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The heat supply system of Voronezh will be equipped with artificial intelligence

Customers: Quadra Voronezh generation

Voronezh; Power

Product: Rosatom Digital Heat Supply

Project date: 2022/06  - 2023/07

2023: Start of the second stage of integrated heat supply transformation

RuSat Infrastructure Solutions (RIR, part of Rosatom State Corporation) on August 24, 2023 announced that it had begun the second stage of comprehensive transformation of heat supply using its own software solution in Voronezh. The result of the creation of a digitalized thermal energy metering system will be an increase in the transparency of services, the efficiency of the energy and heating network complex, a reduction in losses and emergency situations and accidents. As part of the development of the project, the system will be retrofitted with additional sensors both at the consumer and at the facilities of central heating stations, additional software modules for building a digital twin of the enterprise will be deployed. Work on the second stage will be completed by the end of 24 years.

PC "Digital heat supply" is intended for control, monitoring and dispatching of technological and production processes of enterprises. At the first stage of the project, a digital database on heat consumption facilities was created in the branch of JSC "Quadra" Voronezh generation, the "Central Panel" module was launched.

As part of the project development, the systems were audited and the necessary documentation was developed. The project team began building a digital twin of the enterprise, including the introduction of the Modes Analysis and Fuel and Energy Balances modules in 2023. They will act not only as an accounting system that allows you to record and display the readings of heat meters, but also as a system for analyzing accumulated data using elements of artificial intelligence to identify anomalies in consumption, deviations from the standard temperature, hydraulic mode, etc.

The deployed modules will make it possible to build normative and actually balances of the distribution of coolant and thermal energy to consumers, to quickly detect leaks and heat losses. Also, the system will independently identify deviations of various indicators from standard or average values ​ ​ and promptly signal them to specialists. This will help prevent abnormal situations, quickly identify losses, as well as positively affect the economy of the enterprise.

In order to fully balance the boiler house in the project area, field equipment will be delivered, installed and integrated within the second stage. "This will ensure full transparency as a service to the consumer. It is important that it will be possible to track anomalies, and the employee of the resource supplying organization will see the data as in the palm of his hand. In addition, the necessary parameters can be monitored by both the resident himself and the administration staff, - said Alexei Tsyplov, head of the digitalization department of RIR production.

2022: Application of the Digital Heat Supply Complex

RuSat Infrastructure Solutions JSC (RIR, part of Rosatom State Corporation) on January 12, 2023 announced the completion of the first stages of digitalization of resource supply and urban economy in three regions of central Russia. Pilot projects using its own software complex for power and housing and communal services "Digital Heat Supply" were implemented in Voronezh, Lipetsk and Kurchatov (Kursk Region). The result of digital transformation will be an increase in the efficiency of the energy and heat network complex, a reduction in losses and emergency situations and accidents.

In particular, a digital database on heat consumption facilities has been created in Voronezh, the process of adjusting modes in one of the city's microdistricts has been automated, and the ability to control and assess the quality of face-to-face customer service online has been created. For more effective control over the preparation of buildings for the heating season, digital passports of heat receiving installations (TPU) in apartment buildings and social facilities have been formed. During the project, the Central Panel module was launched with information displayed in three main sections: elimination of incidents and emergencies, preparation for the autumn-winter period, work with appeals and complaints from residents of the city. Employees of the branch of PJSC "Quadra" "Voronezh Generation" (part of the RIR), employees of authorities and authorized persons have access to the module.

In Lipetsk, such modules of "Digital Heat Supply" as "Central Panel," "Fuel and Energy Balances," "Mode Analysis" are deployed. They allow you to build normative and actually balances of the distribution of coolant and thermal energy to consumers, quickly identify leaks, heat losses. Also, the software complex uses elements of artificial intelligence that allow you to compare the current readings of resource consumption or consumption with regulatory or average readings up to 1 times a minute. The system itself will notify users if deviations are detected. As a result, the efficiency of the enterprise and the speed of response to emergency situations - for example, gusts of pipelines - are increased.

In Kurchatov, a dispatching system for heat supply facilities of the municipal unitary enterprise "GTS" was introduced. It allows you to show all the necessary parameters of work online: pressure, current temperature of water and coolant, resource consumption, etc. In the future, it is planned to install key modules of "Digital Heat Supply" and replicate to other objects of the city.

In the future of 2023, a pilot implementation of the Modes Analysis, Balance Analysis modules is planned, which will act not only as an accounting system that allows recording and displaying readings of heat meters, but also as a system for analyzing accumulated data using artificial intelligence elements to identify anomalies in consumption, deviations from the standard temperature, hydraulic mode, etc.

"Modules of the Digital Heat Supply software complex allow you to form normative and actually balances of the distribution of coolant and thermal energy to consumers, quickly detect leaks, thermal losses, control the specific consumption of thermal energy per square meter of housing and compare it with approved standards. In addition, the capabilities of the system will be expanded by including field equipment in it, "said Alexey Tsyplov, head of the digitalization department of RIR production.