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2022/02/21 15:25:29

Industrial Internet of Things in Russia. TAdviser 2022 review


In the next seven years, the global market industrial internet of things will grow at a CAGR of 16.7% and in 2027 its volume will reach $263.4 billion. Such data are provided in a report submitted in September 2021 by the analytical company Meticulous Market Research Pvt. Ltd.[1] The Russian experts argue that IoT it is almost impossible to estimate the share of this segment in a large pie market in money, and suggest judging its condition by the number of commercial projects. In 2021, they were implemented by thousands.

The new review TAdviser examines the results achieved by the Russian industrial Internet market of things since the beginning of the pandemic, COVID-19 highlights growth drivers and restraints, talks about modern projects and promising niches.

Review General Partner:

Market contours

The concept of the Internet of Things (IoT) as a communication environment for inanimate objects and a new stage in the development of the Internet was formulated at the turn of the 20th-21st centuries. However, the prerequisites for its full implementation developed only by the beginning of the 100s of our century. These are the miniaturization of the element base, the ubiquity of 4th generation cellular networks (LTE), the acquisition of the habit of their use from most of the world's population, as well as the emergence of cloud technologies and cloud services.

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Since it is expected that both household items and devices and equipment that ensure the functioning of urban infrastructure, industrial enterprises, hospitals and educational institutions should be connected to the Internet of Things, two large segments stand out in it: home (b2c) and corporate, aka business (b2b).

The latter also includes industrial internet of things (Industrial Internet of Things,). IIoT The Industrial Internet of Things virtual (IoT) is an environment that controls the process cycle, in general, and each unit of production equipment, in particular, using various actuators, as well as sensors and sensors, without human input. It is a collection of networks computer and platforms connected to each other.

In the future, fully robotic complexes and technological lines will operate in the industrial Internet of Things. And since it is expected that IIoT systems will be deployed at all industrial enterprises, as well as implemented by their suppliers and partners, the potential of the global market for hardware and software necessary for its creation is simply huge.

In July 2021, IDC analysts in the Russia Internet-of-Things Market Forecast report, 2020-2025, estimated the total amount of spending on the Internet of Things in business in 2020 at $3.93 billion. And 30% of all costs, $1.179 billion, fell on production and production, that is, on the manufacturing and extractive industry. Experts expect that in 2025 business spending on the Internet of Things will grow to $8.57 billion, that is, the total CAGR in the period 2021-2025. will be 16.8%.

A similar approach to assessing the industrial Internet of Things market, taking into account the amount of expenses of enterprises of all sub-industries for the implementation of IIoT solutions, was used a year earlier by iKS-Consulting analysts and received more modest figures. So, according to their forecasts[2], in 2020, business expenses for these purposes should have fallen to the level of 2017, that is, to 7.05 billion rubles, and the recovery of the market and access to the volume of 8.045 billion rubles can be expected only in 2024.

Over the past 3-4 years, analysts have given very different forecasts for the growth of the IIoT market in Russia. It seems that the most optimistic scenario - 420 billion rubles in 2021 and almost 600 billion rubles by 2022 - was at GuideMarket, says Maxim Revyakin, head of the regional development department at Galileosky. - But all experts agree: there will be significant growth. And we, using the example of our own company, see how the trends predicted several years ago have become a reality.

However, many companies are guided by their own estimates of the volume of "their" sub-segment IIoT, making strategic decisions. So Dmitry Rakovich, Product Director of the Internet of Things ATB Electronics (ATB Electronics), says that the share of hardware solutions in the industrial Internet of Things market in Russia is approximately 60 billion rubles.

Market structure

Pavel Rudnik, director of the Center for Strategies and Programs of the Institute for Statistical Research economies of Knowledge, HSE speaking at the IoT Harvest 2021 conference, noted that, having received a task from governments analyzing the dynamics of the development of four digital areas, including IoT, he and his colleagues faced a lack of a unified interpretation of the term "."internet of things

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As a result of a deep study of the issue with the involvement of market practitioners, the researchers identified the basic technologies for IoT:

  • technologies for building communication networks;
  • data transfer protocols and standards;
  • cyber security Internet things;
  • interoperability equipment;
  • endpoints,
  • IoT platforms.

