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Rostelecom transferred more than 40 thousand employees to remote work

Customers: Rostelecom

Moscow; Telecommunications and Communications

Product: Rostelecom and Redmadrobot: RT Life

Project date: 2019/11  - 2020/04

2020: Transfer more than 40 thousand office employees to "udalenka"

Rostelecom transferred more than 40 thousand office employees to a remote operation mode, the company reported on April 2, 2020. Migration went since March 16. Rostelecom explained TAdviser that transfer to such mode to the maximum all who owing to the duties can work remotely, except technical specialists who are involved on objects of network and with clients.

The company pays special attention to risk groups: to workers at the age of +65 years and with chronic diseases, the representative of the company told TAdviser.

Owing to specifics of the activity, the company should ensure smooth operation telecommunication and IT infrastructures, the round-the-clock monitoring and service of objects of network, a customer support by technical specialists is for this purpose necessary. Therefore not all employees can switch over to a remote operation mode, - explain in Rostelecom.

Rostelecom transfers to remote work to the maximum all who owing to the duties can work remotely (a photo - Rostelecom)

The employees transferred to remote work are provided with remote access to jobs, corporate mail, necessary IT systems and solutions for carrying out audio-and video conferences.

For fast transition to "udalenka" infrastructure of remote connection to information resources of the company was in advance unrolled. Were used, including, and own software products of Rostelecom, such as Tionix Virtual Desktop (VDI). VDI is based in data processing centers of Rostelecom and allows at any time and in any place to be connected to the workplace remotely.

In peak time in a system more than 30 thousand users at the same time far off work. On the mobile device more than 10 thousand employees have access to corporate mail.

For meetings in the company the system for carrying out audio-and video conferences that colleagues from the different cities of Russia could hold online meetings works and solve working problems in commands.

And for operational informing employees Rostelecom uses a corporate portal and mobile application of RT Life where news of the company are regularly published, surveys are conducted. In the conditions of a pandemic the special portal where all information on the organization of remote work, measures of prevention of a koronavirusny infection and so on is collected was created. The hot line is open for employees in the company.

Speaking about project cost on transfer of workers to remote work, Rostelecom told TAdviser that it is difficult to estimate separately the cost of remote work as here the set of services, such as RT Life, audio-and video conferences, circles of collaboration which were applied in the organization also earlier enters.

For employee development the online university with rates, tests and webinars works. In online air different specialists, including doctors who tell what precautionary measures need to be observed to resist to a coronavirus are invited. Also each employee can read free of charge books in corporate online libraries.

Concerning the main difficulties which arose when translating, the representative of Rostelecom in a conversation with TAdviser selected need to issue the equipment and notebooks, "which are very difficult for purchasing now now".

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According to the company, since March 16, 2020 Rostelecom began to transfer office employees to a remote operation mode in connection with spread of a coronavirus. So fast and painless transition to a format of work became possible as at the expense of in advance unrolled infrastructure of remote connection to information resources of the company, and due to use of own software products, such as Tionix Virtual Desktop (VDI). VDI is based in data processing centers of Rostelecom and allows at any time and in any place to be connected to the workplace remotely.

For April, 2020 to virtual work places more than 40 thousand employees of the company across all Russia have access, and in peak time in a system more than 30 thousand users at the same time far off work. On the mobile device more than 10 thousand employees have access to corporate mail.

It should be noted that owing to specifics of the activity, the company should ensure smooth operation telecommunication and IT infrastructures, the round-the-clock monitoring and service of objects of network, a customer support by technical specialists is for this purpose necessary. Therefore not all employees can switch over to a remote operation mode.

For meetings in the company the system for carrying out audio-and video conferences that colleagues from the different cities of Russia could hold online meetings works and solve working problems in commands.

For operational informing employees Rostelecom uses a corporate portal and mobile application of RT Life where news of the company are regularly published, surveys are conducted. In the conditions of a pandemic the special portal where all information on the organization of remote work, measures of prevention of a koronavirusny infection and so on is collected was created. The hot line is open for employees in the company.

For employee development the online university with rates, tests and webinars works. In online air different specialists, including doctors who tell what precautionary measures need to be observed to resist to a coronavirus are invited. Also each employee can read free of charge books in corporate online libraries.

Current situation absolutely unexpectedly gave a power pulse to development of remote work and digitalization of interaction of employees and commands of Rostelecom. Existence of almost ready ecosystem of remote work allowed us to direct timely this impulse to review of business processes and the practician in all divisions, without spending precious time for search and the choice of technical solutions.

Kirill Menshov, the senior vice president of Rostelecom for information technologies told

During the work from the house all IT systems at employees always near at hand: portals for transfer and a design of holidays, approval of agreements, a design of business trips and also chat-bots on social networks and communities in the messenger.->