The main articles are:
History of districts, squares and streets of Moscow
2023: Ukrainian drone attack on Moscow: 5 UAVs shot down, 3 crashed into houses
5 drones shot down on the approach and on the outskirts of the Pantsir-S anti-aircraft missile and cannon system: in New Moscow, on Rublevka and in the Istra region. 3 crashed into high-rise buildings on Leninsky Prospekt, Profsoyuznaya Street and Atlasova Street.
Some of the drones caught on trees and wires, as they flew at an ultra-low altitude.
It is known about two victims, they did not need hospitalization.
Among the UAVs that attacked Moscow, there is a new model - previously it was not noticed by the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The aerodynamic scheme "duck," the internal combustion engine on gasoline, and the cumulative charges of the KZ-6 are laid inside. The wingspan is in the region of 4 meters and the theoretical flight range is from 400 to 1000 km. The cost of each such drone is estimated at between $30,000 and $200,000. Electronic suppressors of UAVs against such drones are ineffective, the main way to combat them is to shoot down.
In the video below Arbat Square and everything that happened to it over the years. One building was moved. Arbat market, 2 years after construction, shortened, appeared the lobby of the metro.
1996: Explosion in a trolleybus near the Alekseevskaya metro station
1993: Shelling of the White House building with tanks
On October 2, 1993, at 13:00, a rally of supporters of the Supreme Council began on Smolenskaya Square in Moscow. Demonstrators are clashing with police and riot police. During the riots, the Garden Ring near the Foreign Ministry building was blocked for several hours. As a result, opponents of President Yeltsin attack the police and put a barricade on the Garden Ring behind which the wounded are sheltered.
On October 4, 1993, between 7 and 9 am, shelling of the White House building began from guns and heavy machine guns of armored personnel carriers, infantry fighting vehicles and tanks. The building caught fire in the tower area.
At 7 o'clock. 25 min., Destroying the barricades near the House of Soviets, five infantry fighting vehicles broke into the square of Free Russia, which began to shoot people on the barricades and also opened aimed fire on the windows of the House of Soviets.
Meanwhile, in the dark hall of the Council of Nationalities of the de-energized House of Soviets of the Russian Federation, the last meeting of the Congress began with the roll call registration of people's deputies of the Russian Federation. The deputies adopted their political will - an appeal to the citizens of Russia. The seizure of the building of the House of Soviets of the Russian Federation soon followed.
The shootout in the House of Soviets lasted until the evening of October 5, 1993.
According to the commission of the State Duma, during the tragic events, about 200 people were killed, at least 1000 people were injured or injuries of varying severity. According to updated official data confirmed by the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation on July 27, 1994, the death toll was 147 people.
Author: A. Zilov]]
1965-1966 Author: Tanfel Borisovich Bakman]]
Year: 1965-1966. Author: Tanfel Borisovich Bakman]]
1964: Fidel Castro in Moscow
1962: Demolition of houses on Taganskaya Square
1957: Bolshaya Kaluzhskaya street renamed Leninsky Prospekt
Bolshaya Kaluga Street was renamed in 1957 into Leninsky Prospekt in honor of the 40th anniversary of the October Revolution.
1937: Demolition of the Holy Monastery
One of the lost architectural wonders of Moscow is considered the Holy Monastery. It was founded in 1654 on what is now Pushkin Square. The bell tower of this monastery stood exactly where the monument to A.S. Pushkin is located today.
The building was closed by the Bolsheviks in 1919, but until 1924 another 200 nuns still lived there. Later, an anti-religious museum was opened here, and in 1937 the monastery was demolished.
1936: Dismantling of the Arc de Triomphe near Belorussky railway station
1935-1936 Author: Loskutov]]
1934: Destruction of the Sukharev Tower
The Sukharev Tower was destroyed in 1934 as part of the general reconstruction of Moscow.
Year: 1930-1933 Author: B. Ignatovich]]
Year: 1930]]
Year: 1930]]
1928 Author: A. Shaichet]]
in 1925]]
Nudist beach in the city center
It was organized by the society "Down with Shame!." Its participants believed that nudity is a visual personification of universal equality.
In 1925, at the XIV Congress of the CPSU (B.), N. I. Bukharin, as part of a campaign against the opposition, G. E. Zinoviev criticized the moral decay of youth, calling the activities of society "Down with Shame" among examples of such degradation. According to the memoirs of Varlam Shalamov, the People's Commissar of Health N. A. Semashko made an article in Izvestia about the harmful health consequences of walking without clothes in a large northern city. The police began to resolutely suppress the actions of the society and achieved a complete cessation of them.
Return of the capital from Petrograd to Moscow
On March 12, 1918, the capital of Russia was moved from Petrograd to Moscow.
Year: 1912-1917]]
Year: 1913-1914. Author: P.P. Pavlov]]
in 1900-1910]]
1909 By Andrew Murray Howe]]
in 1880-1887]]
Author: "Scherer, Nabgolz & K"]]
1817: Construction of the Manege designed by Augustine Betancourt
On November 12, 1817, the Manege was built in Moscow - an indoor room for military exercises in cold and inclement weather, a monumental building in the style of classicism, was built in Moscow in 1816-1817 according to the project of Augustine Betancourt.
