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The name of the base system (platform): Yandex.Maps
Developers: Yandex
Date of the premiere of the system: September 2017
Last Release Date: 2023/11/01
Branches: Internet services,  Logistics and distribution,  Transport
Technology: Logistics Information System


Main article: Logistics information system (classifications and methods)

Yandex.Routing is a service for automatically building routes and monitoring their implementation. The algorithm processes a large number of addresses and offers the best option for combining them into routes, taking into account restrictions, for example, the type of machines, the compatibility of goods, the time of the client, the forecast of traffic jams, etc. Customers using the service note getting into the delivery time windows in 95-99% of cases, reducing the load on the contact center by 40%.

Tools for efficient order fulfillment:

  • For a mobile employee (courier, driver) - in what order to go around the route points taking into account changing traffic jams and changes in orders
  • For the dispatcher - which orders will be fulfilled and when, where there is a risk of delays, subsequent plan-fact analysis
  • For customer - when their order will be executed

2025: Real Life: Can logistics costs be cut in half?

logistic System developers often promise to reduce delivery costs when implementing them ON by up to 50%. Is that really the case? Let's check using the example Yandex of the Routing service. Read more here.

2023: Improving the accuracy of business routes with weather in mind

Yandex has learned to take into account the weather when calculating routes for business. This became possible thanks to the integration of data from Yandex Weather and APIAndex Kart: now the travel time will be adjusted taking into account historical data on the impact of weather on the speed of cars. At the same time, the actual weather forecast and the situation on the roads will help to clarify routes in real time. Yandex announced this on November 1, 2023.

Thanks to Yandex technologies, business will be able to more accurately plan delivery times. For example, a downpour or snowfall slows down traffic, so it can take more time or cars to deliver orders. If the element raged suddenly, the algorithms will recalculate the realistic delivery time. Companies will be able to warn customers, agree on new delivery times or offer to pick up the parcel from the point of issue of orders.

The Yandex Routing service takes into account more than 300 parameters when building routes, including the carrying capacity of the car, the commodity neighborhood, the driver's work time, delivery intervals. To analyze the road situation, Routing has so far used traffic congestion data, and the impact of the weather has been taken into account using manual factors.

Routing technologies are used by companies that use the courier service or other field personnel. For example, manufacturers, retailers, online stores, logistics companies, medical laboratories and even ambulance services.

This solution will allow these companies to reduce the number of delivery delays, increase customer satisfaction and re-order rates. Businesses will be able to increase the efficiency of drivers' time and optimize logistics costs.


Route planning for couriers on cycle transport

On June 28, 2022, Yandex Routing released an update for companies using bicycle delivery. Routes for this type of transport will be planned taking into account the presence of bike paths, and the logician will be able to limit the speed of movement, indicate the permissible weight of the cargo and the maximum permissible distance. The solution is suitable for both regular bicycles and electric ones.

Automation of routes will allow companies to conveniently use mobile transport in urban delivery, reduce costs for delivery at close distances, as well as maintain a high level of customer service, because couriers on bicycles do not depend on traffic jams or parking spaces. Delivery on bicycles is in great demand during the warm season and in the southern regions.

When planning delivery routes, the logist indicates which transport each courier moves on. In the reference book of vehicles, along with a truck and a passenger car, as well as a walking method of movement, a bicycle will now appear.

When building bike routes, the algorithm will give priority to bike paths, paths and paths in parks, as well as sidewalks when bike paths are not available. He will also avoid stairs, including overhead and underground pedestrian crossings. If it is still required to drive on roads, it will choose quiet streets, rather than busy highways. The application will warn you about leaving the roadway in advance.

The bike-optimized route will allow the courier to be less distracted on the way, monitor the road more closely and make it easier to get to the customer.

Entering the UAE market

Yandex.Routing has entered the UAE market. The press service of Yandex announced this on February 2, 2022.

Thanks to the start of the Russian logistics management platform at the last mile in the UAE, local retailers were able to automatically plan routes taking into account 200 operational parameters and restrictions, including the specifics of the local address system, when the exact addresses of recipients are unknown.

Yandex.Routing entered the UAE market

An additional planning service module allows the selling company to ask the buyer for clarification of the delivery location using a pin on the card. The data obtained in this way from the client is taken into account when automatically constructing routes. This reduces the number of manual operations and errors. For the UAE, this is relevant due to the peculiarities of the address system: full addresses are often absent, and buyers describe the place of delivery when ordering in free form, Yandex noted.

According to Vladimir Nesterov, regional director of Yandex.Routing MENA, the main problem that local companies face when transporting goods is an inaccurate or incomplete destination.