And then subtechnologies were isolated within each of these groups. This is the foundation on which the key product lines of the Internet of things are developing: industry platforms, hardware and software data transmission systems, devices and applications for various industries.

This concept of the IoT architecture reflects the order of interaction between people, sensors, sensors and platforms in all segments of the Internet of Things, including the industrial one. In addition, it identifies groups of major players in this market. These are developers and manufacturers of endpoints (wired and wireless sensors, sensors, controllers), communication service providers, service providers of IIoT platforms, usually cloud, application and service developers, as well as integrators.

The peculiarity of the industrial Internet of Things is that by connecting to it, industrial enterprises get the opportunity not only to increase the efficiency of their technological and business processes, but also to bring relations with partners and customers to a new level. Thanks to the implementation of IIoT solutions, they have the opportunity to provide services for monitoring equipment installed at the client and, if necessary, carry out repairs ahead of its failure. For example, a machine tool plant can offer its customers a service to monitor the condition of any of the CNC machines it produces and beyond. Thus, industrial enterprises can begin a gradual transition to a new, service business model of interaction with the consumer and with partners, allowing the latter to shift the focus from capital expenditures to operating ones.

Guidance documents

Strategic issues related to the introduction of the industrial Internet of Things are devoted to one of the seven roadmaps for the development of end-to-end "digital technologies Russia until 2024, developed by the corporation Rostec." Two years ago, in October 2019, it was approved by the Presidium of the Government Commission on Digital Development, Use information technology to Improve the Quality of Life and Business Conditions, headed by the Deputy Prime Minister. At the of the Russian Federation Maxim Akimov beginning of 2021, the document was adjusted to take into account the changes caused by the pandemic, coronavirus towards cost reduction. As a result, the initially estimated amount of investments was significantly reduced - from 144.9 billion to rubles 39.8 billion rubles.

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As P. Rudnik said, based on the IoT concept proposed by the Center for Strategies and Programs of the Institute for Statistical Studies of Knowledge Economics of the Higher School of Economics, the Ministry of Economy of the Russian Federation is now developing a system for monitoring the implementation of this Roadmap within the framework of the GIS "Management."

In October, Dmitry Chernyshenko, Deputy Prime Minister of Russia, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the Digital Economy ANO, during [1] a meeting of this body, proposed defining 1 billion Internet of Things devices by 2025 as the target for our country.

This will allow us to exceed the global average penetration of IoT devices in four years and saturate the platforms with the data necessary for the successful digital transformation of important industries such as transport, agriculture and healthcare, he said.

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 6, 2021 No. 3142-r "Strategic direction in the field of digital transformation of the manufacturing industry also contains a mention of the Internet of Things. The document provides for the implementation of 4 key ecosystem projects for digital transformation: Smart Manufacturing, Digital Engineering, New Employment Model and Future Products, which assume:

  • innovations in the organization of production;
  • technological innovations;
  • product innovation;
  • innovations in the field of personnel;
  • innovation in public administration through the introduction of Internet of Things technologies, as well as artificial intelligence, new production technologies, robotics and sensorics, new communication Internet technologies, as well as virtual and augmented reality technologies.

Growth drivers

Despite the fact that the segment of the industrial Internet of things of the Russian IoT market is still difficult estimate in monetary terms, according to the number of projects implemented in it, it can be concluded that it lives and develops.

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The absence of large, significant implementations during 2021 in the industrial segment of the Internet of things (there are two such in the entire history of the development of the IIoT market in Russia - the Platon system and the Honest Sign labeling system) is compensated by a large number of projects, - comments Andrei Kolesnikov, director of the Internet of Things Association, - albeit small, but cool. And there are thousands of such projects: only Zyfra Group of Companies, which is now leading in the IIoT segment, has hundreds of installations in industry.

Several drivers of a technological and business nature are driving the industrial Internet of Things market. The first of these operates on a global scale. This is an acceleration of universal digitalization. The digitalization of production multiplied by the coronavirus pandemic creates pressure on industrial enterprises, forcing them to look for additional sources of efficiency improvement.

