reminds: during remote work, electronic document management will help easily replace traditional. To work with it, you only need the Internet and a qualified electronic signature (KEP), it is cheaper and faster than paper, and in difficult economic realities this is especially important. If sending a package of documents by standard mail costs 50-60 rubles, then through the electronic data transfer system - 5-7 times cheaper. It is not necessary to wait a few days for the counterparty, perhaps, to receive the papers - sending and guaranteed receipt takes a few seconds.

For a number of companies, the introduction of EDO was a necessary measure with widespread self-isolation and active restructuring of business processes: offline stores were transferred to the online format, goods were sent with couriers and delivery services, and offices for employees were organized right at home. Electronic document management in such a situation is another opportunity to adapt the business to new realities, to make it safer.

Electronic document management is suitable for companies even with a small amount of document management - the immediate effect of digitalization in the form of savings on paper and sending documents for them is guaranteed. And medium and large businesses are completely interested in automating document flow, because for it, the decisive arguments in favor of EDO are the acceleration of processing large amounts of data, reducing labor costs at all stages of working with documents and reducing tax risks, - comments Lilia Markova, General Director of Gazprombank Avtolizing.


Distribution of EDMS/ECM projects by industry for the entire observation period

For 2019, there were no major changes in the industry EDMSECM distribution/-projects, according to the TAdviser database. As a year earlier, the public sector is in the lead among customers of such solutions. The top five also includes the financial services, construction, trade and mechanical engineering industries.

Over the past year, projects for the introduction of EDMS/ECM systems have been most often implemented in trade (+ 71 projects), construction (+ 66 projects), medicine (+ 47 projects) and the public sector (+ 42 projects).


Distribution of EDMS/ECM projects by industry for the entire observation period

Most often, according to the TAdviser project database , EDMS/ECM-systems are implemented in the public sector, financial sector, construction and. to trade

Among more than 5 thousand EDMS/ESM projects known to TAdviser, 14.7% are government agencies. In 2018, the database of projects was replenished with information on 72 implementations in this area. The financial industry accounted for 49 projects per year, construction - 68, trade - 65.

More than half (51%) of all EDMS/ESM implementations are in 6 industries - the public sector, financial services, construction, trade, mechanical engineering and power.

The largest projects of vendors and integrators of EDMS/ESM systems

The table below presents the largest projects completed by some domestic EDMSECM market participants/systems in 2016-2018. Up to 5 of the largest projects are listed for each company.

EDMS/ECM Vendors and Integrators Customers The essence of the project Decision Quantitative indicators
1CPolyus[[1C: Document Flow 8"1C: KORP Document Management]]"3000 workplaces
Русагро ГК Automate the work of the Rusagro Group of Companies with 1C: Document Flow CORP"1C: Document Flow CORP"2500 jobs
St. Petersburg State Unitary Enterprise Passazhiravtotrans]Implementation of an automated ERP system based on 1C:ERP Enterprise Management 2 and 1C: Document Flow 8|[[1C: Enterprise 8.01C:Enterprise 8]] KORP. ERP Enterprise Management 2 + Document Management1250 workplaces
Gazprom avtomatizatsiyaOrganizing a Single File Storage Based on 1C: Document Flow CORP"1C: Document Flow CORP"1200 Workstations
Qiwi GroupTransition to 1C: Document Flow and Implementation of SZDO Using 1S:DO"1C: KORP Document Management"1000 Workplaces
ID Management TechnologyIDGC of CenterSoftware Development on the EMC Documentum Platform in Terms of Updating Current Solutions to Version 7.2, Development of Electronic Archive Software, Development of Software for Automation of Collective Tasks in ACS|[[DocumentumEMC Documentum]]8800 Users
FGC UESCreation of an automated system "Register of UES objects"9500 users
ФСК ЕЭС Creation of an automated system of legally significant electronic business document management (AS UWEDO)7000 users
MOESKCreating a single electronic corporate document repository5000 users
RossetiProject on creation and replication of information security subsystem in automated management document management system (ASUD)40,000 users
DocsvisionAlrosa[[Docsvision (EDMS/ECM system)Docsvision]]18000 users
GAZ IT ServiceDocsvision15,000 users
РосимуществоDocsvision5000 users
Government of the Tver RegionDocsvision3500 users
FSUE RosmorportCSEDO for Rosmorport, Rosmorrechflot and 15 subordinate institutionsDocsvision3,500 users
InterTrustVTBEDMS CompanyMedia22,000 jobs, more than 2.5 million registered documents per year
Government of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous OkrugTransition to the new version of the EDMS8000 jobs
Krasnoyarsk Territory AdministrationCompanyMedia 5 electronic document management organizations5500 workplaces
Администрация г. Севастополь Implementation of CompanyMedia 5 EDMSCompanyMedia EDMS, SPO components2250 workplaces
Comet CorporationImplementation of automated document-oriented business process management system based on CompanyMedia 5EDMS CompanyMedia, PostgreSQL DBMS900 workplaces
Corus ConsultingMegaphoneProject to create EDMS for SSC MegaFon""|SAP|Extended ECM by OpenTextUses 800 employees. Support for simultaneous operation of 3000 users. Potential for 30,000 users
FSS[[Korus Consulting: Avandok (formerly ECM Sputnik, EDMS Sputnik)ESM platform "Sputnik]]," SPO components25,000 registered users, 2500 concurrent users
LanitRusHydro[[LanDocsLanDocs]]12,500 Jobs
MUECUpgrade to the third version of the LanDocs ECM platformLanDocs2000 users
SyntellectIndustrial Development Fund[[Syntellect TessaTessa]]up to 100,000 users, enlim
[[Банк ВТБ|VTB] ]/VTB24Centralized document and business process management solutionTessa40,000 users
GazprombankElectronic customer archive and product dossier on Tessa platformTessa6000 users
Дикси Transition from paper invoice exchange with suppliers to legally relevant electronic document management based on the Tessa platformTessa5000 users
SMP BankLoan Application Approval System based on Tessa platformTessa4000 users
EOSMoscow City Pedagogical University (MGPU)[[EOS for SharePoint 2013EOS for SharePoint]]2500 jobs
Stoloto Trading House (JSC TK Center)EOS for SharePoint1200 jobs
Gazprom Transgaz MoscowEDMS Case899 jobs
Gamma TDEOS for SharePoint Integration with Trading Information SystemEOS for SharePoint750 Jobs
Kopey Machine-Building PlantEOS for SharePoint684 jobs
TAdviser 2018


