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BioTechSis: MSK-2 Multi-cell flow cultivator (bioreactor)

Developers: BioTechSis
Date of the premiere of the system: 2024/09/12
Branches: Pharmaceuticals, Medicine, Healthcare

Main article: Growing organs (Bioprinting, bioprinting)

2024: The ability to grow cells in space

Scientists Sechenov University confirmed the possibility of growing bioequivalents skin and other human tissues under conditions. space microgravity The experiments were conducted aboard the International MICROSEC Space Station in a specially designed space station. bioreactor The technology of growing cells in zero gravity is part of a global program to prepare for deep space exploration - 3D bioprinting and from tissue cultivation the astronaut's own cells will allow you to effectively restore the body after injuries and diseases with which you have to collide in long interplanetary flights. This was announced on September 12, 2024 by representatives of the Sechenov University.

source = Sechenov University
Russian scientists have proven the possibility of growing cells in space

As reported, humanity thought about long-distance space flights and the colonization of other planets long before even the launch of the first satellites became possible: in 1634, the German astronomer and mathematician Johann Kepler published a fantastic story about man's stay on the moon. For September 2024, the prospect of space travel is more than real - the first manned flight to Mars may take place as early as 2029.

Among the many dangers that lie in wait for astronauts in flights to other planets and asteroids are injuries, burns, fractures and other damage that may require tissue or organ transplants. To solve such health problems without sending the patient to Earth, scientists at the Sechenov University of the Ministry of Health of Russia propose using 3D bioprinting.

The process of 3D bioprinting itself under microgravity conditions will not differ significantly from that on Earth: bio-ink leaves the nozzle under pressure, which allows you to form certain structures both in the laboratory and on board the spacecraft. However, printing is only the first step, then the resulting tissue sample is to be cultured in a bioreactor.

Long-term cell culture is always a challenge, if only because the principle of the device of fluid pumping mechanisms, the principle of liquid distribution inside the circuits of the bioreactor in spaceflight conditions is completely different. But it will not be possible to do without this stage: after we printed something on the bioprinter, the "blank" populated with cells has yet to be grown in the bioreactor.

explained Peter Timashev, scientific director of the Scientific and Technological Park of Biomedicine, Sechenov University

Therefore, scientists at Sechenov University, together with the scientific and production enterprise BioTechSis"," are implementing the space program as the customer who is. RSC Energia The challenge facing the researchers is to develop a technology for culturing cells under microgravity.

{{quote 'author
= noted Peter Timashev' The main task of the project is to create a bioequivalent of human tissues in conditions space for further missions in space missions. We already know how to grow skin, cartilage and some other tissue on Earth. Now we need to learn how to do this outside of it in microgravity.}}

For experiments, BioTechSis specialists have developed the MSK-2 multi-cell flow cultivator. It belongs to the capillary type - it reproduces the environment of the microvasculature, where the arteries connect with the veins at the cellular level. The cells themselves are grown in a collagen "sponge," which mimics the natural microenvironment for them inside the body. All this makes it possible to bring the process of growing cells in space as close as possible to the natural one. In addition, there are several circuits of nutrient fluid circulation in the reactor - if one of them fails, the rest will allow the cells to be fed further.

The first launch of the bioreactor with cells took place in 2020. In total, within the framework of the program, which will be completed in 2025, 10 launches are planned, of which eight have already taken place. The last samples returned from the ISS to Earth in the spring of 2024. To achieve long-term cell culture, it is necessary to control temperature, oxygen level and other parameters. On Earth, this process has long been worked out, but it was necessary to adapt it for space flight conditions.

Therefore, the first two launches were devoted to checking the performance of the bioreactor on the ISS - whether the equipment will cope with its tasks during microgravity. The first launches confirmed that the device meets all safety requirements in spaceflight and is able to maintain physiological conditions for the cultivation of human cells ex vivo. Fibroblasts, chondrocytes and human stromal stem cells have already visited Earth's orbit. On board the reactor each time was on average about 20 days.

We have confirmed that cells sent into space are able to survive in a bioreactor. In the last experiment, we ensured that they penetrated deep into the material and formed the target product - the bioequivalent of human skin.

told Peter Timashev

One of the tasks to be solved in the remaining two launches is to teach astronauts to refill the bioreactor. In the future, he will have to be on board for months and years, so a person without special skills must cope with replacing the nutrient medium for cells.

Refilling of the bioreactor occurs in a sterile glove box to avoid contamination of cell culture. The procedure itself is not too complicated, but astronauts will need to get enough to work with miniature details.

{{quote 'author
= stressed Petr Timashev' In space flight conditions, any manipulations turn into a separate one experiment. Even a simple refilling of the bioreactor.}}

Based on the results obtained by 2025, tasks will be formed for the next space program. Among them - testing the work of portable models of the bioprinter in microgravity conditions.

3D bioprinting equipment is usually quite bulky, which can be critical in small spacecraft. Therefore, scientists propose to use the developments for these tasks, which formed the basis of the compact portable 3D bioprinter Biogan developed at Sechenov University. On Earth, it will be used to print tissues without leaving the patient's bed, right in the wound area. In space, it will be useful for any bioprinting tasks.

Another direction for which a 3D bioprinter and bioreactor may be needed in space is the production of food during long-term missions in space, which require more materials than the spacecraft can accommodate. According to scientists, the problem of providing food for future deep space travelers is the second most important problem after the high level of radiation that humanity needs to solve in order to go to Mars and other distant worlds. Cultured meat is affordable, although it costs more than natural meat, but on long flights it can become a source of animal protein.