If we add a relatively large number of returns here (and we see that about 40% of shipments are returned here), it becomes clear that optimizing delivery routes can significantly increase the efficiency of courier delivery to the UAE, Nesterov concluded.

By the beginning of February 2022, the Yandex.Routing platform already has customers in the UAE, as well as companies at the signing stage and pilots - firms in the field of retail, consumer goods and courier services, Yandex announced. The service does not disclose their names.

The press release provides a forecast according to which the volume of the e-commerce market in the UAE by 2025 will grow to $8 billion from $3.9 billion in 2020.


Availability in the SAP Store

December 9, 2021. Yandex Routing, an optimization platform logistics retail entered the global marketplace SAP Store and became available to customers SAP around the world. Optimization occurs by automatically building routes and monitoring delivery quality. Yandex.Routing allows you to reduce logistics costs by 20-30% and load by 40%, and call center delivery on time occurs in 95-99% of cases. The SAP Store for December 2021 has about 2,000 SAP solutions and partners, so far the Russian no more than 10, but their number will grow.

Yandex.Routing offers two main services. Automatic route planning allows you to quickly find the best ways to travel couriers for companies with a large number of orders under a wide variety of logistics scenarios. Optimization is achieved by using historical data traffic jams and accurately predicting arrival times. You can build routes using the service taking into account various conditions: cargo size and capacity, transport permissible delivery time, capacity of warehouses and others. The platform also supports specific restrictions, such as the presence of equipment in the machine for a specific parcel or a difficult work and rest regime for drivers spending several days on the flight - more than 100 parameters in total.

The courier quality monitoring service facilitates communication between drivers, logistics and customers. It consists of three components: an application for mobile employees, a logist's workplace and a client widget. The product makes the supply process transparent - it allows you to see the movement of goods in real time, eliminates discrepancies. This makes it easier for companies to understand the causes of violations and make informed management decisions. The service is convenient in that it allows you to easily control hired vehicles from different partners, as it combines signals from different ones - in GPSproviders one interface. Monitoring can reduce downtime transport and make more efficient use of it.

The pandemic has shown how quickly business conditions and customer requirements are changing. As a result, one of the main trends in logistics in the last mile today was flexibility. A modern automation solution should easily respond to the current priorities of companies and external challenges - to help businesses find a balance between the cost of logistics and the level of client service required in given circumstances, - said Danil Shelekhov, head of Yandex.Routing.

Logistics and supply chains are one of those areas that were seriously affected by the pandemic. The situation remains difficult, so the appearance of Yandex.Routing in the SAP Store is very timely. We are pleased to offer our customers around the world a convenient service for optimizing and automating their logistics processes. The joint use of Yandex and SAP Transportation Management solutions will significantly improve the communication of dispatchers with drivers, as well as give customers the opportunity to see where their shipments are. This will be especially in demand during delivery at the last mile in the city, where you need to take into account the constantly changing road situation and quickly interact with customers, - commented Dmitry Krasyukov, Chief Digital Officer SAP CIS.

Integration with Loginet Platform

On October 20, 2021, the company, Loginet the developer of the automation platform, and logistics Yandex.Routing announced the launch of an integrated solution on the market that allows cargo owners to place orders on the Loginet portal in one window and route them. According to the partners' statement, the Loginet platform is the first solution, integrated with. Yandex Routing. More. here

Integration with Yandex Go Delivery

Logistics platform Yandex.Routing and Delivery Yandex.Go will help business in attracting additional cars to organize delivery. This became known on November 5, 2020. Now companies connected to Yandex.Routing will be able to use the trucks of Yandex.Go Delivery partners in a simplified manner. This may be needed during peak hours and high season.

According to research by Yandex.Routing, seven out of ten companies with their own courier delivery face a lack of resources during peak loads. Their unpredictability creates a problem when a business urgently needs to find additional machines.

Peak loads lead to late delivery, due to which the business can lose money and customers. It is difficult to predict their appearance, so it is difficult for companies to conclude long-term contracts with transport contractors, since volumes often change in one direction or another, - explains Danil Shelekhov, project manager at Yandex.Routing, - we decided to help companies organize the required number of additional machines right during route planning for the required period of time.

For example, the company has 100 of its own cars, and during the load period 110 of them may be required - these additional 10 cars will help get our solution. It became possible thanks to integration with Yandex Go Delivery. Now, if necessary, the company can request additional transport in the Yandex.Routing system, and the algorithm will distribute orders for its own fleet and for Yandex Go Delivery.

Our key task is to become a convenient service for business. Therefore, we are ready to integrate into the company's delivery system in the format in which they need it, including the closure of a partial or full volume, - comments Anton Uvarov, head of new businesses at Yandex Go, - at the same time, we focused on full transparency and delivery quality, so we introduced tracking trucks and the necessary metrics online.

