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Figure: Dispatcher Industrial Equipment and Personnel Monitoring System

Developers: Zyfra
Last Release Date: 2024/03/20
Technology: EAM,  MES - Manufacturing and Repair Management,  Internet of Things Internet of Things (IoT)


The main articles are:

AIS "Dispatcher" is a universal Russian system for monitoring industrial equipment and personnel, which allows you to control the operation of any equipment and workplaces, providing objective data to all enterprise management systems.


Red OS Compatibility

Red SoftT has entered into a technological compatibility agreement with Zyfra. This was last reported on February 21, 2025.

The start of the partnership between RED SOFT and the Digital Group of Zyfra was preceded by compatibility tests of the Dispatcher complex and the Red OS operating system at the end of 2024. Successful completion of the test allowed you to sign a compatibility certificate.

"The figure. Dispatcher "is designed for monitoring of production equipment and personnel, operational control and work planning, dispatching of MR and predictive diagnostics. The main focus of the complex is the digitalization of processes in mechanical engineering and metalworking.

Certification of the work of the Dispatcher complex on Red OS is a step towards ensuring the technological independence of Russian production companies following the path of digital transformation. This was told by the head of the division "Mechanical Engineering and Metalworking" Vasily Churanov.

For the successful transition of large Russian enterprises of the engineering industry to the use of domestic software, an integrated approach is required. In order to ensure technological independence and data security, the replacement of foreign software should be carried out as part of the modernization of the entire IT infrastructure of the enterprise - from operating systems to application solutions. That is why the compatibility of domestic solutions with each other has a key role for the sustainable economic growth of industrial enterprises and is a response to the strategic objectives of the industry.

Digitalization of industry is one of the important areas for the development of the industry. The implementation of the "Dispatcher" based on RED OS will ensure effective production control and increase the productivity of enterprises. The use of RED OS will ensure data protection, stability of work and technological independence, which is especially important in modern conditions, - said Rustam Rustamov, Deputy General Director of RED SOFT.

Compatibility with Tantor DBMS

GC "Zyfra" and "Astra Group" continue to work under the agreement, which in 2024. Following the confirmation of compatibility of the Dispatcher software and Astra Linux OS, comprehensive testing has been completed to ensure the correct operation of the Zyfra Group of Companies solution and the Tantor DBMS, which is being developed by Tantor Labs. The Figure announced this on January 28, 2025.

The compatibility of these IT-products provides greater performance, reliability, and flexibility in working with, data which is especially important for organizations looking to optimize their. business processes Users will be able to exchange data between systems, which will simplify analysis and decision-making based on current ones. information The tests were organized as part of the Ready for Astra technology partnership program, as a result of which an appropriate certificate was issued.

The work of the "Manager" in the ecosystem developed by the "Astra Group" and including the OS and DBMS significantly reduces the dependence on imported components, offering customers a reliable solution for critical objects. The Manager uses databases to maintain reference and log information coming from production. The operation of the system directly depends on the functioning of the DBMS. That is why it is critically important for us to use a well-functioning database management tool that ensures the uninterrupted operation of the entire system, "said Vladimir Tugulbaev, head of the software development department of the Engineering and Metalworking division of the Zyfra Group of Companies.

{{quote "Confirmation of compatibility of software products allows you to form a comprehensive offer for customers, which, on the one hand, reduces the cost of integrating products with each other, and on the other, maintains the necessary level of security," said Kirill Sinkov, director of the department for work with technological partners of Astra Group. }}

"Manager" 3.5 with the ability to divide the functions performed on the PIM depending on the user role

GC Zyfra"" in the updated version of "Dispatcher" 3.5 improved the ability to control key processes of the enterprise and improved the vibration diagnostics system. The complex, designed to manage production on a data real-time basis, has undergone significant improvements in the form integration of additional functionality to improve efficiency, fault tolerance ON and ease of work with the system. The developer announced this on January 22, 2025.

The MDC Dispatcher monitoring system, which allows assessing the load of industrial equipment, has received an expansion of the functional capabilities of process control, which is especially important at enterprises where complex and high-precision products are produced: engines, parts of aircraft equipment, equipment for power plants, etc. In release 3.5, the Dispatcher provides more detailed and flexible monitoring, including for violations of technological operations, deviations from technological standards. If a deviation is detected, the system warns and escalates the problem. This functionality allows you to maintain the quality of manufactured products and reduce defects in production.

