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Oracle Utilities

Developers: Oracle
Last Release Date: 2013/12/05
Branches: Housing and public utilities, service and household services,  Power
Technology: ERP


For gain of the presence at power and housing and public utilities, the Oracle corporation in November, 2006 purchased SPL WorldGroup company - solution provider in the field of billing, consumer service, management of mobile resources, distribution networks and assets in power. Based on SPL the new division - Oracle Utilities Global Business Unit which within Oracle is responsible for promotion and development of the solutions Oracle Utilities (byvsh was created. SPL).

In May, 2007 Oracle also purchased Lodestar Corporation company, the leading supplier of technologies of data management of measuring devices and solutions for work on competitive wounds for the enterprises of power and housing and public utilities. Integrating the products Lodestar with the complex of Oracle applications, best in the industry, for power and housing and public utilities received as a result of acquisition of SPL WorldGroup company and now the offered division of Oracle Utilities Global Business Unit, Oracle underlines gravity of intentions in work with the sector to power and housing and public utilities.

Solutions Oracle Utilities

  • The system of subscriber accounting and billing - Oracle Utilities Customer Care & Billing
  • The management system for networks is Oracle Utilities Network Management
  • Solution package on forecasting and trading - Oracle Utilities Lodestar
  • Profilings of loading and calculations of consumption - Load Profiling and Settlement System (LPSS)
  • Portfolio management of transactions/agreements is Protfolio Management
  • Contract management is Contract Management
  • Management of power data is Meter Data Management
  • Management of kvotation is Qoatations Management
  • The analysis and management of rates - Rate Management
  • Profiling of loading is Load Profiling
  • Management system for mobile resources and works - Oracle Utilities Mobile Workforce Management
  • The integrated client platform combining possibilities of information systems for work with clients and managements of power data — Oracle Utilities Customer to Meter

2016: Oracle Utilities: most the companies of power and housing and public utilities already in "cloud"

Contrary to opinion that cloud computing is technologies of the future and that the industry of power and housing and public utilities slowly passes to their mastering, results of a research of Oracle showed that 45% of the enterprises of the industry already use cloud computing and 52% plan their use. Moreover, 69% of the energy companies note that they already use cloud computing for customer information management, or planned it for the next three years.

According to the research Oracle Utilities "On Cloud Now: Cloud Technologies are Here for Utilities" ("Already in a cloud: the enterprises of power and housing and public utilities master cloud computing") [1], the first cloud computing implements the large power enterprises (72%), they are followed by the companies of the small and average size (50% and 23% respectively). Respondents noted that upon transition to a cloud environment they consider as solution SaaS, and private clouds / services of a hosting.

With development of the distributed energy resources and "smart" power networks and also growth of needs for advanced analytics, the solutions used by the enterprises of the industry become more and more specialized and difficult. Amounts of data grow exponential, and the technologies used decades become outdated. Nearly 50% of respondents noted that the aspiration to increase business flexibility is the key reasons of investments into cloud services and not to lag behind technology changes. Cloud solutions allow to redistribute means which were required before for upgrade and replacement of legacy systems.

Technologies which the companies of power and housing and public utilities select for use from cloud model today are directed to support of the program of deployment of intelligent networks and technological solutions of new generation, including for data management from metering devices, analytics of Big Data, automation of resource allocation and management of networks. The companies also look for opportunities for transformation and more traditional areas, such as customer information management, management of mobile mobile repair crews and resource management of the enterprise.

Nevertheless, though most the enterprises of the industry already master cloud computing, results of a research show that confidentiality, management, security and integration of systems still raise at them doubts. It was offered to respondents to estimate the concern in these aspects on a scale from 1 to 5 where assessment 5 means the greatest concern. As it appeared, the highest level of doubts causes confidentiality (4.31) which management (3.90) and security follow (3.89).

2013: Oracle Utilities Data Model

Oracle Utilities Data Model is industry solution as a part of which ready model of information storage, dashboards for a business intelligence.

On December 5, 2013 the Oracle corporation announced industry solution of Oracle Utilities Data Model. Its task - to help the enterprises of power and housing and public utilities in the analysis of the growing amount of data of "smart networks" (smart grid) and other corporate information, to quickly obtain analytical information, to take new data.

