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Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (MIPT)

Customers: Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (MIPT)

Moscow; Education and Science

Product: IT outsourcing projects

Project date: 2021/07  - 2023/09

2023: Development of courses for MIPT: goals and objectives, stages of development, approach to educational content

In order to gain knowledge, ordinary notes, recordings of lectures with extraneous distracting sounds, boring presentations and poorly digitized textbooks are no longer enough. The demand for bright, well-designed educational content is constantly growing. Therefore, in the team of "Keda Professor," the approach is to carefully work out each detail.

source = Professor's Keds

Educational course "Digital Economy"

Professor's Sneakers The team "" had to create an educational course under the brand MIPT for the now closed (from March 2022) platform. Coursera The purpose of the course is to help students learn key terms, phenomena, trends and development prospects digital economy both globally and in. Russia Self-test questions, additional reading materials and a final test were added. Those who successfully complete the course and pass the test receive an electronic certificate.

Course Development


The scenario is built in this way: each video includes an announcement of the topic, key concepts, intermediate conclusions, additional terms and, at the end, a generalization and results.

Historical or reference data has been added to each section of the movie. They do not overload information so as not to distract attention from the main thing, but are decorated brightly and memorably using a video sequence, infographics or illustrations.

source = Professor's Keds

For example, the course discusses the first steam engine, invented in 1778. It is difficult for a modern student to imagine what this device looked like, and we cannot spend a lot of time explaining, since this is not a key element of the course. So we found archival video footage of this first steam engine to show students its appearance.

Developing a Visual Style

The style was supposed to combine brightness and modernity with the inherent rigor of MIPT. We developed an identity covering everything from fonts and icons to the principles of placing elements in the video frame.

source = Professor's Keds

They used conservative colors and a classic base grid as a base, complementing them with minimalistic patterns to add speakers and make the design more lively.

source = Professor's Keds
Casting and filming

It was important to find a charismatic and energetic host who could communicate with the audience in her language, to be young enough to afford appropriate jokes, but at the same time to remain presentable and serious, which fits the theme of the course.

Shooting was carried out simultaneously from three cameras, which made it possible to capture general, medium and close-ups from different angles. This gave us the opportunity at the editing stage not only to choose the best personnel, but also to organically embed additional content.

source = Professor's Keds
Editing Movies and Creating Animations

After filming, post-production began. Each video was supplemented with graphic elements: in total, there are more than 100 animated illustrations and many infographics in the course.

For some slides, we specifically created flat-style images to visually demonstrate how digitalization is changing our lives. In the process of installation, we were also assisted by specialists in sound design, color correction and motion design in order to achieve the highest quality video sequence.

source = Professor's Keds
Creation of a promo page and maintenance

The final stage of all the work done was the promotional site. Everything is collected here: information on the content of lectures, the opportunity to get acquainted with the teachers in more detail, see the trailer of the course. In addition to the video, each topic has 20 test questions, and at the end of the course there is a final test. They also created educational longrids with their own illustrations - for those who prefer a text format or want to quickly refresh the studied material in their memory.

Pedagogical aspect

They followed the rule of "30/30/40" related to perception and memorization, formation of images, retention of attention. This means that:

  • 30% of the content is stated by the speaker;
  • a further 30% is historical or reference data such as videos or illustrations;
  • the remaining 40% of the information is fed through an additional animation that accompanies the speaker in the frame.

This approach helps the listener not to linger in the same picture, avoid overload and boredom, and better keep attention.


The Digital Economy course was posted on the Coursera platform:

  • More than 2.5 thousand people studied the course, of which 12.3% completed training (while the average on Coursera is about 6%).
  • The course received a score of 4.4, and the teacher - 4.87 points out of 5.
  • For some time, he was one of the top 5 most popular courses in the Data Management category in the Russian-language Coursera segment.
  • On YouTube, it ranks first at the request of "Digital Economy." The first series of the program received more than 13 thousand views and received positive reviews.

source = Professor's Keds

Work on the course did not end: after Coursera left Russia, they moved it to the SkillBox platform. And training is now available on Telegram. The "Bot-scientist" service allows you to watch videos, read longrides, perform tasks and receive a certificate directly in Telegram in an educational and game format.

Attracting new students to a Chinese language course

This case is about how bright and exciting videos help change the attitude of students to learning Chinese. The project "Animated videos on the Chinese language" was created on the initiative of MIPT. What tasks were:

  • identify blockers and determine why students do not want to learn Chinese;
  • develop a persuasion strategy based on the advantages of learning Chinese and the opportunities that knowledge of the language provides;
  • pack the videos in a fascinating and informative way.

In addition, it was necessary to make sure that as many students as possible learned about the project.

Solving the problem

It is difficult to decide to learn a language if you do not understand what you may need it for. Therefore, it was decided to tell students about China. And not only about his rich culture, but also about the prospects that are available to a young specialist with knowledge of the Chinese language.