Another revision in this release is aimed at improving data security - the ability to authorize enterprise employees at individual monitoring points (IPM) using a login and password has been implemented. At the same time, the simplified authorization option by personnel number also remains as an alternative.

{{quote 'An increased level of safety, including in terms of CII at an industrial enterprise, is a prerequisite for its successful operation and sustainable development. Our solution becomes necessary for facilities where it is important to protect industrial information and control access to data. The introduction of full-fledged authentication allows you to display a wider range of data and minimize the risks of leakage of technological and commercial information, "explained Vasily Churanov, head of the Engineering and Metalworking division of Zyfra Group. }}

In addition, in version 3.5 of the monitoring system, it became possible to separate the functions performed on the PIM depending on the user role, as well as customize the analytical panels for the needs of this role. The separation of functions depending on the roles is done to simplify and improve the efficiency of production personnel when working with the system, since each user will see only the tasks and analytics necessary for his work. The developed mechanism allows you to customize the system for your business processes.

In the "Maintenance and Repair Manager" release 3.5, which is responsible for timely maintenance and repair of production equipment, the development team continued to improve the vibration diagnostics module. The module serves for early detection of defects in bearings of spindle assemblies based on vibrations. It transmits data on the identified problem and the history of its development to the defect log and signals the need for M&R measures to maintain the equipment operability.

We have learned to replace the Montronix import spindle protection solution on the market. Moreover, we "befriended" "Dispatcher" and Montronix: we connect to this system, take vibration data into our system, visualize in the form of graphs and form escalation signals. That is, enterprises where Montronix is installed do not need to re-equip machines with new vibration sensors and controllers, but you can immediately input data from them into our Russian system, - explained Vasily Churanov.

"Manager" was able to connect to even more equipment. In particular, new protocols for collecting industrial data from machines of Asian partners were added to Dispatcher, which are becoming more popular and widespread on the Russian market.

In addition, the Documentation section appeared in release 3.5. This section contains the operational documentation electronically. The information gathered here helps users and administrators understand how to work with the system. This change ensures constant access of employees of enterprises to documentation on the system, prompt receipt of answers to possible frequently occurring questions of employees, faster training of new employees to work in the system.


Compatibility of "Manager" version 3.4 with Astra Linux

Astra Group and Zyfra Group are strengthening their positions in the market, actively developing joint projects and initiatives in the field of high technologies. The next step after signing the agreement on strategic cooperation was to ensure the correct operation of key IT products from the portfolio of companies with the organizational support of the industrial IT integrator UltimaTech. This figure was reported on September 25, 2024.

The Ready for Astra Technology Partnership Program tested software Dispatcher version 3.4 in the environment. operating system Astra Linux This verification stage confirmed the high degree of compatibility and stability of the system under conditions close to real use.

During the tests, compatibility tests were carried out that confirm the correct operation of the solutions. The achieved compatibility of the Manager software with the Astra Linux operating system is an important step towards providing a wider range of opportunities for customers and confirming our commitment to developing reliable and effective automation solutions.
said Alexey Trubochev, Director of the Support Department of Astra Group.

In the next 5-10 years, we will have a lot of work to do to make the transition to discrete production management based on. data As of September 2024, only about 8% machine-building of corporations' high-performance equipment is connected to, IIoT
told Sergey Churanov, Technical Director of the Division "Engineering and Metalworking" GC "Digital."

"Manager" 3.4

On March 20, 2024, the Zyfra company announced the release of an update to the Dispatcher IT product complex for mechanical engineering. Dispatcher 3.4, the Russian system for monitoring industrial equipment and real data analytics, has become platform-independent software, transferring all functional tools to web services. Now "Dispatcher" works stably with all Russian operating systems. In addition, in this version, protocols for direct acquisition of data from CNC racks from Chinese manufacturers were developed.

Production KPIs

As of March 2024, most CNC machines come from China. Our specialists have created protocols that allow you to collect data from most of the CNC systems that are installed on the supplied machines. These are GSK 988, GSK 25i, HNC 818, HNC 828, HNC 848, CATO C80, SENOLY and others. The possibility of monitoring will allow not only to control the work of Chinese machines, reduce their downtime, but also to really assess their advantages and disadvantages.

commented Vasily Churanov, Director of the Division "Mechanical Engineering and Metalworking" GC "Zyfra"

In Dispatcher 3.4, in terms of MES, which solves the tasks of operational internal control in discrete production, automated planning has appeared - a tool that quickly distributes technological operations to work centers. An electronic warehouse was also developed that allows you to keep records of the use of materials and components when releasing products. In addition, the developers presented the next level of reference books on manufactured products and manufacturing technologies.