The service of ordering trucks for November 2020 is available in 158 cities of Russia and Kazakhstan. The time for submitting a car, if there is an agreement with Yandex Go, will be from 10 minutes, and the price for the delivery address - from 150 rubles. The solution allows companies connected to Yandex.Routing to use an unlimited number of vehicles from the fleet of Yandex Go partners, which at the beginning of November 2020 consists of more than 5,000 cars.

Start Delivery Control Service

On September 16, 2020, Yandex announced the launch of the Supply Control service on the Yandex.Routing logistics platform, which monitors the movement of supplier machines in real time. Distribution centers of retail chains, warehouses of distributors and darkstores of online stores will become users of the service.

Supply Control continuously monitors all suppliers' machines that go to the warehouse, given their geoposition, speed and road situation on their way, for example, the prospect of traffic jams. For each car, a special algorithm calculates ETA (Estimated Time of Arrival) and collects all data in a single window. This helps logistics track the arrival of many machines with cargo from different suppliers.

Due to violations of time intervals, all participants in the chain lose money: suppliers, transport companies and distribution centers. Our task is to ensure the transparency of the supply chain of FMCG manufacturers in order to increase the speed of delivery and reduce costs. "Supply control" allows you to identify the cause of the failure, for example, the delay of the machine or the queue at unloading, and quickly eliminate it, "explained Danil Shelekhov, project manager for Yandex.Routing.

The use of the ETA key figure in logistics allows you to optimize transport flows and labor resources. The warehouse knows in advance when and to what extent the order will be ready for unloading, so they can reduce losses due to downtime in receiving delivery and balance the number of personnel.

As of September 16, about 10 FMCG manufacturers from the list of the largest suppliers of retail chains are already operating on the Yandex.Routing platform. Suppliers have already been able to transfer data on the movement of their goods to retail chains and stores. By the end of the year, the company plans to increase the number of manufacturers connected to the platform from the FMCG segment in order to provide a more complete picture of supplies to retail chains.

Presentation of Routing Algorithm for Courier Services

Yandex developed a special logistic solution for courier services. It allows you to take into account business features, for example, seasonality, different types of courier tasks, as well as the need to add real-time addresses to routes. algorithm The company's experts took part in the work. DPD This became known on July 13, 2020.

They talked about the specifics of planning processes, tested and began to implement the solution.

Every day, courier services bring and pick up a variety of goods from addresses and warehouses - equipment, documents, furniture, clothes. Orders arrive every minute, they need to be quickly processed and distributed. The Routing algorithm will speed up the turnover of orders and reduce the burden on the infrastructure.

Courier services transport up to 30% of all orders of online stores. In this area, complex planning processes, and we tried to create a solution that takes into account most of the features: from the variety of cargo sizes to the need to adjust routes throughout the day, "said Danila Shelekhov, head of Yandex.Routation.

Courier routing optimizes delivery schemes with intermediary couriers. Those who travel from the warehouse to the meeting point with couriers cruising in remote areas. Intermediaries give orders and take the cargo already collected. Thanks to this, district couriers do not need to return to the warehouse. The algorithm adjusts the routes of district couriers during the arrival of intermediaries and helps to monitor the loading of cars.

In addition, now you can automatically add addresses to routes every 10-20 minutes and even more often. The algorithm distributes them taking into account the location of couriers, the workload of cars and the forecast of traffic jams. This allows you to quickly pick up urgent and new orders.

Plus, when distributing machines, the algorithm takes into account not only the total volume of each object, but all measurements - length, width and height. When very different cargo shapes are transported in one body, this is necessary to predict whether the parcel will fit accurately. In addition to dimensions, you can also specify whether it is allowed to flip the object or not.

We synchronized Yandex.Routing with our service for providing delivery at two-hour intervals - Predict, within which in the morning on the day of receipt of the parcel, the client receives an SMS indicating this interval. If the proposed time is inconvenient, the recipient can make changes using the DPD chatbot after only a few seconds. In such cases, the project allows you to optimize the route for the courier online, taking into account the traffic situation and the client's wishes for delivery time. In general, you can use different strategies depending on the number of orders in a specific period. As a result, cooperation with Yandex allowed us to reduce the time for planning routes, increase the efficiency of the courier staff and, as a result, even more accurately fulfill the stated intervals, - said Alexey Merzlyakov, DPD Marketing Director in Russia.


Integration with the solution "1C: Transport Logistics, Forwarding and Vehicle Management Corp"

On November 14, 2019, 1C-Rarus announced that the KORP Transport Logistics, Forwarding and Vehicle Management solution had the opportunity to work with the Yandex.Routing service. Read more here.

