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ITG INLINE Technologies Group


Revenue millions Ths. rub

Number of employees


+ ITG (INLINE Technologies Group)

ITG Holding (INLINE Technologies Group) is a horizontally integrated group of companies specializing in information technology and supplying its products and services to corporate customers in order to improve the efficiency of their activities.


The holding includes:

  • Inline Technologies
  • telecom integrator Inline Telecom Solutions (design and maintenance of operator networks, development and implementation of billing, etc.),
  • supplier of plastic cards and payment terminals Inpas (also develops ON for acquiring),
  • Triangle Consulting (consulting and implementation ERP),
  • supplier of systems for warehouse management and automatic identification of R-ID Solutions,
  • developer of platforms for the transmission and reception of digital TV "Smartlabs,"
  • specialized in payment networks PST (outsourcing service),
  • integrator on smart card-related Peak Systems projects,
  • operator of commercial data centers "DataLine."

Management structure

The general management of the ITG holding companies (INLINE Technologies Group) is carried out by the management company Inline Technologies Group, which defines the strategic goals of the holding and approves the main financial and economic indicators of its development, as well as coordinates the joint work of the holding members within the framework of complex projects.

Areas of activity

Strategic areas of activity of ITG holding (INLINE Technologies Group) are:

  • System integration of infrastructure, business processes, and applications
  • Infrastructure and intelligence solutions for communications services
  • development and supply of innovative technological tools to provide financial services;
  • consulting services;
  • IT systems operation and maintenance services;
  • Delivery of supply chain management solutions and mobile business applications
  • production and delivery of software solutions for telecom operators;
  • services for operation and management of client information systems on the basis of its own network of data centers.



Liquidation of legal entity

According to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, on June 22, 2020, the legal entity was LLC Inline Technologies Group liquidated. The successor was JSC Inline Technologies Group UK, which since January 2020 has been the founder of the company, and on September 29, 2022 it was also liquidated.

Inline Technologies capitalized Forsyth for a billion rubles

The authorized capital of the key legal entity of the Forsyth company - Forsyth LLC - increased to 1.14 billion rubles, according to data published in the database of Kontur. Focus. The company explained to TAdviser that in the period from December 2019 to March 2020, Forsyth increased its authorized capital from 20 million rubles to 1.14 billion rubles and received additional capitalization from a single participant. The authorized capital was fully paid by the participant, Forsyth said. Read more here.

Changes in the composition of the founders

According to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, from January 16, 2020, Varivoda Vladimir Bronislavovich, Sidorov Konstantin Vladimirovich and Mikheev Yan Igorevich left the authorized capital of Inline Technologies Group LLC. The founder was JSC "Inline Technologies Group UK."



As of April 2018, the owners of ITG were:

Joint venture with Rostelecom

In March 2018, the Center for Network Interaction Technologies (CTVS), together with Inline Technologies Group (ITG) and Lokasoft Integration, established RTK Information Technologies (RTK IT).

The authorized capital of the joint company amounted to 120 million rubles. 50.1% were contributed by the CTVS, the remaining 49.9% in equal shares by the other two founders.

Sergey Kryukov, who also heads the system integrator Inline Technologies, which is part of ITG, has been appointed general director of RTK IT.

TsVS belongs to the provider, data centers SafeData which, in turn, owns Rostelecom"."

The key area of ​ ​ activity of RTK IT is the provision of comprehensive IT services to state customers, confirmed TAdviser Vidia Zheleznov, Director of Strategy and Marketing Communications, Rostelecom - Data Center.


Revenue growth by 2.7% to 36.484 billion rubles

In 2016, Inline Technologies Group (ITG) revenue amounted to 36.484 billion rubles, an increase of 2.7% compared to 2015. In the ranking "TAdviser100: The largest IT companies in Russia" at the end of 2016, Inline Technologies Group (ITG) took 8th place.

