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MyOffice Documents for Aurora OS

Developers: MyOffice (New Cloud Technologies LLC)
Date of the premiere of the system: 2019/02/20
Last Release Date: 2024/08/27
Technology: Office applications


The main articles are:

"MyOffice Documents" for the Aurora OS is the first native office software for the Aurora OS, which allows you to work locally with text, table files and presentations on the user's device and does not require an Internet connection. The product is intended for employees of government organizations and large commercial enterprises who need to work with documents in a secure corporate environment and ensure complete control over data.

2025: Certification of version for compliance with FSTEC requirements

MyOffice March 4, 2025 reported that the application "MyOffice Documents for" OS Aurora passed certification. FSTEC of Russia operating system You can now use a secure version of MyOffice on devices from and above.

The certificate confirms that "MyOffice Documents for Aurora OS" meets the requirements of the fourth level of trust in the field of information security (UD 4).

The application can be used:

Certification applies to the version "MyOffice Documents for Aurora OS" 1.6.1.

The world is changing rapidly, and data security is not an option, but a necessity. We create tools that allow companies to work with documents with minimal risk. "My MyOffice Documents for Aurora OS" is a combination of technologies and strict protection standards that allows organizations to confidently follow the path of digital transformation, "commented Sergey Tridnevko, Security Director of My MyOffice.

"MyOffice Documents for Aurora OS" is a native application that allows you to edit text documents, tables and presentations without an Internet connection.

What the application can do:

  • Create, edit and format documents of different types and formats;
  • Work with tables, format cells, build graphs and diagrams, use formulas;
  • View and edit presentations, run slideshows, use the demo timer.

The product supports Russian and English and is compatible with smartphones and tablets, as well as other devices running Aurora OS version and higher. Application testing was carried out on the equipment of the Research Institute "Scale."


MyOffice Documents for Aurora 5.1 with the ability to send files for printing directly from a mobile device

MyOffice has released a version of the MyOffice Documents application for Aurora 5.1, an operating system with a long lifecycle. The company announced this on August 27, 2024. The solution received even more convenient user functions - for the operational and safe work of employees of public and private organizations.

Using the updated application, you can send files for printing directly from your mobile device, setting all the necessary parameters: specify a printer, select the size, orientation of sheets, the number of copies and the range of pages to print. You can use the function to avoid wasting time forwarding a document to your PC or saving it to the cloud.

Two-factor user authorization in MyOffice Private Cloud 3 is now supported in the MyOffice Documents application for Aurora OS. You must log in to MyOffice Private Cloud 3 and work with confidential data stored in the storage from your mobile device.

You can set the page numbering format, select the position of the page number, and the number from which the page numbering will begin. These options will simplify navigation and quickly find the desired sections in the document.

As of August 2024, devices based on Aurora 5.1 OS are targeted for implementation by corporate customers. Therefore, updating mobile products for this environment has become an important task for us, "said Natalya Kudryavtseva, Product Director of MyOffice. - Our application is now not only compatible with the latest version of the operating system, but also received additional features that are relevant for corporate users.

Certification in FSTEC of Russia in accordance with the requirements of level 4 of trust

On August 21, 2024, MyOffice announced the passage of the MyOffice Documents product for Aurora OS certification at the FSTEC of Russia in accordance with the requirements of level 4 of confidence in information technology security tools (UD 4).

Certification gives users access to MyOffice Documents functionality for Aurora OS release 1.3.1.

Through passed certification tests, customer companies can implement the product in a trusted loop to ensure secure document handling on mobile devices. Such a circuit, including devices with Aurora OS with a certified application "MyOffice Documents," can also be certified in accordance with the requirements of the FSTEC of Russia, including for working with personal data.

In Russia, many large commercial and state organizations with high information security requirements are conducting large-scale digital transformation projects and introducing independent import solutions. One of their typical tasks is autonomous work with documents and presentations from mobile devices, running the Aurora secure operating system, for which MyOffice releases a certified application that can also work without an Internet connection, "said Alexander Buravtsov, Security Director of MyOffice.

Ability to upload documents to MyOffice Private Cloud

MyOffice On June 18, 2024, announced the release of MyOffice 3.0. The updated functions also received the digital workspace Squadus 1.5 and the mobile application "MyOffice Documents" for the Aurora OS. Read more here.