One of the strong factors in the growth of the IIoT market is an increase in competitive pressure in the market in all areas, - notes Alena Ustinova, brand manager of RTS MONT. - And these deadlines are now often compressed to a year. In other words, with the help of IIoT solutions and platforms, it is possible to combine seemingly incompatible things: improving quality, accelerating production and reducing cost.

Also, the deployment of such solutions in industrial enterprises is facilitated by a global factor such as a shortage of human resources.

Alexey Pyshkin, R&D director of the design house, notAnotherOne named several drivers of a technological and business nature:

  • Large number of deployments of private LTE/5G-Ready networks in production/industrial/infrastructure projects;
  • Increased demand for IoT solutions for proactive repair in all areas;
  • Increased interest in "digital twins" (in reference to IoT sensors);
  • The rise of single pair Ethernet (SPE) Ethernet may become the default wire standard after a few years;
  • Further robotization/automation of production processes.

The projects of private LTE/5G-Ready networks, of which j'son & Partners Consulting analysts in Russia counted about 30, are being implemented today by very large companies and state corporations, since they have a fairly high cost. According to Vitaly Solonin, head of the wireless technology department at this research company, a typical project to deploy a Private LTE network in an open field costs the customer about 100 million rubles, including the first year of service. Having received such an expensive and high-tech infrastructure, corporations are thinking about how to use it effectively than fill it. And thus, they set new tasks for participants in the industrial Internet of Things market.

The growing number of Private LTE networks at industrial facilities makes it possible to implement different scenarios for the use of IIoT, "says Anton Kozlov, Head of Innovative Development at Orange Business Services in Russia and the CIS."

And this diversity also contributes to an increase in the volume of the industrial Internet of Things segment.

Russian developers of hardware solutions as a driver of the growth of the industrial Internet market call the support from the state of microelectronics manufacturers. Also, according to D. Rakovich, requirements for the priority use of Russian solutions appear within large enterprises, and this helps to develop the microelectronics industry .

The Ministry of Industry and Trade is now launching quite a few initiatives and tenders for the development of analogues of foreign solutions, for example, for the continuous diagnosis of equipment, also related to the industrial Internet of Things. All of them are caused by the need to form their own data warehouses, which will contain such critical information as data on the state of production and its assets, says Oleg Makovelsky, head of the IIoT/AR applications development group, CADFEM Si-I-Es JSC.

Restraining factors

The pandemic has proven to be a major challenge for many industrial enterprises around the world. Their change faced the need to minimize the risks of the spread of coronavirus among staff in order to avoid stopping production by the authorities to combat COVID-19. From the very beginning, it was important to ensure the safety of people whose jobs cannot be moved to their homes: machine operators and process lines, warehouse workers and logistics.

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To do this, it was necessary to revise shift schedules, shift their start in time, provide personnel with protective equipment, which led to unplanned costs. In addition, logistics suffered greatly from the pandemic: the delivery dates for components and finished products ceased to be observed. As a result, the occurrence of interruptions in production and the complication of relations with partners and customers. These challenges had to be answered by cost optimization, and often this was due to new high-tech projects, including in the industrial Internet of Things.

Cutting budgets at all levels is a deterrent to innovation, concludes Alexey Pyshkin.

Financial instability, as well as global delays in the supply of microelectronics and in general, logistics problems overlapped with the special features of Russian enterprises, industry, which prevent them from introducing breakthrough technologies.

The main deterrent in the industrial sector is inertia in the introduction of new technologies, says Dmitry Rakovich. - Industrial enterprises are cautious about new solutions: without prolonged testing and analysis of results, the introduction of new technologies and solutions is impossible. So development and implementation in the industrial sector is a long, responsible process.

In addition, since business processes, the initial level of automation and informatization of enterprises, as well as tasks that need to be solved using the industrial Internet of Things, are different, customers today need customized systems where all settings meet their requirements, adds Maxim Revyakin. And this, according to him, is long and expensive.

