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ISBC: NFC payment plate

Developers: ISBC Group (Intelligent Business Management Systems)
Branches: Financial Services, Investments and Auditing

The main articles are:

2023: Installation at 60 gas stations in Kazan

The Moscow manufacturer of RFID products has installed an NFC payment plate at more than 60 gas stations in Kazan. To pay for the purchase, it is enough to attach the phone with the SBPei application installed on it to the NFC label. This was announced on February 28, 2023 by the head of the Department of Investment and Industrial Policy of Moscow, which is part of the Complex of Economic Policy and Property and Land Relations of the capital, Vladislav Ovchinsky.

NFC technology is designed for contactless relay and sending small amounts of data between devices. Equipped with such a module, phones, laptops and tablets are able to exchange information in close proximity to each other.

The design capacity of the ISBC plant allows the production of several million NFC payment plates per month, which will ensure growing demand for these products. In 2023, the company introduced its technologies in one of the networks of gas stations in Kazan. Now, in addition to the usual payment methods, you can pay for purchases using NFC technology with one touch of the phone, "said Vladislav Ovchinsky.

The payment plate is made using a polymer coating, which makes it more resistant to temperature differences, water ingress and scratches.

With the help of NFC payment plates, trade and service enterprises can save on the purchase and maintenance of additional client screens in cash areas. It is enough for them to form a cash reference once, which will be recorded on a plate with NFC and then will be formed at the cash desk each time for a specific purchase with accurate information on the amount of payment. At the same time, the link is reliably protected from rewriting, - said Andrei Eremenko, director of the banking projects department of ISBC.

Inna Emelyanova, Executive Director for Acquiring and Innovative Projects of Bank Russian Standard, clarified that payment can also be made by simply scanning the QR code through SBPei or through a mobile bank, confirming the operation already in it. the technical possibility of making such payments is already available to the bank's customers.