Launch navigation for trucks

On November 8, 2019, Yandex announced the launch of navigation for trucks. The function of building routes along the cargo frame of Moscow - the streets on which cars from 2.5 to 12 tons are allowed to drive - will work in Yandex.Navigator in December. Read more here.


Joint SAP and Yandex.Routing solution

In September 2017, SAP announced that SAP Transportation Management, a service for planning and managing transport delivery, now supports the Yandex.Routing platform. Russian SAP customers will be able to use the capabilities of Yandex geo-information technologies, which have already proven themselves in large services with a multi-million audience, such as Yandex.Navigator and Yandex.Taxi.

One of the functions of the SAP Transportation Management service is to build transportation business processes taking into account the execution time, weight and carrying capacity of the transport, the number of delivery points, distance, average permitted speed, delivery schedule and many other parameters.

Integration of SAP Transportation Management with Yandex.Routing will help improve the quality of cargo transportation and cope with logistics problems. Yandex's geoservices and technologies are based on an up-to-date and accurate map, which is updated daily with the help of the company's professional cartographers and tens of thousands of people who help fill it. The platform provides detailed information on traffic congestion and traffic: tens of millions of users transmit data on their movements every minute. The developers of Yandex.Routing also added machine learning technologies to the service for working with big data and improving the accuracy of forecasting traffic jams and travel time and distributed calculations - for quickly processing complex logistics requests.

Mobile application Yandex.Courier

Helping Mobile Employees

  • Shows planned routes on the map and as time intervals during the day.
  • Displays order information with probable delays and expected shift end time.
  • Allows you to negotiate the delivery interval with the customer
  • Helps adjust routes when adding or canceling orders and changing delivery intervals when agreeing with a customer
  • Allows you to capture order fulfillment statuses

Help for dispatchers and supervisors

  • Provides access to up-to-date information on all orders: when they have been or will tentatively be completed, is there a risk of late delivery
  • Shows details of all mobile employees: their completed orders, the sequence of the following orders with an estimated arrival time, and the risks of being late
  • Generates metrics for tracking the quality of work of mobile employees (timely informing customers, entering order delivery status, getting into intervals, etc.)

Customer Information Module

  • Displays the estimated arrival time of the mobile employee (courier, driver) to the client
  • Visualization of the movement of the mobile employee on the map (by analogy with the movement of the car in the application


  • The ability to send a widget link (sms or e-mail) to the client or embed it in your own client application or personal account
  • Delivery status information is automatically updated throughout the day and is always available to the customer

What does the business get?

A New Level of Client Service

  • Go from the delivery window from "during the day" to 1-2 hours
  • Inform the recipient about the expected delivery time and in cases of problems on the route
  • Prompt addition of urgent orders to the current driver/courier route
  • Route recalculation if the customer's delivery window is changed


  • Rapid expansion of mobile employees (couriers, drivers, etc.) including outsourcing

Service launch

On September 15, 2017, Yandex launches a platform for solving logistics problems - Yandex.Routation. It is intended for companies that are engaged in the transportation or delivery of orders in urban conditions. Yandex.Routing is useful not only for companies with their own fleet and staff of couriers, but also for any business that deals with logistics, as well as software developers for the transport industry. Based on the platform, they will be able to create their own solutions.

Yandex.Routing offers a set of technologies that will help companies improve service for end users and reduce transport costs. So, the platform allows you to build optimal routes - it doesn't matter how many intermediate points there are. The construction takes into account the current traffic congestion and the forecast of traffic jams for the desired hour.

If the business has a large staff of couriers, Routing will automatically find someone who will get to the point of issue of the order or to the client faster and send it there. If desired, the company can track the location of couriers and configure the upload of reports on their movements.

The platform also allows companies to build a module into their applications and sites to inform buyers about the arrival of an order. For example, a person who ordered a laptop in an online store can watch the courier on the map in real time and find out what time he will be in place.

are confident that virtually every city business - from a restaurant that has delivery to a refuelling company - wants to reduce costs in the last mile, that is, in the last stage of delivery. There are no standardized technology solutions for this in the urban logistics industry, so we want to offer our own to the market. Yandex.Routing will help any companies organizing the delivery of anything in urban conditions to make work more efficient and transparent - both for the company and for customers, "says Grigory Povarov, head of Yandex's geoservices business

The platform uses the service Yandex.Taxi to route hundreds of thousands of cars in 126 cities Russia and neighboring countries. Platform technologies help to supply the car faster and more accurately calculate the cost of the trip. Yandex.Routing solutions are also used by the manufacturer software SAP in its product SAP Transportation Management and the company with KPMG which Yandex is working on a pilot project for routing fuel trucks.