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As ICT infrastructure of one of the largest stadiums of Russia is arranged. Photo and video

Customers: Ministry of Sport, Tourism and Youth Policy of the Russian Federation

Contractors: Sinar's group, Croc
Product: Projects of creation of complex IT infrastructure

Project date: 2016/08  - 2018/04

"Yekaterinburg Arena" is the largest sports construction in the Urals, one of the stadiums constructed to the FIFA World Cup of FIFA 2018 (World Cup 2018) in Russia. The arena is created on site the previous stadium opened in 1956.

"Yekaterinburg Arena" (a photo source - Sport-Express, other photos in article - TAdviser)

Capacity of stadium during World Cup 2018, taking into account two temporary stands on each side arenas, – 35 thousand viewers. After the end of a tournament it can be reduced to 23 thousand people.

From the previous stadium the historical facade which is officially recognized an object of cultural heritage was saved.

Official opening "Yekaterinburg Arena" took place on April 15, 2018. This day the match Ural - Spartak was held here. Earlier in April, before official opening, at stadium also played Ural and Rubin.

The general contractor of the project on reconstruction of stadium - Sinara-Development company with which the Ministry of Sports in September, 2015[1] signed the contract about 12 billion rubles[2].

Engineering and ICT infrastructure: main systems

The Croc company became subcontractor on creation of the engineering systems and communication systems of stadium and the adjacent territory. In total it created more than 15 engineering systems meeting the requirements of FIFA.

Right after official opening the deputy chief editor of TAdviser Natalya Lavrentyeva got acquainted with how engineering infrastructure of stadium is arranged.


For hit on the territory "Yekaterinburg Arena" visitors at first should overcome the pavilion of examination. Its main task – to eliminate the terrorists and persons trying to carry by the prohibited objects on stadium. In total four permanent pavilions of examination and two temporary work. The last were set to World Cup 2018 according to regulations of FIFA: they order that all crowd of visitors of a match could pass on stadium within one hour.

In one of pavilions of examination

Both permanent, and temporary pavilions are filled with various technological solutions of the system of identification of subversive and terrorist means created Croc. Mainly, this customs equipment: introscopes (x-ray customs installations) for scanning of bags, the stationary metaldetectors configured on detection of metal objects at the different levels of a body – from legs to the head.

For examination of things of visitors introscopes of the different sizes are set

There are also manual metaldetectors and manual gas analyzers of explosives. The last can be used for identification of microparticles of explosives, for example, in bags and pockets of visitors. At emergence of a doubtful situation protection will call up the main thing on the pavilion for individual analysis of a situation.

In total in customs zones about 30 introscopes, 160 metaldetectors, about 40 metal detectors and about 40 gas analyzers are available, the head of the low-current systems Croc Ivan Tsarev reported TAdviser.

Besides, at an input to the pavilion radiation control works at each customs point in a radius of 2 meters. It catches the ionizing substances which contain in explosive devices. In case of detection of like those, the device should begin to squeak loudly. In total at the check point about 100 devices of radiation control are installed.

Radiation control

It is necessary to tell that before a match Ural - Spartak technical means alone examination of visitors did not cost day of official opening of stadium: after passing of basic means of examination protection carefully felt bodies of all guests manually as it is done at some airports.

In the main pavilions examine "mere mortals". For VIP-guests there are a separate input and point of examination.

The point of examination of VIP is in the certain premises

Representatives Croc showed that in each customs pavilion is server with the local computing equipment providing operability of the engineering systems. Information is output from all of them in the uniform dispatching center.

Server in one of customs pavilions. Here local software of a system of radiation control, software for collection of information from metaldetectors, a video surveillance system, etc. turns.

Other systems of security and support of work of stadium

In total at stadium two circuits of security: red and green. Red consists of a historical fence of stadium and pavilions through passage. And green are tourniquets for pass on sectors of fans with readers of tickets.

At all stadium and the adjacent territory about 1.5 thousand video cameras are installed. According to the representative Croc, records from a bowl of stadium should be stored not less than 1.5 months.

At the same time the video surveillance system was implemented not by Croc, and other contractor, Ivan Tsarev says. Who exactly, in the company found it difficult to specify. According to the portal of state procurements, for example, at a stage of construction and reconstruction of stadium of the surveillance camera and the equipment of the uniform center of monitoring of a system of security television of perimeter was supplied by "The Russian corporation of means of communication".