Acquisition of rights to develop "Forecast"

In December 2016, Forecast and ITG Holding officially announced an agreement under which the holding's structure received all legal rights to the development and trademarks of Forecast (for more details, see a separate article).

2012: Revenue growth by 62% to RUB 28.4 billion

Inline Technologies Group (ITG) revenue in 2012 amounted to 28.4 billion rubles, which is almost 9 billion rubles. more than the same indicator a year earlier. In percentage terms, the group's income grew by 62%. Most of the revenue - almost 13.3 billion rubles. (46.8%) fell on the project distribution of software and equipment. Almost the same was the share of IT services: 12.8 billion rubles. (45.2%). The remaining 2.3 billion rubles. (8%) relate to the development of new and refinement of existing programs on projects.

As for the main client industries for ITG, more than 9 billion rubles. (32%) fell on financial organizations, 8.5 billion rubles. (30%) - not telecom, 7.9 billion rubles. (28%) - on the public sector, the remaining - on industry, trade, etc. The number of employees of the integrator for the year increased from 1248 to 1568 people.

In 2012, the holding bought Fitcon, which became a practice[1] in contractual document management in the group, and created a new company, SeaLine, which automates customer relationship management, also on SAP. In February 2010, ITG opened the Alioth electronic plastic card factory. In addition to Alioth, ITG also includes the manufacturer of payment solutions Inpas, in whose explicit support in 2010 the rival Rosan accused the famous French manufacturer. Gemalto In addition to the emergence of new companies, ITG got rid of the business of servicing ATMs - PST Сompany it was sold to the Maykor group.

2011: Revenue - RUB 17.519 billion

The revenue of the ITG holding (Inline Technologies Group) in 2011 amounted to 17.519 billion rubles. The staff of the holding in 2011 grew to 1248 people.


ITG Holding (INLINE Technologies Group) officially announced the start of its activities in April 2006.

The prerequisites for the formation of an IT holding with a single ITG brand were the strong partnership relationships that were established between INLINE Technologies, INPAS, Triangle Consulting, Inline Telecom Solutions, R-ID, SmartLabs, DataLine, PST and Peak Systems from the very beginning of their activities. At the same time, in many projects, companies faced the task of providing high-quality comprehensive expertise on various aspects of the implementation of large-scale IT projects, from technological issues to project management.

Accordingly, the need to streamline and combine technological developments, techniques, intellectual resources and other intangible assets of companies in order to further increase the efficiency of IT projects has become apparent.

  • 1995 - formation of INPAS
  • 1999 - Formation of INLINE Technologies
  • 2004 - formation of Triangle Consulting
  • 2005 - formation of R-ID
  • 2006 - formation of Inline Telecom Solutions
  • 2007 - formation of the company "Scientific and Technical Center" Poisk-IT "
  • 2007 - formation of SmartlLabs
  • 2007 - formation of DataLine
  • 2007 - formation of PST
  • 2008 - entering the integration market in the field of information and payment technologies of PEAK Systems
  • In the ranking "CNews100: The largest IT companies in Russia" in 2009, ITG ranked 20th.
  • In the ranking "CNews100: The largest IT companies in Russia" in 2011, ITG took 13th place.
  • In February 2010, ITG included the Alioth plastic card factory.

The revenue of the ITG holding (Inline Technologies Group) in 2010 amounted to 10.016 billion rubles. Almost half of the income - 4.97 billion rubles, fell on the supply of equipment and software within the framework of IT projects. Also, a significant part of the income - 4.34 billion rubles, brought IT services to the holding. About 7% of revenue - 711 million rubles. - ITG refers to its own developed software. Almost a third of the group's revenue - 31.5% - was formed by projects from customers from the financial sector. Work in telecom accounted for 29.2%, and the public sector - 27.5%. The shares of other industries (industry, trade, etc.) do not exceed 5%. The most significant projects of 2010, ITG calls work for MTS, the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications (including the Federal Agency for IT), the administration of the Astrakhan region, Rosrybolovstvo, the Federal Customs Service and Sberbank.