The enterprises of the industry accumulate considerable amount of data, but, according to survey which was conducted by Oracle among the top management of the companies of power and housing and public utilities, only 20% of respondents specified: they timely provide to users data access. The new industry solution is focused on assistance to customers in obtaining benefits from accumulated information.

Using the solutions Oracle Utilities Data Model of the enterprise of power and housing and public utilities will receive the configured and expanded corporate platform for data storage including means of the interdomain reporting, analytics and intelligent data analysis.

Oracle Utilities Data Model will help the enterprises in the field of power and housing and public utilities effectively to use corporate information. This ready-made solution, it is integrated with the products Oracle Data Warehousing and Oracle Business Intelligence, with the optimized hardware and software systems Oracle Engineered Systems.

As a part of the complex platform:

  • ready OLAP cubes and models of intelligent data analysis;
  • more than 670 tables, 4800 columns and 1300 measures;
  • evident BI metadata, samples of dashboards and reports with more than 80 performance indicators;
  • physical data models on the basis of 3NF.

The solution Oracle Utilities Data Model is model-based [2] — the standard developed in the electrical power industry and officially adopted by the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) — can be used in the industry of power and housing and public utilities for accomplishment of the following tasks: protection of income, data analysis of measurements, crediting and collectings, demand management, analysis of emergency shutdowns and load control of transformers.

2012: Compliance of CIM model

The Oracle corporation announced in May, 2012 passing of the test for compliance of interaction of Oracle applications for power and housing and public utilities to standards of the general information model of power generation facilities (Common Information Model, CIM). Success of industry solutions of Oracle in the testing held under the auspices of the International Electrotechnical Commission (International Electrotechnical Commission, IEC) confirms use by corporation of the CIM standards for information exchange between automated systems of intellectual accounting and applications for automation of operating activities of electrical distribution networks.

The enterprises of an electrical power complex which continue program implementation of creation of "smart" networks need scalable high-performance technology infrastructures for processing of large volumes of the data on energy consumption arriving from intelligent metering devices, sensors and monitoring devices. The companies need industry solutions which help to increase operational efficiency of each division, at the same time providing clients with information allowing to trace and manage energy consumption.

IEC advances the concept of exchange of up-to-date and reliable information by introduction of the CIM standards. The CIM model supports information exchange between applications – in particular, parameters of a distribution network, state-of-health data of devices and results of measurements, providing the uniform standard interchange format.

Industry solutions and tools of Oracle, such as management system for power data of Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management, gateway of intelligent networks Oracle Utilities Smart Grid Gateway and management system for Oracle Utilities Network Management System networks, passed all tests for compatibility, including tests of check of an interval of data transmission; information transfer shutdown registration; substitutions of meter readings calculated values and warnings of a possible error; control of connection and shutdown of the counter; and also message exchange with supervisory control systems and data collection (SCADA) and geographic information systems (GIS).

2011: Centers of examination for the products Oracle Utilities

The centers of examination Oracle Utilities are created within the program of development of a partner network of Oracle for solutions for the enterprises of the power and housing and public utilities implemented by global division of Oracle Utilities Global Business Unit. To creation of the Centers of examination the partner companies having considerable experience of implementation of specialized business applications in the field of Power and housing and public utilities are invited.

The main objective of the centers - accumulation of industry expertize based on the implemented projects in Russia and the best world business practices of Oracle corporation that contributes to the development and promotion in the Russian market of specialized solutions Oracle Utilities for Power and housing and public utilities. The centers of examination specialize in the support of certain segments of the industry of power and solutions of Oracle corresponding to these segments:

  • billing solutions for power - the heatsales companies, water utilities and other housing and public utilities enterprises,
  • solutions for work in wholesale market of the electric power, management of power data, etc.

The centers of examination are created and constantly carefully worked demonstration stands which can be used further at implementation on pilot phase of the project develop. This approach allows to reduce costs and duration of implementation considerably. The Oracle corporation performs check of expert knowledge of consultants of the center.

On September 20, 2011 opening of the center of examination in the product Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing direction (Oracle CC&B) in IBS Borlas company is announced.


  1. In a research "On Cloud Now: Cloud Technologies are Here for Utilities", carried out by Zpryme research firm by request of Oracle Utilities, took part 100 heads of the enterprises power - gas - and water supply. ON CLOUD NOW: CLOUD TECHNOLOGIES ARE HERE FOR UTILITIES
  2. CIMCommon Information Model - the general information model