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Smart trams will appear in the Yaroslavl region

Customers: Department of Transport of the Yaroslavl Region

Product: Cognitive Tram Pilot

Project date: 2024/06

2024: Cognitive Tram Pilot Implementation Agreement

On June 7, 2024, Cognitive Pilot and the Yaroslavl Region government signed an agreement on the implementation of joint initiatives and projects aimed at developing technological potential in urban rail transport, involving the massive use of Cognitive Tram Pilot active safety systems based on artificial intelligence by the tram fleet of the region. It is assumed that the installation of Cognitive Tram Pilot systems will be carried out at the Ust-Katavsky Carriage Building Plant (UKVZ). The parties expect that the first batch of about 20 smart trams with the Cognitive Tram Pilot system may arrive in Yaroslavl by the end of 2024.

The Cognitive Pilot company has extensive experience in the development of digital technologies in the transport system, which will be used in the Yaroslavl region, - said the Governor of the Yaroslavl Region Mikhail Evraev. - This will make it possible to solve the most important task - to ensure traffic safety by reducing the number of accidents caused by the human factor, to significantly reduce the load on drivers, to ensure comfort and convenience for passengers of public transport. It is very important that these are domestic technologies.

The signed document also provides for the creation on the territory of the Yaroslavl region of the necessary infrastructure element of the digital urban rail transport system - a service center for the commissioning of smart rail urban transport, its maintenance, repair, etc.

The Yaroslavl region is among the pioneers - the first Russian regions to massively introduce artificial intelligence technologies into the field of public electric transport. The use of AI systems to ensure the safety of urban transport is a global trend. Smart public transport is a fundamentally different level of development of the city and region. Our AI system is capable of ensuring traffic safety in any weather, in any road conditions: night, rain, fog, snow, blinding with light, etc., and any time of the year. It consists of more than 80% of domestic components. In addition, the use of AI technologies has wide prospects. Smart trams will increase the level of autonomy to full, will be able to conduct constant monitoring of urban infrastructure, improve its quality, save budget funds, create additional amenities for citizens, - said Olga Uskova, General Director of Cognitive Pilot.

The Cognitive Tram Pilot active safety and driver assistance system has been successfully operating on more than 200 trams in St. Petersburg for about two years. Up to 60 thousand passengers are transported in the city every day with its help.

The use of AI in driving trams made it possible to significantly increase traffic safety (for example, the number of passenger falls when using it turned out to be less than 68 times, compared to traditional, manual control) to make the traffic flow on the lines more uniform, minimize congestion, provide a more comfortable speed mode for passengers, without sudden jerks and braking. In addition, speed control allows you to more carefully maintain the rail infrastructure, minimize the number of incidents with "beating" of arrows, damage to crosses and curved sections of the canvas. This factor, according to experts, by 30-40% can extend the life of infrastructure and wagons and save up to 15% budget funds for repairs.