Release 1.3 with the ability to save text documents in PDF format

On December 5, 2023, MyOffice announced the release of the updated MyOffice Documents mobile application for the Aurora OS. Release 1.3 added a number of features that improve the comfort of working with text and table files on devices with this operating system.

The most important change was the ability to save text documents, spreadsheets, and presentations in PDF format. The function allows you to create documents in which, regardless of the type of devices used for viewing, all information and formatting options of the original document are stored. When exporting a document to PDF, the user can rename the resulting file and choose where to save it to the device.

Also in the application "MyOffice Documents" for the OS "Aurora" 1.3 it became possible to click on links in PDF files. This makes it easier to view PDFs that are configured to navigate the document using internal hyperlinks and PDFs that contain links to external web resources.

Gestures were also added to scale the documents being viewed and edited. Now, to zoom out the document, just touch the screen with two fingers and bring them together, and to zoom in, spread your fingers to the sides.

In addition, the application has improved the capabilities of the table editor. Users can now add and remove sheets, rename them, duplicate them, and change the background of cells.

"We are creating products for the current version of the Aurora 4.0 OS from spring 2023. The OS itself has changed a lot in comparison with previous versions, so the functionality of our native office application is increasing gradually, we are actually re-implementing the functions of working with documents. We strive to make this application as similar as possible to MyOffice Documents for Android and iOS. In this release, we focused on important export functions to PDF, support for hyperlinks, added new gestures and improved work with tables, "said Pyotr Shcheglov, director of product marketing at MyOffice.

MyOffice regularly updates the Aurora OS application, and since the beginning of 2023 has already released 4 updates that have implemented over 300 improvements, functional changes and new functions.

Version 1.2 with support for binary document formats

MyOffice on October 11, 2023 presented an updated version of the MyOffice Documents application for the Aurora OS. Release 1.2 introduces custom features that improve productivity and improve the usability of mobile automated desktops.

The key change was support for binary document formats. Users can now open and view DOC, XLS, PPT, as well as TXT and RTF files that were created in older versions of desktop office packages of any vendor. The function helps to carry out a seamless transition to domestic software products: many organizations managed to accumulate a large amount of documents in such formats, but are not ready to perform mass conversion, so it is important to give them the opportunity to open and view such files, and if necessary, to translate them into a new format.

Also in release 1.2, formatting capabilities were improved and expanded. So, in a table editor, you can now select the format of the cell data, combine and separate the cells, move diagrams and images, and, if necessary, also change their size. In a text editor, work with illustrations in a similar way: the user can insert, move, reduce and enlarge them as desired. In addition, you can choose the form of wrapping the picture with text - around the frame, above and below, in front of or behind the text.

Work with - was also improved. PDFfiles Now the user can use the context menu to call the selection mode to copy a piece of text to the clipboard. The function simplifies the transfer of the desired information one from PDF to files documents of other formats.

Creating presentations on devices with the Aurora OS has become much more convenient. In the presentation editor of the MyOffice Documents application, it became possible to add and remove marked and numbered lists. The function is controlled in the toolbar on the Text tab.

In addition, the release 1.2 has a useful "Mobile View" function, which is intended for those who often read various documents from mobile devices. In this mode, breaks between pages and headers and footers are not displayed, there is no text wrap across pages, and the text itself is scaled to fit the screen size. Go to the "Mobile View" mode, as well as return to the "Page View" mode using the context menu. In the "Mobile View" mode, the user has access to functions such as zooming in and out of text, editing text, and inserting and deleting images.

In Russia, many large commercial and state organizations require secure mobile automated workplaces. One way to solve this problem is to use devices with a trusted Aurora OS, for which MyOffice releases a native application that can work without an Internet connection. In the release 1.2, we tried to include the most popular functions that will allow such users to work more efficiently with documents, - said Pyotr Shcheglov, director of product marketing at MyOffice.

"MyOffice Documents" for the Aurora OS is the first native office software for the Aurora OS, which allows you to work locally with text, table files and presentations on the user's device and does not require an Internet connection. The product is intended for employees of government organizations and large commercial enterprises who need to work with documents in a secure corporate environment and ensure complete control over data.