In this release, the Predictive Service has appeared as part of the Dispatcher MRO module, the task of which is to automatically monitor the operation and protect critical components and units of machine tools to prevent long-term downtime of equipment and for emergency repair.

Summary data

At Russian enterprises, the production plan has increased, for its implementation, critical equipment must be constantly operational. At the same time, almost all industries have a shortage of qualified personnel. The work of additionally recruited operators and fixers who master machines often leads to errors that result in violations of equipment operating modes, breakdowns and downtime. Given that the supply of spare parts has become more complicated, and many service centers of unfriendly countries have closed, MRO and predictive diagnostics of equipment have become a key condition for the effective operation of a modern enterprise.

noted Vasily Churanov

Now "Dispatcher. Maintenance and Repair" makes it possible to conduct not only the calculation of the actual operating time of the equipment, but also the history of the detected defects, as well as control the fact of their elimination. In this case, defects can be recorded both in manual mode and in automatic mode - based on monitoring data on deviations of controlled parameters.

By continuously monitoring and controlling the equipment in real time, the Dispatcher solves the problems of optimizing the efficiency of discrete production. The use of the Russian system on the largest industrial holdings shows increase of equipment utilization factor by 20-40%, reduction of ad hoc downtime by 12%, increase of productivity by 15-20%.

Equipment Card (Repair History)

In 2023, Dispatcher received FSTEC certification, closing potential software vulnerabilities and performing full data encryption at all levels.

2023: Release of version 3.3 and receipt of FSTEC certificate

The domestic complex for optimizing the efficiency of production "Dispatcher" from the company "Digital" received a certificate FSTEC of Russia for compliance with the requirements safety information for the 6th level of trust. The certificate is valid until January 2028. This was announced on February 14, 2023 by the Zyfra company.

As part of the work to obtain FSTEC certification, we constantly worked to optimize the security of our product: potential vulnerabilities were closed and full data encryption was carried out at all levels.

said Sergey Emelchenkov, General Director of Zyfra Group of Companies

According to the company, according to the sixth level of trust, the Dispatcher can be installed at significant objects of the critical information infrastructure of category 3, in state information systems of class 3 of security, in automated systems for managing production and technological processes of class 3 of security, in personal data information systems, if it is necessary to ensure level 3 and 4 of personal data security.

The updated version of Manager 3.3 becomes the first version corresponding to this level of certificate. In addition to optimizing security, a lot of work has been done to develop functionality.

{{quote 'author
= said Vitaly Tuev, Product Director' In version 3.3, we have expanded the set of connected production equipment. Now our team is ready to connect almost all equipment in the discrete industry to monitoring: lines, furnaces, additive printers, thermoplastics, updated types of lasers and robotic manipulators. The team worked on stability, adding a section on diagnostics and system health, expanded analytics in terms of execution of control programs. Including appeared the ability to assess tool load and analyze performance losses.}}

Within the framework of the "Dispatcher," a significant update was received by the corporate analytics subsystem "ARM Holding." In version 3.3, it became possible to monitor the performance of equipment at distributed sites, regardless of monitoring systems used there. "Manager" is able to connect and work with any monitoring systems installed at production sites.

The Dispatcher IT product complex optimizes the efficiency of various discrete production industries. It allows you to optimize the load of equipment, control the quality, time and cost of manufacturing products, as well as extend the operating time of production facilities. "Dispatcher" includes three standalone products: Industrial Equipment Monitoring System MDC (Manufacturing Data Collection), MES (Manufacturing Execution System) Manager for in-house planning and order control, and EAM (Enterprise Asset Management) Manager for equipment repair and maintenance management. Each of the products was also developed in release 3.3. The MES Manager expanded the functionality of control and production planning, optimized workplaces for employees at the workshop level, expanded analytics on time standards, deadlines for order fulfillment and convergence of the order book. Electronic maps of monthly maintenance and their control were added to the EAM Manager execution by the operator, expanded functionality in the repair personnel AWS, as well as added checklists in the planned works and control of their passage.

In February 2023, the update will begin to arrive to partners and customers of the company as part of the technical support program.