They decided to tell about it with the help of colorful animated videos. Many people prefer to watch videos rather than read articles or long posts on social networks, so this format was optimal for the first touch. Learning Chinese is a new opportunity and privilege for students. This thought is broadcast in the videos of the project. There are three videos in total. Each of them talks about the opportunities that the Chinese language provides.

Video about entrepreneurship and the potential of the Chinese economy

The main idea of ​ ​ this video is the importance of the Chinese language for young entrepreneurs. After all, modern China is a huge market for development business and, startups the largest is tradeeconomic a partner, and Russia its importance will only grow.

The figures in the video convincingly demonstrate how many vacancies are available to applicants who speak Chinese.

source = Professor's Keds
Video about the scientific development of China

The second video of the project talks about investments in scientific research, advanced technological developments and opportunities for cooperation that China provides to young scientists.

source = Professor's Keds

Russian-Chinese scientific and technical relations are becoming stronger. Vivid examples and convincing figures in the video show what opportunities open up for specialists who want to conduct scientific activities in China.

Video about the connection between culture and language

Of course, not only financial prospects and research ambitions, but also culture matter. Chinese culture is unique and multifaceted. The third video of the project introduces students to the connection between culture and language - simple, logical and beautiful. This relieves the fear of learning the language with hieroglyphic writing.

source = Professor's Keds

For example, the video tells how the hieroglyph "electricity" is connected to the hieroglyph "brain" - a hieroglyph with a new meaning "computer" is obtained. Examples like these help students develop figurative thinking and even creativity.

source = Professor's Keds

Bright and visual, informative and exciting, the videos help to change the attitude of students to learning Chinese from the first touch. "Animations in Chinese" is just the beginning of the path, but already here students see that this path will be interesting, full of useful and exciting discoveries.

Approach to Educational Content

Nobody likes boring curricula. More gravitate to those educational programs that allow you to quickly gain knowledge and skills: bright, concise and high-quality. Long video formats can only be interesting if they're really thoughtful and engaging.

The Keda Professor team adheres to the principle that there are no trifles in creating the course, and we work out everything: from the idea and speech of the speakers to the details of the website design and the inspiring welcome word. We are developing courses that we ourselves would like to take.

With limited resources, you can develop SCORM courses to reduce costs. For the SCORM course: we design the script, introduce gamification and characters into training, develop graphics, embed practical tasks. The wide possibilities of this format can also increase the speed and quality of training.

Educational content is useful not only for universities, but also for adapting new employees, conducting trainings, training in work skills or personal development. The approach of the Keda Professor team allows you to effectively convey information to any audience - not just tell, but also visually show.


Corporate Intranet Portal for MIPT: HR Services Ecosystem

What do you associate the word "intranet" with? Did you imagine that this is an old-fashioned and uncomfortable corporate portal? Many intranet portals really still look like this, but in advanced universities they already understand the value of multifunctional digital services for employees.

source = Professor's Keds

In September 2021, the HR.Unversity for Fiztech was launched, and here are the results of the work done.

How to create an intranet portal for the university

The creation of an intranet portal for the university was a new experience for the Keda Professor team. Working with a large and complex Fiztech became both a challenge and a successful opportunity to test hypotheses.


MIPT had a request for an intranet portal for 3,000 + people. The old site looked out of date and had limited functionality.


Keds Professors offered a modern, convenient platform that combines a site and advanced HR services. So that teachers can use the intranet anytime and anywhere, they decided to make a mobile application.

source = Professor's Keds

How to implement Enterprise Portal in your organization

Based on the data obtained, the concept of the portal was developed, then the interface and functionality were tested, we continue to introduce new services. Thanks to the flexible architecture, the addition of new modules and functions does not affect the stable operation of the portal.

As a result, the developed HR ecosystem of digital services is easily adapted to the needs of various organizations: both public and private.

The key principle of developing a modern hr-portal is the creation of a single ecosystem that combines different solutions and applications in one platform. Users get access to a personal account, a single login and password, a mobile application and a desktop version, as well as mandatory sections such as instructions, documents and a knowledge base.

At the request of the customer, you can integrate any modules, even developed on other technologies. You can also implement additional functions, for example, the ability to submit vacation applications through a mobile application or chatbot.

The business model of the Keda Professor team is unique: we do not sell licenses for an employee, but develop and transmit customized program code to the customer. The cost of the system does not depend on the number of staff, which is especially convenient for companies with rapidly growing businesses. Additional technical support is available on request.

MIPT Intranet Portal

For MIPT, they implemented end-to-end authorization, and also integrated the system with 1C"" to work with the organizational structure.

The MIPT intranet consists of three independent segments, each of which performs its own unique function.

