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Баннер в шапке 2



Number of employees



Consulting company FTO] has been operating in the automation market since 2003, is engaged in the implementation and maintenance of information systems.

Key competencies


  • Implementation of 1C
  • Remote Support
  • Development of systems
  • Optimization
  • 1C Mobile Apps

Products and Services

Major industries


2023: Participation in TAdviser SummIT

Since 2003, the FTO consulting company has been implementing and maintaining business information systems on the 1C platform, as well as introducing analytical systems and reporting based on modern BI solutions. On May 30, 2023, the FTO will take part in the TAdviser SummIT exhibition. Come to the booth, ask your experts your questions on business automation, learn about 1S:UPP migration to ERP, implementation, maintenance and support of 1C and BI systems, as well as ready-made solutions in the field of HR analytics. Read more here.

2021: IT company FTO will take part in TAdviser SummIT 2021

On May 26, 2021, FTO will take part in TAdviser SummIT , the main event of the year in the field of information technology.

Since 2003, FTO has been implementing, maintaining and refining information systems for business, is an official partner of 1C, complies with the international quality standard ISO 9001:2015. Among the clients of FTO are large production enterprises, holdings with a geographically distributed structure, trading and logistics companies. For example: Cherkizovo Group, Danon, Rusagro, Heinz, DNS, Dixy, Molvest, Monetka, Novaport, XPO Logistic and many other well-known companies. The company specializes in complex implementations and support of high-load systems.

"The transition to domestic ERP solutions, the introduction of new technologies, BI are one of the main trends of recent years among retailers. At TAdviser SummIT, we will tell you which technologies will give the maximum effect for your business, as well as demonstrate ready-made BI solutions. For example, an analytical BI solution for HR specialists. Ready-made dashboards allow you to control key indicators and save time, "said Vladimir Malakh, Managing Partner of FTO.

We invite you to visit booth No. 15 to get more information about the implementation and maintenance of 1C and BI systems.


Launch BI Practice

The FTO Implementation and Support Center, specializing in business automation using the firm's software solutions, 1C announced the launch of the direction on June 27, 2019. business analysis The direction was headed by a Sergey Fenzel ten-year experience in implementing IT projects for different business sectors. The company has already received partner status, and Qlik has also completed several large projects using BI solutions from various vendors.

FTO relies on comprehensive automation, starting with the implementation of ERP systems and corporate data warehouses, after which data marts and interactive reports in BI are built on the basis of structured arrays of information. This approach allows you to control the entire IT landscape, for ease of use and control.

We see serious market interest in IT solutions based on processing large amounts of data. A high-quality BI solution is a mandatory tool for large, medium, as well as for any actively developing business. Modern BI solutions allow you to use not only retrospective analytics, but also predictive. And the further, the more this intellectual side of BI systems and compatible tools will develop. I really hope that together with our clients we will occupy our niche in this future, - said Sergey Fenzel, Head of BI.

Confirmation of compliance of QMS with ISO 9001:2015 standard

On March 4, 2019, the FTO Group of Companies announced that according to the results of the certification audit conducted by Bureau Veritas Certification, the quality management system of FTO LLC was recognized as meeting the requirements of the international standard ISO 9001:2015.

Certification: provision of comprehensive services for automation of management and accounting at the customer's enterprise, including: consulting services, assistance in choosing a software product, its sale, personnel training, design, development, commissioning and maintenance of information systems based on 1C software products.

ISO 9001 is an international standard in the field of quality management. The presence of the company's certificate of compliance indicates that the company is well organized, employees clearly comply with their duties and instructions, all internal processes are documented.


The FTO support service has successfully passed the audit according to the ISO/IEC 20,000-1: 2005 standard, the main world standard for managing IT services. According to the Expert-RA agency, the FTO company has been regularly included in the rating of the 50 largest IT companies in Russia over the past years.

Over 15 years of practice, FTO has completed more than 100 projects. Acquired serious expertise in the food industry, FMCG and distribution. She created her own methodology of work, tested on projects in large companies.

FTO logo

The company specializes in the organization of complex support for solutions in the format - 24 * 7 with a high level of service (SLA), as well as in the implementation of technically complex projects to optimize the performance of existing solutions on the 1C platform .

At the beginning of 2018, the FTO team has 240 specialists, the company's offices are located in Moscow, Omsk and Krasnodar.

2017: FTO acquires IT-Box

The company FTO announced in April 2017 that it was closing a deal to acquire the consultancy. IT-Box This acquisition will allow FTO to expand its customer support base, increase project practice and strengthen the sales team.