Information from cameras, a booking gating system and some other systems is output in operational command center of stadium. Here it is possible to trace parameters of fullness of stadium, for example, in real time.

Operational center of stadium
Here it is possible to observe in real time "picture" from video cameras
Paper automation: on all displays observed sectors are signed on stickers manually

At stadium communication system telephones in case of emergency situations using which it is possible to phone to the Ministry of Emergency Situations or to operational staff are installed. At the same time, also those who were lost can use phones, having called for the help to managers.

The communication system for emergency situations is local, independent of other engineering systems

The stadium is also equipped with a fire protection system and a control system of access to objects. In case of operation of either the first, or the second, signaling with volume of sound not to exchange 110 dB will burst.

And in case electricity suddenly will suddenly come to an end, at stadium there is a diesel station capable to provide operability of stadium, including security systems, within 5-6 hours.

Ivan Tsarev estimates the cost of all security systems of stadium, including video cameras, approximately at 10% of the total cost of construction of this object. At the same time the most expensive is the customs equipment and a special equipment for security services.

Support of an engineering component of stadium is performed by a monitoring system and managements of the engineering systems of buildings and constructions, and also automated system of monitoring of a deformation status of load-carrying structures.

Booking gating system

Near inputs on the territory "Yekaterinburg Arena" of visitors is met by devices selling tickets. However, as of the middle of April they were still unavailable to use.

These devices - a part of a booking gating system

The booking gating system consists of ticket sales systems and subscriptions, integrated with the web interface of football club "Ural", a reporting part about comers and the left fans. The second part of a system – access control in zones of fans, the including scan of tickets and tourniquets.

Tourniquets with the scan of tickets

At World Cup 2018 pass through tourniquets of the booking Yekaterinburg Arena system, as well as other stadiums of the championship, will be performed by the passport of the fan which is issued together with the purchased ticket. The I-Teco company is responsible for creation of a system of identification of fans and passports.

The place of the cashier in historical cash desks of stadium

The passport of the fan is obligatory for all audience of World Cup 2018. It contains a barcode and a RFID tag. After scanning in the turnstile system information from the ticket will be compared to the database to make sure that this person has right of access in a buffer zone between red and green security perimeters this day and to this match, Igor Tsarev explains.

Also it will be verified with databases of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and FSB regarding presence of the person in "black lists". If it is detected in "black list", a system will not pass it and will send a signal to security service of stadium then security services should be called.

At an exit from stadium during the World Cup 2018 all fans will be obliged to pass through the portals which are reading out information from RFID tags of electronic passports. Thus, the administration of stadium will be able to understand how many it on an object remained people.

For visit of matches out of World Cup 2018 the passport of the fan is not necessary, the ticket which needs to be scanned on an input suffices. An opportunity to leave the stadium building on the adjacent territory during the match and to enter back in the same way is provided.

However in day of official opening "Yekaterinburg Arena" wishing to leave temporarily the building during the match, for example, for a smoke break, at the exit was distributed by bright pieces of paper on which then also let back. In Croc told TAdviser that this decision was made according to internal regulations of operating organization and the stadium not to create a crush during a break. An exit of fans under tickets on internal perimeter is not regulated by FIFA or Ministry of Internal Affairs as it occurs already in a green safety zone when each entered is looked through and checked, and remains at the discretion of services of operation of stadium, noted in the company.


In the territory, adjacent to stadium, two all-weather two-sided screens for informing fans are installed. On them information connected with matches, also can be placed they can be used for an output of messages from security services. Screens can be monetized further due to placement of advertizing on them.

Two information screens in the adjacent territory - the requirement at least of FIFA

The head of audiovisions Croc Dmitry Shabanov notes that these screens – the "Russian-Chinese" production. In them the Chinese LEDs, and assembly of the end device – the Russian company Showlight are used.

Screens, similar on technical characteristics, only the bigger size, are installed also in the bowl of stadium. To them information can be output from different sources. The system of video informing is integrated with the system of telebroadcasting, and on displays can arrive both information from cameras during the match, and information materials, and emergency messages due to integration with the systems of the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

One of displays at stadium

As for a sound, in 2018 FIFA sharply decided to raise procedural requirements to it at stadiums: at stadium the sound with volume not less than 116 dB should be provided. Such sound pressure level is necessary if it is required "outvoice" very aggressive fans, Shabanov explains. Requirements of FIFA and to the level of legibility of a sound raised.