The new division of HR.Unnersity provides two interrelated resources: an internal portal with employee services and an open website aimed at future students and employees.

source = Professor's Keds

The third segment is a historical intranet portal, the functionality of which is gradually moving to the new HR.Unversitet.

The MIPT HR portal allows future students and employees to familiarize themselves with the university's infrastructure in detail. Virtual tours provide an opportunity to review the university's facilities, including science labs, auditoriums, coworking spaces, museums and sports facilities.

All objects are available for detailed study using clickable elements, allowing future employees to get accurate information about the equipment of laboratories and workplaces.

source = Professor's Keds

On the portal, you can also familiarize yourself with the structure of the university, find the contact information of the human resources department and documentation for employment.

For the convenience of users, the site has an interactive updated campus map with detailed information about buildings, facilities, cafes, ATMs and hostels.

The HR home page is optimized for mobile devices, and an application for iOS and Android is available, providing similar functions to the desktop version.


The MIPT HR portal welcomes new employees with the "Adaptation" module, which provides them with a convenient way to get acquainted with the university's services.

The module contains information about the structure and history of the university, about key persons and achievements. Here, new employees can quickly get acquainted with the necessary documents, contact information of colleagues, as well as the corporate culture of MIPT, including the abbreviations and channels used in Telegram.

source = Professor's Keds

This section also contains information on nutrition, sports, the COVID vaccination program and psychological assistance.


The MIPT portal offers its employees a convenient information center, including sections with news, polls, announcements, events and projects.

The News section provides up-to-date information updates. The Surveys section allows HR specialists to conduct both regular surveys to assess the quality of work of different departments, as well as temporary surveys on various topics.

In "Ads" you can publish information of a different nature, from offers for renting housing to the search for lost things or the transfer of animals in good hands.

The module also has a section "Events": an interactive calendar that allows you to familiarize yourself with information about internal events of MIPT, webinars, lectures and other events. And in "Projects" it is convenient for teachers to find interesting projects for cooperation with each other.


Next, let's talk about a module that provides access to educational resources. Here, employees can choose the appropriate courses, internships or undergo an assessment of their competencies.

The Courses section offers a wide range of programs from both MIPT and external educational platforms and universities, both paid and free.

For MIPT programs, employees have direct access to materials, including text materials, video recordings and lecture cycles.

To select courses from external providers, the portal integrated the course aggregator "Educated" developed by us.

source = Professor's Keds

To assess the competencies of employees, we have introduced the HR.Otsenka 360 service, which is seamlessly integrated with the well-known online service When an employee is assigned a competency assessment, he/she receives an electronic invitation with a link to the section with the "Get Tested" button activated.

After passing the test, he receives results with recommendations for developing professional skills and identifying growth zones. The test result can be discussed with the manager to outline a development plan.


This section is one of the most popular on the portal. It is visited daily by hundreds of MIPT employees.

The section offers to familiarize yourself with the necessary documents, including job descriptions, local regulations, templates for filling out and documents for hiring. Documents are organized by topic for easy search.

In the future, we plan to automate the processes of working with documents, digitize them and move the document management service to HR. Neutrality from the main portal.

Today, the section provides MIPT employees with convenient tools to optimize work processes, including vacation planning. Now employees can apply for a vacation in a few clicks. The process of filling out the application is simplified and requires a minimum of information: employees just need to specify the position and vacation dates. Once a claim has been submitted, employees can monitor its status in real time.

To simplify the transition from the outdated MIPT intranet to HR.nversity, we have implemented navigation on the most popular functions. Gradually, all functions of the outdated intranet will be integrated into the HR.The neutrality as MIPT wishes.


The MIPT corporate HR portal provides a convenient tool for finding new employees. It includes a section with vacancies and information about contests for occupied positions.

In addition to this section, we helped MIPT develop an advertising campaign to attract teachers and professors on a competitive basis. Candidates came through contextual and targeted advertising to the recruiting site and could immediately familiarize themselves with vacancies, fill out questionnaires and participate in the competition for the position.


The HR University has successfully implemented a number of functions that help MIPT employees effectively interact with each other and with the university, simplify work processes and find like-minded people for projects.

At the time of launch, the corporate intranet portal was used daily by about 200 MIPT employees. The average session duration was about 5 minutes, and the viewing depth was more than 8 pages. There are plans to continue the active promotion of HR.Unversity services among MIPT employees to help them get used to the site and make the most of its tools.

A special project team, consisting of representatives of the Keda Professor team and MIPT employees, meets regularly to discuss progress, plans and work adjustments.

All portal updates are pilot tested among a select group of MIPT employees before their public release.

In addition, a forum is held twice a year for HR specialists from universities throughout the country, where tools, services and best practices for digitalizing HR processes in Russia and abroad are discussed.

HR.Anversity is distinguished by its uniqueness and originality - this is not a copy of ready-made solutions. The team aims to develop truly valuable tools by building on their own experience and understanding the specific needs of customers.