Distribution of EDMS/ECM projects by industry for the entire observation period

A dozen industries that account for the bulk EDMSECM of implementations/systems remain almost unchanged. In 2017, the transport sector got into the top 10 most popular industries, displacing consulting.

Most of the EDMS/ESM projects are carried out in the public sector. Over the past year, the TAdviser database has been replenished with information about 86 implementations in this area. The financial industry accounted for 46 projects per year, construction - 30, engineering and trade - 29 and 26, respectively.

More than half (52%) of all EDMS/ESM implementations are in 6 industries - the public sector, financial services, construction, trade, mechanical engineering and power.

Large EDMS/ECM projects 2015-2017

Major projects for creation, migration and EDMSECM development/-systems in 2015-2017 *

Customer Performer System Number of AWS, licenses or users * * The essence of the project Details
Ростелеком AT Consulting|[[DocumentumDocumentum]]75000EBED Development
* * *
[[Электронная Москва АО|Electronic Moscow] ]/Moscow GovernmentDocument Management Systems-Technical Center|[[EDMS practiceEDMS Practice]]66000EDMS Migration from Oracle to Postgres
| * * *
Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia"Logic of Business""Logic of Business. Public Administration "64000Implementation of EDMS" Business Logic. Public Administration
* * *
Росатом CROC, AT Consulting|[[DocumentumDocumentum]]47000Optimizing/Replacing System User Interfaces
* * *
Bank of RussiaEOSDelo42000
* *
Правительство Московской областиDocument Management Systems, Postgres Professional (PPG, Postgres Professional) EDMS practice42000Migration of interdepartmental EDMS database from Oracle DBMS to PostgreSQL
* *
«Почта России» National Center for Informatization (NCI), 1S-KSU, LANIT|[[1C: Document Flow 81C: Document Flow]] 840000]| * * *
ВТБ24 Synthellect|[[Syntellect TessaTESSA]]40000Electronic Document Archive of RKO Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs, Automation of ACD Processes
* * *
«ВымпелКом» AT Consulting|[[DocumentumDocumentum]]25000Implementation of the management subsystem for organizational and administrative documents and internal regulatory documents
* * *
Federal Tax Service of RussiaBusiness logicECM Logic""28000Creation of ECM subsystems for Tax-3 AIS FTS of Russia |
* *
«Transneft "CROC|[[DocumentumDocumentum]]25000EDMS Modernization and Replication
* * *
VTBInterTrust|[[CompanyMediaCompanyMedia]]22000Development of EDMS
* * *
«Сургутнефтегаз» Directum|[[Directum (EDMS/ESM system)Directum (EDMS]])20,000Completion of EDMS implementation. The system covers not only workflow, but also processes that are not typical for ECM systems, for example, management of design and estimate documentation (PD)
* * *
Sberbank RFTechnoserv ConsultingIBM Content Foundation (formerly IBM FileNet)20,000Knowledge Management Implementation
* * *
«T Plus "AkelonDirectum18500Implementation of a unified document management system
* * *
Россельхозбанк Business Logic"EA Logic"10000Creating an automated system for managing the storage of documents on paper and electronic images
* * *
Правительство Удмуртской Республики Directum|[[Directum (EDMS/ESM system)Directum]]10000System Development
* * *
Government of Rostov RegionEOS"Delo"10000Project development
* * *
Дикси ECMGroup.Pro, SynthellectTESSAArchive of electronic SF and other documents, exchange of documents through SZDO with a network of suppliers, support for 5 EDM providers
* * *
Фонд развития промышленности (ФРП) SynthellectTESSA10000Integration with the GISP portal, service for managing legally significant electronic document flow of GISP participants
* * *
YNAO GovernmentInterTrustCompanyMedia8000
* *
FMS of RussiaBusiness Logic"EDMS Logic"8000Migration from Documentum to the "EDMS Logic" solution based on Alfresco and PostgreSQL software |
* *
OGV of the Republic of BashkortostanMedialuxDelo8000Development of an interdepartmental electronic document management system
* * *
SIBUR HoldingCROC|[[CROC: Corporate Electronic Document Management SystemCROC KSED]]7500Implementation of centralized corporate information system for document automation and document storage management
* * *
Government of the Tyumen RegionDirectum|[[Directum (EDMS/ESM system)Directum (EDMS]])7000Integration of the Unified Interdepartmental Electronic Document Management System (EMSED) with the ССТУ.РФ portal
* * *
Metalloinvest1S-KPD (1C-Corporate Portals and Document Management)1C: Document Flow Management6000]| * * *
«Ингосстрах» Directum|[[SynerdocsSynerdocs]]6000Exchange of electronic documents using the Synerdocs service
* * *
«Ингосстрах» Haulmont|[[ABSTRACT Document and Task Management SystemTHESIS Document and Task Management System]]6000Implementation of EDMS THESIS
* * *
«Alrosa "Timlis ConsultingDocsvision6000
* *
Правительство Красноярского края InterTrust|[[CompanyMediaCompanyMedia]]5500Development of EDMS
* * *
«Locomotive Technologies "MaiTekDirectum5000Functional Development of the System in All Holding Companies
* * *
Россети Центр (МРСК Центра) Ensys Technologies|[[DocumentumDocumentum]]5400Procurement of licenses for 282.4 million rubles for a period of at least 10 years for the development of Documentum |
* *
Росгеология Haulmont|[[ABSTRACT Document and Task Management SystemTHESIS Document and Task Management System]]4150Document Management and Confidential Information Protection
* * *
«РусГидро» Lanit|[[LanDocsLanDocs]]4000Development of corporate EDMS on the software platform of a domestic developer
* * *
SMP BankSynthellect|[[Syntellect TessaTESSA]]4000Credit Application Approval System
* * *
Government of Novosibirsk RegionInterTrustCompanyMedia3600Modernization of Regional EDMS
* * *
RosenergoatomCROC|[[DocumentumDocumentum]]Implementation of Technical Documentation Management System
* * *
"Polyus "1S-KPD|[[1C: Document Flow 81C: KORP Document Flow]]3000EDMS Building. Automated key business processes of the company within the framework of contractual
| * * *
* - In addition to new projects that started in 2015-2017, the table includes projects completed earlier, but developed during the specified period TAdviser 2017
* * - Approximate current or planned number of licenses, AWS or users specified "