2022: Version 3.2

On April 15, 2022, Zyfra Group of Companies released version 3.2 of the Dispatcher, a monitoring system for industrial production. Updated version 3.2 is a platform domestic solution for data collection and production process management. In this release, the Dispatcher complex has formed a product line of three independent product classes: MDC, MES, EAM.

Dispatcher 3.2

According to the company, the MDC (Manufacturing Data Collection) manager is a basic IIoT solution for production control and analytics. This is a monitoring system for industrial equipment that continuously collects data.

This release has improved the user interface, it has become more flexible and universal: magazines, reports and dashboards can be customized for the features of each enterprise yourself. In the standard delivery 3.2, a tool for forming a 3D diagram of the workshop was added. Optimized mechanisms for automating enterprise processes.

The MES (Manufacturing Execution System) dispatcher, developed on the basis of basic monitoring, was formed into an independent product of the Dispatcher complex. This is a system of operational planning and control of production at the workshop level. The MES manager allows you to create an operational production plan based on a list of orders or a volume schedule, automates the issuance and control of shift tasks, and takes into account production progress in real time.

In release 3.2, the functionality of route sheets has been expanded, additional controls have been added: now you can add technical operations, restore deleted ones, split existing ones and indicate production status for them. The tool also allows the user to link or untie a route sheet to a production order. This solution allows you to quickly work and change the composition of the order without complex manipulations. In addition, an operational planning tool has appeared that helps to manage production tasks and control their execution. This tool allows you to reduce the time for forming production tasks several times and create a clear queue of them.

Some of the production tasks require the efforts of not one operator, but an entire team. In this regard, we added the functionality of the "Brigade." By setting a production task, the user can specify a group of performers who should work on it, that is, schedule tasks per team. The result of team work can be taken into account both in pieces of manufactured products and in the hours spent on the work. The foreman can independently administer his team, suspending the operator's work or replacing him at the time of work on the task.

told Vasily Churanov, Product Director of Zyfra Group of Companies

Dispatcher 3.2

Enterprise Asset Management (EAM) is a fleet management system that allows you to digitize the use of production assets from purchase to write-off. This business solution was formed on the basis of the functionality of automation of the processes of operation of the maintenance and repair service. MR

Previously, our solution in terms of MRO was desktop, that is, it was installed on each user's computer. The EAM class system, in turn, is based on the web interface and is a platform-independent solution. Now it does not matter what operating system is at the enterprise, which is especially important in the context of the departure of foreign companies from the Russian market.

explained by Vasily Churanov

Implementation of the EAM Dispatcher reduces the number of unplanned outages due to accidents and increases the life of the equipment by optimally planning maintenance and repair based on real-time data on the condition of the equipment. Automatic monitoring of repair works avoids errors and reduces their duration. The EAM dispatcher is the main assistant to the head of the service and repair service, answering the questions: what, when and how to maintain and repair. In addition, the EAM class solution provides the management of the company and specialists with reports on the current state of the enterprise's production assets and the costs of their operation.

In the current conditions, industrialists need to pay special attention to solutions that allow extending the service life of the equipment, ensuring its "prevention" in time. We do not know how quickly the industry will be able to adapt and produce the necessary analogues of imported parts or establish supply chains with other markets. Therefore, it is necessary to focus on maintaining existing capacities.

stated Pavel Rastopshin, Managing Director of Zyfra Group of Companies

According to the latest research "Figures," the load of machine tools at machine-building enterprises in Russia after the introduction of the "Dispatcher" complex increased by more than 20%.

2020: Placement on the Yandex.Cloud platform

The Yandex.Cloud platform and the GK CIFRA began to jointly provide access to the cloud version of the Dispatcher industrial equipment monitoring system. About this GK CIFRA reported on August 14, 2020. Using a cloud solution can reduce enterprise costs by up to 10 times to buy your own IT infrastructure. Thus, the Industry 4.0 format becomes available for 2.5 thousand industrial enterprises of medium and small businesses in various industries.

In 2020, 290 enterprises use the Dispatcher system to monitor and assess the efficiency of industrial equipment. Dispatcher monitors over 3,000 units of industrial equipment.

Based on the technology of the industrial Internet of Things, the Dispatcher monitors and analyzes the operation of industrial equipment in real time. This allows you to identify "bottlenecks" in the organization of production and eliminate them on time, as well as create digital jobs in workshops. On average, the system improves the efficiency of equipment use by 15%, allowing enterprises to increase production volumes at current facilities.

