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ESCS TP Vertical

Developers: ASCON
Last Release Date: 2022/01/19
Technology: CAD


Main article: CAD Computer-aided design systems

Vertical is an automated process design system that solves most of the tasks of automation of CCI processes (technological preparation of production).

2022: Release Version 22

On January 19, 2022, ASCON announced the release of 22 LOTSMAN systems: PLM, POLYNOM: MDM, VERTICAL and technological applications, which together with the COMPASS-3D v20 design system make up the ASCON software complex for the design and life cycle management of products in mechanical engineering (PLM-complex). More details here.

2021: Optimization for Slow Distributed Networks

On May 18, 2021, Ascon announced the release of an update to its product lifecycle management solution version 2018.2, which speeds up operations in slow geographically distributed networks by 5-26 times. A radical increase in productivity has been achieved in the Polynom: MDM regulatory reference information management system and the Vertical process design system. More details here.

2020: ESCS TP Vertical 2018.2

On July 17, 2020, the company ASCON announced the release of updated versions of the systems, and PILOT: PLM POLYNOME: MDM VERTICAL, which together design system COMPASS-3D with make up the ASCON software complex for. The mechanical engineering release of 2018.2 takes into account the current tasks of digitalization of production military-industrial and civil sectors: end-to-end industries use of a single electronic product structure, support of various technological platforms,. All integration Enterprise IT Systems improvements were made as part of the ASCON engineering strategy to create a PLM heavy class complex.

ESCS TP Vertical 2018.2

According to the developer's statement, support of Oracle DBMS is implemented in CAD TP VERTICAL. Thanks to this, customers can work with VERTICAL both in an import-independent loop with PostgreSQL and Postgres Pro, and together with foreign MS SQL Server and Oracle.

The main direction of VERTICAL development is automation of technological processes development. In the updated version, process plans for self-made materials are automated. A section on the recipe and the use of the components of the material to be created has been added to the process plan summary. Multiple monitors are supported. Any tab of the system interface can be displayed in a separate window, noted in ASCON.

The paint materials calculation module has been redesigned: the system calculates and displays consumption rates in the user-specified units. Configured maps have been added to output data on paint coatings in technological operations, the solution developer specified.

2018: CAD TP Vertical 2018

On June 21, 2018, Ascon announced the release of an updated version of the automated process design system - VERTICAL 2018. Improvements have affected almost all aspects of the system. The product, according to the developer, has become more functional, reliable and user-friendly.

As the developer noted, the software core of the system was completely rewritten. The core of the system is designed on the basis of the Microsoft.NET Framework platform. The updated kernel significantly increased the reliability and stability of the system. In addition, VERTICAL 2018 has become 1.5-2 times more productive than the previous version, which is especially noticeable when working with complex process structures.

VERTICAL 2018 became 1.5-2 times more productive than the previous version

The procedure for developing the updated core also took into account the provision of capacity for the development of the system. An API was also developed, which has become more convenient and allows you to solve a wider range of applications, noted in Ascon.

In VERTICAL 2018, the user interface has been completely updated. Replacing the window interface that was used in the previous version with a tab interface makes interaction with the system more efficient: to switch between different elements of the interface, you need to perform a minimum of actions. Thus, the changes allow you to fully focus on work, according to Ascon.

CAD Tab Interface VERTICAL 2018

According to the developer, the interface has become more minimalistic, but has retained its functionality. Important elements are visible to the user, and secondary ones do not distract attention. There are additional tools for work: indicating changes when editing process plans, indicating incorrect (or blank) entries in properties and attributes, filtering attributes by name, a panel of analogues and other tools that make the work of the technologist more convenient and more productive.

Search engine and operation with reference data in CAD VERTICAL 2018

VERTICAL 2018 provides integration with the Ascon solution for managing regulatory reference information - POLYNE: MDM. This allows you to search, add, and change process objects from the directories directly in the VERTICAL system interface.

The updated search system has become more intelligent and convenient. A single search string provides a quick search for any objects in the system, and in the case where you want to search based on a specific data area, a filter with advanced settings is used, noted in Ascon.

2014: CAD TP Vertical 2014

On March 17, 2014, ASCON announced the release of a new version of the CAD TP Vertical 2014 system.

The solution was supplemented with a knowledge base of cutting modes, which helps to preserve and use the experience of technologists, thanks to the accumulation of data on recommended modes from tool catalogs or other sources. Using the knowledge base allows you to significantly speed up the writing of the process by eliminating repeated actions to calculate cutting modes.

Search by Cutting Mode Knowledge Base

The updated Material Rationing System 2014 now has a modern interface and advanced functionality. Users have become able to automatically select the calculation depending on the material type restriction or choose the calculation variant themselves; generation of a report on the performed calculation; Edit calculation formulas and scripts. A The labor rationing system in the new version provides access to viewing graphic documents when performing rationing on the Drawings\Sketches tab.

The Materials and Sortments and Standard Products directories in the 2014 version were developed in terms of increased filling, ease of use and improvement when working with COMPAS-3D. For example, all Standard Products Reference models now contain local coordinate systems to facilitate their positioning in COMPASS-3D.



Andrei Andrichenko, Sergey Gorokhov and Alexey Koptev in an interview with isicad answered Dmitry Ushakov's questions about plans for the development of ESCS

Will your new company develop solutions of the same class (CAD TP)?