Distribution of EDMS/ECM projects by industry for the entire observation period

According to TAdviser, as of November 2016, the most active EDMSECM projects/were implemented in the public sector and social structures. About 19% of almost 4 thousand implementations of this class of systems belong specifically to government agencies.

High demand for EDMS was also recorded in the financial industry, construction, trade, mechanical engineering and power.

Large EDMS/ECM projects 2015-2016

Customer Performer System Number of AWS, licenses or users * Details Description
Moscow GovernmentDocument Management Systems-Technical CenterEDMS Practice66000EDMS Migration from Oracle to Postgres
| |...
RosatomCROC, AT Consulting|[[DocumentumDocumentum]]50000 |...
Центробанк EOSCase42000 ]|...
Правительство Московской области Document Management Systems, Postgres ProfessionalEDMS Practice42000Migration of Interdepartmental EDMS Database from Oracle DBMS to PostgreSQL|
«Почта Russia "NCI, 1S-KSU, Lanit1C: Document flow40000 ]|...
VTB24SynthellectTESSA30000 ]|...
«VimpelCom "AT ConsultingDocumentum30000 |...
Federal Tax Service of RussiaBusiness LogicECM LogicCreation of ECM subsystems for Tax-3 AIS of the Federal Tax Service of Russia
«Транснефть» CROCDocumentum25000 |...
«Сургутнефтегаз» DirectumDirectum20,000 |...
«Т Плюс» AkelonDirectum16000 ]|...
Правительство Удмуртской Республики DirectumDirectum10000 |...
Правительство Ростовской области EOSCase10000 ]|...
"ФМС России" Business LogicEDMS Logic8000
«Металлоинвест» 1C-KPD1C: Document Flow6000Building a Unified Electronic Document Management System
| |...
«Ingosstrakh "DirectumSynerdocs6000 ]|...
МРСК Центра Ensys TechnologiesDocumentum5400Procurement of licenses for 282.4 million rubles for a period of at least 10 years for the development of Documentum|
«Алроса» Timlis ConsultingDocsvision5000 ]|...
Росгеология HaulmontThesis4150 |...
«RusHydro "LanitLanDocs4000 |...
«Sibur HoldingCROCCROC KSED based on Documentum3500
* Approximate planned or current number of licenses, AWS or users TAdviser 2016

In which industries in 2015 - 2016 there is the greatest demand for EDMS/ESM?

The greatest demand for EDMS/ESM systems is observed in the public sector, including among companies with state participation, as well as in the extractive industry and production.

Market participants do not notice any obvious changes in the structure of demand. For example, Alexander Bader, director of ECM at TerraLink, recalls that the need for document automation usually stems "either from a large number of business transactions, or from their high cost, or from the high price of an error, or from everything said, taken together."

Therefore, according to him, in an enlarged manner, there are three groups of enterprises presenting an increased demand for document management:

1. Mass customer-oriented and related document streams,

2. Focused on large (and very large) industrial production,

3. Public administration bodies.

"Understanding this, it is not surprising that, as always, the main users are retail, telecom, oil production and processing," notes Alexander Bader, adding that the agro-industrial sector and pharmaceuticals stand out from the new industries that have not shown their needs in document management any seriously earlier. "This, perhaps, should be understood as one of the consequences of the current import substitution policy as a whole," the representative of TerraLink believes.

Directum notes that about 42% of their clients are extractive industry companies, and regional authorities are in second place (19.4%). At the same time, large corporations (from 1000 employees) still bring the largest turnover, however, in the last couple of years Directum has noticed an increase in interest from small and medium-sized businesses.

Vladimir Andreev, President of Docsvision, highlights public administration and the oil and gas industry, in which the process of scaling EDMS systems is actively underway. "We also feel quite powerful demand from financial structures and defense enterprises," says Andreev.

MaiTek believes that currently the greatest demand for ECM systems is observed in industry, especially in the factories of the defense complex.

