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Ozon Mobile Application

Developers: (Internet Solutions)
Last Release Date: 2022/04/19
Branches: Internet Services,  Trading

The main articles are:

2024: Moving fashion range to Ozon Fashion platform

Now the entire range of clothing, shoes, accessories and jewelry will be on the Ozon Fashion platform. Ozon announced this on July 9, 2024. Read more here.

2022: Launch of the "Moments" content feed

On April 19, 2022, Ozon announced the launch of the Moments content feed in the application and the investment of a billion rubles in support of the authors.


According to the company, "Moments" are visible to Ozon users in several regions, soon the entire audience of the site will see them. "Moments" can be found by clicking on the central button in the lower panel of the application. You can like videos, and you can subscribe to especially remembered authors. Users of the Ozon mobile application will also have a profile in Moments - in it you can see the created content, subscribers, change a nickname and upload a photo.

The main way to monetize content will be to add links to any goods to the video, and they do not have to be bought - it is only important that the goods are sold on the site. At the same time, Ozon says that there will be other monetization options, since Moments will constantly develop.

For sellers of the marketplace, Moments will become an additional channel for promoting goods - in addition to all the tools of the Ozon advertising platform. They will be able to use Moments as an additional point of contact with buyers, and in the future, attract bloggers to create native content. As of April 2022, about 200 sellers are testing the tape.

In April 2022, monetization will be available to bloggers and authors who pre-apply. Based on their experience and feedback, monetization will be scaled to all users, this will happen in the summer of 2022. To calculate rewards for content, Ozon plans to measure different engagement metrics, such as viewability, conversion to purchase, and number of views. At the initial stage, the reward can reach 80 thousand rubles per month, in the future the fork will increase.

"Moments" also suggest gamification elements for authors - they will have the opportunity to receive tasks from marketplace sellers and earn money through native integrations. Ozon plans to invest 1 billion rubles in support of the authors of the content.

As of April 2022, 50 million unique users visit Ozon every month. They read reviews, look for recommendations, study video reviews of goods, and also share their own opinions about the purchased product. We believe that this community needs content not only about goods - so we welcome the full variety of content in Moments - about impressions, important life moments, the lifestyle of users, travel - about anything.

said Evgeny Shirinkin, head of social commerce Ozon