SG: SDI Solution positions itself in the market as a developer of specialized systems and a system integrator in the field of technological preparation of discrete production. The key competence of the company is the development and implementation of an innovative CCI software complex. Today there are plans to release three systems:

  • CAD Process Design System 'SDI-Technologiya',
  • labor and material rationing system,
  • Regulatory Reference Information Management System (NSI) 'SDI-Directories'.

These systems are a single software package, but at the same time they can work autonomously, integrating in any combination with PDM and CAD systems.

Describe briefly their functionality. What are the competitive advantages of your future solutions over Vertical? Will they be integrated with ASCON solutions? With products from other CAD vendors?

S.G.: A key competitive advantage is offering innovative solutions in the field of semantic data integration. Moving from the object model to the semantic model gives our customers new opportunities to make expert decisions. Potential partners are all known western vendors and suppliers of PLM solutions (Siemens PLM, PTC, Dassault Systemes). At the moment, negotiations are underway with each of them on partnership and integration of the developed solutions into the supplied software complexes. We have friendly relations with the management of the ASCON Company, and, of course, we have made an offer of cooperation.

The integration of the new system with CAD and PDM on the general principles of data exchange is planned to ensure continuity of operating hours of the previous generation ESCS TP COMPAS-Autoproject and ESCS TP VERTICAL systems. Close integration with which partners will be implemented with a high degree of automation - this depends on many factors, including the strategy of the partner's presence in the PLM solutions market.

A.A.: In our new technological system "SDI-Technologiya," the process model will be significantly simplified, and, therefore, it will become easier to administer and adjust it to specific production conditions. Much of the logic contained in this model will be transferred to the Process Object Description database as shown.

Technological knowledge that describes the rules of behavior and interaction of objects in this case becomes available to other applications. The NSI management system of a machine-building enterprise, which implements such integration of data and knowledge, is a set of methods for maintaining and supporting common directories, as well as a set of technical solutions that form a single information space of the enterprise. Only by combining disparate data and knowledge into a universal model can you create a single intelligent information platform for all applications running in the enterprise.

'SDI-Technology 'will retain and increase the best qualities of the Vertical, allowing it to easily integrate with third-party PDM systems. Interaction with any CAD at the OLE object level has always worked, but specialized integration is needed to build an efficient solution. You have not yet selected a basic CAD system.

Popularity of the product

As of March 2011, about 4.5 thousand legal copies of Vertical are used. According to the report of Ascona CEO Maxim Bogdanov, in 2010 the company sold 705 product licenses, or 26% more than in 2009. Ascona told CNews that the share of revenue from Vertica in Ascona's income is approximately 5%. Based on the financial results of the company, in 2010 this amount could amount to 33 million rubles. with gross revenue of the entire company of 662.9 million rubles.


File:Vertical 2011 s.jpg‎
  • Vertical was created on the basis of the Avtoproekt solution, which was developed at the Research Institute of Aviation Technologies. Until 2002, the product was sold under the name Avtoproekt and Compass-Avtoproekt, and after Ascon acquired Avtoproekt, it received the name Vertical.

  • In February 2011, six key Vertical developers CAD left the company Ascon to create their own company. SDI Solution The head of the development team, Andrey Andrichenko who headed the new company, called CNews a discrepancy with her leadership in views on the ideology and prospects of the product[1]

"We left because we do not see the prospects for the innovative development of the technological direction at Ascona," Andrichenko added. As of March 2011, according to his information, only Vertical user support specialists remained in Ascona.

The rights to the Vertical brand and its source code belong to Ascona. SDI Solution recognizes this and plans to create a new product with similar functionality, which is now codenamed "Horizontal." The company says that the real dates remaining before its release are a year, optimistic - about six months, until the fall of 2011.

According to SDI Solution, the separation of the Vertical team from Ascona went "quite civilized": the company's management recognized the moral right of some of its developers to leave.

According to the general director of "Ascon" Maxim Bogdanov, the developers of "Vertical" did not agree that the product was considered primarily as part of the complex solution "Ascon" for mechanical engineering. "The team was interested in greater freedom of action and decided to implement their plans outside the company," he says.

Divorce from the main developers of Vertical does not mean the cessation of work on its development, assured Bogdanov CNews[1]. Support and development of the system, he said, was transferred to the Ascona unit in Kolomna, and a new version of Vertical will be released in 2012 in accordance with the biennial product update cycle. Alexey Koptev: It should be noted that when one technologist's workplace is automated, the supply of ESCS TP automatically entails the need to install CAD (for the design of technological sketches) and PDM (for archiving and teamwork with technologies).

2010: Capabilities of CAD TP "Vertical"

According to the information for 2010 ESCS TP VERTICAL allows:

  • design technological processes in several automated modes;
  • calculate material and labour costs for production;
  • generate all necessary sets of process documentation used at the enterprise;
  • conduct parallel design of complex and end-to-end processes by a group of technologists in real time;
  • create orders for designing special technological equipment and creating control programs;
  • Keep process information up-to-date with change management processes.

The Universal Technology Guide, which is part of CAD TP VERTICAL, provides users with all the necessary reference information, as well as allows them to organize and develop enterprise databases.

ESCS TP VERTICAL supports all business processes of electronic engineering document flow, including management of technological changes and order for development of special technological equipment and control programs. The system uses a qualitatively new approach to the organization of process data, based on the object model of information presentation and processing. CAD TP VERTICAL implements the latest object-oriented methods of organizing technological databases, COM technologies, modern interface solutions, an open architecture based on ActiveX components.