Enterprises of this industry are most in demand by the market, have a large number of stable orders. It so happened that in the late 90s and early 2000s, production missed the first wave of automation and remained "on paper." And you need to optimize your processes as quickly and as efficiently as possible, "says Ruslan Shakirov, General Director of MayTek.

Dmitry Shushkin, Deputy General Director of ABBYY Russia, identifies 5 industries - demand leaders. These are industry, power, the financial sector, telecom and government organizations.

In general, according to the representative of ABBYY, we can say that there is demand wherever work with documents and data is required.

In addition, every year IT systems in companies are becoming more complex, which means the amount of data inside them is growing. This requires the development of solutions in the field of EDMS and ECM. Content management in organizations from different fields requires the addition of traditional systems with data analysis tools, especially unstructured ones, explains Shushkin.

According to Viktor Weinstein, CEO of Logic of Business (AiTi Group of Companies), the demand for EDMS does not have a pronounced industry character. Moreover, everyone has EDMS in one form or another.

But as for archival and other ECM solutions, there is an unsavory field here, both in the state and corporate sectors. Our latest customers are the public sector, oil and gas, banks. Traditional set, - the expert notes.

Leading Companies for EDMS/ECM Implementation in Industries

According to TAdviser data (only public projects are taken into account), the leader in EDMSECM implementations/systems in the public sector is the company KS-Consulting"," a partner of the company "" Electronic Office Systems(developer of the EDMS "Delo"). This is followed by the company itself, EOS(Digital Design partner-integrator Docsvision), ELAR and "" (Office Dock another EOS partner).

In the financial sector,, and construction to trade mechanical engineering, the company leads. ELMA

Image:Doli comp otr ecm.png


Distribution of EDMS/ECM projects by industry

According to TAdviser, as of October 2015, the most active EDMSECM projects/were implemented in the public sector and social structures. In total, over the entire observation period, the TAdviser base was replenished with 3195 EDMS/ESM projects, of which 734 were completed in the public sector.

High demand for electronic document management systems and ECM systems is also supported in the financial sector, construction, trade, engineering and power. The top 10 industries, among which the most popular EDMS/ESM are presented below.

If you look at the shares of industries, then the public sector accounts for almost a quarter of all EDMS/ESM implementations. Other industries have shares of less than 10%.


According to Elena Ivanova, head of the Marketing Department of EOS, the financial sector, traditionally an active consumer of EDMS, has slowed down today. At the same time, growth is observed in the public sector, construction, fuel and energy complex, oil and gas.

Vladimir Andreev, President of Docsvision, believes that in the sectoral context, as before, government agencies, the oil and gas industry are most active, the activity of the financial sector and construction has slightly decreased, but the agricultural industry and the defense sector have become more active.

Vasily Babintsev, Director of Marketing at DIRECTUM, notes that the most active consumers of the EDMS/ECM market are industries that create profits and maintain the trend of long-term development both nationwide and on the world market.

"Traditionally for our country, such are the oil and gas sector, power, a number of real production sectors. Also, in the wake of automation, projects in state authorities continue. The banking sector and retail have become more restrained, because crisis phenomena have affected these areas more strongly, "says Babintsev

Leading Companies for EDMS/ECM Implementation in Industries

According to TAdviser (only public projects are taken into account), the leader in EDMSECM implementations/systems in the public sector is the company KS-Consulting"." The financial sector has the most projects. In, and Digital Design construction to trade mechanical engineering, the company leads. ELMA

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Major projects

According to the TAdviser database, the largest EDMS/ESM project among government agencies is the electronic document management system under the Justice state automated system, which was created on the basis of the EDMS Delo. The system employs over 67 thousand users.

The top 3 largest projects also include the implementation of the EDMS Practice system in the metropolitan government (58 thousand users) and the EMC Documentum implementation project in Rosatom (50 thousand licenses).

It should be noted that 10 of the 20 largest projects in the public sector were carried out on the basis of the Delo system developed by Electronic Office Systems (EOS).

The largest EDMS/ECM projects in the Russian public sector by the number of users (January 2013 - October 2015)

Customer System Integrator Number of Licenses/Workplaces Details
1 State Automated System Justice Case (EOS) EOS 67 835 Project Description
2 Moscow Government EDMS Practice Electronic Moscow 58 000 Project Description
3 Rosatom


CROC 50 000 Project Description
4 Department of Health and Social Development of the Oryol Region Etla (EDO) Atlas Soft 10 000 Project Description

|General Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation

AIC Supervision EOS 9 123 Project Description
6 FMS of Russia Logic: EDMS on Alfresco/Infoturnover WSWS Business Logic 8 000 Project Description
7 Government of Rostov Region Case (EOS) EOS 7 639 Project Description
8 Administration of the Head and Government of the Republic of Buryatia EOS for SharePoint ЭОС, IT Office Dock 5 635 Project Description
9 Government of the Udmurt Republic Directum


5 200 Project Description
10 Government of the Republic of Bashkortostan ECM logic. Public administration Business Logic 5 020 Project Description
11 Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation Case (EOS) EOS 4 816 Project Description
12 Government of Samara Region Case (EOS) n/a 4 180 Project Description
13 Yaroslavl Region Government Directum Finex Quality 4 000 Project Description
14 Central Election Commission (as part of the State Automated System Elections) Case (EOS) EOS 3 943 Project Description
15 MGFMS Case (EOS) EOS 3 886 Project Description
16 Administration of the Republic of Dagestan Delo (EOS), Archival business (EOS) EOS 3 545 Project Description
17 DIT of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Area Case (EOS) Prime Group 3 257 Project Description
18 Government of the Orenburg Region


InterTrust (InterTrust) 3 000 Project Description
19 Federation Council of the Russian Federation Case (EOS) EOS 2 744 Project Description
20 Eurasian Economic Commission (EEC) Case (EOS) EOS 2 547 Project Description

TAdviser, 2015

As for the commercial sector, the project for the implementation of the DocsVision EDMS in Sberbank stands out here - the system covered about 100 thousand employees of a financial institution. Also among the largest projects should be the implementation of EMC Documentum in Rostelecom (75 thousand users) and EDMS Delo in the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (more than 37 thousand licenses).