Today we need more affordable and flexible solutions that do not require special knowledge for implementation and commissioning. I think the emergence of such solutions is a growth driver for the next few years, the expert concludes.

For a long time, the lack of technological standards was recognized as a factor holding back the penetration of the industrial Internet of Things. However, even before the pandemic, in 2019-2020, two standards of the industrial Internet of Things were adopted - GOST R ISO/IEC 29161 - 2019 "Information Technologies (IT). Data structure. Unique identification for the Internet of Things "(introduced 01.03.2020) and GOST R 58603 - 2019" Information Technologies (IT ). Internet of Things. MQTT Telemetry Message Delivery Queuing Protocol. Version 3.1.1 "(entered 01.01.2021).

Also, since 2018, the Technical Committee 194 "Cyber ​ ​ Physical Systems" on the basis of RVC has been developing several full-fledged series of basic standards, as well as a number of standards of IoT protocols. So, in Russia, preliminary national standards (PNST) have already been approved, disclosing such IoT protocols as NB-Fi and LoRaWAN RU. And now, according to Nikita Utkin, chairman of TC 194 "Cyber ​ ​ Physical Systems," head of programs at RVC JSC, work is underway on such standards as OpenUNB, Sigfox and a series of standards of the OpenRAN family.

The development of new protocols, their localization in Russia is an extremely important step for the development of the industrial Internet of Things market, says Nikita Utkin. - Other standards of the Internet of Things regulatory ecosystem are equally important, including issues of typical (reference) architectures, data exchange formats, interfaces, etc. And we plan to continue this work in 2022 with the participation of market players, from whom we expect the initiative.

Key trends

The Russian industrial Internet of Things market is still very fragmented. A significant part of the projects that are being implemented today at enterprises are of a narrowly focused nature. Most of the players offer solutions "sharpened" for certain processes/tasks and having restrictions during further transformation or scaling, notes Alena Ustinova, brand manager of RTS MONT.

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This trend is rooted in the needs of the customers themselves. Developers of both hardware and software largely follow their demand. Industrial enterprises today want to get ready-made solutions with a quick payback, and not a set of useful tools. Since the concept of IIoT is most often associated with the functions of monitoring production processes and personnel, such customers are very interested in solutions based on Machine Data Controlling, MDC systems. Systems of this class allow you to collect data from machines and other technological equipment, as well as from personnel workplaces for production management. According to Oleg Makovelsky (CADFEM Si-I-Es JSC), there are more and more developers of such solutions. In addition, some enterprises, such as the Kalashnikov Group of Companies, are already creating MDC systems on their own.

But there is also a reverse trend in the Russian market. It is highlighted by Anton Kozlov, Head of Innovative Development at Orange Business Services in Russia and the CIS. This is a trend of shifting the demand of industrial customers from highly specialized products to universal "ecosystem" solutions. In this case, occupational health and safety solutions are expected to be able to work both outdoors and indoors, as well as the availability of integration options with other enterprise systems.

As a trend, the competence of customers in the field of digitalization of industrial enterprises, its directions and classes of solutions can be noted. Thus, PTC MONT notes an increase in interest in using IIoT functionality for Digital Twins. In addition, according to Alena Ustinova, many enterprises have already tried various options for using systems based on the Internet of Things, and have discovered the additional advantages that their integration with other innovative technologies, such as augmented reality, AR, brings.

In addition, the boundaries of customer demand. Galileosky faced this, whose IIoT solutions allow you to collect indicators and automatically control everything related to vehicles: from location to control the opening of doors and mileage.

If earlier our terminals were used only in transport, - says Maxim Revyakin, head of the regional development department of this company, - now their implementation depends only on the consumer's imagination. Our terminals are used in the mining industry, in the advertising services market and even in agriculture, which experts note as an outsider in the implementation of digital solutions. We installed terminals on icebreakers, on drilling rigs, in greenhouses, on billboards.


There is no competition for IoT platforms on the Russian industrial Internet of Things market yet. If globally the most advanced platforms for the Internet of Things in 2020 (in the Counterpoint Research version) were Microsoft Azure, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Huawei OceanConnect, PTC ThingWorx and IBM Watson, then in Russia you will not build a rating with so many participants.

