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Gorka GC (Kleverens Property Accounting)

Customers: Gorka GK

Moscow; Construction and Construction Materials Industry

Product: Kleverens Property Accounting

Project date: 2021/12  - 2022/05

2022: Accounting for federal property: Gorka Group of Companies switches to RFID technology and introduces Kleverens

About the customer's activities

GORKA Group of Companies is a dock in the field of design and construction of overpasses, roads, interchanges, children's educational institutions and a multidisciplinary clinic. During its existence, the company - a professional in design and survey activities, reconstruction and restoration of parks and pavilions, design and adaptation of concepts for museum and theater and educational complexes - has implemented more than 150 projects.

An additional area of ​ ​ activity of the organization is the provision of a wide range of services for the development and execution of construction documentation, the implementation of investment projects and orders for infrastructure design of urban facilities, artificial structures, and engineering networks. GORKA Group often acts as a technical customer-developer and conducts surveys of buildings and other design and construction work.

System and complexity of accounting

The branches of the GORKA group of companies located in different cities of Russia are subordinate to the general structure of doing business and use "1C: Enterprise Accounting" to record inventory and fixed assets of the organization.

More than 15,000 items had to be regularly counted by company employees during the OS inventory in one of the most labor-intensive ways - manually on paper. The search for unaccounted items took from several days to a week for various reasons: the inventory number is not read, the tape with the IN recorded on the paper square from the monitor case was peeled off, the number numbers bloomed.


The methodological guidelines approved by the Ministry of Finance of Russia clearly regulate the process of conducting an inventory of an organization's property: what documents to draw up and in what quantity, what the composition of the commission should be, when and what to count, manually or using organizational or computer equipment. But no document specifies how many people and for how long they must check inventory numbers on furniture, phones, computers and other inventory values. Each company measures these indicators experimentally.

The management of the GORKA group of companies wanted to simplify and speed up the process of carrying out inventories, accounting for fixed assets and materials. But first of all, the specialists of the First BIT company, whom the executive director turned to for help, proposed adapting the bar coding system, pasting all the property of the ShK and RFID tags. Because the customer's "1C: Company Property Management" did not properly close the accounting needs and did not allow using the data collection terminal. And only after that it was possible to start automating processes and implement the "Kleve rens" software.


"Lost equipment" is a variable too well known to many companies: he took a foreman, forgot at the site, the contractor did not return it. The human factor affects the informativeness of cards and entries in the magazine - as soon as one of the employees is distracted, he immediately forgets to note who and when received the product. And that's all, confusion, which can not always be revealed even during inventory, is ensured.

Software and equipment

Integrators of First BIT demonstrated to the management of GORKA Group of Companies the possibility of automation using specialized software and mobile computers. Then the customer decided to proceed to the analysis and implementation.

Software "Kleverens: Property Accounting" is a system for automating the management accounting of property in organizations and institutions. This is as such a standalone configuration for 1C: Enterprise. The software helps to keep records on barcodes and RFID tags, to carry out OS inventories as soon as possible, to issue, return and internal movements of materials.

To implement the project, 3 compact shipping documentations Chainway C72 were purchased, already fully integrated with Kleverens software products. The linear or circular polarization antenna of this mobile computer, equipped with a 4-core processor and RFID module, allows you to read marks at a long distance. The management of GORKA Group plans to further expand the terminal fleet and purchase equipment for all branches of the company.

"The project lasted about six months. During this time, we implemented software and shipping documentation, wrote exchanges with '1C: Enterprise Accounting', integrated the accounting system with RFID printers, drew up instructions and trained the customer's employees . The Moscow branch was the first to be automated. The installation of the software took place without any difficulties - Gorki IT specialists promptly and promptly gave us access to the servers and workplaces

of employees.

Now 5 customer employees work with the terminals: 2 from the IT department and 3 from the AHO. The use of 'Kleverens: Property Accounting' simplifies the work on the commissioning of equipment, the movement of goods between premises and the annual inventory. All operations are now performed at the data collection terminal, "said Vladislav Besedin, a specialist in the implementation department of First BIT.

Implementation steps

"The first thing we did was to discuss with the customer the exchange rules between the ' Kleverens: Property Accounting' and '1C: Enterprise Accounting' configurations:
  • accounting accounts for transfer of initial data and balances,
  • further receipt of information on the property transferred to operation and the OS accepted for accounting.

After that, they set up an exchange between the shipping documentation and the Wi-Fi accounting system offline, "Vladislav shared his working moments.

The following steps were:

  • discussion of the necessary modifications and their implementation,
  • integration of software with mobile computers and RFID printers,
  • comprehensive software testing,
  • preparation of instructions and training of GORKA Group personnel.

"We have finalized the business processes for moving, writing off and issuing materials, implemented printed forms at the request of the customer and accounting and control of the uniqueness of serial numbers at the request of the IT department," said Vyacheslav Krivozubov, programmer at First BIT.

There were slight difficulties

"During integration with the RFID printer, difficulties arose: the equipment that we originally ordered" hung "at customs. I had to urgently look for a replacement. But there was no typical integration for the new printer yet, and Dmitry Kidyaev - C# programmer 'Kleverens' - helped us with the integration of Wonderfid Label with the Sato CL4NX Plus printer. After that, we managed to complete all the work on the project within a week, "said a specialist in the implementation department of the First BIT company.


Companies are obliged to take into account all their assets - furniture, computers, landlines, overalls, technical equipment - and put on the balance sheet of the enterprise. But materials are often lost, found out of place - after an inventory is carried out and written off from the balances. Such mistakes are a consequence of the human factor! After all, no one wants to once again distract from the work of colleagues and stop the work of the whole department, only to see the inventory number of a computer mouse or keyboard, for example.

"Thanks to the implementation of 'Kleverens: Property Accounting' software and data collection terminals, we have significantly reduced the amount of manual work during inventories - all data is immediately stored in the document on the shipping documentation, and no paper sheets are needed. There have been significantly fewer errors. The software fully met the customer's expectations. And recently we discussed with the management of GORKA Group of Companies the automation of other branches of the company, "Vladislav Besedin summed up.