As part of the technological partnership, MyOffice, together with other Russian developers, participates in the creation of several AWS based on the Aurora OS. So, within the framework of the TsIPR-2023, together with MTS (MOEX: MTSS) and F + tech, a MARM was presented, consisting of an IP68-protected tablet or F + tech smartphone with an LTE module preinstalled with Aurora OS, MyOffice Documents software, SIM cards, as well as contracts for service warranty service. The solution is available to customers using the TaaS subscription model (Telecom-as-a-Service).

Release of the presentation editor for the domestic protected OS "Aurora"

The company MyOffice announced on July 31, 2023, the release of a presentation editor for domestic protected operating system "," Aurora capable of working offline. The changes were implemented as part of release 1.1 of the first native " applications MyOffice Documents" for OS Aurora.

You can edit presentation slides directly from your smartphone in one click - just place the cursor in the desired place of the slide and, using a special button, call the keyboard. When a user moves from view to edit mode, a toolbar is displayed for them, which, if necessary, can be hidden simply by clicking on it.

When editing slides, users of the mobile application can freely move through the text, select the necessary part of the text, and then copy or delete it, as well as format the selection. You can also select and drag a block of text, picture, or shape. The text can be made bold, underlined, or italic, and its pin (size) can be changed using the "+" and "-" buttons, as well as specifying the required size in the pop-up window.

If the user made any error when editing the document, then he can easily undo the changes made - the application remembers up to 50 steps, and allows you to move back and forth through them. If necessary, the last actions committed can also be repeated.

After the slides are edited, you can also save them in one click - just click on the button on the toolbar or through the application context menu. All changes are saved locally on the device itself, known presentation formats PPTX, ODP, XODP are supported. Automatic saving of documents occurs every minute or if the user switches between windows or enters the view mode. If an emergency occurs - for example, turning off the device - the user will be able to open the last automatically saved version.

Also, users mobile of the MyOffice Documents application for Aurora OS can view - in PDFfiles portrait or landscape orientation, navigate through them and scale pages using the "+" and "-" keys.

The changes also affected the user manual - now it is available directly in the MyOffice Documents application for the Aurora OS. It can be found in the navigation menu, it is contained there as a PDF file and is available for study even without an Internet connection. Also, if necessary, you can use one click from the application and to the help center located on the MyOffice corporate website.

The application "MyOffice Documents for the Aurora OS supports both and Russian, English as well as is fully compatible with current models and. tablets Aquarius F+ tech

Our main clients are large commercial organizations and government agencies, they conduct large-scale digital transformation projects and implement independent import solutions. One of their typical tasks is the ability to work autonomously with documents and presentations from mobile devices running the updated Aurora secure operating system. Therefore, we not only released the current release of a mobile application for such a platform, but also significantly improved the ability to work with presentations in it,
stated Petr Shcheglov, Director of Product Marketing, MyOffice.

As a component of PAC "MyOffice" and "Rostelecom"

MyOffice and PJSC Rostelecom agreed to create software and hardware systems (PAC) for joint work with documents and communications within the framework of mobile and stationary workspaces and server solutions based on the trusted Aurora OS, their mutual promotion and support. MyOffice announced this on June 15, 2023. The main component of the PAC will also be "My MyOffice Documents." Read more here.

As part of a secure mobile automated workplace

F + tech, MTS PJSC and MyOffice on May 31, 2023 presented a secure mobile automated workplace (MARM) based on the Aurora operating system (OS) with pre-installed software (software) "MyOffice Documents." MARM was created within the framework of a tripartite agreement of companies on technological cooperation. Read more here.

As part of a secure mobile workplace F + tech

The F + tech developer introduced a secure mobile workplace on April 17, 2023. The PAC also includes the MyOffice Documents mobile application - a native application for Aurora OS, which allows you to work locally with text, table files and presentations on the user's device and does not require an Internet connection. Read more here.

Release of the application "MyOffice Documents" for the OS "Aurora"

MyOffice on March 28, 2023 announced the release of the MyOffice Documents mobile application for Aurora OS. The solution allows you to work with text and table documents, as well as presentations on smartphones and tablets with a secure Aurora 4.0 operating system. We are talking about the first office software for this OS.