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We have only a couple of companies that have created a product that corresponds to the class of the industrial Internet of Things platform, "says Oleg Makovelsky and cites Tibbo Systems and its Tibbo AggreGate product as an example.

ZYFRA IIoT Platform has a full-fledged IIoT platform of its own design, which offers them to enterprises in such industries as engineering, metallurgy, oil and gas sector and mining.

Since there are few Russian software platforms for the industrial Internet of Things, this direction can be considered promising. However, we must take into account that global players are also present in Russia with their platforms. For example, the PTC ThingWorx platform provides tools for building the software part of the industrial Internet of Things, that is, IoT applications of various directions. It has a wide range of functionality, so this platform can be used in different sectors of the market and in enterprises of different scales. The platform seamlessly integrates systems that operate successfully in the enterprise, after which it provides access to any data, regardless of its origin and transmission protocols.

According to Alena Ustinova (PTC MONT), a system on the ThingWorx platform can be built gradually, in small steps, gaining a positive economic effect at each stage. With an unstable economic situation and vague prospects for lockdowns, this is an extremely important factor for a successful project.

Another very promising area that will inevitably have to be developed is the security of the industrial Internet of Things. In leading industrial companies, entire departments consisting of APCS specialists check such systems for security - for example, connecting to a controller, penetrating a local area network.

In general, the security of the Internet of Things is a global unresolved problem: 98% of IoT device traffic is not encrypted, 57% of devices are vulnerable to moderate cyber attacks, the number of cyber attacks increased by 50% in the 1st half of 2020, compared to the same period in 2019. Such data were cited in his speech at the IoT Harvest 2021 conference by Anton Salov, Head of the Department for IoT Strategy and Industrial Automation of MTS.

No wonder the winner of this year's IoT Awards in the nomination "Safe IoT" was the NGO "Aprotech" with the development of an IOT-cyber-immune gateway based on KasperskyOS - Kaspersky IoT Secure Gateway 100 (KISG 100). According to Andrey Suvorov, Director General of the NGO Adaptive Industrial Technologies (Aprotech), KISG 100 has security at the design level.

And finally, another direction with high potential is the next generation of cellular networks - 5G, which should bring the highest data transfer rates with minimal delay to interworking within the industrial Internet of Things.

The timing of the 5G network deployment program in 10 million-plus cities has been postponed from 2022 to 2024. It is assumed that during this time it will be possible to solve the issue of frequency allocation, develop domestic active network equipment and prepare a regulatory framework. Players in the industrial Internet of Things market have the opportunity to test new services on private LTE/5G-Ready networks, which were mentioned above.

Potential of Russian developers

Russian developers of IIoT solutions are strengthening their positions in the domestic market every year and see prospects abroad.

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Шаблон:Quote 'author = believes Alena Ustinova, brand manager of RTS MONT.

Шаблон:Quote 'author = noted Anton Kozlov, Head of Innovative Development at Orange Business Services in Russia and the CIS.

Шаблон:Quote 'author = told Dmitry Rakovich, Product Director "Internet of Things" "ATB Electronics."

Шаблон:Quote 'author = added Oleg Makovelsky, Head of IIoT/AR-applications development group, CADFEM Si-Ai-Es JSC.

As of February 2022, the TAdviser database contains information on more than 600 projects in the Internet of Things. On a separate page dedicated to IoT technology, you can get acquainted in more detail with the developers of such solutions and projects on the basis of which the rating is based.

Examples of current IIoT projects in Russia

Here are some examples of current projects in the field of industrial Internet of Things implemented in Russia.

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ATB Electronics implemented the brightest project at the metallurgical enterprise. A software and hardware complex based on sensors was introduced there to optimize the output of the rolling mill. The decision worth rubles thousands provided an annual effect of millions of rubles. From the moment of signing the SOW to the commissioning of the software and hardware complex into trial operation, 4 months passed, which is unique for the industrial sector.