Among the largest projects in the business presented in the table, EMC Documentum (7 projects) was implemented more often than others.

The largest EDMS/ECM projects in the commercial sector of Russia by the number of users (January 2013 - October 2015)

Customer Industry System Integrator Number of Licenses/Workplaces Details
1 Sberbank of the Russian Federation Finance DocsVision Digital Design 100 000 Project Description
2 Rostelecom Telecom


AT Consulting (AT Consulting) 75 000 Project Description
3 Central Bank of the Russian Federation Finance Case (EOS) EOS 37 018 Project Description
4 VTB 24 Finance DocsVision Synthellect 25 000 Project Description
4 Transneft Neftegas


CROC 25 000 Project Description
5 TATNEFT Neftegas EDMS Practice n/a 16 000 Project Description
5 T Plus Power Directum Akelon (Akelon) 16 000 Project Description
6 Surgutneftegas Neftegas Directum ID Management Technology 10 000 Project Description
7 UES FGC Power


ID Management Technology 8 060 Project Description
8 VimpelCom Telecom


AT Consulting (AT Consulting) 5 000 (30 000 *) Project Description
8 Dixie Trading DocsVision Synthellect 5 000 Project Description
9 Tractor Plants (KTZ MIG) Mechanical Engineering


Inform Standard Soft 4 355 Project Description
10 Sibur Holding, PJSC Chemical Industry OpenText ECM Croc 3 500 Project Description
10 Zapsibcombank Finance ELMA BPM Suite


3 500 Project Description
11 IDGC of Centre Power


Tops Consulting, ID Management Technology 3 400 Project Description
12 Bashkirenergo Power 1C: Document flow 8 KORP Soft-Portal of project 3 000 Project Description
12 Bashkir Power Grid Company Power 1C: Document flow 8 KORP Soft-Portal of project 3 000 Project Description
13 Rosseti South (IDGC of South) Power


ID Management Technology 2 520 Project Description
14 Gazprom Transgaz Tchaikovsky Neftegas Directum


2 500 Project Description
14 TGK-1 Power 1C: Document flow 8 KORP Mezhregiongaz Technologies (formerly ANT-Inform) 2 500 Project Description
14 Rampant Trading DocsVision Synthellect 2 500 Project Description
15 Alliance, NC Production THESIS Document and Task Management System Haulmont (Howlmont) 2 400 Project Description
16 Rosselkhozbank Finance

|ABBYY FlexiCapture

Business Logic 2 000 Project Description
16 Gazprom Neft Neftegas Stream Recognition System ALP Group (CT-ALP, ALP-IS) 2 000 Project Description
16 Ai-Teko IT ELMA BPM Suite


2 000 Project Description
17 SOGAZ Finance


Tops Consulting 1 900 Project Description
18 Alfa-Bank Russia Finance

|IBM Content Manager

Business Logic 1 700 Project Description
19 TMS groups Neftegas 1C: Document flow 8 KORP 1C-Rarus 1 500 Project Description
19 Russian Maritime Register of Shipping (RMRS) Transport THESIS Document and Task Management System Haulmont (Howlmont) 1 500 Project Description
19 UralWagonZavod Mechanical Engineering ECM Logic Business Logic 1 500 Project Description
20 Rosseti Moscow Region (formerly MOESK) Power


ID Management Technology 1 400 Project Description

* 30,000 users expected by the end of the project
TAdviser, 2015


According to TAdviser as of September 2014, the most actively implemented EDMS/ECMs in Russia are implemented in the public sector, primarily for authorities, but also for companies with state participation. In the total mass of EDMS projects accumulated in the TAdviser database, and there were 3172 of them as of September 2014, projects in the public sector account for a quarter (more precisely 23.8%). We add that about 20% of the annually implemented projects fall into the database, some of them remain closed due to non-disclosure of information about customers and a number of other circumstances.

In monetary terms, in the total volume of the EDMS market in Russia, including implementation services, the share of projects in the public sector reaches up to 40%. Also, as evidenced by TAdviser statistics, the demand for electronic document management systems is high in the financial sector (banks, insurance companies), in trade, construction, engineering and other industries (see table). Companies in the field of telecommunications, medicine and pharmaceuticals, science and education are also distinguished .

Distribution of EDMS projects in the TAdviser database by industry over the entire history of observations

Industry Number of Projects % of total
1 Public sector 754 23,8%
2 Financial Services 281 8,9%
3 Trading 210 6,6%
4 Construction 191 6,0%
5 Mechanical Engineering 182 5,7%
6 Education 149 4,7%
7 Power 139 4,4%
8 Consulting 105 3,3%
9 Medicine 101 3,2%
10 Telecom 99 3,1%
Others 959 30,3%
Total 3172 100,0%

TAdviser Center, September 2014

It is worth noting that, unlike other business systems, projects based on EDMS are always quite significant in scale. The average implementation usually ranges from 100 to 300 jobs, while there are many such projects where the number of EDMS users goes to thousands. However, this does not affect the high cost of implementation: the actual number of licenses purchased is usually much less than the number of real users. In addition, if users account for thousands, companies often receive an unlimited license from the EDMS provider, that is, it does not limit the limit on the number of users working in the system.