The MyOffice Documents mobile application for Aurora is designed for employees of government organizations and large commercial enterprises who need to work with documents in a secure corporate environment and ensure complete control over data. According to the developers, the solution has the necessary functions to carry out typical office activities outside the workplace, for example, on trips and business trips.

MyOffice Documents application interface

"MyOffice Documents" for Aurora OS is the first native application for Aurora OS, which allows you to work locally with text, table files and presentations on the user's device and does not require an Internet connection.

With the help of the application, when working with texts, users can view, create, edit, as well as search through text and correct errors. In addition, the table editor allows you to format cells, work with graphs and charts, and perform calculations using formulas. The mobile application displays presentations, allows you to start a slideshow, as well as use the demo timer.

It is difficult to imagine the activities of government and commercial structures without using mobile devices. Thanks to the efforts of MyOffice, our customers and users were able to work with documents in Aurora's trusted and safe domestic environment, "said Alexey Kogan, Director of Strategic Development at Open Mobile Platform.

MyOffice has been cooperating with Open Mobile Platform since 2019. During this time, Aurora OS has made a qualitative leap in its development, both its architecture and technological stack have changed. Such changes allowed us, the office software developer, to implement even more demanded functions. In this operating system, our application works natively and does not require an Internet connection, so that corporate users can safely work with documents from their mobile devices at any time and from any place, "said Pyotr Shcheglov, Product Marketing Director of MyOffice.

The MyOffice Documents mobile application for mobile devices running Aurora 4.0 OS is delivered to customers as part of ongoing projects.

MyOffice on March 21, 2023 stated that the MyOffice Documents application for mobile devices and MyOffice Standard. Home version "for PC installed by users 20 million times.

In addition to the Aurora OS, My MyOffice Documents is available on smartphones with iOS and Android. Version of the application "MyOffice Standard. Home version "is available on Windows, macOS, Linux. On all platforms for ordinary users, applications are available for free.

Mobile OS Aurora is included in the register of domestic software, certified by FSTEC and the FSB and is necessary to build a trusted mobile infrastructure independent of foreign technologies in state organizations, large and medium-sized businesses. Together with the Aurora Center mobile device management platform, it has already become the basis for mobile digital systems during the All-Russian Population Census, as well as in companies such as Russian Railways, Inter RAO, Russian Post, etc.

2019: MyOffice Documents app release for Sailfish

On February 20, 2019, the New Cloud Technologies company announced the release of the MyOffice Documents mobile application for the Russian operating system Sailfish Mobile OS RUS (the Russian-language name Aurora was assigned to this OS also in February 2019).

As a result, Sailfish users will receive a set of office editors and a file manager in one application: create, edit, save and print documents in common office formats, while having a convenient interface and extensive formatting capabilities.

author '= Armen Kocharov, Deputy General Director of "New Cloud Technologies" '
Not only legislation, but also the realities around us require rapid adaptation of business and management software developers to the cross-platform environment in which modern companies and government agencies operate. Our task is to ensure the user's comfortable and productive work, regardless of which operating system he uses.

author '= Pavel Eiges, CEO of Open Mobile Platform '
The solution from the company "New cloud technologies'" MyOffice Documents', implemented under Sailfish Mobile OS RUS, is an important step towards a full-fledged, independent domestic mobile ecosystem, where there are domestic messengers, tools cloudy storages and access to documents, protected, browsers clients for corporate mails and calendar, VPN and other applications "for every day." Mobile operating systems have been iOS Android developing for more than 10 years, and we need to go this way much faster. The transfer of a full-fledged office suite "MyOffice Documents" to our platform will allow us to compete with foreign mobile solutions in the corporate mobility segment not only by providing information security requirements and, but also FSB FSTEC by providing our users with the necessary tools for the daily productive work of their employees.

The MyOffice Documents mobile application fully meets the requirements of Resolution Governments of the Russian Federation No. 325, according to which the office software for mobile devices included in Register Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media should support the operation of both the main common mobile operating systems and the management of domestic mobile operating systems included in a single one. register of Russian software