According to the representative Croc, creation of the system conforming to new requirements was not without difficulties, because of the fact that many producers of an acoustic equipment allegedly specify the overestimated values in practice appearing below in specifications.

The acoustic equipment from different famous producers for "Yekaterinburg Arena" was tested in special laboratory in Germany approved by FIFA. As a result Croc stopped on the equipment Outline for providing a sound in a bowl of stadium, and JBL (Harman) for the adjacent territory.

Equipment room with the equipment for management of a sound of a bowl of stadium and the adjacent territory

At stadium the system of cable radio satellite television is also unrolled. In premises under spectator stands the digital displays of Samsung receiving a signal on IP network in the online mode where the going match can be broadcast are placed. In the opening day of kartinka stadium from a field appeared on them with a delay in 2-3 seconds.

Displays under stands are packed into the thermo-casings protecting the equipment from a temperature difference

In the special stands for media it is possible to receive broadcasting without delays, having connected the monitor to a system directly via the coaxial cable.

In some workplaces for media in the stands from coaxial cables connectors were cut off. In Croc do not know who was able to do it

Communication systems and networks

All territory of stadium is covered with points of Wi-fi. The network based on Extreme Networks technologies is unrolled, and Rostelecom acts as the operator. At the same time the 100% covering does not mean 100% capacity for all 35 thousand fans at stadium, note in Croc: it is expected 15-20% of at the same time active users of the maximum number. During the match in day of official opening of Wi-fi stadium worked quickly and without failures.

In the stands for media the possibility of use of the wire Internet is implemented.

For intelligence agencies – FSB, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the FSO – were executed special communication systems for operational management.

Glass pavilions for intelligence agencies at stadium

Integration with external systems

Some of the engineering systems created Croc directly are integrated with the systems of FIFA: for example, a booking gating system and security systems, Ivan Tsarev told TAdviser.

Part of systems is integrated with regional Bezopasny gorod agrarian and industrial Complex. Among them – a monitoring system of engineering constructions and the engineering systems, including fire-prevention, heating and ventilation, and a management system in crisis situations. The last turns on the red handsets hanged on stadium which are connected by a separate communication channel with the panel of the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

The complete list of the systems created Croc in the project

Locally Computer Network (LCN):

  • Data network (routing and switching) - two segments (opened and closed)
  • Wireless network of Wi-fi

Telephone communication (PBX):

  • Wire IP telephony
  • Wire analog telephony
  • Wireless telephony (DECT)

Public Press Centre (PPC):

  • Information display subsystem
  • A congress system with sinkhro-transfer (8 languages)
  • Video conferencing

Video Informing (VI):

  • LED screens in the adjacent territory and in a bowl

Sound reinforcement system:

  • Subsystem of scoring of the adjacent territory
  • Subsystem of scoring of a bowl and subtribune premises
  • Subsystem for hearing-impaired
  • Microphone subsystem
  • Subsystem of switching (mix) and management

System of cable radio and satellite television (SKEST):

  • KTV-1 subsystem. Relaying of channels of local and satellite television of the premises of stadium, including for fans.
  • KTV-2 subsystem. It is intended for work of commentators in stationary cabins and in temporary workplaces (a tribune of media). Video transmission happens in real time without delay (practically)

System body and radio of broadcast (STRT):

  • Subsystem of connection of audio-video of the equipment in the field, stands and in the press center.
  • Subsystem of connection MTS (mobile television station)
  • Subsystem of switching and control panel

Booking Gating System (BGS):

  • Payment system
  • Cash desks
  • Access control system
  • Information display system
  • Central server part

Monitoring systems and managements of the engineering systems of buildings and constructions (SMIS):

  • System of physical security
  • Fire safety system
  • Electrical systems
  • Mechanical systems
  • Monitoring system of a deformation status of load-carrying structures (SMIK)

Management system in crisis situations

Communication systems and data transmissions of FSB, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the FSO and the system of a radio communication for the benefit of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

The technological solutions and actions directed to counteraction to acts of terrorism

Temporary pavilions of examination with main systems of ensuring life activity

See Also


  1. [ Accomplishment of installation and construction works on an object
  2.  : "Reconstruction and restoration of an object of cultural heritage Central Stadium]