Among state-owned companies for the period from the beginning of 2013 to September 2014 (meaning projects that were completed during this period, or the next stage of the previously launched implementation was underway) The electronic document management system within the State Automated System Justice system, which operates on the basis of the Delo platform, is distinguished by the scale (EOS) (more than 67 thousand users), as well as the implementation of the Practice of EDMS for 52 thousand in the executive authorities of the Moscow region, Documentum in Rosatom (30 thousand) and the introduction of Etla (EDO) in the Department of Health and Social Development of the Oryol Region for 10 thousand. AWS.

The largest EDMS/ECM projects in the Russian public sector by the number of users for 2013 - the first three quarters of 2014 *

Customer System Integrator Number of Users Details
1 State Automated System Justice Case (EOS) EOS 67 835 Project Description
2 DIT of Moscow EDMS Practice Electronic Moscow 52 000 Project Description
3 Rosatom


CROC 30 000 Project Description
4 Department of Health and Social Development of the Oryol Region Etla (EDO) Atlas Soft 10 000 Project Description

|General Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation

AIC Supervision AIC Automated Information Complex EOS 9 123 Project Description
6 Government of Rostov Region Case (EOS) EOS 7 639 Project Description
7 Administration of the Head and Government of the Republic of Buryatia EOS for SharePoint ЭОС, IT Office Dock 5 635 Project Description
8 Government of the Udmurt Republic Directum


5 200 Project Description
9 Government of the Republic of Bashkortostan ECM logic. Public administration Business Logic 5 020 Project Description
10 Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation Case (EOS) EOS 4 816 Project Description
11 Central Election Commission (as part of the State Automated System Elections) Case (EOS) EOS 3 943 Project Description
12 MGFMS Case (EOS) EOS 3 886 Project Description
13 DIT of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Area Case (EOS) Prime Group 3 257 Project Description
14 Ministry of Communications of the Republic of Dagestan Delo (EOS), Archival business (EOS) EOS 3 001 Project Description
15 Government of the Orenburg Region


InterTrust (InterTrust) 3 000 Project Description
16 Federation Council of the Russian Federation Case (EOS) EOS 2 744 Project Description
17 Eurasian Economic Commission (EEC) Case (EOS) EOS 2 547 Project Description
18 State Duma of the Russian Federation Case (EOS) EOS 2 506 Project Description
19 Arbitration Courts of the Russian Federation Case (EOS) EOS 2 483 Project Description
20 Government of Lipetsk Region Case (EOS) Intelligent Systems 2 271 Project Description
21 Government of the Republic of Sakha Case (EOS) Infosystems 2 001 Project Description
22 Krasnoyarsk Administration


InterTrust (InterTrust) 2 000 Project Description
22 Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation DocsVision Digital Design 2 000 Project Description
23 Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation Case (EOS) EOS 1 672 Project Description
24 FSKN Case (EOS) EOS 1 555 Project Description
25 Novosibirsk City Hall EOS for SharePoint IT Office Dock 1 511 Project Description
26 Dep-t of informatization and communications of the Trans-Baikal Territory Case (EOS) KS-Consulting 1 359 Project Description
27 Government of the Republic of Khakassia Case (EOS) KS-Consulting 1 100 Project Description
27 Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation Case (EOS) EOS 1 100 Project Description
27 Government of Murmansk Region DocsVision Digital Design 1 100 Project Description
28 Government of Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug (Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug) Case (EOS) Office Dock 1 029 Project Description

TAdviser Center, 2014
* Based on project data placed in the TAdviser database and completed between January 2013 and September 2014

In the commercial sector, the largest EDMS project is the introduction of DocsVision in Sberbank of the Russian Federation, the replication of the system is still ongoing: according to the bank itself, now 100 thousand bank employees work in EDMS on this platform.

In addition, the project in Rostelecom for 75 thousand users based on Documentum deserves attention, which has already covered almost all regional branches of the company. And projects in the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, VimpelCom, VTB 24, Transneft.

The largest EDMS projects in the commercial sector of Russia by the number of users for 2013 - the first three quarters of 2014 *

Customer Industry System Integrator Number of Users Details
1 Sberbank of the Russian Federation Finance DocsVision Digital Design 100 000 Project Description
2 Rostelecom Telecom


AT Consulting (AT Consulting) 75 000 Project Description
3 Central Bank of the Russian Federation Finance Case (EOS) EOS 37 018 Project Description
4 VimpelCom Telecom


AT Consulting (AT Consulting) 30 000 Project Description
5 VTB 24 Finance DocsVision Synthellect 25 000 Project Description
5 Transneft * Neftegas


CROC 25 000 Project Description
6 UES FGC Power


ID Management Technology 8 060 Project Description
7 Tractor Plants (KTZ MIG) Mechanical Engineering


Inform Standard Soft 4 355 Project Description
8 Zapsibcombank Finance ELMA BPM Suite


3 500 Project Description
9 Rosseti Center (IDGC of Center) Power


Tops Consulting, ID Management Technology 3 400 Project Description
10 Bashkirenergo Power 1C: Document flow 8 KORP Soft-Portal of project 3 000 Project Description
10 Dixie * * Trading DocsVision Synthellect 3 000 Project Description
11 Rosseti South (IDGC of South) Power