Now, thanks to the placement of the Dispatcher on the Yandex.Cloud platform, the system has become available not only to enterprises from the industries traditional for the Dispatcher of metalworking and mechanical engineering, but also to thousands of medium and small enterprises in the light, woodworking and food industries. According to GISP, this is more than two and a half thousand industries.

Yandex.Cloud provides enterprises with all the necessary infrastructure to launch and support the operation of the Manager system: servers for information analysis, data storage systems, database management systems. Unlike using your own infrastructure, the cloud solution allows enterprises to reduce system implementation time by 2 times, and initial investments by up to 10 times, by eliminating the cost of buying expensive IT equipment. The cost of the cloud version license will be from 3 to 5 thousand rubles (depending on the functionality) per month per unit of equipment.

In the Cloud, the digitalization of production can begin with minimal investments, on any amount of equipment, pay only the actual amount of resource consumption. As the fleet of equipment grows at the enterprise, additional IT resources in the Cloud can be connected on demand, literally in seconds, - commented Oleg Koverznev, Operations Director of Yandex.Cloud

Russian industry is not only large holdings focused on the military-industrial complex, nuclear power, and heavy engineering. We have thousands of medium and small businesses that can now, using the cloud version, make their production digital in a few clicks. Together with Yandex.Cloud, we are opening a "window" to Industry 4.0 for enterprises of any scale, - commented Vitaly Tuev, Product Director of Dispatcher, GK CIFRA.


As part of the digitalization solution for mechanical engineering enterprises

On December 9, 2019, Zyfra announced that, together with IIPL Consulting, they signed a Memorandum of Cooperation and announced the creation of a specialized end-to-end digitalization solution for engineering enterprises.

The solution will be based on one of the ERP systems for the Infor LN industry.

The Dispatcher system from Zyfra will provide a connection to the industrial Internet of Things machines, collect reliable information about the operation of production equipment and provide this data to the Infor system for real-time planning.

The analytical platform of the solution will provide data visualization and reports specialized for mechanical engineering, the construction methodology of which will be implemented in conjunction with IIPL Consulting.

The Infor LN functionality meets the production accounting and planning needs of engineering companies and meets the specific requirements of specific industries. Infor LN provides project management, production planning, dispatching and operational production management, engineering data management, supply chain and warehouse logistics.

The Forsyth platform will be used to visualize production indicators. The convenient form of static data for engineering enterprises will allow you to qualitatively analyze the production load of equipment, track the plan-fact and control the execution of orders in real time. This solution is the first example of end-to-end digitalization, when we try to unify work with data in a single digital layer,
told Pavel Rastopshin, Managing Director of "Digit"

The goal of the joint solution is to switch to a qualitatively different level of digitalization of Russian machine-building enterprises, using the best world production management practices that Infor LN carries, the experience of IIPL Consulting in building production company management systems and expertise in monitoring and managing technological equipment of Zyfra,
noted Vladimir Kapustin, Operations Director, IIPL Consulting

Integration with the Galaktika EAM

Galaxy Corporation and Zyfra Company on March 25, 2019 announced the start of a strategic partnership in the field of promoting Industry 4.0 solutions in the domestic industry. As part of the partnership, companies plan to seamlessly integrate digital solutions for manufacturing enterprises and jointly promote them within a single stack. Read more here.

The integration of the Galaxy EAM and Dispatcher systems will increase the reliability of the equipment: automate the monitoring of the operating time obtained in real time, plan MRO based on operational information on the technical condition of the machine fleet, objectively assess the residual resource, identify the cause of equipment failure and prevent equipment breakdowns, - said Alexander Burgardt, Vice President of the Galaxy Corporation, Head of the EAM Directorate.

2017: Capabilities of AIS "Dispatcher"

(Data current as of November 2017)

Production monitoring

  • Equipment Usage Control and Loading
  • Evaluation of production losses, including working hours
  • Automation of the process of continuous control of production

Production optimization

  • Define Process Chain Bottlenecks
  • Process Optimization
  • Reduced defective output
  • Optimizing Work Schedule

Downtime Management

  • Reduce unplanned downtime
  • Optimal planning and maintenance
  • Accounting and use of typical repair cases
  • Forecasting the use of spare parts and consumables

Digitalization of production

  • Connect all workstations to the local network
  • Rejection of "paper" document management
  • Consolidate production systems into a single information space
  • Monitor the entire product lifecycle