The unique design of rafters and 30 wooden trusses made it possible to make the building 45 meters wide without internal supports, with support only due to walls. For that time, it was a unique engineering solution. The area of the Manezh built was about 7.5 thousand m ², it accommodated more than 2 thousand people.
Interior decoration continued until 1825. These works were already supervised by another architect - Osip Bove.
1814: Construction of a wooden triumphal gate at the Tver outpost
By order of the Moscow mayor in June 1814, the construction of a wooden triumphal gate at the Tver outpost began. Why was this particular location chosen? When the emperor came to Moscow, it was here that the city leaders met him along with a large retinue of representatives of the local nobility and merchants.
Main article: Joseph Hearn
1739: Michurinsky plan of Moscow
The restoration of the city and all Kremlin churches after the fire of 1737 was led by Ivan Fedorovich Michurin, an architect who worked in the Russian Baroque style. He acted on science: a large team of surveyors under his leadership carried out geodetic surveys of the Kremlin, Kitai-Gorod and the White City. Then the Earthen City, Zamoskvorechye, the area beyond the Earthen City up to the Kompaneysky Rampart were filmed.
As a result of these filming, the plan of Moscow was drawn and it was determined where and how many building materials to import.
The plan was published in 1739 and was called the "Plan of the Imperial Capital City of Moscow."
1737: The Great Fire. About a hundred people died, a quarter of the city's buildings burned down
In 1737, on the feast of the Trinity in Moscow, there was a big fire, which contemporaries nicknamed the Veliky. The Kremlin, the houses and shops of Kitai-Gorod and the White City were on fire. This fire killed about a hundred people and about a quarter of the urban development, which was still wooden.
1709: Celebrating the victory over the Swedes near Poltava
1695: Construction of the Sukharev Tower according to the project of Mikhail Choglokov
Sukharev Tower is a monument of Russian civil architecture, built in 1695 in Moscow according to the project of the outstanding Russian architect and artist of the late XVII century and the first quarter of the XVIII century - Mikhail Ivanovich Choglokov at the intersection of the Garden Ring, Sretenka and 1st Meshchanskaya Street (now Mira Avenue).
1538: Construction of the Kitaigorod Wall
Kitaigorod Wall, Bird Tower appeared in the reign of Ivan the Terrible's mother, Elena Glinskaya. The stone wall was erected in 1538 under the leadership of the Italian architect Petrok Maly.
The ancient structure was built taking into account the protection against artillery, which since the construction of the Kremlin in the 1480-1490s has become more powerful. Using the example of the Bird Tower and the nearby section of the wall behind the Metropol Hotel, you can imagine what the walls of Kitai-Gorod looked like. They were wider and lower than the Kremlin ones (it would be too expensive to build thick walls higher), with several levels of loopholes. In addition, the walls are not sheer, but deviating either backwards or forward for a rebound of nuclei.
Part of the white stone foundation of the Varvara Tower has been preserved in the underpass to the Kitay-Gorod metro station. Petrok used burnt red brick for construction, the base of the wall was made of white stone (limestone).
The fortress was impressive in size: more than two and a half kilometers in length. The wall began from the Corner Arsenal Tower and ended at the Beklemishev Tower. Kremlin It included 14 towers, of which seven were with gates.
The Kitaygorod Wall was built to defend the residential and commercial area of the city - the Great Posad. There were four main streets: Nikolskaya, Ilyinka, Varvarka and Velikaya, which took place in the middle of the modern Zaryadye park.
The Bird Tower is the only surviving tower of the ancient Kitaigorod Wall. Initially, the Bird Tower was probably unnamed, and received its modern name much later from the Poultry Museum located in the neighboring Round Tower. According to another version, the tower received such a name for its appearance - at the beginning of the 19th century it was decorated with dovetail teeth, as on the walls of the Kremlin. You can enter the tower through the arch in the western building of the Tretyakov passage.
The Kitaygorod wall was destroyed in the 1930s, a year after its restoration under the leadership of architects Nikolai Vinogradov and Dmitry Sukhov.
In addition to a fragment of the wall behind the Metropol Hotel (you can climb it by entering the building of the Russian State University of the Humanities from Nikolskaya Street) and the Bird Tower, there was still a section of the wall in Kitaygorodsky Passage. Only its lower part with loopholes of the lower battle was preserved here. The upper combat course was reconstructed already during the construction of the Rossiya Hotel. And after the opening of the Zaryadye park, access was opened here and an exhibition of small arms of the Moscow kingdom was organized.
"Muscovites are considered cunning and more deceitful than all other Russians, and in particular they cannot be relied on to fulfill contracts. They themselves know about this, and when they happen to deal with foreigners, then in order to arouse more trust in themselves, they call themselves not Muscovites, but visitors "
(Herberstein "Notes on Muscovy," circa 1526)
1237: Principality of Vladimir-Suzdal
Age of all buildings. Card
- - online map with age of almost all buildings in Moscow