ID Management Technology 2 520 Project Description
12 Gazprom Transgaz Tchaikovsky Neftegas Directum


2 500 Project Description
12 TGK-1 Power 1C: Document flow 8 KORP Mezhregiongaz Technologies (formerly ANT-Inform) 2 500 Project Description
12 Rampant Trading DocsVision Synthellect 2 500 Project Description
13 Alliance, NC Production THESIS Document and Task Management System Haulmont (Howlmont) 2 400 Project Description
14 Ai-Teko IT ELMA BPM Suite


2 000 Project Description
15 SOGAZ Finance


Tops Consulting 1 900 Project Description
16 Alfa-Bank Russia Finance

|IBM Content Manager

Business Logic 1 700 Project Description
17 Russian Maritime Register of Shipping (RMRS) Transport THESIS Document and Task Management System Haulmont (Howlmont) 1 500 Project Description
17 UralWagonZavod Mechanical Engineering ECM Logic Business Logic 1 500 Project Description
18 Rosseti Moscow Region (formerly MOESK) Power


ID Management Technology 1 400 Project Description
19 Sinar Pipe Plant, TMK Metallurgy Directum


1 300 Project Description
19 Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation Education Directum (EDMS/ECM system) Galaxy Corporation 1 300 Project Description

|Russian Post



Digital Design 1 300 Project Description
19 Tyumenenergo Power


ID Management Technology 1 300 Project Description
19 Rosseti Kuban (Kubanenergo) Power


ID Management Technology 1 300 Project Description
20 UES CIUS Power


ID Management Technology 1 245 Project Description
21 Gazprom energo Power


Lanit 1 100 Project Description
21 PIC Construction

|Docsvision |IDoc

1 100 Project Description
22 Vostok Energy Sales Company Power

|WSS Docs

No Data 1 010 Project Description
23 UEC-Aviadvigatel Mechanical Engineering Directum


1 000 Project Description
23 Veropharm Pharmaceuticals Directum Akelon (Akelon) 1 000 Project Description
23 Gazprom Rework Neftegas Directum


1 000 Project Description
23 Rosseti Lenenergo Power


Tops Consulting 1 000 Project Description
23 FEFU Education Directum


1 000 Project Description
23 Transneft Neftegas Logic: Findock (formerly EC Logic. Financial Documents) Business Logic 1 000 Project Description
23 STS Corporation (power) Power

|WSS Docs |WSS-Consulting

1 000 Project Description
  • The project is scheduled to be completed in 2015.

* * The company uses an unlimited license, as of September 2014, more than 3 thousand users worked in the system, their number will increase. The total number of employees of the company is 40 thousand
. TAdviser Center, 2014


According to the TAdviser Center (based on the base of 2383 EDMS projects as of September 2013), in the entire history of observations, the most active electronic document management systems were introduced in the following industries: public sector (626 projects), financial services (215), education and science (128), mechanical engineering and instrumentation (124), trade (124), construction (123), power (107), telecommunications and communications (79), oil and gas (78), in health care and transport - 77 projects each.

Separately, in 2012, the following industries were in the lead in terms of the number of projects:

Industry Number of Projects % of total
1 Public sector 119 28,3
2 Financial Services 51 12,2
3 Construction 23 5,6
4 Education and science 22 5,3
5 Neftegas 21 5,0
Others 175 41,6
Total 421 100,0

TAdviser Center, 2013

The largest projects, according to TAdviser, in 2012-2013 were implemented mainly in government agencies, banks, telecommunications companies, engineering and mining companies.

The largest EDMS/ECM projects in the Russian public sector by the number of users for 2012 - the first three quarters of 2013 *

Customer System Integrator Number of Users Details
1 Rosatom


CROC 50 000 Project Description
2 State automated system Justice Case-Web EOS 48 518 Project Description
3 Department of Health and Social Development of the Oryol Region Etla (EDO) Atlas Soft 10000 Project Description
4 Perm Krai Government


CROC 9000 Project Description

|General Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation

Case (EOS) EOS 7238 Project Description
6 CEC of Russia Case (EOS) EOS 5500 Project Description
7 Penza Region Government


InterTrust 5000 Project Description
7 Government of Omsk Region


InterTrust 5000 Project Description
8 Federal Property Management Agency


InterTrust 4720 Project Description
9 Government of Tyumen Region Directum


3998 Project Description
10 Government of Samara Region


InterTrust 3000 Project Description
11 Government of the Udmurt Republic Directum No Data 2558 Project Description
12 Administration of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug Case (EOS) Prime Group 2200 Project Description
12 Government of the Republic of Bashkortostan ECM logic. Public administration Business Logic 2200 Project Description
13 MGFOMS Moscow City Compulsory Health Insurance Fund Case-Web EOS 2000 Project Description
14 Government of Rostov Region Case (EOS) EOS 1700 Project Description
14 Government of Lipetsk Region Case (EOS) Intelligent Systems 1700 Project Description
15 Government of Krasnoyarsk Territory


InterTrust 1222 Project Description
16 Yekaterinburg City Administration Docsvision Unisoft Ekaterinburg 1010 Project Description
17 FSKN Case (EOS) EOS 1000 Project Description

TAdviser Center, 2013
* Based on project data placed in the TAdviser database and completed between January 2012 and September 2013

The largest EDMS projects in the commercial sector of Russia by the number of users for 2012 - the first three quarters of 2013 *

Customer Industry System Integrator Number of Users Details
1 Central Bank Finance Case (EOS)

|EOS & Partners

60 123 (two projects) Project Description
2 Rostelecom Telecom


AT Consulting (AT Consulting) 56 000 Project Description
3 Sberbank of the Russian Federation Finance Docsvision Digital Design 50 000 Project Description

|Russian Post

Telecom Docsvision Digital Design 20 000 Project Description
5 Rostelecom Center Telecom


