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Sapsan-Bekas Mobile complex of detection and counteraction of the UAV

Developers: Automatic equipment concern
Date of the premiere of the system: 2019/06/25
Branches: Military industrial complex,  Electrical equipment and microelectronics


2020: Plans of integration with a HSS of technical monitors, the analysis and the notification from RSVO

Avtomatika concern of State Corporation Rostec and Federal State Unitary Enterprise Russian Networks of Broadcasting and Notification (RSVO) signed the agreement on cooperation. The signed document will allow to integrate the solutions for counteraction to UAVs developed in Concern in the system of complex security of the enterprises and territories of Federal State Unitary Enterprise Russian Networks of Broadcasting and Notification. On May 27, 2020 the Automatic equipment Concern reported about it. Read more here.


Demonstration of the Sapsan-Bekas complex to delegations from 8 countries

Avtomatika concern State corporations Rostec on July 1, 2019 announced demonstration of the latest developments and also the tested products in the field of detection and counteraction to unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) to potential customers from eight countries. Including mobile complex of detection and counteraction Sapsan-Bekas UAV and subsystem Beam.

In particular, the concern showed the products to delegations from Iran, Iraq, Vietnam, Philippines, Hungary, Malaysia, Cuba and Kazakhstan. Foreign customers showed high interest and confirmed readiness to conduct negotiations on a possibility of purchase of these complexes.

Representatives of foreign delegations also got acquainted with complexes of radio-electronic detection, identification and counteraction to the unmanned aerial vehicles "Pishchal-PRO", "Taran-PRO", "Kupol" which are already delivered to customers.

Representation of the mobile Sapsan-Bekas complex

On June 25, 2019 the Avtomatika concern provided to State Corporation Rostec a mobile complex of detection and counteraction to the Sapsan-Bekas unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). A system detects the UAV at distance to 10 km, monitors its movement and puts out of action at distance more than 6 km, suppressing means of communication and managements of the UAV.

Three subsystems are a part of a complex: radio engineering detection and direction finding of drones, active radar-location and video and optoelectronic maintenance and also radio suppression subsystem. "Sapsan-Bekas" it is capable to control round the clock airspace and to distinguish air objects using video and thermovision watch facilities.

The complex of Avtomatika concern will fill up a product line of Rostec, intended for counteraction to civil and military unmanned aerial vehicles. "Sapsan-Bekas" it is capable both in manual, and in the automatic mode to counteract the UAV with the broad frequency range – from 400 MHz to 6 GHz. Thanks to installation of a complex on the automobile chassis it is high-maneuverable is a key requirement for law enforcement agencies. The mobility is important also for civil customers as it allows to move quickly a complex from one object on another,
told Oleg Yevtushenko, the chief executive of Rostec

Radio suppression of the UAV as a part of a complex the subsystem performs Beam. "Beam" influences canals of navigation, management and information transfer of the UAV, radiating noises at the same time in eleven ranges. A system works by the principle "-others" – Beam does not make impact on the UAV, information on which is in advance entered in the database of a complex. At the same time the subsystem can work not only as a part of a complex, but also is autonomous, thanks to existence of the separate control panel.

One of the main advantages of the Sapsan-Bekas complex – its universality and flexibility. It is easy to adapt functionality of a complex to customers needs. For example, to the civil companies, including the energy industry enterprises, means of radio engineering investigation, and an opportunity on a radar-location are generally interesting to them often are not necessary – the concern is ready to make for them a product in a required complete set,
said Vladimir Kabanov, the CEO of Avtomatika concern

The concern is already ready to deliver "Sapsan-Bekas" to civil customers. Prior to deliveries to law enforcement agencies the complex should pass tests which are planned for fall of 2019.