In addition, solutions using OEM equipment manufactured by ATB Electronics, also created by its partners, to whom the company has obligations to non-disclosure of commercial information.

Orange Business Services in 2021 in Russia implemented eight large-scale pilot projects and four full-fledged project implementations. One of them is the technological positioning system transport at the processing plant Raspadskaya"," which prevents the mixing of coals of different grades before the start of the processing process.

Proteus Research and Development Center has developed[3] a comprehensive Private LTE/5G solution that can be used to digitalize production within the framework of the Industry 4.0 concept, for example, to provide data exchange with wireless robots and support the movement of wireless transport. Also, on the basis of a private LTE/5G network, MSRTT services can work in the event of critical scenarios and for monitoring remote industrial facilities and facilities with a massive presence of people.

UEC has completed[4] of the implementation of monitoring of production facilities based on the automated control system "Dispatcher" at UEC-Perm Motors JSC. During the year, 210 units of technological equipment, as well as workplaces, including engineering and technical personnel, were connected to this MDC class system, Machine Data Collection. As a result, each division leader was able to track each failure of CNC machines.

The company "Maxima-Telecom"[5] signed an agreement with the administration of Nizhny Novgorod on the deployment of a digital platform for metrological control of snow removal volumes to snowmelt municipal stations. Implemented on the basis of an objective control system for bulk cargo volumes, the digital platform allows you to introduce predictive analytics into urban management. Thanks to it, you can determine in advance how many trucks will be needed on a given day, direct equipment along the least busy roads, etc.

Gazprom neft"" introduced[6], the first Russian digital industrial platform Internet of things for the oil and gas industry on and. Moscow Omsk Refinery The system collects, verifies, structures data from process facilities and in a consistent form transfers them from PCS and APCS to digital production process control systems. Also, the IIoT platform provides a high speed of access to data, a given depth of analysis for generating management reporting.

Galileosky has implemented three important projects in the industrial Internet of Things:

  • System for automated monitoring of grain quantity in silo towers for grain storage. The solution allows you to save warehouses from losses and theft of hundreds of tons of crops annually. Approved by the Russian Grain Union. The system is equipped with an ultrasonic sensor that allows you to see changes in grain level over time at a depth of up to 60 m, and an electronic seal that provides access control.
  • System for recording resources and monitoring drilling parameters on mobile and stationary installations. The solution based on terminals Wi-Fi with Galileosky support allows you to save from 2 to 10 cubic meters of fuel per month. Galileosky instruments were installed on controlled equipment of drilling rigs. Industrial Wi-Fi is installed in the data transmission chain, router it provides a permanent access point and is connected to the satellite to the customer. Through channels satellite communications , data from the equipment is transmitted to the monitoring server and processed using, ON developed by the integrator specifically for the project. It decrypts and groups the reports received information in graphs and reports that are convenient for visual analysis and detection of trends in fuel or electricity consumption.
  • A system for monitoring humidity and temperature in greenhouses in real time for a large greenhouse. The solution helps track and respond to changes in critical parameters that affect vegetable growth. Several sensors are connected to Galileosky 5.0 controllers with Easy Logic technology using different protocols. A total of 7 sensors were used: 6 to monitor the microclimate and one to track soil characteristics. In the greenhouse itself, a touch-sensitive graphics panel was built in to visualize the data and output the story. Visualized data is available online on the desktop in the application as tabular and graphical reports.


Today, the Russian Federation has quite favorable conditions for the development of the Internet of Things market in general and its industrial segment in particular.

The leadership of Russian industrial enterprises realized the inevitability of digitalization, the working environment for which is the industrial Internet of Things, has accumulated knowledge about possible scenarios for its deployment to improve the efficiency of production management. Russian hardware and software developers, as well as some global companies, are ready to offer them to implement these scenarios.

For compatibility of products of several companies with the participation of IoT professionals, Preliminary National Technical Standards in the field of industrial Internet of Things are being developed in the country. The state is interested in bringing innovative digital technologies to the industry, increasing its competitiveness, and supports the most active market participants. This means that in 2022, new projects will appear in the IIoT segment, which will contribute to its further growth.