KORUS Consulting 9000 Project Description
6 North-West Sberbank Finance Docsvision Digital Design 5000 Project Description
7 Nomos Bank Finance


InterTrust 4600 Project Description
8 Uralsib FC Finance


InterTrust 4500 Project Description
9 Tractor Plants (KTZ MIG) Mechanical Engineering


Inform Standard Soft 4355 Project Description
10 Gazprom Transgaz Tomsk Neftegas Directum Intant 3001 Project Description
11 First Freight Company (PGK) Logistics

DocsVision DocsVision

2980 Project Description
12 MGTS Telecom ECM Logic Business Logic 2600 Project Description
13 Gazprom Transgaz Tchaikovsky Neftegas Directum


2500 Project Description
14 Alliance, NC Production THESIS Document and Task Management System Haulmont (Howlmont) 2400 Project Description
15 Zapsibcombank Finance ELMA Tyumbit-ASU 2000 Project Description
16 Alfa-Bank Russia Finance

|IBM Content Manager

Business Logic 1700 Project Description
17 UralWagonZavod Mechanical Engineering

|IBM Notes/Domino

Business Logic 1500 Project Description
17 Belkamneft Neftegas


InterTrust 1500 Project Description
18 Stroygazconsulting (SGK) Neftegas Docsvision


1364 Project Description
19 Rosseti Siberia (formerly IDGC of Siberia) Power 1C: Document flow 8 KORP 1C: First BIT 1300 Project Description
20 Tatneft-Mehservice Neftegas Docsvision 1C-Rarus 1140 Project Description
21 Alrosa AK Production Docsvision Utilex 1137 Project Description
22 Gazprom energo Power


LANIT 1100 Project Description
22 Svyaz-Bank Finance


InterTrust 1100 Project Description
22 PIC Construction Docsvision


1100 Project Description
23 T2 Rus Holding (formerly Tele2 Russia AB) Telecom ECM Logic Business Logic 1000 Project Description

TAdviser Center, 2013
* Based on data on projects placed in the TAdviser database and completed between January 2012 and September 2013 with more than 1,000 users.

For example, in 2012-2013 EDMS , such large projects as implementation Documentum in "" Rosatom(50 thousand users), Delo-Web within the framework of state automated system "Justice" (48.5 thousand users) were implemented on the Russian market, the Central Bank implemented Case (EOS) more than 60 thousand users in two projects, Rostelecom the EMC Documentum system was implemented for 56 thousand users, in "" - Sberbank of the Russian Federation Docsvision 50 thousand employees.

Expert comments

Gleb Lukin, General Director of Letograf, believes that EDMS is a universal technology. "We
have finally reached the point where the EDM has ceased to be the domain of any one industry or one type of organisation. Today, an organization of any scale needs an electronic document management system, since modern EDMS functionality is able to solve the tasks of working with corporate information as efficiently as possible in the broadest sense, including through integration with external corporate systems. The introduction of affordable cloud services makes it possible to predict a jump in the development of the SMB segment, "the expert noted
. In general, depending on the specifics of the platform, certain customers may gravitate in its favor. On the contrary, there are universal solutions that meet typical business needs. For example, Alexey Budin, CEO of ELMA, notes: "We do
not observe any pronounced demand in the market. They think about optimizing processes, first of all, those companies that see their future well. Today it is no longer a tribute to fashion - it is a real tool that gives a return. "
Vladimir Andreev, president of DocsVision, explained that as often as in the public sector, the Docsvision platform is implemented in financial sector enterprises and banks, in petrochemical enterprises and telecommunications companies. However, despite the common platform, these implementations can be very different even in enterprises of the same industry.
"For example, in banks, Docsvision is used both for traditional tasks of documentation management, and for solving tasks of process management and even for creating a specific financial institution of applications - for example, managing credit issuance processes or currency control processes," he added.
In addition to the industries listed above, the EOS notes good dynamics of implementations among construction and trading companies. Oleg Beilezon, chief ECM-architect of the Logic of Business, said that,
"Since the EDMS is not just a system for automating workflow, but a system for everyday work with documents, it is not an exaggeration to say that all modern organizations need EDMS. If small enterprises can be content with their own developments, free versions or cloud applications, then specialized solutions are required for organizations with a staff of 100 employees and above, "the expert believes

A large circle of potential customers of ECM systems was listed by TerraLink ECM Development Director, member of the Docflow expert council, Alexander Bader. According to him, a higher level of demand for ECM systems is observed in key sectors of the economy, such as oil and gas production and processing, energy, and the production of mass demand goods.

"Strictly speaking, the greatest demand is presented by those industries where there is the highest competition for the attention of the client and/or where it is most important to ensure the saving of production resources - banks, telecommunications, retail trade. There is a positive incentive - the better and faster the processing of strategic information, the greater the profit, "said Alexander Bader

According to him, there is also some "incentive of intimidation." It is characteristic of industries where there is an increased sensitivity to the composition and availability of documents related to the production and quality control of products/services.

Steady demand for content automation systems has traditionally been shown by structures related to the defense of the state, the protection of public order and security, government bodies of all levels - this market is not so open, but does not lose its attractiveness for suppliers. "It's
wrong to talk about the peak of demand or excitement. The implementation of ECM initiatives is not at all a one-time action or a tribute to fashion. This is the strategic direction of development of any company, "summed up Alexander Bader

See also