Customers: Archio (Arhio) Dmitrov; Construction and Construction Materials Industry Contractors: Cleverence, Viant Product: Kleverens: Warehouse 15Project date: 2023/02 - 2023/03
2023: ARCHIO recommends: automation of production and warehouse with Cloverens is the best solution for business
They decided to change everything
Human errors and their influence on the work of all divisions of the company became the decisive factor that prompted the head of production of ARCHIO to find a new way to optimize the operation of the warehouse. Since in addition to performing manual operations - creating documents, receiving receipts to the warehouse, issuing finished products from production, conducting inventories, all accounting was kept in Excel tables.
ARCHIO is engaged in the production of elements of architectural and facade decoration from polymer concrete. In a short period of time, production produces a huge number of forms. Some of them are stored in the warehouse, part is used for molding. Due to the lack of automated accounting, confusion systematically arose and employees did not know what forms were available, what were not, what they were made from, how many meals were left, what resource remained.
ARCHIO has 3 main warehouses:
- forms - about 6 thousand casting forms are stored here,
- production - for the production of semi-finished products,
- finished products - goods are shipped from it to customers.
The company did not have a tool for sorting forms. The form was simply signed by hand and the name was entered into Excel. And before executing the order, the operator had to first find the desired article in the table and check the production and reliability of the data.
If the remaining resource is known, we can prepare the following form in a timely manner and have time to fulfill the order on time. Therefore, we decided first of all to stroke all forms - to apply a unique number so that each is listed in the system, Dmitry Chumichev, General Director of ARCHIO.
But they were afraid that the problems would remain
By confusing one number or one letter, you can release a completely different product - this was the reality of "ARCHIO" before automation. Employees wrote down how much and what decor was made using the forms, then entered this information into "1C: Our Enterprise Management," choosing the desired article.
During the shipment of orders, there was an understanding that the operator was mistaken - he indicated the wrong color or the wrong article number. And when comparing entries on leaflets with data in 1C, it turned out that the mistake was made not when entering, but during the recalculation of forms and products. And all these proceedings took hours. The company was wasting time and money.
We were afraid that with the introduction of a new system, our problems would not go anywhere, that we would simply invest in a project that would not be useful, Dmitry Chumichev, General Director of ARCHIO.
And the decision was "on the surface"
To begin with, ARCHIO specialists have significantly finalized the 1S:UNF regarding the mechanisms for planning production and distributing orders to work areas. This made it possible to distribute the load on the workshops and control the release of finished products.
And to improve the accuracy of accounting, reduce the time for warehouse operations and eliminate errors in manual data entry, it was decided to switch to automated accounting using data collection terminals. But with the condition: to use the standard 1C mechanisms as much as possible. To implement the project, integrators were invited to outsource.
We invited the client to replace the old ones in stock with shipping documentation new ones - Newland MT65 Beluga V, and update the software "Kleverens" installed on the old terminals. This software is good because it relieves the routine load on staff, since you do not need to put anything with your hands into the accounting system, Nikolay Revyakin, project manager of VIANT.
Within the framework of the indicated tasks and requests, integrators identified several stages of the project implementation. This approach made it possible not only to adapt the Cloverens configuration to the client's requirements, but to systematically build end-to-end processes.
I had to refine software and change business processes
First of all, the specialists of the VIANT company integrated Warehouse 15 with 1C: Small Business Management. After that, they began to adapt the software for shipping documentation to the specifics of production and warehouse accounting "ARCHIO."
For business processes related to the production of semi-finished products and finished products, the possibility of partial execution of the warehouse operation and program control of the execution of the received task from 1C were realized. Thus, only the actual data of the job is received in 1C from the data collection terminal. And when unloading from the accounting system to shipping documentation - commodity items that have not yet been processed (not accepted or already shipped). This mechanism maximizes the influence of the human factor on the work of the storekeeper and makes the process of partial operations "transparent."
The algorithm for automatic series creation from data from barcodes of a certain format makes it possible to count the only ShK and create the necessary objects in 1C without additional data entry, Nikolay Revyakin, project manager of VIANT.
For faster data entry and acceptance of products released in excess of the production plan, integrators have developed a mechanism for assigning characteristics to goods "in fact." That is, the storekeeper can assign a characteristic to all the items in the document at the time the document is created on the shipping documentation.
