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Superprilozheniye's magnet

Developers: Tander Retail network Magnet
Date of the premiere of the system: 2020/09/11
Branches: Trade
Technology: CRM - Loyalty systems,  trade Automation systems

Main articles:

2020: Plans of start of a superapp

On September 11, 2020 Magnet announced plans of start of a superapp – the application integrating several services. About it it is told in the presentation of the deputy CEO, chief executive of Magnet Florean Jansen provided at opening of Digital office of the retailer to Skolkovo.

For September, 2020 Magnit has an application for the loyalty program where already more than 35 million active clients. To improve their experience, the retailer will create superapp – it can be started until the end of 2020. The application will integrate already available loyalty program with several projects. Among them – the online order in drugstores of Magnit, the product delivery. Afterwards some more adjacent projects – for example, a payment service of MPay, mobile communication and the service of payments by the Mobiskan QR code accelerating process of purchases in Magnit shops can be added to them. Superappa, or superapplications, - the popular direction in development of the Russian ecommerce.