Technologies used: Nest, React.js, PostgreSQL, Figma.

Recruitment of rare candidates for MIPT using digital technologies

The Keda Professor team helped the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology close 30 + vacancies for scientists and teachers in a short time. To do this, they launched a portal for accepting applications and an advertising campaign. In the case, we will tell you about the recruitment of rare candidates for MIPT, how they were able to solve the institute's problem and what results were achieved.

source = Professor's Keds


MIPT needed to close more than 30 vacancies of highly qualified personnel. Recruitment was complicated by several factors:

  • budget;
  • short terms of 1.5 months;
  • a large package of documents that not all candidates wanted to collect;
  • requirements for high qualifications, expertise of specialists, which meant an extremely small number of potential candidates;
  • the need to find specialists throughout Russia.

In addition, they could only hire at a strictly defined time - according to competitive selection twice a year. Not all candidates were ready to wait, and selected other work options for themselves, which later satisfied them.

Candidate Search Methods

It can be especially difficult for employers to find specialists with a very narrow specialization and a well-defined set of skills and knowledge. Such people are often not actively looking for work.

But despite this, they are still potential candidates. Therefore, recruiters use different search methods to attract their attention and interest in a job offer: through acquaintances, job sites, social networks and specialized platforms, advertising in professional communities.

The other side of the HR market is the mass hiring of employees, for example, sellers. In this case, they often advertise in a newspaper or on television, place outdoor advertising.

Both directions of search are similar in that suitable employees often already work and do not go to sites with vacancies. But they can be attracted through digital tools, so the methods of finding candidates will be similar, whether the company is looking for a rare specialist or doing mass hiring.

Solution for MIPT task

Due to the peculiarities of the requirements for candidates, the standard methods of selection could be ineffective. Therefore, the development of an HR portal was considered the best option.

The strategy was to develop a platform to respond to vacancies and launch ads on the Internet and social networks.

Creating a Portal

The HR portal is one of the key elements of a large-scale system that was created specifically for MIPT. It is a tool for finding new employees, where vacancies and information about contests are collected.

source = Professor's Keds
Candidates see available vacancies and information on contests for different positions

What problems of candidates were solved using the HR portal:

  • transferred the filling of the mandatory questionnaire on 10 pages from the "paper" form to the electronic one;
  • significantly simplified the questionnaire, reduced its volume by almost half, changed the design, wrote explanations where to upload which documents;
  • introduced auto-saving of the questionnaire, which was not fully completed. Then MIPT employees called the candidate and helped to draw up this document;
  • closed some of the candidates' fears: they wrote about salaries, housing for nonresident people, educational organizations for children, leisure, and science.

Website for MIPT recruitment specialists

One factor in the successful search for candidates is the effective work of recruiters. Therefore, they created convenient mechanisms for MIPT employees: they developed a website for posting vacancies, accepting questionnaires, and generating reports.

source = Professor's Keds
the admin panel, you can upload questionnaires, receive resumes and create reports

You can now generate resume reports automatically online. For example, an employee wants to see the report for the last month. He visits the site, enters a login and password, sets the period from July 1 to July 31 and downloads the resulting report.

source = Professor's Keds
You can report on an employee's requirements, for the time being or for a period of time

The recruiter does not have to climb into the admin room. All loaded questionnaires are stored in a special zone, servers automatically sorted by departments and vacancies. And there is access to this computer with (it looks like cloud Google a Disc).

Advertising campaigns

To attract candidates for the portal, advertising channels were used:

  • targeted advertising on social media for a wider audience;
  • contextual in Yandex and Google Ads for people in active job search.

Targeted advertising

The audience of the advertising campaign are people who could become teachers, but at the moment they were not looking for a job. Setting up ad impressions has allowed you to get more transitions and responses, while saving resources.

source = Professor's Keds
Advertising in social networks showed that it was easy to submit documents for the competition, and it was quite possible to get a job at MIPT

Although the target audience seemed large, the results were as follows: 174 thousand views and about 2 thousand transitions.

Contextual advertising

Federal and international information campaigns were used to find candidates. This helped to identify the target audience and set up advertising for people who may be interested in vacancies in MIPT.

The campaigns took place in the same time frame as the competition at the institute.

source = Professor's Keds
Keywords related to employment in Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology
source = Professor's Keds
More than 60 key phrases were used to customize ads

Result: 4.3 million ads, 36.6 thousand clicks on links and over 25 thousand visitors.

Key results

  • Automated the process of closing vacancies.
  • Received an average of two questionnaires for each vacant place (total - 109 questionnaires).
  • All 30 vacancies of the university were closed.
  • The process of filling out questionnaires in electronic form was made convenient.

The technique used with MIPT is suitable both for finding rare specialists and for mass recruitment.