The existing business processes have also been slightly improved. For example, the document "Production" is now acting as an instruction document for the workshop foreman, and all data on products are reflected in an unaddressed warehouse. Operations can be performed both on a task from 1C, and by creating a document on the shipping documentation.
You can't even call it difficulties
The main difficulty was that for each product "ARCHIO" makes new forms. When orders were scarce, they could be counted manually. With the growth of the client base, data volumes have grown directly proportionally. And at first, employees of the warehouse and production still continued to make mistakes.
We wanted even the most junior employee, unaided, to be able to deal with working at the shipping documentation. Therefore, we have finalized the interface of Warehouse 15 together with the integrators, Dmitry Chumichev, General Director of ARCHIO.
The completed improvements will increase the level of control over the fulfillment of orders. Since the system began to reflect information about what shift, when and how much product was released.
How does the system work in practice?
Each ARCHIO site has its own plan:
- what forms should be produced and in what order;
- what mixtures and in what amount to prepare;
- what forms and in what color you need to set;
- what needs to be formed and in what color.
From production, the products fall into the picking area. Here, with the help of shipping documentation, the storekeeper assigns a barcode to the pallets, which is also a packing list, and starts filling: he reads the finished product ShK and puts it on the desired pallet.
Previously, a full working day was spent on calculating the plan, after which information was printed out and given out to each site. Now the product is additionally pasted with a QR code. By reading it, installers can follow the link that opens and see all the necessary information - the project, drawings, the appearance of the facade and other. There is no putan in paper documents, they are no longer lost.
The introduction of a mobile application for shipping documentation from Cloverens allowed ARCHIO to:
- do not lose documents and data, since now they are stored in electronic form and it is possible to restrict access and editing rights;
- refuse to manually enter data in 1C;
- reduce the time for routine operations and product recalculation at times;
- View product information, distribute products to storage locations and locations without having to interact with the PC.
The introduction of Cloverens and shipping documentation made it possible to significantly reduce the time for production and transfer of products to the warehouse, as well as increase the transparency of accounting. Now storekeepers can control quantitative balances, reflect non-typical operations and create the necessary documents and reference books in 1C from anywhere in the warehouse. This is convenient and makes line personnel mobile. That is, in a shorter time, ARCHIO employees manage to complete a larger amount of work.
Changes - for the better!
ARCHIO could follow the same development path as many do: production separately, and storekeepers who run with a leaf write everything down, make many mistakes, separately. But the director of the company initially understood that a system was needed.
As soon as we launched automation, we were able to manage hundreds of orders without errors, produce and ship them in the sequence we need - the system prompts, Dmitry Chumichev, General Director of ARCHIO.
The changes proved significant:
- Before automation, production - only rewriting articles and serial numbers - took 3 hours. Now the employees of ARCHIO perform the same amount of work in 10-12 minutes.
- Before the introduction of the software and hardware complex based on the Kleverens software, the company could not simultaneously fulfill even 2-3 orders: they issued too much, or forgot to fulfill any part of the order at all, or made products of the wrong color, or there was a form, and the production did not know that it was. Today, there can be about 15 orders in operation at the same time, which are executed without delays and errors.
- Before switching to a new system, 6 people were engaged in product recalculation during the inventory for a whole working day at 1 site. Now the same amount of work is done using shipping documentation in 1.5 hours.
- Shipping 1 the order before automation took 1.5 hours, since it was necessary to rewrite the names and articles from the pallet, go and put everything with your hands in 1C, print documents, return to the truck. Now - only 7 minutes.
We do not have special people who would only do accounting, it is seamlessly built into all processes at all stages of product movement. And that pays for all the costs we've put into automation. Because with our current volumes and manual work, we would have a team of 10 accountants who only enter numbers in 1C, Dmitry Chumichev, General Director of ARCHIO.
ARCHIO recommends!
The general director of Archio noted that professionals who see the whole picture should be engaged in the development of such a system. Because remaking is long and expensive. And it is necessary that each next stage helps development.
Do not change the IT team at the crossing. The result can be seen when more than 50% of all work has already been done. The period that you are called in the implementation of a project, the budget - multiply by 3. Only then can you imagine a real picture. And if you enter the project with such X3 expectations, there is a chance that they will be justified. To start cooperation with VIANT and Cloverens was our best decision. We achieved even greater results than we wanted, Dmitry Chumichev, General Director of ARCHIO.