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MTS Exolve provided digital services for Rendez-vous

Customers: Rendez-vous (Rendezvous)

Moscow; Trade

Product: MTS Exolve Callback

Project date: 2023/11  - 2024/06

2024: Realizing the ability to play an information audio message before connecting on an outgoing call

MTS Exolve provided digital services for the Rendez-Vous (Rendezvous) chain of stores. MTS Exolve announced this on June 20, 2024.

MTS Exolve has implemented the Callback API service for Rendezvous, which provides the ability to play an information audio message before connecting when an outgoing call occurs. As a result of the implementation, the administrator receives an audio message that he is connected to a specific visitor to the online store, so that he receives all information on the status of this online order. At the same time, the client receives an audio message that the conversation can be recorded.

In addition, MTS Exolve has allocated a federal number 8-800, to which customers of the Rendez-Vous online store can call, which helps to increase the convenience and efficiency of interaction with customers.

The high level of client service is very important for us, - commented Alexey Sushchenko, Director of the IT Department of Rendez-Vous. - Thanks to communication solutions from MTS Exolve, we continue to improve the quality of service and the level of customer loyalty through digital services.

With the capabilities of our platform of such a large and extensive network as Rendez-Vous, it will be easier and more convenient to conduct a personalized dialogue with customers, maintain confidentiality in communication and effectively allocate employee hours, "commented Kostas Dubosas, Commercial Director of MTS Exolve.