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Volga Research Medical University (PIMU) (Moodle)

Customers: Volga Research Medical University (PIMU)

Pharmaceuticals, Medicine, Healthcare

Product: Moodle

Project date: 2023/08  - 2023/12

2023: Development of an LMS Moodle-based training platform for medical universities

The Keda Professor team has been developing online services for education and the public sector for more than 8 years. We will tell you how they created a medical platform for schoolchildren and students.

source = Professor's Keds


The task was to create a public web interface. It was supposed to be a platform for different audiences: adolescents who are interested in medicine, students of medical universities, employees of educational organizations and companies from the field of medicine.

The development of a website for medical students "Future Doctor" solved several subtasks:

  • First, many universities and research institutes have many different information and resources on medical topics that are not accessible. The platform makes it possible to use such data for study and work. These are, for example, projects on youth policy and education, scientific research, information about courses and internships.
  • Secondly, the platform acts as a link that unites applicants, students and specialists from the field of medical education.
  • Thirdly, platform users get the opportunity to find colleagues who will take part in research and projects, including working with adolescents and young people.
  • Together, this helps to improve the quality of knowledge and skills of future doctors, exchange best practices, and create healthy competition between universities to improve the quality of education.

Solving the problem

Created the only digital ecosystem in Russia for future doctors "Future Doctor." It brought together educational organizations and research institutes that were able to publish educational materials, materials on educational work, news, announcements about internships. The quality and reliability of the information is confirmed by the expert council.

The Future Physician system is based on three key elements:

  • a site with an open part and a user's personal account;
  • LMS system based on Moodle;
  • administrative panel.

Site development

Created a platform for studying educational content from medical universities in different regions of Russia. Thanks to this, users can easily find the materials of interest to them and choose the most suitable courses for themselves. The site provided for the opportunity to apply for an internship, get access to electronic resources.

source = Professor's Keds

The platform implements a filter system for each section, which helps each user find content according to interests and needs. So the search for training materials has become convenient and effective. A similar task is performed by cards with detailed information about available courses, projects, events and other opportunities for study.

source = Professor's Keds

LMS System Development

The LMS system was developed on the basis of Moodle. We made seamless integration with the site's personal account, updated all visual interface elements, designed in the desired style or created again - this allows users not to feel the separation between systems during training. To switch between the course and your personal account, you need to click only a few times.

Training process

To ensure the learning process, we have developed an algorithm through which each user goes:

  1. Create an LMS user account.
  2. This account is automatically linked to the user account on the site. All this takes a matter of seconds due to the integration of complex mechanisms of different systems (self-written site, Moodle, payment system).
  3. After creating an account, you will automatically access free courses on the platform. If the user chooses a paid course, then access to it is opened after payment.
  4. The learner may select a content type, such as video lectures or author's course, training format, and specialty. He sees all the courses and their status ("in progress," "training completed") in his personal account.
source = Professor's Keds

The personal account added the ability to work with the calendar: mark the start or end dates of a specific course. To check how effectively the student mastered the information, they provided for the possibility of testing knowledge: they added verification testing.

source = Professor's Keds

Creating an Administrative Panel

For the convenience of work, employees of universities and organizations have developed an administrative panel. It makes it possible:

  • Configure sections of the site
  • Manage accounts
  • publish content.

source = Professor's Keds

Each organization has access to an administrative panel, but some sections have access restrictions. Organizations can manage only sections related to content hosting and only within their own organization. Also, each organization can appoint a curator and moderator for each of the available services. Limited access to organizations, providing it only to those sections where content that is associated with this organization is hosted. Note that in addition to the moderator and curator, the publications involve an expert who evaluates the material. Only after his conclusion does a technical specialist publish content. In addition, they provided for the convenience of working with statistics. Each organization gets access to different analytical data that reflects the popularity of their materials.

source = Professor's Keds

Analytics helps you see popular course topics and quickly make decisions about what content to post.


We created two versions of the platform: desktop and mobile for different screen resolutions. Both versions include the site, personal accounts of users and organizations. The mobile version also allows you to take educational courses in the built-in distance learning system.

source = Professor's Keds
source = Professor's Keds
source = Professor's Keds
source = Professor's Keds
source = Professor's Keds

The development of sites and the introduction of systems open up new prospects for improving the quality of education in the field of medicine. Teachers and universities can use it to attract students and interact with them.