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Developers: Bakulin Motors Group (earlier - Group LLC Volgabas)
Branches: Transport

Preparation and carrying out the Cup of Confederations-2017 and the World Cup-2018 of FIFA demand providing the special services corresponding to world level of comfort and security from transport companies and operators of St. Petersburg.

Athletes, representatives and guests of FIFA, members of the media, sponsors, audience, fans and personnel – all these groups need fast, convenient and modern transport service.

By the beginning of the Cup of confederations in the city there arrived smart Volgabus buses. These are the jointed Cityritm-18 buses which and in 2018 will service games of the FIFA World Cup. In total for the Northern Capital 125 unique machines were released.

Special requirements in the field of hardware, security and comfort are imposed to buses for World Cup 2018. "Cityritm-18" it is capable to take in rush hour aboard to 182 passengers. The bus is equipped a large number of the electronic systems. The on-board computer with a multiplex system monitors each component and brings information to the display of a driver's panel. Also electronics is responsible for security of a trip. The Evromobayl company delivered for these buses GLONASS-terminals Novacom 5.0 TML with a voice communication. They transfer coordinates about location of buses to Command center by transport. Thanks to the GLONASS terminals installed in buses on the city portal of public transport it is always possible to learn precisely where there is that, or other bus.

A climatic system is responsible for comfortable temperature in inside of the bus, and informants announce passengers stops, temperature, etc.

Attention is paid to passengers with disabilities. For them call keys of the driver, a ramp for arrival of carriages and the system of an inclination of a body to the platform are provided.

In total in 2017 Volgabus is going to release not less than 600 machines big and special and high-capacity. All of them will enter service by the beginning of the FIFA World Cup – 2018. The Evromobayl company in these deliveries is responsible for the navigation transferring functions of buses and an opportunity to trace their routes online.

See Also
